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Mitigating Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) in Cloud Computing

using In-Cloud Scrubber Service

Conference Paper · November 2012

DOI: 10.1109/CICN.2012.149


63 558

6 authors, including:

Madarapu Naresh Kumar Sujatha Pothula

National Informatics Centre Pondicherry University


Vamshi Kalva Rohit Nagori

Pondicherry University

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2012 Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks

Mitigating Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) in Cloud Computing using

In-Cloud Scrubber Service

Madarapu Naresh Kumar1, P Sujatha2, Vamshi Kalva3, Rohit Nagori4, Anil Kumar Katukojwala5 and Mukesh
National Informatics Centre (NIC) under IVFRT Project, New Delhi, INDIA
School of Engineering and Technology, Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University, INDIA,
Indigo Technologies, Greater Chicago, Illinois, US.
Quantitative Research Group at Evalueserve, Gurgaon, INDIA.
Software Engineer, iGate at Pune, INDIA.
Prasad Institute of Technology, Department of Computer Science, Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU), INDIA

Abstract— Cloud computing is not a new technology; it is a they need on the Internet and pay only for what they use.
new way of delivering computing resources. Elastic cloud The cloud computing model causing a shift from DDoS to
computing enables services to be deployed and accessed EDoS (Economic Denial of Sustainability).In an EDDoS,
globally on demand with little maintenance by providing the elasticity of the cloud and surplus of available resources
QoS as per service level agreement (SLA) of customer. The might be used in such a way that large botnets generating
Cloud-based DDoS attacks or outside DDoS attacks can seemingly legitimate "targeted" requests for service
make ostensibly legitimate requests for a service to generate
causing the victim to cloudburst in order to keep pace with
an economic Distributed Denial of Service (eDDoS) -- where
the scale of the requests. Even though the victim can
the elastic nature of the cloud allows scaling of service
beyond the economic means of the purveyor to pay their sustain business operations, the cost of doing so may be so
cloud-based service bills which leads to Economic Denial of exorbitantly expensive that to do so threatens economic
Sustainability (EDoS). Attacks mimicking legitimate users sustainability i.e., the elastic property of the infrastructure
are on the climb. For cloud computing to remain attractive, allows scaling of service beyond the economic means of the
the DDoS threat is to be addressed before it triggers the vendor to pay their cloud-based service bills.
billing mechanism. This problem can be addressed by using Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks target
reactive/on-demand in-cloud eDDoS mitigation service web sites, hosted applications or network infrastructures by
(scrubber Service) for mitigating the application-layer and absorbing all available bandwidth and disrupting access
network-layer DDOS attacks with the help of an efficient for legitimate customers and partners. DDoS attacks can
client-puzzle approach. bring mission critical systems and business operations to a
halt, resulting in lost revenue opportunities, decreased
Index Terms— Cloud computing, Economic Denial of productivity or damage to your reputation [2]. As
Service (EDoS), Mitigation, Distributed Denial of Service
cloud-based eDDoS mitigation mechanism itself is
(DDoS), cryptographic puzzles.
susceptible to eDDoS, it is imperative to drop eDDoS
traffic before it triggers the billing mechanism [1]. For
I. INTRODUCTION cloud computing to remain attractive, the EDDoS threat is
In the age of virtualization and cloud, old world to be addressed. This can be done possibly by dropping
denial-of-service attacks have become more targeted, EDDoS traffic before it triggers the billing mechanism.
causing new worries. Cloud computing has created a lot of Hence, the application-layer and network-layer DDOS
buzz lately and many companies have started venturing in attacks are to be mitigated.
this domain and providing cloud-based services. Likewise, The automation of attacks, spoofing and the rise in the
most companies have also started moving some of their IT number of infected clients available as well as the ease with
operations on to the Cloud. Cloud computing has become which HTTP based botnets can be created have all
the latest craze in a series of popular industry terms. contributed to the evolution in sophistication of DDoS
Elastic cloud computing is an attractive proposition; It attacks. Most existing distributed denial-of-service
offers convenience in setup, on-demand capacity and a (DDoS) mitigation proposals are reactive in nature, i.e.,
highly dependable computing platform while requiring they are deployed to limit the damage caused by attacks
little maintenance. These value propositions have spurred after they are detected. Hence, we advocate proactive
many businesses to adopt cloud computing technology. mechanisms that are ready to defend against DDoS attacks
With cloud computing, companies can scale up to before they happen. Distributed denial-of service is a grave
massive capacities in an instant without having to invest in problem that requires a complex solution.
new infrastructure, train new personnel, or license new The rest of the paper organized as follows: section II
software. Cloud computing is of particular benefit to small describes the background and related works. Section III
and medium-sized businesses who wish to completely describes the case study. Section IV describes Service
outsource their data-center infrastructure, or large Level Agreement. Section V describes the proposed work
companies who wish to get peak load capacity without and Section VI concludes the paper.
incurring the higher cost of building larger data centers
internally. In both instances, service consumers use what

978-0-7695-4850-0/12 $26.00 © 2012 IEEE 535

DOI 10.1109/CICN.2012.149
II. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORKS from flooding attacks without relying on the formulation of
attack signatures to filter traffic.
A. Mitigation Schemes Overlay networks have recently been proposed as a
In general, there are 2 basic mitigation schemes for proactive approach to defend against DoS attacks [9], [5].
defending DDoS attacks, namely reactive and proactive. Overlay networks introduce a system with a protected
Reactive mitigation strategies often proceed in 3 internal network that only allows approved traffic to enter.
phases: In first phase, distributed monitoring components To protect the resources of the victim, it is placed inside
try to detect on-going DDoS attacks. Once an attack is this protected internal network. Filtering is performed at
detected, the detector triggers the second phase that aims at the edge of the protected network so malicious users cannot
locating the attack sources. In the third phase, enter. When a packet reaches the protected network, it is
countermeasures are deployed to mitigate the attacks. routed through a series of routers until it reaches its final
Proactive Mitigation Strategies intend to reduce the destination. This process is referred to as overlay routing.
possibility of successful DDoS attacks by taking The identities of some of the routers within the network are
appropriate provisions prior to attacks. hidden so they cannot be targeted unless they enter at the
Ingress filtering [3] rejects packets with a spoofed network edge. To enter the network edge, decisions are
source address at the ingress of a network. As spoofed made based on the credibility of the client.
source addresses are used in several attacks, this approach Lakshminarayan et al. identified weaknesses of overlay
when put into widespread operation renders many attacks networks by stating that they assume that the list of clients
inefficient. Performing ingress filtering puts a are known in advance and that it does not scale very well to
management burden on ISPs because they must keep all the current Internet setting [10]. This certainly holds true,
filtering rules up to date and defective rules will disgruntle because it is very difficult to determine if the client in
their customers. question is malicious.
Secure overlay networks such as SOS [4] and Mayday B. Difference between DDoS and eDDoS
[5] require each communicating user of a group to
pre-establish a trust relationship with the other group The DDoS attacks are the Class of attacks on targets,
members. Hence user may be required to participate in which exhaust target resources resulting in unavailability,
many groups. As management of many trust relationships thereby denying service to other valid users. The DDoS
is costly and potentially large amount of traffic is routed attack will stop the legitimate user from gaining access to
among overlay nodes, overlay-based proactive solutions the resources or it causes the network and server
are not adequate for communication with popular web bottlenecks as shown in Fig. 1.
servers (e.g., yahoo, Google, ebay, etc)), which include
millions of communicating hosts.
PRIMED is an Community-of-Interest-Based DDoS
Mitigation technique [7] in which a bad communities of
interest (COIs) is a set of network entities that previously
engaged in unwanted behavior, whereas a good COI
contains network entities that participated in legitimate
communication with a particular destination (host or stub
network). They combined these good and bad COIs with
destination-specific policies to proactively restrict
any-to-any communication in an attempt to predictively
mitigate against upcoming DDoS attacks. In particular
PRIMED may be ineffective against reflector attacks that
abuse different reflectors at different times. Attackers will
inevitably try to game on this system, e.g., by attempting to
pollute good and bad COIs and by circumventing simple
heuristics using flash crowd style attacks.
A new scheme for filtering spoofed packets (DDOS
attack) is proposed in [8], which is a combination of path
fingerprint and client puzzle concepts. A unique Fig. 1. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
fingerprint is embedded in each IP packet this represents
the route a packet has traversed. The server maintains a The eDDoS (economic Distributed Denial of Service)
mapping table which contains the client IP address and its in cloud is due to the DDoS attack, where the service to the
corresponding fingerprint. The client puzzle is being legitimate user is never restricted also server and network
placed in ingress router. For each request, the puzzle issuer are not target of attack, as shown in Fig. 2. But the service
provides a puzzle which the source has to solve. provider who is using cloud will incur a debilitating bill by
A Puzzle-based approach is being designed for the using highly elastic (auto-Scaling) capacity to unwittingly
bandwidth-exhaustion attacks [13]. This puzzle serve a large amount of undesired traffic in order to
mechanism permits routers to cooperatively impose and maintain the QoS as per the SLA. This leads to Economic
check puzzles; thereby it will effectively defend networks Denial of Sustainability (EDoS). Hence it is necessary to

drop the DDoS before the billing mechanism starts for the The aim of this agreement is to provide a basis for close
service provider. co-operation between Service Provider and End Users or
Service Consumers, for support services to be provided by
Service Provider to End Users/Clients, thereby ensuring a
timely and efficient support service is available to End
Users or Service Consumers. SLA include Service Terms
in terms of QoS parameters, the delivery ability of the
provider, the performance target of diversity components
of user’s workloads, the bounds of guaranteed availability
and performance, the measurement and reporting
mechanisms, the cost of the service, the data set for
renegotiation, and the penalty terms for SLA violation.
Hence the violation of SLA lead to penalties that should be
paid to dissatisfied customer [16]. According to Amazon,
the SLA is a contract between customers and service
providers of the level of service to be provided [15]. It
contains the performance metrics (e.g., uptime,
throughput, and response time), security and problem
management details. Service provider is required to
execute service requests from a customer within negotiated
quality of service (QoS) requirements for a given price. It
contains penalties for non-performance. Penalty
calculation is based on unit-price per hour from the
Fig. 2. eDDoS (Economic Distributed Denial of Service) moment when SLA violation happened for that service


Toronto based Enomaly Inc. has defined ‘Infinite DDoS attacks are a growing menace on the Internet
Capacity in Cloud Computing’ as [6] follows: and are here to stay. Attacks mimicking legitimate users
“Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is certainly are on the rise. Even low-bandwidth attacks seem to bring
finite, but for the user who needs quick access to a 1,000 down the servers. Existing tools fail to stop such attacks
AMI's (Amazon Machine Image) it appears to be infinite. because they don’t have visibility and control over such
Or to put it another way, there is more capacity than any behavioral attacks. Though the industry has come up with
one user will ever need to use” some innovative techniques to combat this menace, but
unfortunately none of these solutions are fool proof.
A. DDoS attack rains down on Amazon cloud Mitigating eDDoS or DDoS attack requires a careful
Web-based code hosting service Bitbucket experienced design of the network much in advance of the attack.
more than 19 hours of downtime over the weekend after an The proposed work will focus on in-cloud eDDoS
apparent DDoS attack on the sky-high compute mitigation web service (Scrubber Service) which is being
infrastructure it rents from This in turn left used on-demand. In-Cloud Scrubber Service functionality
many developers without access to code projects hosted on is to generate and verify the crypto puzzle (Client puzzle).
Bitbucket. The attack might help other attackers to develop The generated crypto puzzle is being solved by the Service
new ways of DDoSing the site. After uncovering the Consumer/ User by brute force method in order to prove its
problem - at least 16 hours after it was first reported - legitimacy for acquiring Service.
Amazon blocked the offending traffic, and service returned
A. Proposed Architecture
to normal. But by the next morning (Sunday), the problem
returned, and another two hours passed before this second The Proposed Architectural model is as shown in Fig.
outage was reversed. According to Nohr, Amazon told him 3. The Service Provider switches either in Normal mode or
the second attack used a flood of TCP SYN connection suspected mode depending on the situation. Whenever the
requests, rather than UDP packets [14]. As the cloud Service Provider enters into suspected mode, an
computing has the ability to hastily provision resources, on-demand request is being sent to In-Cloud eDDoS
such DOS attacks can be easier to recover from. The mitigation service. The generated crypto puzzle is needed
much-touted agility of the cloud really comes into play to be solved with brute force method by users in order to
during a DOS attack. But it certainly leads to Economic avail the requested service.
Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) for the service Provider In-cloud eDDoS Mitigation service functionality can be
using cloud. depicted as follows, shown in Fig. 4. :
• Step1: The service can act in 2 modes depending on
IV. SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT the Server load and Bandwidth load.
An SLA is a formal contract used to guarantee that 1). Normal mode
consumer’s service quality expectation can be achieved. 2). Suspected Mode

2.2. High-rated DDoS attack unfeasible.
2.3. Low-Rated DDoS attack 5. Having solved new puzzles does not aid in solving
• Step2: When the service provider perceives that new given puzzles.
the web server is under normal situation, then it In a Scrubber Service-generated puzzle, the server
runs in Normal mode. generates the partial hash input and hash output, and
• Step3: When the service Provider perceives the transmits both pieces of information to the client. The
web server resource depletion is beyond an solution to the puzzle is the value k. The server provides X,
acceptable limit k1 and bandwidth traffic is high, Y, and the hash function h ( ) to the client
then high-rated DDoS attacks are expected.
Hence, service Provider will switch to Suspected Η(Χ||κ)=Υ (1)
mode and an On-Demand request is sent to the
Scrubber Service, which generates and verifies Where,
Hard_puzzle ( ). X=puzzle parameter provided by server
• Step4: When the service Provider perceives the Y=puzzle parameter provided by server
web server resource depletion beyond an k= puzzle solution
acceptable limit k1 and bandwidth traffic is normal The difficulty of this puzzle is defined by the size of k in
or less than threshold, then Low-rated DDoS bits. The greater k is in size, the more difficult the puzzle is
attacks are expected. Hence, service will switch to to solve.
Suspected mode and an On-Demand request is
sent to the Scrubber Service, which generates and Proposed Algorithm:
verifies Moderate_puzzle( ). Here Web Server will
decrease the timeout duration for the existing 1. While(RDAL > k1)
requests. 2. {
3. If(BWTAL > b1)
4. {
5. High-rated DDoS Attacks expected.
6. Send request to Scrubber Service.
7. Generate Client_Puzzle(k-bit Hard puzzle);
8. Verify Client_Puzzle(k-bit Hard puzzle);
9. }
10. Else
11. {
12. Expected Low-Rated DDoS Attacks.
13. Decrease session timeouts of existing
14. Generate Client_Puzzle(k-bit Moderate
15. Verify Client_Puzzle(k-bit Moderate puzzle);
16. }
17. }
18. While(RDAL < k1)
19. Server is in Normal Condition and send stop
request to scrubber service.

Fig. 3. In-cloud eDDoS mitigation web service (Scrubber Service) Where,

The client puzzle protocol should have the following RDAL is Resource Depletion Acceptable Limit.
characteristics [12][11]: BWTAL is Bandwidth traffic Acceptable Limit
1. The computational costs employed by the server and k1 , b1 represents the threshold limits of
(Scrubber Service) in generating and verifying the Resource Consumption and bandwidth
consumption respectively.
puzzles must be significantly less expensive than
the computational costs employed by the client in
solving puzzles. Fig. 4. Proposed Algorithm.
2. The puzzle difficulty, which depends on the
server’s resources availability, should be easily and VI. CONCLUSION
dynamically adjusted during attacks.
The denial-of-service attacks have become more
3. Client have limited amount of time to solve puzzles.
targeted on cloud services, causing new worries to the
4. Pre-computing puzzle solutions should be
cloud-based service providers by forcing them to pay their

cloud-based service bills for serving illegitimate clients in
order to maintain the SLA of a client. In order to overcome
such troubles we proposed an in-cloud eDDoS mitigation
service (Scrubber Service), which is used on-demand and
is charged according to pay-per use basis. As the Puzzle
generation and Verification is done by the Scrubber
Service, the burden on Service Provider server’s can be
triumphed. There by reducing the cloud-based bills to the
service provider and guaranteed availability of service can
be ensured.
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