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Operational Amplifier (OPAMP)

Proportional/Inverter Configuration
This is called this assembly because the output signal is inverse of the input signal,
in polarity, although it can be greater, equal or lesser, depending on the gain we
give to the amplifier in closed loop.
The signal is applied to the inverter or negative terminal of the amplifier and the
positive or non-inverter is carried to mass. Resistance from the output to the
negative input terminal is called feedback.
In an ideal op-amp, the gain of the inverter amplifier is given simply by:

For equal resistors, it has a gain of -1, and is used in digital circuits as an inverter

We will calculate your gain in closed loop "G" and its input resistance Ri. Since V+
is grounded, it will be V– =0. This is known as virtual land as it is as grounded, but
without being grounded.
where, therefore, G can be greater than or less than 1 without simply choosing the
resistors in the right way. The value of the input resistor can be calculated as

Non-inverter Configuration
In an ideal op-amp, the gain of the non-inverter amplifier is given by:

This circuit is very similar to the inverter, the difference is that the signal is entered
by the non-inverter terminal, which will mean that the output signal will be in phase
with the input signal and amplified. Mathematical analysis will be the same as in
inverter assembly.

Since, by definition, in the ideal model the intensity I=0.

As for the gain, we know that V–= V+ =Vi, if we assume that R1 passes an
intensity I1 whose value would be:
Adder Configuration
A adder amplifier is an electronic circuit created by means of operational amplifiers
which is able to add or join two input signals and join them in a single output.
It is likely that the most widely used of the circuits is the alysing amplifier; in this,
the output is given by a linear combination of each of the inputs. Using this circuit,
it is possible to algebraically add the voltages of each of the inputs, multiplied by a
constant gain factor given by Rf / Rk.

Howyou can observe the diagram of the alysing amplifier you can see that it is a
alysing amplifier but inverter since basically its input signal is found by the negative
pin to make it a non-inverter alyser must be connected to the positive input pin.
In a adder amplifier, by the current rule, the unsovered input is a virtual land. Then
the current at point A must be zero. This requires:

Subtractor Configuration
Operational amplifiers such as subtractor subtract input signals and then amplify
This amplifier uses both inverted and unsevered inputs with a gain of one, to
produce an output equal to the difference between the inputs. It is a special case of
the differential amplifier. Resistances can also be chosen to amplify the difference.

In a subtractor amplifier, the voltage at the non-inverted input is V2 / 2, therefore,

by the voltage ruler that voltage also appears at point A.
Applying the current rule, the current in A must be zero, so that

That for equal resistances comes to be

Voltage at 3 is given by

Therefore, by the voltage rule that voltage appears in A. The current rule in A gives
By substitution you get

Follower Configuration
The voltage tracker is that circuit that provides the output with the same voltage as
the input, regardless of the load attached to it, which is as much as to say,
regardless of the intensity being demanded. This application is important in the
amplification of signals that having a good voltage level are very low power and
therefore would be attenuated in the case of connecting them to medium or low
input impedance amplifiers.

The voltage tracker with an ideal op amp, gives simply

But this result has a very useful application, because the input impedance of the op
amp is very high, providing an isolation effect of the output with respect to the input
signal, nullifying the effects of "load". This makes it a useful first-stage circuit.
The voltage tracker is often used in logical circuits, for buffer construction.
The current output through the load resistor is proportional to the input voltage:

For the current-to-voltage amplifier the voltage ruler attempts to have the voltage
on pin 3 equal to the input voltage, so that

But to bring the output voltage to ground, it is necessary

And replacing da

Integral Configuration
In this case the feedback network is given by a capacitor and the expression of the
output voltage is proportional to the integral of the input signal and inversely
proportional to the time constant (t=RC), which is usually made equal to the unit.
An integrator circuit performs a sum process called "integration". The output
voltage of the integrator circuit is proportional to the area under the input curve
(input wave), for any instant.

A modification of the inverter amplifier, the integrator, shown in Figure 6, takes

advantage of this feature. A V IN input voltage is applied to R G, resulting in an IIN
As was the case with the inverter amplifier, V(-) = 0, since V(+) = 0, and because
the entire input current IIN passes towards the CF capacitor, we will call this current
The feedback element in the integrator is the CF capacitor. Therefore, the IF
constant current in CF results in a linear voltage ramp. The output voltage is
therefore the integral of the input current, which is forced to load C F by the
feedback loop.
The voltage variation in CF is

which causes the output to vary per unit of time according to:

As in other inverter amplifier configurations, the input impedance is simply RG

Note the following signal diagram for this circuit

Integrates and reverses the signal (VIN and VOUT are time-dependent functions)
−V ¿
V out =∫ dt +V inicial
0 RC

V inicialis the output voltage at the time source (t-0)

Derivative Configuration
A second modification of the inverter amplifier, which also takes. advantage of the
current in a capacitor is the differentiator.

In this circuit, the position of R and C are upside down as in the integrator, with the
capacitive element being in the input network. Then the input current obtained is
proportional to the rate of variation of the input voltage:

Again, we will say that the input current I IN, will circulate by RF, so IF = IIN
And since VOUT = - IF RF replacing, we get

Note the following signal diagram for this circuit

Derive and reverse the signal about time
d V¿
V out =−RC

A system is the combination of more than two elements required to perform one or
more functions. The function is the objective and experimental assignment of a
number to a quality of an object or event, describing it.
The result is objective based on experimentation. The objectives are monitoring or
monitoring of processes; it can also be a necessity of experimental engineering.
The realization of a measure implies, in addition to obtaining the information made
by a sensor or transducer, also the processing of the information and presenting
the results, to be perceived by our senses.
A transducer is a device capable of converting a physical input signal to a different
physical signal. There are 6 types of signals, mechanical, thermal, magnetic,
electrical. chemistry and radiation.
The sensor is a device that converts an input signal into an electrical output signal.
The distinction between transducer and sensor is that the sensor is used to
designate the input transducer which obtain the information, and the actuator for
the output transducer, which seeks power conversion.
Sometimes, mainly in mechanical measurements, it is designated as a primary
sensor which converts the measurement variable into a signal, the electronic
sensor converts it into an electrical signal.
Signal conditioners, adapters or amplifiers are elements of the system that can
from an output signal allow processing by a computer or instrument.
They are electronic circuits that offer amplification, filtering, impedance adaptation
and modulation or demodulation.
Bibliographical sources
Areny, R. P. (2005). Sensores y acondicionadores de señal (4.a ed.). Ciudad de México,
MEXICO: Marcombo.
Fraden, J., & Knovel (Firm). (2004). Handbook of Modern Sensors. New York, Estados
Unidos: Springer Publishing.
Recuperado 11 de mayo de 2020, de
Olmo, M., & Nave, R. (s. f.). Op-amp Varieties. Recuperado 11 de mayo de 2020, de
Escudero, J. I., Parada, M., & Simón, F. (2013, mayo 5). Amplificador Inversor.
Recuperado 11 de mayo de 2020, de
Escudero, J. I., Parada, M., & Simón, F. (2013b, mayo 6). Amplificador No Inversor.
Recuperado 11 de mayo de 2020, de
MODOS DE OPERACIN Y APLICACIONES. (s. f.). Recuperado 11 de mayo de 2020, de

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