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Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome © 2015 Italian Area Group of the Society for Psychotherapy Research

2015, Vol. 18, No. 1, 21–31 ISSN 2239-8031 DOI: 10.7411/RP.2014.022

Can Myers-Briggs Dimensions

Predict Therapy Outcome?
Differences in the Thinking-Feeling Function Pair
in Cognitive Therapy for Depression/Anxiety
Jeremy Jinkerson1, Audrey Masilla1 & Raymond C. Hawkins II2

Abstract. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is sometimes used to predict

therapy outcome and select the therapeutic modality, but the empirical basis for
these uses is minimal. In the current study, psychological type (assessed by the
MBTI) and initial functioning (assessed by Global Assessment of Functioning
[GAF]) were used to predict the therapy outcome, as measured by the change in
GAF within a sample of outpatient clients (N = 525) receiving cognitive therapy.
Hierarchical regression and logistic regression were used to identify whether the 16
MBTI psychological types and/or which dichotomous attitude and function pairs
best predicted the psychotherapy outcome. The Thinking-Feeling function was
found to be a significant predictor of the cognitive therapy outcome, such that indi-
viduals who preferred Thinking demonstrated greater improvement in GAF than
individuals who preferred Feeling. However, when initial GAF was included in the
regression, Thinking-Feeling was no longer a significant outcome predictor. Four-
letter personality type was not a significant predictor of the psychotherapy out-
come. Overall, the results indicated that individuals who preferred the Thinking
function showed greater benefit from cognitive therapy than individuals who pre-
ferred Feeling, and they underscored the importance of a thorough initial assess-
ment of adaptive functioning.
Keywords: Personality, Psychotherapy, Outcome

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one of others and the world (Jung, 1921/1971; Myers,
the most widely used measures of normal personali- McCaulley, Quenk, & Hammer, 1998). In the
ty. It uses forced choice questions to identify re- MBTI model, all people possess psychological types,
spondents’ preferences on four attitude and func- and there are no types besides the 16 identified
tion pairs based upon Jungian psychology (i.e., Ex- combinations (see Appendix A). Likewise, each
traversion-Introversion, Sensing-Intuition, Think- psychological type is associated with a profile ex-
ing-Feeling, and Judging-Perceiving). These four planation, such that if one’s psychological type is
individual preferences are combined to form re- known, it is theoretically possible to predict how he
spondents’ four-letter personality types. The MBTI or she will respond across situations (Myers et al.,
personality types are called psychological types, 1998). For example, people with Introversion-
which indicate that individuals with similar types Sensing-Thinking-Judging (ISTJ) preferences are
have similar approaches toward interacting with described as logical, practical, problem solvers, ded-
icated to organizations and traditional rules, and
very responsible in their decision making (Myers et
Fielding Graduate University al., 1998).
Fielding Graduate University and University of Texas at Jungian-oriented clinicians sometimes use the

Correspondence concerning this article should be ad- MBTI to predict the therapy course and to select
dressed to Jeremy Jinkerson, Fielding Graduate Universi- the therapeutic modality based upon psychological
ty. E-mail: type (Janowsky, 1999; Myers et al., 1998; Myers, jinkerson@em
Jinkerson et al 22

McCaulley, Quenk, & Hammer, 2009; Ogrod- hypothesis has not been rejected outright (Beutler,
niczuk, Piper, Joyce, McCallum, & Rosie, 2003; 1991; Capsi & Bell, 2004; Smith & Sechrest, 1991).
Provost, 1993). However, research validating the The present study evaluated the relative merits of
MBTI for this purpose is limited, unreplicated, un- the MBTI in predicting the cognitive therapy out-
published, or non-empirical (Fairbanks, 1987; come. Despite using some minor diagnostic exclu-
Giroux, 1979; Graff, 1976; Janowsky, 1999; Vilas, sionary criteria, the current study did not focus on
1988). To ensure effective clinical services, research one diagnostic subcategory, which ensured suffi-
evaluating therapy outcomes for different perso- cient power to identify the small effects of psycho-
nality/psychological types are essential. The present logical type.
study addressed this discrepancy between practice
and evidence by evaluating the MBTI’s utility in Using Personality Measures to Predict Therapy
predicting the cognitive therapy outcome. Outcome

Psychotherapy Outcome Predictors Several studies have found that individuals respond
differently to certain therapies according to the
Several important predictors of the psychotherapy MBTI attitude and function pairs. First, Graff
outcome have already been identified. These in- (1976) found that systematic desensitization was
clude patient characteristics (e.g., psychiatric diag- more effective for males who preferred Thinking
nosis, comorbid diagnoses, the presence of person- and females who preferred Feeling, as measured by
ality disorder, neuroticism, and stage of change), the MBTI. Fairbanks (1987) then found that relaxa-
therapist characteristics (e.g., warmth and empa- tion therapy with imagery rehearsal produced supe-
thy), and interaction effects (i.e., therapeutic alli- rior outcomes for individuals who preferred Intui-
ance and matching treatment to stage of change tion, whereas relaxation therapy with cognitive re-
readiness) (Eubanks, Carter, Burckell, & Goldfried, structuring produced superior outcomes for indi-
2005; McKay, Abramowitz, & Taylor, 2010; Nor- viduals who preferred Sensing. Giroux (1979) found
cross, 2011). The remaining unexplained variance is that individuals who preferred Feeling had better
most likely accounted for by these same domains of outcomes (measured by decreases in irrational
patient traits, therapist characteristics, and interac- thinking) in rational-emotive group therapy than
tion effects. The possible predictive patient charac- individuals who preferred Thinking, although his
teristics include personality type/factors and degree counter-intuitive results likely reflected the use of a
of distress. Therapist characteristics likely include non-clinical population, small sample, and non-
personality type/factors and the ability to match standardized assessment of irrational thinking.
treatment to multiple stages of change. The proba- In a unique study, Vilas (1988) evaluated wheth-
ble interaction effects include the therapist match- er the psychological types of clients (N = 241) and
ing clinical style to patient need, and matching their counselors could predict the counselor's per-
therapists to clients by personality or worldview ception of outcome and counselor-rated client mo-
(Eubanks-Carter, Burckell, & Goldfried, 2005; tivation. He found that counselors rated clients who
Norcross, 2011; Norcross & Wampold, 2011). De- preferred Judging as more motivated for treatment
spite the strong calls to action to empirically verify than those who preferred Perceiving. Male clients
some of these presumptive psychotherapy outcome who preferred Sensing were also rated as more mo-
predictors, few predictors have been identified tivated and better functioning than clients who pre-
(Norcross, 2011, 2012; Norcross & Wampold, ferred Intuition. Vilas’ (1988) study has not been
2011). replicated, and there have been no studies using
Nevertheless, researchers and practitioners have quantifiable measures to predict the psychotherapy
continued to argue that personality should be used outcome based on the MBTI Type or attitude and
as a basis for treatment-planning and with minimal function pairs.
empirical basis for doing so (Beutler, Harwood, Mi- In addition to these studies that demonstrate
chelson, Song, & Holman. 2011; Harkness & Li- differential response by personality features,
lienfeld, 1997; MacKenzie, 1994; Myers, McCaul- Carskadon (1977, 1979) also found that personality
ley, Quenk, & Hammer, 1998, 2009; Miller, 1991; features can predict therapy preferences. Specifical-
Provost, 1993). This insistence on personality’s ly, individuals who preferred Feeling preferred hu-
predictive value is likely due to practitioners’ per- manistic therapies, whereas individuals who pre-
sonal clinical experiences. Additionally, the existing ferred Thinking preferred cognitive-behavioral
attempts to test the hypothesis that personality therapies. Likewise, individuals who preferred
predicts/moderates therapy outcome have had in- Thinking disliked Rogerian therapy styles, whereas
sufficient power due to attempts to include addi- individuals who preferred Feeling preferred such
tional diagnostic and treatment variables (Beutler, styles (Carskaon, 1997, 1979). Similarly, Arain
1991). As such, although these attempts have not (1968) found that individuals who preferred Think-
supported the predictive value of personality, the ing preferred cognitive therapy, and individuals
23 Thinking-Feeling CBT Response Differences

who preferred Feeling preferred emotionally ex- consider new experiences, and as therapists are fre-
pressive counseling. Such preferences for particular quently Intuitive types (McCaulley, 2000; Provost,
counseling styles may actually impact therapeutic 1993), we predicted that individuals who prefer In-
response, although there is no existing evidence to tuition would have better outcomes in cognitive
support such a case. Therefore, it is essential to therapy than those who prefer Sensing.
evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive therapy Given that individuals who prefer Thinking are
across psychological types and preferences. more given to logical decision making (Myers,
Differential therapy responses have also been iden- McCaulley, Quenk, & Hammer, 2009), we predict-
tified for the related Revised Neuroticism-Extra- ed that individuals who prefer Thinking would
version-Openness Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R). have better outcomes in cognitive therapy than
Because the NEO-PI-R five factors are correlated those who prefer Sensing.
with the MBTI's four attitude and function pairs, Because individuals who prefer Judging are more
the NEO-PI-R ability to predict the therapy out- prone to stress (Myers et al., 1998), and because
come may suggest that the MBTI possesses a simi- higher NEO-PI-R Openness was associated with de-
lar utility. Regarding the NEO-PI-R’s predictive pression alleviation (Bagby et al., 2003), we predicted
value, Miller (1991) found Extraversion and Con- that clients who prefer Perceiving would have better
scientiousness to be positively correlated with an outcomes than clients who prefer Judging.
unnamed psychotherapy outcome measure, where-
as Neuroticism was negatively correlated with out- Method
come. Ogrodniczuk and colleagues (2003) similarly
found that Extraversion positively predicted symptom Participants
reduction and life satisfaction, and Neuroticism was
again negatively correlated with symptom remission. Participants were selected from a private psycho-
Openness positively predicted improved life satisfac- logical practice in Texas using a high-inclusion con-
tion, and Conscientiousness positively predicted venience sampling model. Potential participants
symptom reduction (Ogrodniczuk et al., 2003). Bagby were selected into the sample by: 1) Self-referring
and colleagues (2003) likewise found that Openness into psychological treatment or by accepting a re-
was associated with decreased depression in people ferral to psychological treatment; and 2) agreeing
with Major Depressive Disorder, whereas Neuroti- that their de-identified data could be used for clini-
cism was negatively correlated with outcome. cal research purposes through a verbal and written
The present study extends previous research by: informed consent process. Potential participants
(1) Replicating early attempts to use the MBTI Type were excluded from the study if they reported im-
and dimensional scales to predict therapy outcome; mediate suicidal/homicidal intent or psychosis; the-
(2) using a quantifiable outcome measure with greater se individuals were referred for in-patient treat-
variability than historical studies; and (3) evaluating ment. Individuals with primary personality disorder
variable response to cognitive therapy, which is an or- diagnoses were also excluded.
thodox therapy in wide practice (Beck, 2011). From the sample of 525 participants, the gender
distribution was 49.0% male and 51.0% female.
Hypotheses Specific race information was not available, alt-
hough the majority of participants were Caucasian.
Because individuals who prefer Extraversion are Seventy-two percent of participants were married,
more oriented toward the outer world and interper- 18.6% were single, and 9.9% were divorced. The
sonal communication (Myers et al., 1998), and be- mean patient age was 39, SD = 10.5 years. The ma-
cause the NEO-PI-R Extraversion factor has posi- jority of participants (66.1%) were between the ages
tively predicted psychotherapy outcomes (Miller, of 25 and 45. Twenty-seven percent were age 46 or
1991; Ogrodniczuk et al., 2003), we predicted that older. Four percent of participants were aged 18 to
clients who prefer Extraversion would have more 24, and 3% were aged 10 to 17. The mean initial
superior outcomes in cognitive therapy than clients GAF score was 62.82, SD = 7.05; the mean end
who prefer Introversion. GAF was 69.33, SD = 7.17. Seventy-seven percent
As individuals who prefer Intuition are willing to of participants had initial GAF scores below 70,
Table 1. Four-letter MBTI distribution (N=525).
Type Frequency Type Frequency Type Frequency Type Frequency
ISTJ 57 (10.86%) ISFJ 55 (10.48%) INFJ 16 (3.08%) INTJ 41 (7.81%)
ISTP 19 (3.6%) ISFP 15 (2.86%) INFP 51 (9.71%) INTP 46 (8.76%)
ESTP 7 (1.33%) ESFP 19 (3.62%) ENFP 64 (12.19%) ENTP 24 (4.57%)
ESTJ 38 (7.24%) ESFJ 32 (6.1%) ENFJ 27 (5.14%) ENTJ 14 (2.67%)
Jinkerson et al 24

whereas 23% of participants had initial GAF scores ered in terms of the precipitants, maintaining factors,
of 70 or higher. Post-treatment, 36.7% of partici- and cognitive model of psychopathology (Beck, 1995;
pants had final GAF scores below 70, whereas Persons, Jacqueline, & Tompkins, 1997; Persons,
63.3% of participants had final GAF scores of 70 or 2012). Automatic thoughts were evaluated for ration-
higher. At the end of treatment, 42.6% of partici- ality and helpfulness, and patients learned how to re-
pants’ GAF scores had improved by 10 points or spond to depressive and anxious thoughts with posi-
more. Each MBTI personality type was well repre- tive self-talk and cognitive restructuring. A homework
sented (see Table 1). Diagnoses were applied by a assignment to recognize the negative feeling states,
licensed clinical psychologist who was board certi- identifying automatic thoughts, responding to auto-
fied by the American Board of Professional Psy- matic thoughts, and tracking mood states was given
chology. Diagnoses were per the Diagnostic and Sta- between sessions (Beck, 1979; Beck, 1995). Rational
tistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition— problem-solving skills were taught to address life
Revision (DSM; American Psychiatric Association stressors (Beck, 1995; Nezu & Nezu, 1989; Nezu, Ne-
[APA], 1994). The prominent primary diagnoses in zu, & Lombardo; 2004). Given the brevity of treat-
this sample were Major Depressive Disorder, account- ment, core beliefs were not addressed in most cases.
ing for 23.6% of the sample; Depressive Disorder Not Regarding the quality of treatment, therapy was
Otherwise Specified (NOS), which accounted for 11% provided by a licensed clinical psychologist who has
of the sample; Dysthymic Disorder, accounting for over 30 years of experience in cognitive-behavioral
8.1% of the sample; and Adjustment Disorder, which therapy (CBT), is board certified in clinical psy-
accounted for 7.8% of the sample. The semi- chology by the American Board of Professional Psy-
prominent diagnoses were Anxiety Disorder NOS and chology, and has trained over 130 advanced gradu-
Eating Disorder NOS, each of which accounted for ate students and fellows in CBT, strength-based
3.9% of the sample. The percentages of individuals therapy, and integrative therapies.
meeting the diagnostic criteria at the end of treatment
were not available. This somewhat heterogeneous Power Analysis
sample was used to accurately reflect the idiographic
reality of private clinical practice, secure the maxi- When using personality factors to predict the psy-
mum ecological validity for outpatient treatment, and chotherapy outcome, previous studies (Bagby et al.,
obtain the sufficient power to identify small effects. 2008; Miller, 1991; Ogrodniczuk et al., 2003) gener-
ally found small effect sizes (range of r from 0.07 to
Procedure 0.14) (Cohen, 1988). Power analysis was conducted
using G*Power v.3.1.5 using an R2 deviation from a
During data collection, clients were administered zero linear multiple regression design. The power
the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Form F. analysis indicated that, given power = 0.80, a sam-
Before treatment began, clients were evaluated by a ple size of 189 should be sufficient to identify a
baseline Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) small effect size of R2 = 0.07, where 0.07 is the
rating given by a licensed, board certified clinical smallest effect size identified by examining the ex-
psychologist (who is the paper’s third author). istent literature. A secondary power analysis for the
Three therapy sessions were provided following the planned hierarchical regression was conducted
initial intake and assessment procedure. After which indicated that a sample size of 181 would
treatment concluded, a follow-up GAF rating was identify a small effect size of R2 = 0.07, given a pow-
recorded by the same psychologist. Analyses were er of 0.80.
conducted by the paper’s first author.
Beck’s (1979) Cognitive therapy for depression Instruments
and anxiety was provided in keeping with Beck’s
(1979) original manual for depression treatment Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The
and Judith Beck’s (1995) manual update for the MBTI is an assessment tool used to identify psycho-
treatment of depression and anxiety. logical type, as described by Carl Jung (1921/1971).
As presented in Beck (1979) and Beck (1995), According to Jung, individual differences in behav-
therapy began by helping clients recognize the rela- ior can primarily be explained by an orderly system
tionships of thoughts, feelings and behaviors and then of personality distribution called psychological type.
identify the problematic automatic thoughts. Prob- This typological theory is based on three polar atti-
lematic thoughts were identified through a guided dis- tude and function pairs, which Jung believed were
covery process emphasizing Socratic dialogue (Beck, biologically determined. For each attitude and func-
1979; Beck, 1995; Nezu & Nezu, 1989; Nezu, Nezu, & tion pair, Jung theorized that individuals exhibited
Lombardo; 2004; Wright, Basco, & Thase, 2006). preferences of using one attitude/function over the
Likely problematic thoughts were also identified by other in most situations. He believed that people
using a case formulization approach to the initial as- relate to society through the Extraversion and In-
sessment, in which presenting problems were consid- troversion attitudes. Individuals who prefer Extra-
25 Thinking-Feeling CBT Response Differences

version tend to act upon the environment, value ex- from r = .80 to .97 (Myers & McCaulley, 1985). Co-
ternal interaction, and become energized by socially efficient alpha internal consistency reliability ranges
relating, whereas individuals who prefer Introver- from r = .83 to .87 (Harvey, Murry, & Markham,
sion tend to focus on concepts/ideas, rely on theory 1994). In test-retest studies, the individual letter
more than external events, and become energized agreement is consistent 66 to 90% of the time (My-
by spending time in personal thought (Jung, ers & McCaulley, 1985), with complete four-letter
1921/1971; Myers, McCaulley, Quenk, & Hammer, agreement being less than 50% (Harvey, 1996; My-
1998). Jung hypothesized that people engage with ers & Briggs Foundation, n.d.). Exploratory factor
the perceptual and phenomenological worlds analyses have identified surprisingly good fit with
through the Sensing and Intuition Functions. Theo- the predicted four-factor model of the Myers-Briggs
retically, individuals who prefer Sensing tend to be typology (Harvey, Murry, & Stamoulis, 1995). Con-
empirically oriented, detail-oriented, and practical, firmatory factor analyses have also supported the
whereas individuals who prefer Intuition tend to model (Harvey, 1996). Additionally, the MBTI ex-
develop holistic theories, consider gestalts over de- hibits predictive validity in assessing job prefer-
tails, and be future-oriented. Finally, Jung hypothe- ences (Harvey, 1996; McCaulley, 2000).
sized two polar rational functions. Individuals who
prefer Thinking tend to make logical connections, Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF). The
think critically, arrive at objective conclusions, and GAF scale is a clinician-rated instrument that
emphasize justice/fairness, whereas individuals who measures functioning in multiple life settings, such
prefer Feeling tend to temper critical thinking with as the degree of psychological health/pathology,
respect for the values of individuals and groups. In- ability to cope with psychological stressors, and de-
dividuals who prefer Feeling still think rationally gree of impairment in social, occupational, or
and critically, but they emphasize value respect over school functioning. Clinicians rate GAF on a scale
strict adherence to logical conclusions. According to from 1 to 100, where each 10-point range represents
Jung’s type theory, individuals use both of the atti- a qualitatively different degree of functioning. Each
tudes and all of the four functions. However, they 10-point range represents the degree of sympto-
naturally prefer to use one attitude/function over matology and degree of functional impairment.
its opposite (Jung, 1921/1971, Myers, McCaulley, Clinicians apply GAF scores based on whichever
Quenk, & Hammer, 1998). domain (i.e., symptomatology or functionality) is
Myers and McCaulley (1985) developed the most severe. For instance, the range from 51–60 is
MBTI to accurately identify individuals’ Jungian associated with moderate symptoms (e.g., flat af-
psychological type. The MBTI Form F is a 166-item fect. circumlocutory speech, and occasional panic
self-report instrument in which respondents answer attacks) or moderate difficulty in social, occupa-
forced-choice questions about how they would re- tional, or school functioning (e.g., few friends and
spond in various situations. Based upon the re- conflicts with peers or coworkers) (APA, 1994). In-
sponses, test scores indicate which attitude and dividuals in outpatient therapy most often receive
function pairs the respondent prefers. In addition scores ranging from 55 (e.g., serious symptoms or
to the attitude and function pairs explicitly named serious impairment) to 80 (transient symptoms or
by Jung (1921/1971), Myers and McCaulley (1985) slight impairment) (APA, 1994; Hanssen-Bauer,
argued that an additional outer world orientation Aalen, Rudd, & Heyerdal, 2007; Woldoff, 2004).
was implicit in Jung’s (1921/1971) work. Regarding The third and fourth editions of the Diagnostic
the outer world function, individuals who prefer and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
Judging tend to plan ahead, organize, and empha- included GAF as an essential portion of psychiatric
size rational function use, whereas individuals who diagnosis (APA, 1978, 1994). The changes in GAF
prefer Perceiving tend to be spontaneous, curious, scores provide a means of measuring the subjective
and emphasize the perceptual function. These atti- degree to which individuals are improving or re-
tude and function pairs form the MBTI’s subscales, gressing. Some studies have found good to fair in-
which identify the attitude/function preferences. ter-rater reliability for GAF when used by trained
Based upon each preference, respondents are also professionals/researchers and applied to mildly to
assigned four-dimension psychological types. There moderately impaired individuals (Hanssen-Bauer et
are a total of 16 psychological types (Myers, al., 2007; Woldoff, 2004). Others have found poor
McCaulley, Quenk, & Hammer, 1998). inter-rater reliability across professions and in rou-
The MBTI has shown itself to be a reliable in- tine clinical practice (Grootenboer, et al., 2010;
strument, although individually reported reliability Vatnaland, Vatnaland, Friss, & Opjordsmoen,
statistics vary. This archival research used the 2007). Because the outpatient participants within
MBTI Form F, which was considered the “research the current study were expected to show mild to
standard form” until 2012 (Center for the Applica- moderate levels of impairment, changes in the GAF
tions of Psychological Type, n.d.). Split-half reliabil- score were used as a means of measuring the psy-
ity coefficients for the four continuous scales range chotherapy outcome. GAF was not included in the
Jinkerson et al 26

most recent fifth edition of the DSM (DSM-5) due Separate linear regressions were also conducted for
to concerns about its reliability when administered males and females. To identify if the final GAF
by multiple clinicians, insufficiently trained clini- score was a superior criterion for outcome, regres-
cians, and in routine practice (APA, 2013). Howev- sions were also conducted using the final GAF score
er, in the present study, GAF was assigned by a li- instead of change in the GAF score.
censed, board certified clinical psychologist. Fur- The results indicated that Thinking-Feeling was
thermore, GAF scores were a preferred means of the only function pair that was a significant predic-
measuring the psychotherapy outcome prior to the tor of the psychotherapy outcome, β = -.088, t(519)
advent of standardized objective outcome = -2.001, p < .05, as measured by changes in the
measures, and they are especially useful in archival Global Assessment of Functioning scale. Specifical-
research that predates the standard implementation ly, individuals who preferred Thinking exhibited
of self-report outcome measures (Lambert et al., more improvement in GAF change, M=7.23,
2004). SD=7.87, although the standard deviation was larg-
er than that of individuals who preferred Feeling,
Results M=5.95, SD=6.75. The effect size for the model
containing Thinking-Feeling was f2 = 0.087, indi-
A series of correlational analyses were conducted cating that Thinking-Feeling accounted for 8.7% of
with this sample of psychotherapy clients (N=525) the variance in GAF change. This finding support-
to identify if psychological type and attitude and ed our hypothesis (Table 2).
function dichotomies (I vs. E, S vs. N, T vs. F, and J To identify the relative contribution of the ini-
vs. P), as measured by the MBTI, could effectively tial functioning on the outcome, a secondary two-
predict the cognitive therapy outcome, as measured step hierarchical regression was conducted with
by the degree of change from the initial GAF score Thinking-Feeling entered in the first step, initial
and final GAF score. First, a stepwise regression in- GAF entered in the second step, and GAF change
cluding each dichotomous scale was conducted. A used as the outcome variable. Collinearity statistics
review of histograms and scatterplots suggested a were again in acceptable ranges. The model signifi-
linear, somewhat leptokurtic distribution with rat- cantly predicted R2 = .505, R2adj = .255, F(1, 518) =
ings clustered around central raw GAF scores di- 172.057, p < 001. Initial functioning, as measured
visible by five (e.g., 50, 55, 60, and 65). Given the by initial GAF, was a significant predictor of GAF
tendency of central clustering, floor and ceiling ef- change, β = -.515, t (518) = -13.12, p < .001, and
fects are not believed to have influenced results. when initial GAF was added to the model, Think-
Four multivariate outliers were deleted from statis- ing-Feeling was no longer a significant predictor, β
tical analyses, as their Mahalanobis distances were = -.972, t (518) = -1.75, p > .05. This finding indi-
significantly removed from the Mahalanobis box- cates that initial functioning has a greater impact on
plot. Collinearity statistics were within acceptable the psychotherapy outcome than the Thinking-
ranges (Tolerance > 0.1, VIF < 10.0), so the as- Feeling function. An additional correlation analysis
sumption of multicollinearity was presumed to have was conducted using the four attitude/function
been met. The regression results indicated that the pairs and change in GAF. Relationships between Ex-
overall model did not significantly predict the psy- traversion-Introversion, Sensing-Intuition, and Judg-
chotherapy outcome, R2 = .011, R2adj = .003, F(4, ing-Perceiving were non-significant, ps > .05, whereas
511) = 1.431, p > .05. the correlation between Thinking-Feeling and change
in GAF was significant, r = -.088, p < .05. When the
Table 2. Linear regressions predicting GAF change by same variables were compared in a partial correlation
dimensional scales analysis, while controlling for initial GAF, Thinking-
Feeling’s correlation with change in GAF was no long-
Scale β t (519) P M SD er significant, r = -0.77, p > .05.
Extraversion-Introversion .029 .672 .502
Sensing-Intuition .019 .442 .659 Table 3. Linear regressions predicting final GAF score
by dimensional scales
Thinking-Feeling -.088 2.001 .046
Thinking 7.23 7.87 Scale β t (519) P
Feeling 5.95 6.75
Extraversion-Introversion -.011 -.246 .806
Judging-Perceiving -.030 .689 .491
Sensing-Intuition .034 .786 .432
Thinking-Feeling -.047 -1.080 .281
Because the stepwise model including all MBTI
Judging-Perceiving -.017 -.395 .693
dimensions was not predictive of the therapy out-
come, simple regressions were conducted to see if
any individual dimensions held predictive value. The Extraversion-Introversion attitude was not
27 Thinking-Feeling CBT Response Differences

a significant predictor of the psychotherapy out- their initial level of functioning, as measured by
come, β = .029, t (519) = .672, p > .05, nor were GAF, where participants were classified as having
Sensing-Intuition, β = .019, t (519) = .442, p > .05, good initial functioning if their initial GAF rating
or Judging-Perceiving, β = -.443, t (519) = -.689, p > was 70 or higher. Lower GAF ratings were catego-
.05. When final GAF score, rather than GAF change rized as less-than-good initial functioning. To iden-
from baseline to end of treatment, was used as a cri- tify the degree to which MBTI attitude and func-
terion, none of the attitude or function pairs were tion pairs can predict goodness of response, while
significant predictors of the psychotherapy out- controlling for gender and initial functioning, lo-
come (See Table 3), which may indicate that change gistic nominal regression was conducted using the
in GAF score is a preferable outcome measure to four MBTI attitude and function pairs as predictor
final GAF score. When linear regressions were con- variables, goodness of response as an outcome vari-
ducted for males and females separately, no attitude able, and both gender and initial functioning as co-
or function pairs predicted outcome by GAF score variates. Likelihood ratio test indicated that the
(See Tables 4 and 5). A one-way factorial analysis of model exhibited good fit, (χ² (6, N = 524) = 52.411,
variance (ANOVA) was also conducted to identify p < .001), and Cox and Snell R2 = .096, indicating
if there were significant differences in psychothera- that the model predicted 9.6% of the overall varia-
py outcome between the sixteen MBTI psychologi- tion in goodness of response. Thinking-Feeling sig-
cal types. No significant differences in change in nificantly predicted goodness of response, β = .475,
GAF score were predicted by MBTI personality SE = .193, p < .05, where individuals who preferred
type, F (15, 505) = 1.353, p > .05. Thinking were more likely to be classified as having
good response. Initial functioning also predicted
Table 4. Linear regressions predicting GAF change by dimen- goodness of response, β = -1.592, SE = .263, p <
sional scales (males only) .0001, where individuals with high initial function-
ing were more likely to be classified as having good
Scale β t (519) P response. Other MBTI attitude and function pairs
Extraversion-Introversion .069 1.100 .272 did not predict goodness of response (Table 6).
Sensing-Intuition -0.27 -.437 .662
Table 5. Linear regressions predicting GAF change by di-
Thinking-Feeling -.081 -1.297 .196
mensional scales (females only)
Judging-Perceiving -.040 -.632 .528
Scale β t (519) P
In an additional analysis, the sample was separated Extraversion-Introversion .001 .008 .993
into participants with good outcomes and partici-
Sensing-Intuition .062 1.013 .312
pants with poor outcomes, where a good outcome
was defined as a GAF change of ten or more points; Thinking-Feeling -.102 -1.670 .096
this variable was termed goodness of response. The Judging-Perceiving -.019 -.311 .756
sample was also separated into groups based upon

Table 6. Logistic nominal regression: Using MBTI attitude/function pairs to predict goodness of response while
controlling for initial functioning and gender

95% CI for Odds Ratio

Predictor β (SE) df p Lower Bound B (Exp) Upper Bound
EI* -.075 (.193) 1 .7 .64 .93 1.35
SN -.202 (.205) 1 .32 .55 .82 1.22
TF .475 (.193) 1 .01 1.10 1.31 2.35
JP .019 (.207) 1 .93 .68 1.02 1.53
Initial GAF = 70+ -1.592 (.263) 1 .0001 .12 .20 .34
Initial GAF <70 0 0 - - - -
Gender=Male .233 (.189) 1 .22 .87 1.3 1.83
Gender=Female 0 0 - - - -

Note. R2 = .074 (McFaden); .096 (Cox & Snell); .129 (Nagelkerke); Model (χ² (6, N = 524) = 52.411, p < .001
* See Appendix A for attitude and function pair abbreviations.
Jinkerson et al 28

Discussion noted above, individuals who prefer Thinking also

prefer cognitive therapy (Arain, 1968; Carskadon,
As predicted, individuals who preferred Thinking 1979). Carskadon (1979) also found that individu-
had better outcomes in cognitive therapy than indi- als who preferred Feeling preferred humanistic
viduals who preferred Feeling. However, Extraver- therapy. As individuals who preferred Thinking
sion-Introversion, Sensing-Intuition, and Judging- showed greater improvement in cognitive therapy
Perceiving did not predict the psychotherapy out- and preferred cognitive therapy (Carska-don, 1977,
come. Results supported the contention that Think- 1979), it is reasonable to hypothesize that a similar
ing types have better therapy outcomes than Feel- relationship might exist for individuals who pre-
ing types in cognitive therapy. Utilization of ration- ferred Feeling. Specifically, as individuals who pre-
al thinking in cognitive therapy via Socratic dia- ferred Feeling preferred humanistic therapy
logue is an essential intervention of cognitive thera- (Carskadon, 1977, 1979), they may exhibit a greater
py, and it is predominantly value-neutral (Beck, response to humanistic therapy than individuals
2011; Nezu & Nezu, 1989; Nezu, Nezu, & Lombar- who preferred Thinking.
do; 2004; Wright, Basco, & Thase, 2006). Not only As to what prognostic value the MBTI may hold
is this style more appealing to individuals who pre- for psychotherapy, it may first be used to assess a
fer Thinking (Carskadon, 1979), but individuals patient’s relative strengths, weaknesses, and implicit
who prefer the rational Thinking function are bet- preferences. Individuals who prefer Thinking are
ter practiced in its use than individuals who pre- likely to prefer cognitive therapy, so a therapist may
ferred the Feeling function (Myers, McCaulley, be more likely to recommend cognitive therapy to
Quenk, & Hammer, 1998, 2009). As such, individ- these patients. This is an example of how know-
uals who prefer Thinking may exhibit an increased ledge about psychological type can allow a psy-
aptitude to cognitive therapy than individuals who chologist to align his/her therapeutic actions with
prefer Feeling. patients’ individual preferences. Although such
As the Thinking-Feeling function pair account- treatment-matching holds less prognostic value
ed for 8.7% of the variance in psychotherapy out- than does an assessment of initial functioning, it
come, the MBTI may have some utility as a treat- does increase the likelihood of providing a therapy
ment planning screening tool to differentially pro- in keeping with the patient’s existing preferences,
vide cognitive therapy to individuals who prefer thinking, and attitude styles (i.e., personality), and
Thinking. However, it is important to note that ini- therapeutic receptivity (Carskadon, 1977, 1979).
tial functioning was a stronger predictor of out- Such a therapeutic style may not significantly
come than was the Thinking-Feeling function; in change the measureable outcome, but it may
fact, when initial functioning was included as a pre- strengthen the therapeutic alliance, validate the pa-
dictor, Thinking-Feeling’s outcome contribution tient’s perspective, and improve initial adherence.
was no longer statistically significant. Moreover, In terms of the current results, the fact that the ini-
nearly half of the participants exhibited clinically tial functional level had greater predictive value for
significant improvement regardless of psychological the cognitive therapy outcome does not discount
type or preference, indicating that individuals bene- the therapeutic utility of matching individuals who
fited from cognitive therapy whether they had prefer Thinking with cognitive therapy. For these
Thinking or Feeling preferences. Given that cogni- individuals, cognitive therapy may provide a famil-
tive therapy uses the Thinking function more than iar means of beginning the therapeutic process.
the Feeling function, how might this finding be ex-
plained? Individuals who prefer Thinking are better Limitations
practiced at the use of Thinking and are more likely
to have an existing aptitude for cognitive therapy. The current study is limited by the use of archival
However, individuals who prefer Feeling also use data, which did not allow for the specification of a
the Thinking function, and the psychotherapeutic preferred outcome measure. Another limitation of
situation may provide an especially valuable oppor- the present study is the potential weakness of GAF
tunity to develop this function’s use. That is, both as an outcome measure. The GAF scale’s observed
individuals who prefer Thinking and Feeling bene- reliability is inconsistent (Grootenboer et al., 2010;
fit from the use of Thinking in cognitive therapy, Hanssen-Bauder et al., 2007; Vatnaland et al., 2007;
but individuals who prefer Thinking may receive a Woldoff, 2004). As noted above, the APA (2013)
very subtle boost to the outcome due to existing indicated that the inconsistency in the application
practice and preference. Nevertheless, a more ro- of the GAF scale is why it was not included in the
bust means of outcome prediction comes from an DSM-5. The use of existing data also precluded in-
assessment of initial adaptive functioning. clusion of other potentially interesting variables
We found that individuals who preferred Think- such as objective measures of psychopathology.
ing exhibited a greater response to cognitive-based Moreover, the psychotherapy outcome data were
therapy than individuals who preferred Feeling. As obtained from the private practice of a single psy-
29 Thinking-Feeling CBT Response Differences

chologist (with an INTJ type preference); thus, the produce preferential outcomes; such a relationship
results may not be generalizable to other settings, to might be moderated by therapy type. It might addi-
psychotherapists in other settings, and/or to psy- tionally be hypothesized that some psychological
chotherapists with different psychological type types need fewer treatment sessions to improve; as
preferences. Also, another potential methodological such, the number of treatment sessions could be
issue is that the psychologist collecting the data co- tested as a moderator of the relationship between
authored the current paper. However, because this type and outcome.
study was not planned during data collection and is
based on archival data, the potential for experi- Acknowledgment
menter bias was decreased. Possible experimenter
bias was further reduced because the first author The authors wish to thank the Center for Applica-
conducted the analyses. Finally, it is possible that tions of Psychological Type for providing feedback
our finding is moderated by preference of therapy, on this manuscript at multiple stages of its devel-
despite the fact that preference of therapy would opment. Special thanks are due to Dr. Judy Breiner
itself be partially determined by rational function and Dr. Robert McPeek.
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