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Networking Beyond Limits

mobile business
The World of SURPASS

SURPASS – Networking Beyond Limits

Voice-data success solutions for building the Next Generation Internet

Network Solutions
Virtual Trunking
The solution for VolP backboning
Carrier Class Dial-in
RAS solutions for multi-ISP networks
Next Generation Local Switch
Solutions for user connection to your network
Multimedia Applications
Innovative open and flexible services for your network

Product Families
Intelligence for the Next Generation Internet

High-speed signaling on the IP super-highway
Gateways where voice and data meet
Resource Server: announcements and dialogues

page 3 Make your Business Mobile
page 4 Bitrate Boom – The Data Traffic Explosion
page 5 Revenue Boom – The Voice-Data Business
page 6 Next Generation Internet
page 8 The SURPASS Network Solutions:
■ Virtual Trunking

■ Carrier Class Dial-in

■ Next Generation Local Switch

■ Multimedia Applications

page 12 The SURPASS Products

page 16 Overall Next Generation Internet Management
page 18 Siemens the Allround Solution Provider
page 20 Glossary
page 22 Further Information
page 23 Abbreviations

Make your Business mobile

The Internet is fast becoming an integral Siemens Information and Communication In particular in the area of IP convergence net-
aspect of many business processes. This is Networks is making the Next Generation work carriers today are facing significant and
presenting companies and network operators Internet into today’s first-class standard. To dramatic changes in the world of voice and
with new challenges as mobility becomes a do this, it deploys data telecommunications, which are driven by
key factor of business success. the increase in competition, bursting traffic
■ IP convergence – High quality services volumes in IP networks and growing demand
Mobile business demands appropriate and applications are opening up new busi- for innovative services. To built on these
infrastructures, services and applications so ness opportunities trends and turn them into revenue opportuni-
that you can communicate and work from any ties is the prime challenge for next generation
location, via any network and in any situation. ■ IP routing for carriers – IP power for the internetworking.
By telephone, PC, TV or mobile phone – via Next Generation Internet: high speed rou-
cable or cordless links – in the office, at home ters carry data efficiently and intelligently to SURPASS®provides a complete set of suc-
or on the move. its destination cessful voice-data solutions for building the
Next Generation Internet. The SURPASS solu-
Siemens is the only company which offers a ■ Broadband access – The fastest and most tions capitalize on the economies of scale of
complete range of products and services for economical route to the Next Generation an all-IP infrastructure while preserving all the
your mobile business, thereby meeting the Internet: networks with the greatest band- voice intelligence of real-time networks.
extreme demands for communication and width for all types of access and for every
information solutions for both the present and service SURPASS is founded upon a modular, stan-
the future. The basis for this is the Next dard-based open architecture that is ready to
Generation Internet which offers powerful ■ Optical networking – Unlimited band- provide flexible and customizable multimedia
networks, systems, solutions and services, width and maximum capacity for the super- applications. Full administrative control of
combining the best of data and voice commu- highways of the future each component under a cross-domain
nication. management umbrella is another important
■ Integration, services and applications – aspect of these solutions.
Optimize business processes with integra-
ted solutions and services SURPASS takes the booming telecommu-
nications market beyond its limits and
meets the challenges of IP-converged
voice and data communications.

Bitrate Boom –

the Data Traffic Explosion

Today’s globally generated data traffic has Total Average Bitrate (Gbit/s)
about the same volume as voice traffic in 150,000
networks. This, however, is on the verge of
Data Traffic
changing. The ever growing number of IP-
based applications will drive the total data 100,000 Voice Traffic
traffic to exceed voice traffic by far in the
near future.


1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

Fig. Traffic expansion in voice and data networks
Source: Siemens Information and Communication Networks; own research

. . . b u t M o n e y s t i l l Ta l k s

Voice is the key revenue generator 35%

Despite the increasing importance of IP net-


works in terms of ”traffic volume,” operator

revenues today are still dominated by voice 24%
services ... and this is not likely to change

any time soon.

”The money is in voice” – no matter what
underlying network technology is used for

transport. Therefore carriers combining their

voice revenues with the economy of scale
and flexibility of the IP network will be per-

fectly positioned to benefit from both worlds


of voice and data. However, simple, basic call

voice capabilities will hardly be sufficient. Data
(Fixed Lines)
Revenues in Billion US$ 1998 2001 2004

Fig. Carrier’s voice and data revenues

Source: Gartner Dataquest 10/2000
Revenue Boom –
the Voice-Data Business
T h e R e v e n u e S t a i r w a y o f Vo i c e S e r v i c e s

To ensure lucrative voice business, the carrier Therefore the second step offers those voice-
must move beyond the ”first step on the user services that are common in today’s net-
revenue stairway”, that is the level of basic works and are operating successfully. The third
call facilities. This initial step of voice network step, coming after this level of service deploy-
services, including full call routing, charging, ment, involves provision of unique value-
signaling and interconnection capabilities, pro- added voice-data service for end-users,
vides the mandatory basis for more advanced which means finally crossing the threshold of
functions. An operator, however, would still today's standards, securing future revenues
run the risk of loosing service revenues. and gaining the edge on the competition.

IP-VPN, e-commerce,
Unified Messaging, Virtual
2nd Line, Phone to Internet
Interworking (PINT), etc.

Intelligent Networking,
Call Waiting, Call Completion
Services, Call Screening,
Conference Calls, VPN, Voice
Mail, etc.

Basic Voice Calls with

Network Features:
Charging, Routing, Signaling,
Traffic Measurements, etc.

Next Generation Internet

H i g h l y F l e x i b l e I P N e t w o r k s M e e t F e a t u r e - r i c h Vo i c e N e t w o r k s

Voice and data networks today can be seen The main characteristics of the Next ■ Open platforms:
as two separate entities. One is the switched Generation Internet: to support competitive markets for NGI
PSTN/ISDN network, which provides high- components.
quality and real-time services. The other com- ■ Distributed functionality: ■ Mediation technologies:
prises packet-based networks, in particular to flexibly adapt to changing environments, to interconnect circuit-switched fixed and
best-effort Internet with cost-efficient data- providing for selective evolution of individu- mobile networks to the NGI as well as to
services, such as e-mail, file transfer and al NGI components. mediate between the NGI and any access
World Wide Web. In order to attract voice- ■ Centralized intelligence: technology, whether it be traditional or IP-
data business on a large scale, the Next to quickly and flexibly introduce new based.
Generation Internet (NGI) converges these revenue-generating services.
two worlds into one. ■ IP-based backbone:
to efficiently support the rapidly growing
The NGI architecture implements the recom- variety of voice-data media streams, requi-
mendations of the Multiservice Switching ring differentiation in terms of assigned
Forum (MSF), the international forum of lea- bandwidth and Quality of Service.
ding operators and suppliers.


Intelligent Network Multimedia

SCP NGI Management

Call Feature Server

Signaling & Media Gateway Controller
NGI Control

IP Recource
Media Server Media
Gateways Gateways

IP Backbone
NGI Core
@ccess VoDSL


Voice Online IP Phones

Multiservice IP Clients IP PBX
NGI Access

Fig. Next Generation Internet architecture

Next Generation Internet Building Blocks

NGI control NGI core NGI access

The intelligence to control voice, data and The NGI core provides the trunking capabilities Future access technologies utilize customer
multimedia services and features resides in in the Next Generation Internet including the premises equipment based on IP clients which
Media Gateway Controllers, Call Feature mediation technologies to connect existing cir- natively create voice in form of IP packages.
Servers and Signaling Gateways. The hundreds cuit-switched networks to the IP backbone. Typical examples of such IP access clients are
of valuable and existing voice features including The Media Gateways provide direct interfaces IP-based PBXs, IP-phones, as well as Voice
Intelligent Network capabilities are made availa- to the TDM bearer trunks of the fixed and mobi- Online PCs using standardized protocols, such
ble to all users in the Next Generation Internet, le voice world, and convert the TDM media as H.323 and SIP.
whether it be an IP-client, a multiservice access streams into IP packets. Equally important for the NGI access are multi-
unit, or a traditional voice subscriber. These Media Gateways, deployed in large num- service access units, providing the complete
Furthermore, in order to provide new end-user bers at the edge of the NGI, purposely do not portfolio of access services, e.g. xDSL broad-
applications, NGI control is accessed via open have the intelligence of the Media Gateway band, VoDSL and traditional voice subscriber
programming interfaces. Controller and simply work as mediation devi- services (POTS/ISDN). It consolidates all traffic
In its role as Signaling Gateway the NGI control ces. They are unable to handle the network onto IP backbones under control of the Call
acts as the logical interface to the signaling of intelligence and hence to control voice-data Feature Servers and Media Gateway
today's voice world, using among others the (multimedia) services. Controllers.
signaling system SS7 and the INAP as stand- Intelligent gateways would require a permanent
ardized signaling protocols. update of user, service and network informa-
As a Media Gateway Controller, the NGI control tion, which would ultimately lead to an almost NGI management
provides the necessary intelligence to the unmanageable network and would prevent
media gateways via standardized open "media rapid introduction of new value-added services. Management of the NGI is done by a Service
gateway control protocols" such as MGCP and The NGI core also hosts IP-based resource ser- and Network Management System (S&NMS),
MEGACO. vers, that provide announcements and user which provides end-to-end management across
interactive dialogs for VoIP/IP telephony under all NGI building blocks.
the control of the Call Feature Server. The Domain management – with open north-bound
resource server can act as the Intelligent interfaces and cross-domain functions – effi-
Peripheral in an NGI Intelligent Network as well. ciently performs service provisioning for mass
deployment and network/service fault and per-
formance supervision.

The SURPASS Network Solutions

Reducing Costs
V i r t u a l Tr u n k i n g

The Next Generation Internet is the complete These network requirements are addressed How in the world can you cope with growing
solution for the ongoing evolution of networks by four major solutions: voice traffic in your TDM-based voice net-
that operators are facing today. It not only work?
meets the challenges of today's traffic growth, ■ Virtual Trunking You have to invest more, but how...?
but ensures future-proof investment into a ■ Carrier Class Dial-in What is the most cost-effective way to
network that knows no limits when it comes ■ Next Generation Local Switch expand your long distance transit resources?
to voice, data and multimedia services and ■ Multimedia Applications Why don't you make use of a globally explo-
applications. Irrespective of today's demands ding infrastructure for PSTN-PSTN communi-
of individual carriers, the Next Generation cation between local networks?
Internet offers specific solutions to specific
evolutionary requirements, while securing
revenues and resulting in high profitability. Large-scale Voice over IP networks

With the SURPASS Virtual Trunking net-

work solution ”Voice over IP” changes from
a small-scale entry approach into a large-scale
carrier reality – with full support of all the
capabilities that ensure a steady stream of
voice revenues based on a fully IP-based net-
Signaling and Media
work infrastructure!
Gateway Controller &
Call Feature Server




Signaling Gateway







Switch Switch

Switch Switch

STP IP Resource STP

Switch Switch
SS7 Server SS7
ar arer
er be

Media Gateway Media Gateway

(VoIP) (VoIP)
IP Core Network

Fig. Virtual Trunking – the network solution

Carrier Class Dial-in

RAS solutions for multi-ISP networks

Are you being asked to provide an inadequa- And finally, do you only have limited influence In the Next Generation Internet, carriers will
te amount of PSTN network resources to over this process since each ISP or corporate offload the dial-in modem traffic from the
your growing number of Internet surfers? IP network provider is positioning and operat- TDM network via efficient‚ no calls lost distri-
Is your circuit-switched network, which was ing its own RAS equipment beyond your bution to shared Remote Access Server
engineered for ”voice,” occupied with lengthy control? equipment – SURPASS Carrier Class Dial-in
modem connections? already offers that service today on a whole-
Dial-in Internet connections are routed sale basis for multiple ISPs in the network!
through several planes of your PSTN network
before they finally reach the RAS of an ISP …
… is the RAS often overloaded and the user
getting a busy signal again?

Media Gateway Controller &

Call Feature Server

SS7 Signaling
Gateway AAA


Switch trunk
Virtual Ports
trunk for ISPs and
Switch IP Core Network

Media Gateways

Fig. Carrier Class Dial-in – the solution for multi-ISP networks

The SURPASS Network Solutions

Boosting Revenues
Next Generation Local Switch

Do you have customers, who are mobile The Next Generation Local Switch
business globetrotters?
Why don’t you make them feel at home, With SURPASS and Attane™, the Siemens
wherever they happen to be in the world … multiservice access solution, the Next
… with direct IP access to the NGI? Generation Local Switch is built upon IP.
Wouldn’t you want to get a share of the It connects the large base of today’s sub-
huge voice revenue cake without a TDM scribers, IP clients and Integrated Access
network? Devices that feature the full range of today’s
We show you how it’s done right here! services and applications in combination with
the latest xDSL and Voice over DSL (VoDSL)
access technologies.

Media Gateway Controller &

Call Feature Server

IP Clients via
any Networks
Existing Terminals and CPE
via Multiservice Access
P/M IP Resource
PBX AC Server
PRI IP SW Clients
IP Phones IP PBX

IP Backbone


POTS, ISDN Media Gateways

Fig. Next Generation Local Switch – the network solution

Multimedia Applications

Could it be that your competitors are taking Multimedia Applications

away your customers?
Could it be because they have a more attrac- The SURPASS solution Multimedia
tive set of services and features than you? Applications allows rapid creation and
Why not get ahead of them … with new implementation of new end-user applications
voice-data (multimedia) applications and by utilizing and combining Application
secure a base of loyal customers? Building Blocks. Convenient, open applica-
tion interfaces give access to these Appli-
cation Building Blocks optimizing application
creation in a most flexible and efficient way.


Open the Internet to the World e-mail HTML

of Multimedia Applications
with Application Building Blocks! Internet Application Building Blocks

Application Building
Blocks with open APIs

Media Gateway Controller

& Call Feature Server


Fig. Multimedia Applications – the network solution

The SURPASS Products ...

SURPASS takes the booming networking At the core of this architecture, the SURPASS hiR is a powerful and feature-rich
SURPASS hiQ performs voice call and fea- carrier-grade IP resource server, which pro-
segment beyond its limits to meet the ture control and, with the powerful signaling vides announcements and user-interactive
capabilities of the SURPASS hiS, provides dialogues in the Next Generation Internet.
challenges of converged voice and data interconnection to various networks.
SURPASS hiQ controls gateway products at All SURPASS components are managed by
communications. SURPASS introduces a the edge of the network such as the the NetManager as a comprehensive
SURPASS hiG family of media gateways. management solution – driven by the opera-
next generation network architecture for tor’s business.

merging the advantages of a packet-

oriented, multimedia-capable data net-

work with the complete voice intelligen-

ce of traditional real-time networks.

Open API to 3rd Party



LDAP Server NetManager

CO AAA Server




P /M
VoIP RAS RAS/VoIP Multiservice Access
Universal Port

... to Take Your Network Beyond Limits


The SURPASS hiQ Call Feature The SURPASS hiS is a power- The SURPASS hiR is a fully IP-
Server and Media Gateway ful and versatile standalone based resource server, that
Controller is the brain of all NGI multiprotocol signaling gate- provides announcements and
network solutions, providing fea- way. It is available to handle SS7 over TDM user interactive dialogues for VoIP / IP tele-
ture rich VoIP and RAS applications for IP-con- and SS7 over IP. This bridges the gap between phony. It is controlled by the SURPASS hiQ
verged networks. It implements control of existing TDM networks, IN platforms and the Call Feature Server and acts as Intelligent
gateways and resource servers and it coordi- Next Generation IP-network. SURPASS hiS is Peripheral in an NGI Intelligent Network as
nates the network intelligence provided based on an advanced multiprocessor system well.
throughout the different members of the with the highest possible performance and
SURPASS hiQ product family. Optionally it reliability.
also includes the functionality of a multiproto- NetManager™:
col signaling gateway if not deployed in a
stand-alone fashion through the SURPASS hiS. SURPASS hiG™: The NetManager is a domain

manager for NGI networks

The SURPASS hiQ Open Service The SURPASS hiG media gate- which supports:
Platform is the key-platform for ways represent the highly reliable
NGI Multimedia Applications. mediation elements between the ■ business management, such as customer
In combination with the Call circuit-switched voice networks and the core care or umbrella management,
Feature Server / Media Gateway Controller it IP network. They provide both Voice over IP ■ service and network management based
offers open programming interfaces in several (VoIP) and dial-in (RAS, LAC) functionality on a complete set of element management
application building blocks allowing the rapid using universal ports. Individual media functions,
and flexible implementation of new innovative streams can be assigned different levels of ■ end-to-end provisioning of solutions (includ-
end-user applications, and help the operator Quality of Service. The SURPASS hiG media ing network pre-configuration and real
gain additional revenues. gateways use a cost-effective trunk-interface time activation) for mass rollout, and
to interconnect with circuit-switched voice ■ alarm surveillance and performance super-
The SURPASS hiQ family also com- networks and are controlled by the vision.
prises several supporting server SURPASS hiQ media gateway controller.
platforms for various tasks. The
SURPASS hiQ AAA server plays a crucial
role for the NGI network solution Carrier
Class Dial-in when it comes to performing
authentication, authorization and accounting
for carrier-grade identification of dial-in users.
The SURPASS hiQ Gatekeeper provides the
registration and routing functionality for the
Next Generation Local Switch solution to
make IP clients part of the Next Generation
Internet. The SURPASS hiQ directory server
supports the AAA server and Gatekeeper by
means of a centralized LDAP user data base,
especially in containing the user profiles of
the authorized dial-in users and registered
H.323 subscribers.

Additional Products ...

... for Building the Next

Multiservice Access Core and edge networking

Multiservice access is a decisive part of the The SURPASS network solutions based on
NGI architecture. The access solution family the SURPASS product family are strongly
Attane complements the SURPASS network supported by powerful routers from
solutions. Unisphere Networks, Inc., a Siemens com-
pany. They ensure the highest possible level
of Quality of Service in the IP backbone.

Attane encompasses a set of large-scale ERX-700/1400

multiservice access solutions with carrier-
grade design and availability; providing a The Siemens Unisphere Solutions’ Edge
complete portfolio of access services such Routing Switch (ERX) is a leading edge pro-
as xDSL broadband access, and VoDSL. It duct specifically designed to address unique
connects any type of CPEs like innovative IP edge network requirements in a carrier and
phones, PC clients and Integrated Access service provider environment. With support
Devices as well as traditional voice subscri- for features like policy management, service
bers’ telephone sets (POTS/ISDN). adaptation to IP, statistics harvesting, and
specialized accounting capabilities needed to
deliver Service Level Agreements (SLAs), the
ERX is the complete edge solution for servi-
ce providers building IP-optimized networks.


With its new family of combined IP/ATM

Core Routing Switches (CRX), Siemens
Unisphere Solutions addresses the needs of
the carriers’ core networks of the future.
Combining state-of-the-art wirespeed IP-rout-
ing and switching with high-speed, reliable
ATM traffic of high throughput, the CRX is an
optimal supplement for the upcoming band-
width hungry backbone networks.

Generation Internet



The talkgem client is a H.323 PC software

client that allows the user to turn the PC into
an advanced, intelligent and user-friendly IP
phone terminal. Talkgem supports over 100
voice features, IP Centrex features and data
communication services as well. The applica-
tion comprises several digital directories for
storing important data about numerous part-

optiPoint 300™

The IP telephone optiPoint 300 advance

allows voice communication over IP data net-
works. The vision of converging networks
becomes reality with the optiPoint 300
advance. Through use of the H.323 standard
it is possible to communicate directly with all
IP-based terminals and systems.

HiPath 5500™

The Siemens SURPASS solution also pro-

vides an H.323 based interworking with the
Siemens HiPath product family. HiPath is an
enterprise solution for corporate IP network
communication and provides the whole
range of IP communication devices, e.g.
phones, gatekeepers, or servers, already
being implemented in several enterprise

Overall Next Generation Internet Management

Au t o m a t e d S e r v i c e P r o v i s i o n i n g f o r S U R PA S S

Comprehensive management solution –

driven by the operator’s business Operations process automation Integration – made easy

Business-driven management solutions are The NetManager, with its value-added appli- Open interfaces are implemented on standard
crucial for network operators, carriers and cations, provides full process automation sup- technologies such as CORBA, SNMP and FTP.
ISPs to ensure high-quality network operation port for the SURPASS OA&M tasks. The information handled via the dialog inter-
and mass roll-out of new services. Using the The OA&M effort in daily operations can be faces is based on profile technology and re-
SURPASS domain manager NetManager and reduced significantly – for both voice and con- duced to a minimum. This guarantees rapid
well-established cross-domain management verged services. and complete integration into existing
functions for multi-vendor networks, Siemens management solutions.
can provide:

■ End-to-end provisioning solutions including

network pre-configuration and real-time
activation. Interfaces to Business Management
■ Alarm surveillance and performance super-
vision including QoS for service level Cross-domain Management
Domain Management Domain Management
SURPASS Core Network


SURPASS hiQ 6-20



Enterprises / IP Core Network

SoHo / End-user Attane
Multiservice Access

Fig. Multiservice network management

Centralized and distributed OA&M

Access from anywhere in the world for opera- The front and back office concept enables the
tions personnel is already reality with operator to reduce the number of specialists
NetManager – including security for OA&M needed, while regular personnel handle the
infrastructure. daily mass business.

Business Management (Customer Care, Umbrella Management, etc.)


Applications Service Management Network


- Fault Management - Security Management

- Configuration Management - Test Management
- Accounting Management



Fig. Operation process automation

Siemens the Allround Solution Provider

Business success Network engineering System integration

Siemens has learned from experience that Siemens can carry out network design, net- Thanks to the total commitment to open inter-
purchasing the right product doesn’t guaran- work planning and network optimization for faces and Siemens worldwide experience as a
tee the operator business success, especially the operator. Site surveys, station- and site telecommunication systems integrator, we can
in the dynamic networking market. Proper layout planning accelerate on-site installation support our customers to achieve fast and seam-
integration of the product in the network, work and DCN planning ensures seamless less interworking of the new products with
training of staff and professional support by integration of your network with existing existing other vendor’s equipment.
the product supplier are just as important. infrastructure.
Siemens as a leading solution provider with If the operator decides to handle those tasks
worldwide success and experience knows on his own, Siemens can help by supplying Project support
about the importance of those factors and specialists with the appropriate engineering
makes sure of the operator’s business suc- guidelines. Professional project management in close coope-
cess. ration with all parties involved ensures that your
If the operator decides to handle those tasks project goals are achieved within the given time,
by his own Siemens can help the operators budget and quality framework. Customized solu-
Pre-decision support specialists with the appropriate engineering tions and project-specific modifications can be
guidelines. realized on demand to comply with specific
In a new and extremely dynamic market requirements imposed by your clients. Usually
especially, it is crucial to have experienced the project support ends with official acceptance
partners one can rely on. Siemens, with its of the system by the operator. In certain cases
worldwide expertise, supports its customers that support may even last longer.
by using its market research abilities. We help
calculate and compare business cases and
financing models.

Project resources Operational assistance

Siemens offers professional target-group Professional organization of the assistance

tailored training courses to prepare the va- during operation of the network is a must in
rious participants for their tasks. The courses order to handle tasks such as hotline support,
can be held in classrooms, at the workplace or updates, repair and replacement. Usually the
via PC. different complexity levels of the service are
By offering to involve its own experts for pro- split between the operator, the local Siemens
ject realization, installation and commissioning agency and the Siemens center of competen-
or acceptance testing, Siemens can help the ce for the specific product.
operator save up on human resources. Interworking of the different organizations
involved is usually defined in a service con-
tract between Siemens and the operator. This
is a vital element of the after sales package
offered as part of our total solutions.


AAA Carrier Class Dial-in Multimedia Applications

Set of functions on the RAS providing Au- Network solution which offloads the dial-in New, innovative applications for end-users,
thentication, Authorization and Accounting for Internet traffic from the TDM network. converging voice, video and data services.
system and network resources. They can be created by combining several
IP clients Application Building Blocks together with
Application Building Blocks End-users using voice and data services, con- Internet services, like e-mail, WebHosting,
Entities on the SURPASS hiQ that provide nected via IP to the core network. e-commerce, etc.
the necessary functionality for the implemen-
tation of new innovative multimedia applica- IP routers NetManager
tions. Each building block provides an open Form the distributed, IP-based switching Siemens management solution for SURPASS.
application programming interface. fabric between ingress and egress Media
Examples of such Application Building Blocks Gateways and transport the signaling informa- Next Generation Internet
are: callsetup bloc, internetbusy bloc, con- tion between Media Gateways, Media Future-proof universal IP-based network pro-
ference bloc, etc. Gateway Controller and Signaling Gateway. viding voice and data services.

Attane ISP Next Generation Local Switch

Siemens multiservice access solutions, provi- Company that provides Internet access to Network solution which replaces the local
ding xDSL broadband, VoDSL and traditional other companies and individuals. exchange level of the TDM network by the
POTS/ISDN via a/b lines. Next Generation Internet providing access to
Media Gateway IP clients and to existing POTS/ISDN via a/b
Cross-domain Management A device that terminates circuit switched and lines.
The management of multi-vendor and multi- packet network media streams and transfers
technology networks. the media between packet (e.g. IP) and RADIUS
switched networks for both modem calls and Protocol for managing an AAA database on a
CRX Voice over IP. server.
Core switch router from Unisphere Networks,
Inc., a Siemens company. Media Gateway Controller RAS
Performs call and connection control for a A platform that provides dial-in (modem and
ERX number of separate voice or other multimedia ISDN access) for connecting to data net-
Edge switch router from Unisphere channels. It provides interworking of signaling works. It terminates TDM access line and pro-
Networks, Inc., a Siemens company. and call control between various circuit and vides the packet-based access to the data
packet switched networks and provides value network/Internet.
Gatekeeper adding services.
Platform providing AAA services to IP clients, Resource Point
in particular for number translation and autho- Provides tones, announcements, and user-
rization. interactive dialogues for voice calls in the
Next Generation Internet.

Database that provides information necessary Siemens stand-alone SS7 Signaling Gateway.
for special call processing and routing, includ-
ing 800 and 900 call services, credit and calls, TDM
local number portability, and advanced call Technique in which information from multiple
center applications. channels can be allocated on a single wire
based on pre-assigned time slots.
Worldwide standard for Common channel sig- Virtual Trunking
naling system. Network solution which replaces the transit
exchange level of the TDM network by Voice
SS7 Signaling Gateway over IP trunks in the Next Generation Internet.
Terminates SS7 (or other) signaling links. It
maintains only enough information about VoDSL
MTP states to manage the protocol interfaces Provides multiple voice interfaces and a high
up to layer 3. The information starting with bitrate data interface to the end-user over one
layer 4 (e.g. ISUP, SCCP) is delivered to the single copper pair using xDSL technology.
Media Gateway Controller for processing.
SURPASS Technology that provides a high bitrate data
The Siemens voice-data solution for the Next and a voice interface to the end-user over a
Generation Internet. single copper pair (with different flavors:
Siemens product line for Media Gateways.

Siemens call and feature server including
Media Gateway Controller, Signaling Gateway
and Application Building Blocks.

Siemens IP Resource Server for tones,
announcements and dialogues.

Further Information about SURPASS
For more brochures please contact our info-center at:
or visit our website at:

S U R PA S S N e t w o r k S o l u t i o n s

Virtual Trunking Carrier Class Dial-in Next Generation Multimedia Applications

Local Switch

S U R PA S S P r o d u c t Fa m i l i e s



AAA Authentication, Authorization, POTS Plain Old Telephone Service

Accounting PRI Primary Rate Interface
ACP Access Control Protocol PSTN Public Switched Telephone
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Network
Line QoS Quality of Service
API Application Programming RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In
Interface User Service
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode RAS Remote Access Server
CORBA COmmon Request Broker S&NMS Service & Network
Architecture Management System
CPE Customer Premises Equipment SCP Service Control Point
DCN Data Communication Network SCCP Signaling Connection Control
FTP File Transfer Protocol Part
H.323 ITU-T recommendation for VoIP SDSL Symmetric Digital Subscriber
protocol Line
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language SIP Session Initiation Protocol
IN Intelligent Network SLA Service Level Agreement
INAP IN Application Part SNMP Simple Network Management
IP Internet Protocol Protocol
ISDN Integrated Services Digital SS7 Signaling System No. 7
Network STP Signaling Transfer Point
ISP Internet Service Provider TDM Time Division Multiplexing
ISUP ISDN User Part (e.g. PCM 30)
L2TP Layer2 Tunneling Protocol TV TeleVision
LAC L2TP Access Concentrator VDSL Very high bitrate Digital
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Subscriber Line
Protocol VoDSL Voice over DSL
MEGACO MEdia GAteway COntrol VoIP Voice over IP
protocol VPN Virtual Private Network
MGCP Media Gateway Control xDSL high-bitrate variants of Digital
Protocol Subscriber Line
MSF MultiService Forum
MTP Message Transfer Part
NGI Next Generation Internet
OA&M Operation, Administration &
PBX Private Branch eXchange
PC Personal Computer
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network

Turn IP Convergence into Reality!

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GM registration. Distribution and technical alterations
or send us an e-mail to: remain subject to change. All hardware and software names
are trademarks and/or brandnames of their respective manu- facturers.

© 2001 Siemens AG Information and Communication Networks Reference No.: A50001-N2-W25-1-7600

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CS SIE_769_00 WS 03015.0

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