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Some of these can also be used as quick tips that you can
send out a few times a month.


Take a break when you need to. It is no secret that both grocery stores and
supermarkets are large. Walking from the car to the store may seem like a long journey,
but just wait into you get inside. It is not a race to finish quickly; take a break whenever
you start to experience pain or difficulty moving. In the grocery store, visit the café or
move your cart to the side of an aisle and lean on it for support. Shopping malls have
benches scattered throughout; take a seat and rest.


Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables, otherwise known as ASU. Avocado Soybean

Unsaponifiables (ASU) not only provides pain relief, but it lessens joint swelling and
inflammation too. Various studies, since 2002, have shown that ASU did stop
inflammation. Not only that, it slows the break down of cartilage and in some instances
worked to repair prior damage.


Pauciarticular is the most commonly diagnosed in children. Luckily, it is the mildest.

Pain is often experienced in the ankles, knees, fingers, elbows, and hips; however, any
joint can hurt.

Create a grocery list by aisle. Those with arthritis of the toes, knees, and hips, find it
difficult and painful to walk. To prevent wasted steps, create a grocery list based on
aisles. This prevents you from retracing your steps and walking more. Some grocery
stores have guides available for shoppers. Or, the next time you are there, record the
aisle numbers and sample of items in the aisle. Use as your guide.


Use a reacher or ask for help. You will experience the most problems at the grocery
store. Items are scattered on shelves both high and low. If you find it difficult to bend or
reach, ask for help or purchase an extended reacher. They are available for sale at
most drug stores and medical stores. These reachers can also help those with difficulty
gripping items. If you need help, ask a store associated or a passerby.


Opt for paper or reusable bags at the grocery store. Those suffering from arthritis of the
fingers, experience pain when gripping and carrying plastic shopping bags. Many dread
trips to the grocery store. Instead, opt for paper or reusable bags. Most reusable bags
have long handlings; you can sling them over your shoulder. To carry paper bags, use
both arms, not just your fingers and hands. Also, do not be afraid to ask a store
associate to load your bags into the car or ask a neighbor for help.


These herbal supplements are not worth putting your health at risk. As previously
stated, some supplements counteract with over-the-counter and prescribed medication.
If you are in severe pain, you may be willing to make the switch. You may stop taking
your diabetes medication to take devil’s claw, and so forth. This is not recommended.
Never stop taking prescribed medication. Once again, speak to a healthcare
professional. Many supplements provide relief and are safe to take. Your doctor can
advise you on which supplements are best.

As a last resort, hire someone to shop for you. In fact, you may not even need to pay.
See if a close friend or family member will pickup a few items for you at the grocery
store. Many stores now enable you to shop right from your home. With these stores,
you browse or search through their product list, add items to your virtual shopping card,
make payment, and wait. A store employee will deliver your goods to your home! You
may be charged a small delivery fee, but it may be well worth the added cost.


Epsom salt baths. Epsom salt’s main component is magnesium. It has long been used
as a way to seek pain relief. To seek that relief, prepare a warm bath and add in epsom
salt. Use the package to determine the appropriate mixture. The magnesium in the salt
will help to reduce inflammation, resulting in pain relief and decreased swelling. The
warm water calms the body and improves circulation. Pain relief is likely. Continued
epsom salt baths not only relieve pain, but help to prevent it too.


Apple cider vinegar drink mixtures. For many arthritis patients, apple cider vinegar not
only results in pain relief, but increased mobility. Mix up to two tablespoons of apple
cider vinegar with a large cup of water. You can also add honey for extra sweetness.
Drink once or twice a day. Apple cider vinegar is acidy and it has a sour taste; always
mix with water.


Low-impact exercises. With arthritis, there is always the risk of complications. The risk
of severe joint stiffness and deformities can be reduced with low-impact exercises. For
many arthritis patients, stretching is enough of a workout. If you are overweight, lose
weight. It lessens the pressure placed on joints. Low impact exercises include dancing
around the house or walking around the block.

Purchase the cayenne pepper spice. This is the dry mixture. Add to your food. If you
have digestive problems, you may notice a few complications at first. For many, their
body needs to adjust to the pepper, as it can be difficult to digest. Start slow, like with
1/8 tablespoon. Overtime, work your way to two teaspoons a day. You can scatter this
dosage out over different meals. Red pepper can be added to most foods.


As previously stated, there are over one hundred different types of arthritis. There are
different reasons for pain and that pain is felt in different areas of the body, but there is
pain. With arthritis, it is always there. With juvenile arthritis, children experience this
pain. Unfortunately, children are unable to manage and deal with pain as well as mature


Polyarticular is the third known type of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. It is not as common
as Pauciarticular arthritis, but is more painful. This is easy to spot, as children can rarely
manage or hide the pain on their own. More joints are affected. According to WebMD
and other trusted medical sources, this disease progresses and gets worse over time.


For parents and caretakers, it is difficult to spot the warning signs in young children,
especially toddlers. Many do not know how to convey their pain or the pain is so severe
it is difficult to describe. In addition to joint pain, those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis
have difficulty sleeping, walking, experience joint swelling, and stiffness.

Drink a mixture of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is known for its many health
benefits. Although this success is mostly based on opinion, it has been known to reduce
the pain associated with arthritis. Apple cider is safe for most to consume, but there are
risk with drinking the cider straight. For that reasons, a mixture of 2 tablespoons in at
least an 8-ounce glass of water is advised. This mixture can be taken up to 3 times


Soak the painful joints in apple cider. Most prefer this approach as it targets the painful
joints. Most recommend using ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and one liter of water. Place
is a bowl and warm. For areas too difficult to soak, such as the hips, soak a cloth in the
mixture and apply to the area.


Devil’s claw. Although the name sounds frightening, this supplement is an herbal
remedy that was and is widely used in South Africa. It is available in powder, liquid, and
capsule formats. According to the Arthritis Today magazine, the active ingredient in
devil’s claw is Harpagoside. Many claim it reduces both joint pain and inflammation.


Cayenne pepper is available in many different formats, including capsules, oil, creams,
and pepper. Where you purchase yours will depend on the remedy selected. For
example, if you wish to try a topical cream, head to the drug store. If you wish to
increase your cayenne pepper intake naturally, head to your local supermarket or
organic food store.


What causes arthritis in children? Experts are unable to agree on a single answer.
Through extensive research, most believe juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is caused by an
overactive immune system. This immune style attacks the joint tissues. A virus can
temporarily cause this, but specific genes lead to long-term attacks. A family history of
arthritis may increase a child’s risk.

Always use a shopping cart. Regardless of which joints are affected by arthritis, opt for
a shopping cart. Baskets are convenient for when you only need to buy a few items, but
they can be difficult and painful to grip. If you suffer from arthritis of the toes, knees, and
hips, a shopping cart provides you with walking support. Also, don’t be afraid to use the
motorized shopping carts. Many stores have them available free of charge.


Ginkgo is available for sale in most retail stores. It is available in liquid, extract, or
capsules format. The Arthritis Today magazine recommends choosing supplements
with 24% flavonol glycosides and up to 7% terpene lactones.


As great as it is to know that some individuals are able to seek arthritis pain relief from
red chili peppers, you likely have many questions. What type of red pepper? What
format should I opt for? How much should I consume? Do I eat it or apply it to the skin
and how often? If you have these questions, please continue reading on for answers.


Epson salt sprays. As previously stated, epsom salt baths can reduce the pain
associated with arthritis. Unfortunately, those with disabilities or the inability to fully
move may have difficulty settling into a bathtub. In these instances, epsom salt sprays
are an ideal and convenient alternative. Take a spray bottle and fill with water. Use the
salt package to determine how much salt should be added. Spray onto your unclothed
body and rub. This mixture can be applied anytime of the day, but it is best to do after a
warm shower.

Foods with anti-inflammatory benefits. Did you know that some foods can reduce the
pain and swelling associated with arthritis? Some can. These foods include fresh
pineapples, fresh cherries, cayenne pepper, and sesame seeds. Although there is little
to no proof to backup these claims, many arthritis patients have been eating these foods
for years and recommend them.


Mix a small amount of red pepper with a small amount of castor oil. Use a paper towel
or cloth to soak in the mixture. Apply the damp paper towel or cloth to the painful area.
Some recommend applying and leaving on overnight. Castor oil has many health
benefits, although it is not right for everyone. Try this home remedy for a couple of
hours during the day first. If you notice a decrease in pain with no reactions, aim for
overnight relief.


Remember there is no cure. You can treat arthritis, but it cannot be cured. For that
reason, stay away from any supplements with the claim. You will waste your money.
These supplements can reduce the pain, inflammations, sleep difficulties, and
decreased mobility associated with arthritis, but that is it. Plenty of products outright
state this; do not opt for one that that lies.


What type of treatment is available? Luckily, children suffering from arthritis have many
options. First, medical care is recommended. Long-term health complications can arise
if the disease is not properly treated and diagnosed. Parents concerned with treatment
should first wait until they have a proper diagnosis. When that diagnosis arrives, pain
medication is given. It may be needed on a regular basis.

Purchase hot sauce that is made from cayenne pepper. The hot sauce label should
state the main ingredient is “aged cayennes.” Apply to the painful areas of your body at
least two times a day. Many report this home remedy does work, but there is the
possibility of stained clothes.


Aside from Polyarticular arthritis, which can lead to additional complications, most
children outgrow the disease. Successful treatment improves the chances. Although
most children will outgrow the disease, parents and caretakers must focus on the
present. Children suffering from arthritis will experience excruciating and unbearable
pain. Without treatment, they will find it difficult to function from day-to-day.


Unfortunately, pain medications are damaging to the body. Over-consumption can

cause complications. For that reason, parents and caretakers must understand the
importance of exercise. Pain medication is not the only way to seek relief. Physical
therapy will be short lived, but parents and patients are encouraged to continue the
practice at home. Constant movement can be difficult for children who experience pain,
but it is necessary. Movement prevents stiffness and deformities.


As with any natural and home remedy, it is important to consider the risk and speak with
a trusted medical professional. The active ingredient in cayenne pepper is capsaicin. It
can interact with a number of drugs, including acid reducers, aspirin, blood thinners, and
ACE inhibitors. If taking these medications, hold off. First, speak to your primary care
physician or a pharmacist. He or she can inform you of the dangers or the risks of
mixing with your current medications.

With all natural and home remedies, it is important to remember variance. Our bodies
process food differently. Cayenne pepper may provide relief from some, but not others.
It is best to experiment to find the best pepper remedy and dosage.


Speaking of the side effects, know what they are. Then, make an informed decision.
Arthritis sufferers should examine the risk to determine if they are worth it. For example,
cat’s claw is a supplement used to reduce inflammation. Possible side effects include
headaches, vomiting, and dizziness. If your job requires you to be on your feet all day,
the dizziness may be too much to handle. Look for an arthritis-helping supplement that
has little to no side effects.


According the popular Arthritis Today magazine, ginger extract helps with inflammation.
It has the ability to slow down the chemicals that cause inflammation, including COX-2.
In addition to aiding in arthritis pain, this supplement is an ideal cure for motion
sickness, as it not only subsides pain, but nausea and vomiting too.


Some herbal, dietary, and natural supplements counteract with over-the-counter and
prescribed medications. For that reason, medical advice is strongly advised. Talk to a
medical professional. This should be a primary care physician or at least a pharmacist.
The goal of supplements is to relieve arthritis pain and discomfort, not create other
complications. If you are worried about discouragement, don’t ask if a supplement will
work. Instead, ask if it is safe to take with your medications.

A world of information is available online. Almost fifty herbal, natural, and dietary
supplements can aid in arthritis relief. Some treat joint inflammation and swelling, while
others treat sleep difficultly, decreased mobility, cartilage damage, and pain. Which is
right for you? An online internet search will tell. Read reviews to see what people have
to say. Look for both positive and negative reviews. It is rare for a product to receive
rave reviews, but be cautious of telltale signs, such as “scam,” “waste of money,” or “too
many side effects.”


What should you do if a pain reliever does not work? First, review the bottle to ensure
you are properly taking the medication. Over-the-counter pain relievers have different
formulas and dosages. For example, you may need to take two Tylenol capsules every
four to six hours, but only two Aleve pills a day. If you are taking the medication as
directed and still feel pain, consider switching brands. Do not up your dosage unless
given direct orders by a medical professional.


Ginger. This supplement comes from the root of a ginger plant. Depending on the form,
it comes from either fresh or dried root. What is ideal about this supplement is your
options. You can choose from capsules, powder, extract, and oils. Up to two grams a
day are recommended. The extract can be added to tea for taste.


Learn to relax. There is no doubt that osteoarthritis patients deal with pain. In fact, they
deal with severe pain and often. Still, our emotions pay a huge role in the pain we
experience. The more you focus on your pain, the more it will hurt. So, don’t. Instead of
focusing on that pain, focus on ways to lessen the severity. Yes, pain relief products
and heat will help, but so will relaxing or doing something that you love!

Apple cider vinegar soaking mixtures. In addition to drinking a mixture of apple cider
vinegar and water, you can also create a soaking mixture. This is ideal if you want to
target a specific area of your body and get immediate pain relief. Mix ¼ cup of apple
cider vinegar, with around one or two liters of water. Warm and soak. For large areas,
soak a washcloth or towel in the mixture and apply to your achy joints.


Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables is available in capsule format. It can be found for

sale at most health and nutrition stores. Read all labels before taking, but most call for
two capsules a day.


You must follow all directions. Herbal supplements are typically safe to use, when taken
as directed. Different brands use similar extracts, but those amounts vary. Consult with
your primary care physician or the bottle to get an exact dosage. Despite the common
belief, more will do no good. In fact, it may cause complications.


Note: the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not approve most of these
supplements. We all know that this approval is important, but lack of approval does not
mean a thing. Perform a standard internet search with the supplements highlighted
below and you will hear first-hand that they do work.

Fish Oil. Fish oil has long been known for its health benefits. Fish oil comes from cold-
water fish. The Arthritis Today magazine recommends up to two three-ounce servings
of fish a week. For those unable to stomach the taste and smell, capsules and tablets
are available. This supplement is affordable and available for sale at most retail
locations, including department stores, nutrition stores, drug stores, and grocery stores.


Black cohosh. This American Indian treatment has sustained its popularity throughout
the years. Black cohosh not only contains anti-inflammatory agents, but it has aspirin
like qualities. Most recommend simmering around 1 teaspoon of black cohosh in a cup
of boiling water. Do so for around twenty minutes, let cool and drink. The mixture can be
divided into two daily doses.


Purchase an over-the-counter topical cream with capsaicin as the main ingredient. This
is an alternative to using the above mentioned hot sauce. Many creams use capsaicin,
which is derived from cayenne pepper. If on a budget, try the above mentioned hot
sauce remedy first. If it does not work, try this alternative.


You can and should find the best deals. In terms of supplements, the best deal isn’t
always the lowest price. Aim for the best quality for the lowest price. This is where the
above mentioned research comes in handy. Look for specific brand names with positive
feedback. When buying online, compare the size with prize and include the cost of


Ginkgo, also known as ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo has long been touted as a memory-
enhancing supplement. Although medical professionals have yet to agree on this
benefit, there is more. For many, it improves blood flow and circulation. This improves
the overall health and wellbeing of the body. Some studies have shown that it reduces
disease flair ups, including arthritis.


As previously state, it has long been known that fish oil is a healthy supplement. It helps
to promote healthy blood circulation. Due to its ability to protect against high blood
pressure and heart disease, you cannot go wrong with this supplement. The reduction
of inflammation in your joints and decreased pain are only the beginning.


Alter your activities at home. Of course, you don’t want to give up your passions. One
should never let osteoarthritis get them down. To reduce pain or the likelihood of it, you
will need to alter some of your at-home activities. For example, do you enjoy gardening?
Instead of bending down, start an above ground garden with raised planters. Do you
enjoy sewing by hand? If so, opt for a sewing machine. Less hand movements are


Use heat to treat pain. It has long been known that heat lessens pain. So, use it. Draw a
warm bath and climb in. If positioning yourself in the bathtub is too difficult, opt for a
reusable heating pad or a warm washcloth. If heat does not treat your pain or it stops
working overtime, make the switch to a cold compress. It should have the same results.
In fact, some medical professional recommend switching between the two.


Devil’s claw is shown to reduce the inflammation and relieve the pain associated with
arthritis.Unfortunately, there are known risks involved with this supplement. Those who
are pregnant, taking blood thinners, antacids, or diabetes medication should not take
the devil’s claw supplement, regardless of the form.

Exercise. Do not believe you must visit a gym to get a good workout. In fact, those
suffering from osteoarthritis should start at home. Fitness centers have many great
machines, but they may be too hard for you to use. Start with low impact exercises. You
may feel pain at first, but it should minimize overtime. Your goal is to work and loosen
your painful joints. This will reduce stiffness and lessen the later risk of deformities.
Another goal is to build muscle strength. With strong muscles, you can rely on them
more, as opposed to your painful joints.


Systemic is another type of juvenile arthritis, but it is rarely diagnosed. It is much less
common. Unfortunately, complications are common. Pain is severe and often
unbearable. Every joint in the body is susceptible to pain. It can also spread to other
body organs.


Research home remedies. Did you know that over-the-counter pain pills and topical
arthritis creams are not the only way to seek relief? Many patients report success with
natural and home remedies. One being supplements. Devil’s Claw, Cat’s Claw, and
Gingko occasionally work.


Certain foods can also provide natural relief from pain and inflammation. The
supplement Bromelain is recommended, but it is also found naturally in pineapples. It
reduces the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. So, head to the internet and
do a little bit of research. Your next stop may not be the medicine cabinet or the drug
store, but your refrigerator or kitchen cupboard.

Eat celery. Celery is rich in potassium, as well as other minerals. There are varying
causes for arthritis, but many claim potassium has an impact. Those with potassium
deficiencies are at an increased risk for arthritis. Due the high presence of potassium,
celery may assist with arthritis caused symptoms, such as pain, discomfort,
inflammation, and joint stiffness. It is best to mix one teaspoon of celery seeds with
warm water, let cool and drink.


Many medical professionals recommend surgery to relieve arthritis pain in adults. This
is rare in children. As previously stated, most children outgrow juvenile rheumatoid
arthritis. The risk of complications is too great in most cases. If treatment proves
unsuccessful, surgery may be considered, but it is rare.


Rub wild oregano oil in the skin. Those who have tried this natural remedy typically
report immediate pain relief, in as little as five minutes! Most recommend mixing the
oregano oil with olive oil. An ideal mixture is six drops of oil for one tablespoon of olive
oil. Some also report success rubbing coconut oil on the affected area, followed by a
few drops of oregano oil.


Hop tea. It has been said that the hop plant has many ingredients that act as an anti-
inflammatory agent. In fact, some are very similar to steroid drugs. These have long
best used to reduce the inflammation, pain, and discomfort of arthritis. To make your
own tea at home, combine three teaspoons of hop leaves into a cup with boiling water.
Let sit until slightly cooled. Drink before bed.


As with other home remedies, herbal supplements, and over-the-counter pain

medications, the relief felt will be short lived. That is why many opt for continued use.
Luckily, you are safe with most natural remedies. Due to natural ingredients, prolonged
use rarely causes any complications. However, patients should still speak with a
medical professional first. In fact, you can development a natural treatment plan

When shopping for over-the-counter pain relief pills, you will find a wide range of
choices. In fact, it will seem as if your options are unlimited. So, which brand should you
buy? Where should you shop? How much should you expect to pay?


In terms of brands, it depends on your own personal preference. Some individuals

swear by Tylenol and others claim it does not even relieve simple pains, like a
headache. We have all used pain relievers at one point in time. Think back to that time
and the brand you used. Did you feel relief? If so, return to that brand. You know it


You should also consider your arthritis pain when shopping for pain reliever. Do you
want extended relief? Did you know that Tylenol has a specific arthritis formula that
results in both fast and long-term relief? They do. Aleve uses the same formula for most
medications, but there is special packaging available for arthritis patients. Instead of
pressing two releasers at the same time on the bottle, you just twist the top! Choose a
pain reliever that works and is easy to use.


Eat fresh cherries. Various studies have shown that fresh cherries fight and reduce
inflammation. Joint swelling and inflammation are the most common causes of arthritis
related pain. So, if you are looking for a natural way to treat arthritis, look no farther than
your local grocery store or farmer’s market. There is no specific recommended
consumption advised, but since cherries are a healthy food, you can and should eat as
many as you like.

In terms of shopping, pain relievers are readily available at a wide range of retail stores.
In addition to shopping online, they are found in most grocery stores, drug stores, health
stores, and department stores. You can shop at any store you like. For most, it is best to
opt for convenience. For example, if you are already shopping in Wal-Mart, stop by their
health and beauty section and pickup a package of pain relievers. Unless out of
medication and in pain, do not make a special trip to a special store.


In terms of costs, consider a number of factors. One of those factors is brand. Well-
known brands, such as Aleve, Advil, and Tylenol, cost more. Cheaper alternatives are
store brand products. They typically bear the name of the store you are shopping at. For
example, both Walgreen’s and Rite-Aid have their own pain relievers. These store
brands are cheaper. You may be worried about quality, but pickup the packages and
compare. Typically, you will find the ingredients to be the same. In most cases, you are
just paying extra for a well-known name.


Another factor to consider when estimating cost is where you shop. As previously
stated, pain relievers are readily available at many retail stores. Supermarkets are
usually the most expensive. Shoppers are there to buy groceries, pain relievers may
just be an extra purchase that the store can profit from. Drug stores have lower prices,
but many still find them costly. Your best option is to shop at a discount retailer, such as
Wal-Mart, Kmart, Family Dollar, and Dollar General.

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