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Lesson & Activity Plan

Name: Kirsten den Elzen Date: 07/10/2015

Level: 3D VWO Sc!!l: "!navent#ra $!lle%e &!el!'arendsveen


Pupils’ interests, needs, level and background knoledge :


!ackground knoledge:
knoledge :
A" Lang

!" #kills:

$" $oncep cepts:

(e st#dents s!#ld )e a)le t! #nderstand te m#rder m*ster* c!nce+t, te %ame $l#ed! -!r $l#e
in En%lis. is 'airl* ell n!n ' te* d! n!t n! te c!nce+t  ill +r!vide tem it in'!rmati!n

Anticipated proble%s  !ack'up plan(

4 St#den
ts ma*
ma* n!t
n!t n!
n! at
at m#rd
er m*st
er* s!lvin
% is
is   Elicit e+lanati!ns 'r!m !ter

Overall ai%s o) t*e lesson are:

are :

• (! im+r!ve teir s+eain% sills it '!c#s !n acc#rac* and te #se !' te +ast tense
• (! im+r!ve
im+r!ve teir listenin% sills it re%ards t! listenin% '!r detail
• (! im+r!ve
im+r!ve teir critical tinin% sills it re%ards t! ' ilterin% #se'#l in'!rmati!n and
selectin% received in+#t

Learning outco%es:
outco%es :

 6t te end !' te

te less!n te learners
learners ill )e a)le
a)le t!

 6 8!se 9#esti!ns itit te %!al !' !)tainin%

!)tainin% te re9#ired
re9#ired in'!rmati!n in te c!ntet !' s!lvin%
a crime scene investi%ati!n
" se te +ast
+ast tense
tense in interr!%a
tive and
and a''irmat
ive '!rm
$ Listen in !rder
!rder t! !)tain
!)tain te in'!rmati!n
in'!rmati!n re%ardin% a scene, te learners ill )e a)le t! 'ilter
te in'!rmati!n te* receive
D se teir critic
al tinin%
tinin% sills
sills t! elicit
elicit in'!rmati!
in'!rmati!n n a)!#t a scene
Evidence o) ac*ieve%ent o) outco%es:

 al ar!#nd - monitoring . ilst te* c!mm#nicate it eac !ter a)!#t ali)ies m!tives and
cl#es  ill steer tem it lan%#a%e ere needed and %ive in+#t !n a++r!+riate v!ca)#lar* and
%rammar 6t te end !' te less!n te* ill rite d!n ic 9#esti!ns te* #sed t! elicit te
re9#ired in'!rmati!n  ill as !ne !' te )est st#dents t! tell me te 9#esti!ns s/e #sed !ne !'
te avera%e learners and !ne !' te l!er sc!rin% learners, tis s!#ld %ive a %!!d re'lecti!n
eter te learners ave )een ca+a)le t! acieve te !#tc!mes

+aterials & Teac*ing Aids:

• Wite)!ard marer 
• tt+s://*!#t#)ec!m/atc;v<(*V=9m*(#i  -$l#e intr! >? sec!nds.
• 8r!@ect!r
• 8$ -'!r te teacer t! s! vide!.

Out o) $lass Activities(



P*ase ./AT ./0 /O.

- Ti%e  Activity   Aim Task 

#tart up 4 Welc!me st#dents 4 (! mae tem 'eel $lass !r

5 mins elc!me in class
4 W!rd !' te da*: 4 (! learn a ne !rd
A*sti9#e ever* less!n and
)r!aden teir

Pre'activity I 4 S! vide! !n 4 (! activate +ri!r $lass !r

3 mins B!#(#)e -C$l#e intr!. n!led%e
4 (al a)!#t at e @#st
4 (! cec

Pre'activity  6 E+lain m#rder m*ster*  6 (! create $lass !r

II %ame #nderstandin% !'
10 mins assi%nment
" 6s 1 st#dent t!
s#mmarise at e " (! cec '!r
are %!in% t! d! #nderstandin%

$ 6s te class * e $ (! create

d! s#c an activit*, aareness !' te
at is te im+!rtance im+!rtance !'
at d! e learn 'r!m assi%nment and te
tis; %!als !' tis less!n
D 6s st#dents t! rite D (! create
d!n a n#m)er 'r!m aareness !' teir
!ne t! ten t! descri)e eanesses and
teir c!n'idence in teir  at e are %!in%
s+eain% a)ilit* and t! !r !n tis
at it is te* 'eel te* less!n 6t te end !' 
can/need t! im+r!ve te less!n tis
n#m)er ill )e
-+ers!nall*. t!
cec +ers!nal
im+r!vement and

E (eacer read !#t E 1 (! %et te

)ac%r!#nd in'!rmati!n st#dents interested
2 (! )#ild
atm!s+ere and

+ain'activity 4 S+lit %r!#+ in t!, te 4 (! %ive ever*)!d* a ndivid#al/

15420 mins m#rder m*ster* ill )e 'air !++!rt#nit* t! %r!#+
tain% +art in t! as 9#esti!ns and !r
%r!#+s at te same %ater teir
time d#e t! size One in'!rmati!n
!n te le't side !' te
classr!!m !ne !n te
4 (! +r!vide
4 and !#t C! am 
ever*)!d* it a
r!le and s! n!)!d*
'eels le't !#t )eind

4 6s st#dents at 4 (! activate +ri!r

tense te* ill ave t! n!led%e !' te
#se t! +!se 9#esti!ns +ast tense and t!
tat ill anser remind tem at
lan%#a%e is needed
-O#tc!me ".

4 Five st#dents a min#te 4 (! create m!re sel'4

t! tin !' 9#esti!ns t! esteem en
as enterin% a

4 St#dents as +e!+le in 4 S! te st#dents can

teir %r!#+ ! te* elicit in'!rmati!n
are and at ali)ies re%ardin% !
m!tives and cl#es te* m#rdered As
ave (e st#dents ill AcF!an (e
ave t! s+ea and learners ill +ractice
listen t! !)tain tis teir s+eain% and
in'!rmati!n listenin% sills
4 (eacer als ar!#nd -O#tc!me 6G$.
t! m!nit!r lan%#a%e
and t! el+/steer ere 4 1 (! m!nit!r
needed )eavi!#r and
lan%#a%e #sa%e
2 (! %ive direct
'eed)ac !n err!rs

Post'activity 4 6s +#+ils ! did it 4 (! see i' te* ave $lass !r
I and * tis +ers!n #sed teir tinin%
10 mins -m!tive ali)i and cl#e. sills -O#tc!me $.
4 Aae sced#le !n te
)!ard !' all te +e!+le: 4 (! create a vis#al
W! H 6li)i H A!tive H #nderstandin% !'
$l#e and 'ill in all te ! e %!t t! te
%a+s anser

4 St#dents rite d!n 4 1 (! cec '!r

9#esti!ns te* ave evidence
#sed in teir intervie 2 (! create
(eacer ass 3 aareness !' at
st#dents -as descri)ed as )een d!ne and
in te evidence !' acieved
!#tc!mes. '!r teir 3 (! create a
9#esti!ns sec!nd cance t!
+r!cess te
lan%#a%e #sed

4 6s st#dents at te* 4 (! create

ave learned tis aareness !' te
less!n 6s st#dents i' +racticed -s+eain%.
te* 'eel m!re sill and s! !
c!n'ident s+eain% te* can easil*
n! +ractice teir
s+eain% sills
(is als! cecs te
evidence !'
Murder Mystery!
Background information

+uring a school reunion a scream is heard from one of the classrooms. 0t1s $.23 &M. %
few minutes later the dead #ody of Miss 4li5a McGowan, a cranky old 4nglish
teacher, is found. *he has #een hit on the head. %lso found were a num#er of items
that may lead us to the killer: a #ook written #y one of her ex-students, *imon
+onnelly; a photograph of one of her fellow teachers, a young man called *aul *heen;
and a handkerchief with the initials 0.). %t the moment these are the three main
suspects #ut everyone who was at the party and saw or spoke to Miss McGowan needs
to #e 6uestioned.

 Mr. Green is Saul Sheen's father; he and Miss McGowan had a relationship in
 Miss McGowan has always kept it a secret but after the last argument with Saul she
 plans to tell him the truth. She tells Mr. Green about her plan and they argue. Louise
 King overhears them. Mr. Green is furious and it is he who follows Miss McGowan to
the classroom and hits her over the head. e wasn't in his office when everyone heard 
the scream! that's why when Saul Sheen knock ed on the door he got no answer.

Your name is Simon Donnelly ; you are an ex-student.

Memories of Miss McGowan: *he was a very tough teacher, she made you do extra
writing assignments and she said you had talent #ut you hated all the extra work. ut
now youre grateful, youre a writer, you have ust written a new #ook and you
dedicated it to Miss. McGowan.
"ast time you saw Miss. McGowan: You saw Miss McGowan at a#out  pm, you gave
her a copy of your new #ook and she was pleased.
)hen you heard the scream: You were talking to "ouise /ing, another ex-student.

Your name is Louise King; you are an ex-student.

Memories of Miss McGowan: You thought she was an old hag, you hated her class,
she gave too much homework, she made you hate school so you stopped going. You
didnt do your exams and now you work in a chicken factory. You think its all Miss
McGowans fault. Youre glad shes dead!
"ast time you saw Miss McGowan: You went outside for a cigarette at a#out $ pm,
you saw her with Mr. Green, it looked like they were arguing and it seemed serious.
%nyway, they were talking a#out someone called &aul or 'aul or something((.you
couldnt hear very well.
)hen you heard the scream: You were glad for the distraction; you were trying to
escape from #oring *imon +onnelly
Your name is Saul Seen; you are a teacher at the school.
7pinion of Miss McGowan: *he was a very serious woman, she wasnt easy to like.
"ast time you saw Miss McGowan: o#ody at school knows this #ut Miss McGowan
was your mother, she gave you up for adoption when you were a #a#y. You were
having an argument #ecause she wouldnt tell you who your father was. 0t was a#out
:23 pm.
)hen you heard the scream: You were looking for Mr. Green, the headmaster, you
knocked on his office door #ut there was no answer.

Your name is Ivan Williams; you are the caretaker at the school.
7pinion of Miss McGowan: You thought that she was a very classy lady; it surprised
you that she wasnt married. You wanted to invite her to dinner #ut you were afraid she
would say no.
"ast time you saw Miss McGowan: You saw her arguing with Mr. *heen. You never
liked him; he was always upsetting poor Miss McGowan. You went to see if she was
okay, you loaned her your handkerchief, you always carry one #ecause you have
)hen you heard the scream: You were cleaning the floor in the mens toilets.

Your name is Lily Simmons ; you are an ex-student.

Memories of Miss McGowan: *he was a very scary teacher, most of the students
worked hard #ecause they were afraid of her. You did very well in 4nglish and,
 #ecause of Miss McGowan, you are training to #e a teacher.
"ast time you saw Miss McGowan: You spoke to her #riefly at a#out :89, you were
telling her a#out your studies; she didnt seem interested, she kept looking around, then
she saw Mr. Green and said she had to go. You thought she was a #it rude.
)hen you heard the scream: You were dancing in the *ports all with some of the
other ex-students

Your name is Edward Green, you are the headmaster at the school.
7pinion of Miss McGowan: You have known Miss McGowan since you were #oth
students in college, you thought she was a wonderful woman, you will miss her very
"ast time you saw Miss McGowan: You were very #usy this evening, you didnt see
Miss McGowan.
)hen you heard the scream: You were in your office working on the computer.
Your name is %atricia Woods, you are a teacher at the school.
7pinion of Miss McGowan: *he was a good teacher #ut she didnt have very many
"ast time you saw Miss McGowan: *he was walking to her classroom, it was a#out
$:=9 pm and she looked upset. You think she was crying; she was wiping her eyes
with a handkerchief.
)hen you heard the scream: You were serving drinks with some of the other
teachers in the *ports all.

Your name is "anice $arroll , you are a teacher at the school.

7pinion of Ms. McGowan: You only ust started at the school so you didnt really
know Ms. McGowan.
"ast time you saw Ms. McGowan: You didnt see Ms. McGowan at all.
)hen you heard the scream: You were talking to some of the other new teachers in
the *ports all.

Your name is Mike #ewell, you are an ex-student.

7pinion of Ms. McGowan: *he wasnt one of your teachers when you were at
school #ut you always heard from your friends that she was very strict.
"ast time you saw Ms. McGowan: 4arly in the evening, the party was ust starting.
)hen you heard the scream: You were getting something to drink in the *ports

Your name is "udy all, you are an ex-student.

7pinion of Ms. McGowan: *he was very strict, not ver y friendly, most of the
students were afraid of her.
"ast time you saw Ms. McGowan: )hen you arrived at the party, #efore  pm.
)hen you heard the scream: You were in the *ports all dancing with an old
school friend, "ily *immons.

Your name is al "onson, you are the receptionist at the school.
7pinion of Ms. McGowan: *he was a polite woman, not very friendly #ut you
didnt have any pro#lems with her.
"ast time you saw Ms. McGowan: <his afternoon while we were ge tting ready for
the party. You arrived late for the party and you didnt see her all evening.
)hen you heard the scream: You were washing your hands in the mens room.

Your name is Lucy Marsall , you are an old colleague of Ms. McGowan.
7pinion of Ms. McGowan: )hen they were younger you would go out for drinks
together with Ms. McGowan and Mr. Green; she was a strict teacher #ut a lov ely
"ast time you saw Ms. McGowan: at the #eginning of the party you spoke a#out
the past for a while, you also spoke a#out how your paths had separated.
)hen you heard the scream: you were getting something to drink in the *ports all
+urder +ystery
Iill in te seet and 'ind !#t ! m#rdered As AcF!an

.*o Alibi +otive $lue

Patricia Woods

 s!lved itJ  did itJ

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