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 Author: Patricio Martinez Peiret

ISBN No. 978-0-557-7775-6

Intellectual Property Registry Stgo-Chile
All rights reserved by the author


Flying seagull wounded

what to die like this
you were not born
Take your clean flight
And finish with the signs
that they have hurt you

through the blue sky

. Between clouds and sea
With your wings free
Start to fly

Leave sadness behind

Leave the pain behind
Fly free through the sky
Free and with love

The sea is your soil

Step on it again
Then take your flight
Above the sea

You are free wing

No condemnation
No evil
Flying seagull wounded
Alone and with your truth

And take flight

Seagull wounded
what to die
So you were not born
And you will erase then
The tracks of those
They have hurt you


August will take me

Taking my life
It will not heal
None of my wounds

There will be a silence

It will only be heard
The wind whisper

And will tell of my sorrows

And my few joys
Will say them in prose
Verses and poetry

Suddenly you will hear

A lament
Shake the water of a river
Suddenly everyone will feel
A cold wind
That with a slight smile

It will go so fast
Like my soul
August will take me
Leaving only the memories
And such a great silence
Who says who I love?

August will take me

Taking my life
Without me
Close my wounds


Oh what a shame it gives me

Listen to the peasant
Singing what you feel
With her tired body
And her tired mind

Oh.. What a shame it gives me?

Listen to the peasant
With her long poem
Reciting it to the wind
As you feel it goes by

Oh ... what a shame it gives me

Listen to the peasant
Moaning hopelessly
And keeping your fear
In a dark silence

Oh what a shame it gives me

Listen to the peasant

Breaking his promise

In a few painful verses
Reciting them to the wind

Oh what a shame it gives me

Listen to the peasant
That the plow has been launched
On the wet ground
To sow it later

Oh what a shame it gives me

See the farmer sow
And my torment does not end
Because he doesn't know
If winter will pass.


Oh poor boy
Who sees misery
That I didn't see
In the palaces
From his land?

And see a poor old man

Load a donkey
To sell firewood

What a poor woman sees

Washing her clothes
In a trough
While her son cries
For a bottle

And see a lumberjack

Cutting down a forest
Breathe, breathe
While his wife
With a broth awaits him

And see a shack

Of tables and phonolas
What do some have?
Beings for shelter
In the cold winter
And when the wind blows
They all fly away

Poor guy
Who sees misery
That I didn't see in the palaces
From his land?

Who goes to school?

Children cannot write
Without a coat that belongs to them

What do you see on the street?

Children asking for coins
Their father is dead
And who feeds them

Oh poor boy
Who sees misery
That I didn't see in the palaces
From your land


Gee girl! What do you think?

In what are you going to wear?
In the shoes, the boots,
The red or light blue dress
The watch or the medallion
As you hang around your neck
A golden cross
Without even believing in God

That the useful worker

What happens?
You tell your friends
Just to pretend
Look at that dirty broken
Look at that broken one that goes

Oh you don't know

That he is worth much more
That your daddy's car
That mom's dress
Or that fur coat
What do you want to buy?

Why that worker who comes

Knows how to work and to live
For livelihood
From his own home

Gee girl! Listen

Listen The Baby cry
The one who was born
What do you think
She is going to find?
Misery hypocrisy
Poverty and pretending
Gee girl! Listen!
Listen to the baby cry
The one who was born tonight
And maybe it will bring a little
From light to the world
And for girls
Like you a little

Sparrows that every morning

Sing to her with hope
Don't put out the fire in me!
The fire of my longing

Vestiges of Blue Sky

. They have taken me to the sea
Leaving in my nostalgia
From a quiet heart

I'm afraid of the night

Since the stars speak to me
Each of them counts
On pearls and emeralds

I have a silence kept

Willing to speak to you in the morning
For her to hear me
From behind the mountains

I have the weight of time

Carrying my back
I have thousands of dreams

With sapphires and emeralds

And by making my voice heard

Finding calm at last
To compose in my life
Music reaching
My longings



I want you to listen to me

Before leaving
My dreams my fantasies
My desire to live
So much time
Trying to make myself heard

I will stay in my poetry

In my singing my voice
From far away you will hear
The echo of my song

Today I want to tell you

That the things of the world
You won't change
That goes its way
Towards its own end
And if you are with me
Try to escape
Or it will exterminate you just the same

I will stay in my poetry,

In my singing, my voice
From far away you will hear
The echo of my song.

And when you hear me

Your indecision will end
Follow the right path
May my star guide you?
The world is on its side
We for God's

I will stay in my poetry

In my singing, my voice
From far away you will hear
The echo of my song



How can you think about dying?

If you still have poetry
In every word every verse
Part of your life is gone
Don't cry. your anguish
Synonym of darkness
That the night of your days
Soon very soon it will dawn

Don't listen to those

They want to sink you
Look up
That as long as you have poetry
You will have to live

If you don't say anything

If you think everything is useless
Look at everything you've created
Your life has not been sterile

In your books your poems


There are hundreds of teachings

Adventures and nostalgia
That one who someday
I will read it
That you were benefited
In the sharing of hopes

How can you think about dying?

If you still have poetry
In every word every verse
It is part of your life.



If you want to see sunrise

A new day
With new pleasure
Chile invites you,
Chile calls you
Come meet us

Let's go to the warm ones

Of warm water and
Salty flavor
what will they do to you
Feel loved
With slight breeze
Your face tanning

We'll go together
Like Chileans
Crossing valleys
Deserted forests
Snowy mountains

In winter
Flowers being born
In spring
And in every heart
A chimera

Let's go for Chile

we are Chilean
Let's discover its
Great mystery
Let us evoke from the past
Great memories
And of the landscape
Let's start
All its secrets

We'll go together
Like Chileans
Crossing valleys
Deserted forests
Snowy mountains
In winter

Flowers being born

In spring
And in every heart
A chimera


Wine is my friend
With which we provide to
Any event
That brings us happiness
He is also the friend
That makes us forget
Sorrows and sorrows
Of our passing
Life Stirs in the Golden
Of a glass of wine
That makes us feel
In a special way
We sing laugh we dance
And we mix it with bread
It is also
In the Eucharist
In the blood of the lord
Wine is the flame
That kindles love
Or fire a friend

In his last goodbye

It's in our lives
He is a friend in happiness
He is a friend in pain
With it the sorrows are forgotten
And the frustration is over
Largest in the nation
Sometimes he loses some
In terrible deviation
But when it exists
A Mayas event
He is invited as
Wine Friend you are present
With your delicious taste
To make us
Lose one's head
In a night of love
I don't tell them the wine
He is a friend
Which is in all?
Even in the language

With whom I express myself today

It is forgetfulness it is memory
He is a guest of honor
He is despised by others
They don't know that
It's a blessing
When it alleviates an ordeal
And it calms a pain.


Bring a glass of wine

The day is auspicious
To provide
There’s a moment in life
to solemnize
An heir has arrived
From my own stallion
Let's blow the glasses
Let the wine flood the blood
And make us happy
For this event
That I will never forget
I still remember
Other moments
In which the wine
Made me forget
That other one
It was never mine
And another took to the altar
I cried like a
I remember child
With this same friend
In my throat reaching

Even my soul
Trying to restore it

The wine erased the memory

Making me feel again
That there was something
In the future
And that it should continue
Today we collided the cups
Filled with wine to toast
Let those times be
They were forever
And they will never come back
Just from the wine glasses
That serves today
To provide
Running through my veins
And flooding my being
Forever blissful
And toast my son

That has just been born.



You were strong and generous

Wings were born from your hands
That the children you cared for
Laughing fluttering
To search for a sky
Where the supreme god
He awaits us in his goodness

You showed his love

And you told them between games
The wonders of eternity
And you were your first
And in the clouds you rest
You help us flap our wings

The way to say it

I find it inappropriate
Phrases get tangled
Words are mixed
Because they flow from my mouth
Like burning flames

And on earth we look at you

Mother Aunt Daughter sister
And the pain of your absence
Leave the broken soul
But no
Remembering your smile
In your warm gaze
There is complacency and hope
the one you gave to children
Who trusted you?

Your love god

Praises and creeds
Yes, we are already satisfied
Aunt friend mother sister
Because while it is true
You went first
To eternal rest
You left us with you
Example hope

The way to say it

I find it inappropriate

Phrases get tangled

They mix between
Because they flow
From my mouth
Like burning



I have a smile
What I want to deliver
I have a boat
Tired of shipwrecking

I have an open heart

Open to love
I have my hands out
Looking for a friendship
But it seems that nobody
Understand my truth

Nobody believes me
No one will believe me
Nobody knows me
And no one will understand me

I don't know if they will understand

Love and friendship
I search that way
On earth peace

There are outstretched hands


Willing to friendship
Finding the way
They will regret

Everyone is deaf
They don't want to listen
They all seem dumb
Nobody wants to talk

And hides his

True faces
Remove their hands
Without knowing the truth

I don't know if they will understand

Love and friendship
I search that way
On earth peace

No one knows the truth

They all close their hearts
And only abyss
Shadows of loneliness

The lips
They don't kiss anymore
Not narrow
Arms don't tangle
Mixing sensations

I don't know if they will understand

Love and friendship
I search that way
On earth peace


Take root inside

And don't think about your body
Think of the full night
That your torment ends

Your silence matters

How does your regret matter?
As much as your longing
And you will feel
Your heart full

When you walk alone

Night inside
Think of my soul
Who is protecting you?

And if you look at the stars

In them you will see me
While you walk
You will notice
That you are not alone

Your brother is with you


The wind embraces you

The rain kisses you
Silence loves you

Think you will be happy

With an open heart
To receive lies
And give encouragement

The heart is
The emblem of feeling
And then you will have
The joy of knowing
When you can feel it
Night inside


you are mother

If you have a child

you are mother
If you have given birth to a child
But more mother you are
If you have taken care of it
And protected
Reaching out to you
Affection and shelter
What do you need
To provide
In prodigies?

What do you keep

One day forces
To multiply the loaves
Like Jesus Christ Himself

Which sows in
Little hearts
Courage and strength
To face life
With their sorrows and sorrows
With their struggles

Eagerness and sacrifices

But above all

You feed hope
Of love
Which is like wheat
That sprouts in the field
When it has been watered
The field with
Much love

Son I speak to you from nothing

That from where

There were paths
In a dawn
Without dawns
I ask you
You want your mother
The one that didn't give birth to you
But she wanted you to
Care and protected
Anyway she gave you more
From what I gave you
I only gave birth to you
I know how much
You have suffered
And in a corner
From your chest
In your generous
Son heart
Write what I ask you
Give him love and affection
To that woman who
Gave you a roof
With whom life

You've lived
She with her flaws
What affect you?
Has given you love

Has served your table

From your plate you have eaten
Call her mother
As if you were her son
Call her mother screaming
That I even gave you being
I never took care of you as a child
Nor caress your hair
Nor wash your diapers
I didn't even spoil your vices

Always remember
That she is your mother
I only gave birth to you
She deserves more
That you are her son
Grandmother by the window

That you look towards the road

Always remembering alone
Your children's past
You remember it like yesterday
When your children visited you
From each one you heard
The promises of himself
And with each passing day
The sun hides its face
The moon shows the night
And the loneliness that makes you
Scream nonsense
I would like to tell you
What I'm doing today
I write and I promise
A world that I guess
While my
Mother invent
Gossip to entertain
Your boring world
Complaints of abandonment
They are not always your torture
I know you conform

With your children visiting you

And it hasn't always been this way
Alone have you met?
To the Lord who awaits you
Behind your window
End of your way
And hope kept
In a hidden heart
Reflection of a look
Of the elapsed time
Yesterday your time began
That after you have traveled
The moments passed by
From the past you've lived

In the courtyard of my old house

They smiled every afternoon

The faces of my sisters
They played from the blue sky
They brought from their childhood
The reflected joy
In a thousand smiles and laughter
Free from sadness
I remember looking at them
From a corner
From the patio of my old house
Without understanding happiness
What they expressed
Oblivious to her joy
Oblivious to their laughter
I sat in a corner
From the patio of my old house
And nostalgically she cried
Without knowing why
Couldn't smile
I cried hidden in the garden
From the patio of my old house
Someone passed a day
And saw this strange situation

But he could do nothing

And hastily left.


What will become of time

When I die?
Who will take my books?
And will read my chimeras?
Who will see sunrise?
A day of spring
To later grow old
The whole night
What will become of time
When I die?
Who will water the almond tree
From my old patio
That one day I planted
With great enthusiasm
With much pain
In my heart
Who will kiss her?
To ask for forgiveness
For everything I said
And that was a mistake
Who will go on the roads
To seek the truth?
To come back tired
In sad loneliness

Who will look at the stars?

And will write a poem?
If I won't be
When I die



On the rosebush of my house

A thrush has stopped
Who sings to a rose?
Who sings to her for singing?

He saw her sprout in spring

In summers its splendor
Weathered autumn
And winter died

Was growing
Up to heaven
Every day more
With its petals so fine
And so strong waiting

At night
The cricket sings
And I don't know why it will
If this flower is growing
Towards eternity

If you look at her


You will see it shine

It's so pure
Like heaven
Who is waiting for her

Not the wind

Not even the rain
They have managed to remove it
Neither the snow nor the sun
They have made her wither

And it grows
Every day until reaching
A piece of clean heaven
Eden without end


It's cold in winter

Says Mrs. hope
And in the heat of your brazier
Your heart beats in a dream

She wanted to be the queen

Of all a great empire
But it was only the poor
Wife of a carpenter

She wait now

At the edge of your brazier
Your child's arrival
Bringing you something new

Always waited in autumn

And died in the winter
Resurrected in spring
And in summer the silence returned

Because I knew that soon

Autumn would dry

Crumpling the flowers

Surrounding the estuary

And that was how her life

That didn't exist in the winter
And dream of hope
In the heat of your brazier

Like your youthful dreams

In that nothing was small
And among so much greatness
His reality broke his dreams

Try futilely
Of dying burning
Their memories
On the burning coals
From her old brazier

No longer have dreams like before

Although you have inadvertently
Those that now turn out
Just be sad memories

She wants to be happy

But keep getting older
Your back is curved
And all your bones creak

Why you want to burn

All your memories
But you don't have time
Sleep in your chair
Swaying to shore
From her old brazier

While outside
The rain falls
The rays illuminate
And the thunder shakes her

Sleep easy now

Mrs. Hope
In the heat of your brazier
And her heart beats

With your dreams


I'll be a comedian again

Looking to leave the scene
And amid the applause
He is hiding his tragedy

I'm showing a face

Who smiles all night?
While my heart
Still feeling sad

And tonight on the tables

From an old theater
I represent a character
While I'm still broken

White Pointed Dress

While I'm acting
And on leaving the stage
I re-dress my rags

And I am dismayed

Grief floods my being

While I'm representing
Someone's power
That feels good

Who I am
The one who is acting
Or the character
What I represent
On the stage

I'm neither
So different we think
One who is happy
Counting his satisfactions
That makes it important
Beloved I have interesting

While I am the actor

I have my heart broken
Bitter is spit
Remembering me bankrupt

And my voice proclaims

It is because
Character speaks
And I must show it for sure
In love with his fame
While I don't have
Not even a bed
Where to cast my bones
To find calm

I repeat gesturing
Every single word
From the learned script
While the rostrum
Enjoy it and cheer it

My thoughts are
In cruel reality
It is duality between my life and
The represented life

I'm just a comedian


Dress to the occasion

While my soul
Find an escape
For my salvation

Waking up tomorrow
I will be the same
What I forget while acting

And I will be again

A comedian
I was looking to go on stage
And amid the applause
He is hiding his tragedy



There I go in the shade

That hides the doubt
To the sown land
To the fern staining moisture

There I go to the detour of the street

Let fate change me.
And my voice that does not beg
Neither love nor abyss

There I go to the summit

Modest guessing
The sad culmination
Of the life to come

And don't get lost in ideas

What parcels
They seem isolated
Of good sense that moderates

And there I go to mature


What makes me accept

My sentence

In the shade, at the top,

To earth and old age
If I go there to remember
The past that is my present
Desolate loner
And find comfort
To seek your love

To fill life with joy

To smile when walking
To end my sadness
To be a man
That to humanity

To serve to deliver
There I go to fame
That I'm sorry

Without looking for my land

I'm going for chile

Enlarging his letters
Handing him children
That in times of crisis
Defend it

I'll meet there

With my partner
Showing our love
To the world
Who faces
In a fight
Long and durable
To the night moon
To gaze at the stars
I will live my life there
To marry and deliver
Children to GOD and this earth
Again you're going to shut up

The silence that distresses you

On your withered words
Said at random
Don't you dare shut up?
The truth that is hurt
Like sunrise sun
That can't light

Don't you dare shut up?

What you want to say
If only
Be to ask
Open your mouth and speak

Don't you dare shut up?

Like wounded dove
Who can't fly?
The truth that
She's asleep
And they can misrepresent

Again you're going to shut up

And you will go away

Without crying
And you will sing to the wind
That doesn't stop blowing

Again you're going to shut up

To let speak
To the speaker
For talking
And what she says without thinking
Be the owner
Of the truth

Don't you dare shut up
That sleeping truth
Who doesn't want to wake up?
Without seeing the dawn
What seems to take?

If the sun doesn't rise

There will only be darkness
And if you keep quiet
The lie will prevail

And your truth will remain hidden

As a medicinal plant

Shout it out
In soft whisper
But don't you dare shut up
Why silence
It will become loneliness
And because everyone should know
Its own truth.


Sadness wandering
Through the streets of the earth
And a man is carrying it
Inside your head

Yes, his thoughts are many

But right now
Who will think
I love her of course
But maybe she didn't forget it

The sky is cloudy and

He seeks a star
And can't find it tonight
In the sky that seems
It would rain soon
Her eyes fill
Of tears
Her sad soul
Full of poems
Let them narrow
The feelings

From the land to

The cortex itself

Sadness wandering
Through the streets of the earth
And a man is carrying it
Inside your head

No one knows why I wander

Alone on the way
Lost on the horizon
Powdered to the ankles
And bites him
Lips with force
From unusual rage
Always caused by it
That I only felt for the pain

The stars watch it pass

Hide your face
Bowing her head
As the night drags on
Silence condemns him

Gazes suffocate him

And bites his rage hard

Sadness wandering
Through the streets of the earth
And a man is carrying it
Inside your head

I would like to return to

To hold her in his arms
And shake it between
Medium of anxious kisses
He always dreamed of owning her
And she left with another
To the one who surrenders
Like the immense night
To the darkness
That penetrates everywhere

The man feels lonely

Alone and far from his land
And the love that so much

He wanted to be gone, taking away

What little joy I gave him

No one seems to know him

No one inside or outside
And he smiles at the night
Even if it's just pity

He's just doomed

To that waiting to know
That will never come again
That it was on another sidewalk
Not to run into him
With the one who still



Sadness wandering
Through the streets of the earth
And a man is carrying it
Inside your head.


I will tell you who i am

I am a tramp
A tramp at heart
That goes from one place to another
Unable to stop

Without finding someone

That I can love him
My heart wandered so many times
So many times loved
That he got tired of it
And I go out as a pilgrim
To look for darling
I wander and I wander alone on the road
And it's the cold winter
The one who has slept me

My eyes close
While I walk
I just wandered lost
In the dark

The night closes my way


My thoughts are sad

You lasts my recriminations
My regrets are painful

And i am asleep
I slept the night
I fell asleep
And I wander alone to the
Along out of the road.

I close my eyes,
Lost bum
Without knowing why
Where to follow
When in front of me
There are two ways

And I'm tired

And I am bored
I am so
Alone on the way

On the way there


A silence
I am asleep
Silence in the
Dark night
Silence on the road

It is loneliness
The one that has slept me
Also the cold
With closed eyes
I follow the path
I wander aimlessly

I feel the icy breeze

Hit my face
Wave my hair
More sorry
Although he is asleep

I cross the streets

I don't look at anyone
You emptied the streets

As lived

You emptied the streets

Silent and without destination
Just silence
All empty

Closed eyes
Breeze on my face
And I walk
Lean face
I am asleep.


I suddenly feel sad

And I don't want to cry
But because
This sadness
Dwells in me
Like a great regret
Because where am i
I do not want to be

Because I feel
That my house
It is not my true home
Because I feel
That my parents
They really are not
Because I feel
That I am from afar
Far from here is my truth

I suddenly felt

I'm not from this place

That these don't
Are the roads
For what I must walk
That this is not school
In which I must study
That this is not my people
With which I should talk

I think I come from afar

How far from here
This is my truth
I think I come
Across the sea
I think I come from
Beyond the mountain
I think I come from
Where I am not now

Suddenly my throat
I would like to sing
But a knot of
Grief drowns me

Without knowing why

I'm ashamed
Of not being in that place
So far away it was
My first home
And I want to escape from here
To go back there
And I feel like it's impossible
Like I couldn't
My hands untie

Then I feel
That in my life
Nothing is true
I think it's a sham
Ridden by chance
I think after a truth
There is another truth
Hide that no
They want to show

When going out to the streets

Everything seems strange to me

Because I'm not from this place

I come from far
From far away from here
Where far from my world
They came to abandon me


I have no time
To think
The world turns

Don't want to stop

The new song

Of a thrush
The river sounds
It is a spring

The friend is gone

To another city
When I look for it
I can't find it
He's gone
Without leaving traces
Where this

It's gone away

Will not be living
Another truth

The green field

Can't walk
Nor feel the fresh wind
Whistle blow

Far my mountains
And my city
Far away my land
And the wide sea
The hill the valley
The forest with little birds
In his trilling

Time goes by

One day is born

Another died
Change the weather
It's another season

Summer is gone
Winter came
Cold in the streets
From this city
While we search
Love friendship

And I do not have time

To think
The world turns
He doesn't want to stop.


The charm of words ………………………………………… 2-3

August will take me …………………………………………. 4-5

Oh what a shame it gives me ………………………………... 6-7

Poor boy ………………………………………………………. 8-10
Oh girl listen ………………………………………………… 11-12
Sparrows …………………………………………………….. 13-14
The echo of my song ………………………………………… 15-16
If you still don't have poetry ……………………………….. 17-18
If you want to see sunrise …………………………………... 19-20
Wine-friend ………………………………………………….. 21-23
Toast …………………………………………………………. 24-25
Wings were born from your hands………………………… 26-28
I don't know if they will understand ………………………. 29-31
Take root …………………………………………………….. 32-33
Mother you are ……………………………………………… 34-35
Be her son ……………………………………………………. 36-37
Grandmother of the window ………………………………. 38-39
Other ………………………………………………………… 40-41
What will be of the time …………………….,……………… 42-43
In the rosebush of my house ………………………………... 44-45
Mrs. Hope …………………………………………….. 46-48
Comedian ……………………………………………………. 49-52
Here I go ……………………………………………………... 53-55
Don't you dare keep quiet ………………………………….. 56-58
Sadness is wandering ……………………………………….. 59-62

Asleep ………………………………………………………... 63-66

I am looking for a place …………………………………….. 67-69
I don't have time to think …………………………………... 70-72
Index………………………………………………………….. 73-74


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