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If you suffer from arthritis, you also suffer from pain. With some forms of
arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, the pain comes and goes. For others,
such as osteoarthritis, the pain is constant and long-lived. To seek relief you
may need to turn to over-the-counter pain pills.


Do you suffer from arthritis or know someone who does? For arthritis sufferers,
pain becomes a fixture in their life. Over-the-counter medications do provide
relief, but it short lived. As soon as the medication wears off, the pain returns.
There is hope though. For many, that hope comes in the form of natural and dietary
supplements. Just a sample of the supplements that can provide relieve include
devils claw, ginger, stinging nettle, flax, and ASU.


Do suffer from arthritis? If so, the relief of symptoms is vital. Your ability to
function day-to-day depends on your ability to prevent joint pain, stiffness, and
swelling, as well as treat it. The good news is that most can do this right from
the comfort of their own home! Home remedies do vary. Not everyone sees relief
from their arthritis symptoms, but you usually have nothing to lose by trying. So,
which home remedies for arthritis relief should you try?


When it comes to arthritis, we automatically think of the elderly. Yes, they are
the common sufferers of this debilitating condition. But, did you know that there
are over one hundred different types of arthritis? There are. One of those is
juvenile arthritis.

Most arthritis sufferers turn to their medicine cabinet to seek relief. A medical
professional typically offers this suggestion. If you suffer from arthritis, your
physician does have your best interest at heart. They truly believe over-the-
counter or prescribed pain medication is best for you. It may be, but many natural
remedies relieve pain too. One of them is cayenne pepper, also know simply as red
chili pepper.


Do you suffer from arthritis? Are you tired of suffering? Do you want it to end
and now? Immediate pain relief is possible with over-the-counter pain medications.
Unfortunately, the pain returns as soon as the medication wears off. What can you
do? You can try herbal and dietary supplements. Many have little to no risks. In
fact, most have additional health benefits.


Osteoarthritis is a painful type of arthritis. It is caused by the wear and tear

of joint cartilage. It degenerates overtime. Those with a severe form of
osteoarthritis literally have two bones rubbing together. This, unfortunately, is
very painful. If you have recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis, your doctor
will recommend over-the-counter pain pills or write a prescription for stronger
medication. Take these pills, but there is more that you can do and right at home.


Do you suffer from arthritis? If so, just functioning from day-to-day may seem
difficult. Walking to your car, let alone climbing inside and driving, may seem
out of the question. Not only is it too hard, but it may be very painful. So,
what should you do? It may be easier to sit on the couch at home, but don�t let
arthritis control you or your life. We all need to shop, especially for groceries.
So, what can you do to ease the pain and discomfort?


Do you suffer from arthritis? Is the pain and discomfort so debilitating that you
want it to stop and now? If so, you may automatically head to your medicine
cabinet. Before doing so, think it through. As soon as the medication wears off,
the pain will return. Instead, think long-term. Many natural remedies will
provide you with long-term relief, especially with continued use.

Finally, if you take herbal supplements on a daily basis, write down and tape to
your refrigerator. Also, inform those close to you. In the event you need medical
care and cannot speak for yourself, responding personnel must know all medications
you are taking, including supplements.


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The above mentioned home remedies are just a few of your many options. Your best
bet is to purchase a home remedy book, available for sale online or in most
bookstores. Look for any remedies that treat pain, discomfort, depression,
difficulty sleeping, and inflammation.


As you can see, many herbal and dietary supplements can reduce the pain associated
with arthritis. The good news? These are just a sample of the supplements
available for sale. Before trying any supplement, including the ones highlighted
above, research or speak to your primary care physician. Some can counteract with
common over-the-counter or prescribed medications.


The over-consumption of pain pills is advised against. You should only take them
when in pain, not to prevent it. Even still, you may find yourself using over-the-
counter pain relievers to seek relief from your arthritis pain and discomfort
daily. This can also up the costs. Look for moneysaving coupons. Occasionally,
Excedrin, Aleve, Advil, Bayer, and Tylenol all have printable coupons online or
clipable coupons in the Sunday newspaper.


In short, osteoarthritis cannot be cured. Although it may seem as if all hope is

lost, it is not. There are many ways to prevent, treat, and manage the pain and
swelling associated with disease. By taking the above mentioned suggestions, you
never have to leave home!

Although it may be easier to use a grocery store delivery service or have someone
else stop for you, try. By implementing a few of the above mentioned steps,
shopping for gifts, groceries, and clothes does not have to be difficult. Just
remember to take it slow, rely on available tools, and don�t be afraid to ask for


In short, rheumatoid arthritis affects individuals of all ages; it does not

discriminate. If you are a parent or know a child who suffers from severe joint
pain or difficulty moving, do not discount rheumatoid arthritis. It may be to


Speaking of relief, what will happen if this remedy works? You will notice a
decrease in pain. The longer you take these home remedies, the less pain you will
experience. As previously stated, the active ingredient in cayenne pepper is
capsaicin. It is found in many medications and has aspirin like qualities. The
pepper improves blood flow and circulation and releases natural endorphins, which
help combat pain and discomfort.


As you can see, there are many natural ways to seek relief from the joint pain and
inflammation caused by arthritis. Natural remedies are not guaranteed. In many
cases, there is no scientific proof they work. With that said, the above mentioned
natural remedies come highly rated and recommend by those, like you, who have
suffered first-hand with arthritis.


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