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Profa.: Ana Cláudia Lima Rodrigues Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Aluno (a): Nº
Série/Ano: Turma: Nota:
Data: Tipo de Avaliação:

1. Fill in the gaps with the correct job. 2) Look at the pictures and complete the
(1,0) puzzle. What’s the mystery word? (1,0)

Hairdresser – teacher – doctor – nurse –

police officer – receptionist – lawyer –
engineer – cleaner – officer worker

a) A ________________ works in a salon and cuts

people’s hair.

b) A _________________ goes to the court to

defend their clients in the name of the law.

c) A __________________ works in the office of

a company or business.

d) A __________________ deals with

emergencies to stop crime.

e) An __________________ works in an office

and helps to design and build roads and bridges.

f) A __________________ works in a hospital

and looks after sick people.

g) A __________________ works in a building

and keeps it clean and tidy.

h) A __________________ looks after surgeries

and finds out why a person is sick.

i) A __________________ helps people when

they come into a building.

j) A __________________ works in a school and

teaches students.
3) Complete the conversation
underlining the correct form of the
verbs in the parentheses. (1,0)

Marcelo What are you going to do after

we (finish/will finish college)?
Carla I’m not sure. I (will/may) go to graduate have a gym class at 6:00. I think I’ll
school. How about you? go / I’m going to go home straight after
Marcelo Before I (may/will make) any class, because my rommate’s having/
decisions, I think (‘m going to talk/I’ll talk) to my roommate has dinner with me
my parents and ask them for advice. If they tonight. I guess he’s not getting / he
(can/will be able to) help me, I’ll start my own won’t get home until 7:30, so maybe
business. we’ll eat/ we’re eating at about 8:00. I
Carla Sounds good. When your business think we’re going to go / we go out
(is/will be) successful, will you give me a job later. There’s a movie I want to see.
after I (graduate/will graduate)?
Marcelo Sure. If you (will ask/ask) nicely. I 6. Complete the conversations with
probably (‘m opening/will open) a beauty appropriate ways to talk about the
shop. future, using the words given. There
Carla Cool! It (will be/is going to be) fun! may be more than one possible answer.
4. Choose the correct verbs, and then complete
the sentences with your own ideas. (2,0) A So ___________ (you) ___________
(go away) this weekend?
a. When class is / will be over today, I’m going B Actually, we ___________ (go) on a
to __________________________________. boat trip on the lake on Saturday. The
weather report says it ___________
b. Before I go / I’ll go to bed tonight, I’ll (not/be) too windy. So yeah, it
probably ___________ (be) fun, I think.
__________________________________. A That sounds great. I’ve never done
c. Maybe I’ll that.
_____________________________________ B You’re kidding. Why don’t you come
next weekend if I have / I’ll have time. with us? The boat ___________ (leave)
at 9:00. I ___________ (call) my
d. When my English is / will be totally fluent, I brother and ask him to get you a ticket.
hope I’ll be able to _____________________. A OK. Sure. I ___________ (text) you
tomorrow when I get out of work.
e. If I earn/I’ll earn a lot of money in the next
B I ___________ (see) you there then!
ten years, I may _______________________.
7. Unscramble the questions. Then, look
5. A man is telling a friend about his plans for
at the pictures and answer the questions.
the evening. Underline the correct phrases to
complete the sentences. Sometimes both are
correct. (1,0) a) she / going / look for a job / to / after
graduation / Is?
Well, tonight I’m going to stop / I stop
to by the store on my way home. I need ________________________________
to get some stuff for dinner. I think I’ll
buy / I’m buying some past, and I’ll ________________________________
make / I make some garlic bread. That
sounds good. So, yeah, we eat / we’re
eating late tonight because I have / I’ll
b) he/What/going/next summer/is/do/to?
e) later this year/they/travel

_________________________________ ________________________________


8. Choose ONE topic (A or B) to talk

about. Write 30 words at la. (1,0)

A. My dream job.

B. Plans for this weekend.

c) California/they/think/to/you/move/will/Do? ______________________________________
_________________________________ ______________________________________
_________________________________ ______________________________________

d) is/What/goal/a year from now/her?



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