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In this project, the reactor is used for carrying the reaction
between the reactants, ethanol and acetic acid. The temperature of the reaction medium is
critical and is controlled by using saturated steam heat transfer through coils.

Chemical Reactors are vessels that are designed to provide residence
times for reactants so that chemical reaction occur among them.
Selection Criteria of Reactor:

 Conversion
 Selectivity
 Productivity
 Yield
 Heat exchange
 Mixing
 Catalyst Distribution
 Hold-up Time
 Availability
 Energy utilization
 Safety
 Economics
 Batch
 Continuous

1. 1.Handle small quantities

2. Large residence time


1.Handle large quantities

2.Short residence time


For this purpose reactors used are

1. Batch stirred tank reactor
3. Tubular reactor
Selection of Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor :
CSTR is selected because of following reasons :

 Mixing of Reactants
 Good Temperature Control
 High heat and mass transfer efficiencies
 Useful for slow reactions requiring large hold up time
 Less Man power requirements

Material Balance Across Reactor

Product Vapours
C2H5OH 0.432 %
Ethanol stream
CH3COOH 7.34 %
Acetic 82.2 %
CH3COOC2H5 62.28 %
Acid stream 1273.363 Kg /hr H2O 29.94 %
95.2 %
13923.764 Kg/ hr
1537.896 Kg /hr

Recycle Stream
C2H5OH 0.394 %
CH3COOH 9.99 %
CH3COOC2H5 69.050 %
H2O 20.557 %
83 °C 11112.503 kg / hr
107 kPa 435.38 Kg / hr
120 °C
198.5 kPa



Total Mass In = Ethanol Stream + Acetic acid stream +Recycle Acid

=1537.896 +1273.363 +11112.16
= 13923.764 Kg /hr
Total Mass Out = Vapour Product
= 13923.764 Kg /hr

Mixing Pattern

General design parameters for all the parts of a CSTR are ;
Reaction Vessel
 Rate of reaction
 Residence time
 Volume of reactor
 Reactor Length
 Reactor Diameter
Mixing Agitator
 Selection
 Specifications
 Power consumption
Heat Transfer System
 Selection
 Specifications
1. Calculate molar flow rate from given mass flow rates
2. Calculate volumetric flow rate from molar flow rate
3. Calculate initial concentration from volumetric flow rate
4. Calculate the concentration for given conversion
5. Calculate the rate of reaction by the given kinetic equation
6. Calculate the residence time
7. Calculate the reactor volume
8. Calculate the actual volume of reactor
9. Calculate the dimensions of reactor.
Reaction Equation: 83 °C
CH3COOH + C2H5OH <==========> CH3COOC2H5 + H2O
107 KPa
Rate Equation:
The reaction is elementary with the rate law as:
-rAcet. = k1CAcet.CAlc – k2 CWaterCEster


As we know that ,
molar. Flow rate = mass. Flow rate / mol.wt ------------------ (1)

Molar flow rate of Acetic Acid =38.713 Kmol / hr

Molar flow rate of Ethanol =28.822 Kmol / hr
Molar flow rate of Ester=12.550 Kmol / hr
Molar flow rate of water= 14.32 Kmol / hr
Vol. flow rate = mass flow rate / Density
----------------- (2)
Volumetric flow rate of Ethanol stream = 1542.23 dm 3/ hr
Volumetric flow rate of Acetic Acid stream = 1359.11 dm 3/ hr
Volumetric flow rate of Recycle Acid stream = 10187 dm 3/ hr
For the calculation of the residence time, the initial concentrations are
required, which are evaluated by the following formula:
CAo=molar flow rate/ Vol. Flow rate
--------------- (3)

Initial Concentration of Acetic Acid = 2.955 mol/dm 3

Initial Concentration of Ethanol =2.20 mol/dm 3
Initial Concentration of Ester = 0.9579 mol/dm 3
Initial Concentration of water = 1.093 mol/dm 3
CA = CAO (1 – XA ) --------------(4)
Ref : Octave Laevenspiel , “Chemical Reaction Engineering “,3rd Ed.
As per cycle conversion is 61.5%, we have :
Concentration of Acetic Acid= 1.137 mol/dm3
Concentration of Ethanol = 0.382 mol/dm3
Concentration of Ester= 1.221 mol/dm3
Concentration of Water= 1.563 mol/dm3
Now to find the kinetics of the reaction in the reactor, at 61.5% conversion.
We need its forward and backward rate constants, which are found from
the literature and by the knowledge of Thermodynamics.
REF: J.m Smith; Chemical Engg.Thermodynamics 6th edition, pg no. 480
k1 = 0.00781 dm3/mol/sec
keq = 5.68
k2 = 0.00137 dm3/mol/sec
By putting the values we get
-rAcet. = 0.000768 mol/dm3sec
As for CSTR ;
The Performance Equation is :

 X A

C Ao r A
Ref : Octave Laevenspiel , “Chemical Reaction Engineering “,3rd Ed.
So, by putting all the values in the above equation,we have
t = 2.955 * 0.615 / 0.000768
t= 2365.8 Sec
t= 39.43 min
Thus the volume of the reactor is :

V= t * VFR


V= 0.657 * 13.101

V = 8.61 m3
For CSTR ;
L/D = 1–3
Ref : Coulson & Richardson , “Chemical Engineering “ Vol : 6
For convenience of boiling and agitation, I have selected,
L / D = 1.5
(π/4)D2L = (π/4)*1.5D3
π/4*1.5D3 = 8.61 m3

D = 1.94 m
And L = 2.91 m

But to accommodate the volume of the vapours rising from the surface of
the reactor vessel, we have taken the liquid as it fills 50 % of the reactor’s
total volume.
Thus keeping the same diameter as evaluated before but to accommodate
the double the volume, the height required will be ;
L = 5.83 m
With this the volume of the reactor is;

V = 17.22 m3
Wall Thickness :

P ri
t = + Cc -------------------(6)
SEj - 0.6 P

P = Pressure of system
ri = Radius of shell
S = Allowable Stress of material
Ej = Efficiency of joint
Cs = Corrosion allowance
By putting the values available ,

t = 107 * 0.97 + 0.005

81000 * 0.85 - 0.6 * 107

t = 6.5 mm ( 0.0065 m )


Axial impeller:
Used for
• Dispersion of miscible liquids.
• Heat transfer enhancement.
• Promotion of chemical reaction.
• Suspension of solids.

Radial impeller:
Used for
• Necessary and sufficient turbulence and mixing radially.


As I need a thorough mixing and agitation of the reactants

to ensure the completion of the reaction and uniform heat transfer to the
I have selected 45 degree turbine blade agitator.which has
following shape and size specifications.

Shape Factor Typical Value

S1 = Dt / Da = 3.00
S2 = C / D a = 1.00
S3 = L / Da = 0.25
S4 =W / Da = 0.20
S5 = B / Dt = 0.10
S6 = Z / D t = 1.00

Ref : Peters M. S & Timmerhaus K.D , Plant Design & Economics For Chemical
Engineers “, 5th Ed, MnGraw Hill Inc.

Da = Diameter of Impeller
Dt = Inside vessel diameter of the reactor
C = Height of central shaft from bottom
L = Length of the turbine blades
W = Height of the turbine blades
B = Thickness of the reactor vessel
Z = Height of the Impeller shaft in the reactor
Thus putting the values and taking a vessel thickness of 0.1 m, giving both
the mechanical strength and safety margin.
(1) Diameter of the Impeller = Da = 1.94 / 3
= 0.65 m
(2) Height of central shaft from bottom= C
= 0.65 m
(3) Length of the turbine blades = L
= 0.25 * 0.65
= 0.155 m
(4) Height of the turbine blades = W
= 0.2 * 0.95
= 0.13 m

(5) Length of the central shaft = l

= Da - 2L
= 0.34 m
(6) Height of the Impeller Main shaft in the reactor =
= 5.18 m


Rpm of the impeller = 90 rpm

(1) Impeller‘s Reynolds Number,

Re= Da2* Nr *ρ / μ ---------------(7)

= (0.65)2*(90/60)*(881.03) / (0.5133*10-3)

= 1.088 * 107
(2) Froude number:
Fr = Da* Nr2 / g ------------------ (8)

= (0.65)* (90/60)2 / 9.8

= 0.149

From Equ. 12-42 ofMax S. Peters “Plant design and Economics for chemical
Engineers” , we have :
P = Ø Frm Nr3 Da5ρ --------------- (9)

m = (a – log Re) / b ---------------(10)

The values of a and b have been given to be 1.0 and 40 respectively ,
m = (1.0 – log 1.088 * 107) / 40

= - 0.126
The power function as determined from the Fig : 12-40 corresponding to
Reynold’s No. of 1.088 * 107 , for unbaffled reactor is ,

Ø = 1.0

Now, putting all the values of parameters in the above mentioned equ.
We have
P = (1.0) *(0.149)-0.126 * (90/60)3 * (0.65)5 * (881.03 * 10-3)

P = 0.44 kW

Conservatively a motor of 0.5 KW is recommended.


Function :
To provide heat the incoming reactants to 83 oC , and to evaporate the
reaction mixture thoroughly to provide Rectifier’s feed .
Selection :
Usually the heating systems are commonly observed in two following

1. Coils
2. Jacketing

A relative comparison is to be followed :

1. Uniform heat transfer
2. More heat transfer area per unit volume
3. Less heating media reqd. for same duty.
1. Zone formation occurs, overheating might damage MOC.
2. Less Compact
3. Large media requirements for same duty.
As I need efficient heat transfer to reactants and to maintain their
temperature at a certain level , to evaporate al the product ,I have chosen coils .
The duty of heat transfer coils is ,

Q = 7.287 * 106 KJ / hr

Saturated Steam at 120 oC is chosen to be the heating media (because it

will transfer heat at a rate 10 times faster then in case of sensible heat
Properties Of Steam used :
T = 120 oC
Psat= 198.5 kPa
H = 13210 kJ / kg
v = 0.914 m3 / kg
Cp = 2.286 kJ / kg-oC

Heat Exchange Profile:

By analyzing the temperature profile across the coil length it

is clear that there are two different heat transfer zones having different
correlation between overall heat transfer coefficients and heat transferred.
(1) Pre-heating zone
(2) Vaporizing (constt temp.) zone

Areas of heat transfer will be calculated separately for both the zones
and then summed to give total HT area.
Calculate the sensible heat transfer rate to the reaction mixture.
Reactants Products
63 C 83 oC

mCp▲T1 mCp▲T2

Reactants HR Products
25 C 25 oC
Q sensible = - mCp▲T1 + ▲HR + mCp▲T2
------------------- (11)

2. Calculate steam flow rate required for this load:

Q sensible = m. Λ
Where λ = specific latent heat of saturated steam.
3. Calculate Overall Heat transfer coefficient (Ud):
1 / Ud = 1 / ho + 1 / hio + x / km + Rd
4. Calculate LMTD for the pre-heating zone:
5. Find HT area A1, required for sensible heat transfer:
6. Now same steps are repeated for vaporization zone heat transfer area
with different correlations and equations.
7. Total area of Heat transfer is then,

AT =Area for sensible HT + Area for Vaporization

8. Select a suitable standard coil pipe size and find its length required that
will provide this HT area.

9. Assume a suitable coil diameter. Those will not interrupt mixing and
then find the external length per turn.
10. Find the No. of turns required of specific diameter by :
No. of Turns = Length of Coil
π * Diameter of Coil


1. Q sensible :

Q sensible = 214.6 *132.5*(63-25) + (-1.493 * 104 * 25.18) + (214.6 *

136.12 *(83 – 25)

Q sensible = 2.378 * 106 Kj / hr

2. Steam Flow rate :

m = 2.378 * 106 / 2202.2

m = 107.98 Kg / hr
3. Overall heat transfer coefficient Calculations :

(i) Outside HT coefficient :

hoDi/ k = 0.87 (L2Np/μ)2/3 (cμ / k)1/3 (μ/ μw)0.14

By putting values ,we get ;
ho =0.87 *(0.0777/1.94)* (0.652*90/60 * 908.88/0.797 * 10-3)2/3
(2.564 * 0.797 * 10-3 /0.0777)*1

ho = 834.51 W/ m2-K

(ii) Inside HT coefficient :

hio = 1.33 * 104 W/ m2-K

(iii) Allowable dirt factor:

Rd = 6 * 10-4 m2-K/ W

Then ,
1 / Ud = 1 / ho + 1 / hio + x / km + Rd

1 / Ud = 1/834.51 + 1/ 13300 + 0.00795 / 44.98 + 0.0006

Ud = 487.695 W/ m2-K
4. LMTD :
= ( 120 – 63.16 ) – (120 – 83)

ln (( 120 – 63.16 ) / (120 – 83))

= 46.21 oC

5. Sensible HT Area :

A1 = Qsensible

(Ud) (LMTD)

= 237786.5 / (487.695 * 46.21 )

A1 = 10.55 m2

6. Q Latent :

= 6.992 * 106 Kj / hr

7. Steam required :
= 6.992 * 106 / 2202.2

= 317.51 Kg / hr

8. Overall HT coefficient :
With reference to table 14-5 , Max S. Peters; K.D. Timmerhaus;
Uc for steam as heating media and light organics as vaporizing
medium is given as :

= 1000 W / m2-K
With a Dirt factor of 6 * 10-4 m2-K/ W .
Ud = 625 W / m2-K

9. Latent HT Area :

= 6992213.5 / 625 * 37

= 30.24 m2

10 . Total HT Area :

= 10.55 + 30.24
= 40.79 m2
11. Now we take the pipes for coils as standard 2” Schedule 40 IPS steel
pipes and that the diameter of the coil turn is 3 ft (0.914 m).


12. External surface per unit length :

= 2.0401 m2/m

(Ref : Pg 844 , Table 11,Process Heat Transfer by D Q Kern )

Length of pipe required = 40.79 / 2.0401

= 19.99 m
13. Per turn length for HT:
= π * Dia of coil turn ------------------(18)

= π * .914

= 2.871 m
14. No. of Turns required :

= 19.99 / 2.871

= 6.96

~ 7 Turns

CSTR Specification Sheet

Sr. No : Parameters Qualitative / Quantitative Description
1. Identification R-1
To provide residence time for reaction and
2. Function facilitate
thorough mixing of contentsand service as a
    for rectifier in coupling with it.
3. Mode Of Operation Continuous
4. Shape Tank (Cylindrical with Dished bottom)
5. Numbers Required 1
6. Operating Temperature 83 oC
7. Operating Pressure 107 Kpa
Reaction Vessel
8. Size 17.22 m3
9. Reacor Volume 8.61 m 3
10 . Vapour Space 8.61 m3
11 . Length 5.83 m
12 . Diameter 1.94 m
13 . Thickness 0.0065 m
14 . Mixing Pattern mixed Flow
Mixing Agitator
15 . Type 45o Turbine blades agitator
16 . Impeller Diameter 0.65 m
17 . Impeller Length 0.155 m
18 . Impeller Width 0.13 m

Height of Impeller from

19 . bottom 0.65 m
20 . Impeller Speed 90 rpm
21 . Power Requirement 0.5 kW
Heat Transfer system
22 . Layout Coils
23 . Heating Media Saturated steam
24 . Temperature 120oC
25 . Pressure 107 kPa
26 . Heat Duty 7.23 * 106 Kj / hr
27 . Steam flow rate required 435.48 Kg / hr
28 . Total HT Area 40.79 m2
29 . Coil Pipe 2 " schedule 40 IPS pipes
30 . Pipe Diameter 0.0604 m
31 . Coil Turn Diameter 0.914 m
32 . No. of Turns Required 7 Turns

Decanters are the equipments used to separate liquids where there is a difference
in density between the liquids for the droplets to settle readily.
It is a continuous gravity separator vessel that does not run full and lighter phase
overflows from top or near the top of the vessel.
Types of Decanters:
Basically the decanters also have the same conventional types based upon the
process, which are:
 Batch Decanters
 Continuous Decanters
But it must be known that the design steps in both cases remain same.
Types: on the basis of Fluids nature:
 Continuous gravity settlers
 Centrifugal Decanters
Basically the selection is made between continuous gravity settler and centrifugal
decanter through following procedure:
1. If density ratio between the liquids is about unity, then centrifugal one is the best.
2. If there is much difference between the liquid densities, the gravity settlers are

Selection: On the basis of Working:

On the basis of working, two types are available which are:
Horizontal Gravity settlers:
 Large residence time is needed for
 complete separation.
Vertical Gravity settlers:
 Less time is needed for separation.
Selection: based on Shape:
Different shapes are available for the design of an
industrial decanter, but most common type is the “Cylindrical”.
The reasons are:
 It is the cheapest design.
 Availability is easy.
 Easy manufacturing.

Material Balance Across Decanter

Mass Flow rate In = Mass Flow rate Out

21381.91 Kg/hr = 1686.31 Kg/hr + 19695.6 Kg/hr

(Heterogeneous Ternary (Aqueous Layer) (Ester-rich Layer)

21381.91 Kg/hr = 21381.91 Kg/hr

Conditions of Operation:

1. Total Flow rate In:-

Mass (kg/hr) = M in = 21381.91
Volumetric (m3/hr) = Q in =24.165

2. Flow rates Out:-

a) Aqueous Layer (kg/hr) = MH = 1686.31
b) Ester-rich Layer (kg/hr) = ML = 19695.6
a) Aqueous Layer (m3/hr) = QH = 1.7100
b) Ester-rich Layer (m3/hr) = QL = 22.455
Densities of Streams:-
a) Inlet stream (kg/m3) = ρinlet = 884.824
b) Aqueous Layer (kg/m3) = ρH = 986.13
c) Ester-rich Layer (kg/m3) = ρL =877.11

4. Viscosities:-
a) Aqueous Layer (centipoise) = µH = 0.58178
b) Ester-rich Layer (centipoise) = µL = 0.4044
a) Aqueous Layer (kg/m-sec) = µH = 0.00058178
b) Ester-rich Layer (kg/m-sec) = µL = 0.0004044
= 40°C
6. Pressure:
= 101.3 KPa

Standard Design Steps:

1. Determination of dispersed phase.

2. Time required for separation.
3. Volume of decanter required.
4. Shape.
5. Dimensions.
6. Total height of liquid in the decanter.
7. Height of Interface.
8. Height of overflow leg.
9. Settling velocity of heavy phase.
10. Area of interface.
11. Piping calculations.
12. Specification sheet.
Design Calculations:

1.Determination of Dispersed Phase:

Q L= lighter phase flow rate.
Q H= heavier phase flow rate.
ρ L= density of lighter phase.
ρ H= density of heavier phase.


θ = (QL/QH)(ρL µH/ ρH µL)0.3

Ref : Frank Aerstin , “ Separation techniques “ , vol 3

a) θ < 0.3, Lighter phase is dispersed phase.
b) θ > 3.3, Heavier phase is dispersed phase.
θ = 8.213
Dispersed Phase: Heavier (Aqueous) Phase.
Viscosity of Continuous Phase (cp) : 0.4044

2.Time Required for Separation:

t = 100 × µ / (ρ H – ρ L)
Ref : McCabe W.L and Smith J. C ,”Unit Operations Of Chemical Engineering
“,6th Ed.Ch 2 .
t = Time required for separation in hours.
µ = Viscosity of continuous phase in centipoise.
t (hr) = 0.3709
Decantation Time (min) : 22.26

3.Volume of Decanter Required:

Volumetric flow rate of combined liquid phase,Q(m3/hr) = 24.1651
Volume of Decanter required for separation:
V (m3) = 8.964
By convention we run the decanter as 90% full, thus the actual volume required is:
V (m3) = 9.960
Cylindrical shape of the decanter is used:

 It is the cheapest design.

 Availability is easy.
 Easy to manufacture.
Usually, the length to diameter ratio of the cylindrical decanter is 3-5.
L/D = 5
V= π / 4 × D2 ×L
By equating:
D (meter) = 1.364
L (meter) = 6.819
Total height of the liquid in the decanter:
By reference to Perry’s chemical engineers Handbook ,
The liquid filling 90% volume of the cylinder rises upto 84% of the cylinder diameter.
ZT = 0.84 × D
ZT (m) = 1.146
6.Height of the Interface:
Generally the interface of the two separating liquid layers is kept at the midway of the
total height of liquid in the Decanter.
ZA1 = 0.5 × ZT
By putting values in it,
ZA1(m) = 0.573
7.Height of the Overflow leg:
The static pressure balance equation gives the correlation between Height of interface and
Overflow leg and is given as:
ZA2 = ZA1(1 – ρL/ρH) + ZT(ρL/ρH)
Ref : McCabe W.L and Smith J. C ,”Unit Operations Of Chemical Engineering
“,6th Ed.Ch 2 .
By inserting the values,
ZA2 (m) = 1.082
8.Settling Velocity of heavy phase:
Ud = Settling velocity of particles.
Dd = Trail diameter of particles.
ρd = Density of dispersed phase.
ρc = Density of continuous phase.
U d = Dd2×g× (ρd-ρc)/18µc
Ref : Frank Aerstin , “ Separation techniques “ , vol 3

By taking the trail diameter of the particles as (micron) = 150

We have,
U d (m/sec) = 0.0033
9.Area Of Interface:
Volumetric flow rate of the continuous phase is = Qc/3600 = 0.00624 m3/sec

the area of the interface is
= volume flow rate of continuous phase/settling velocity

= 1.889 m2
Piping Calculations:

a) Inlet pipe to the decanter:-

D i (m) = 0.363 × Qin0.45 × ρ0.13

1. Ref :Peters M. S & Timmerhaus K.D , Plant Design & Economics For
Chemical Engineers “, 5th Ed, Ch 12 ,McGraw Hill Inc.
Putting values,

D i (m) = 0.10212
b) Outlet pipes:

Since, the height of the overflow leg has been calculated on the basis of the frictionless
flow so the flow of liquids through discharge pipes may be considered as laminar flow,

D i (m) = 0.133 × Q0.40 × µ0.20

i. Ester layer discharge pipe: Di(m) = 0.08797
ii. Aqueous Layer discharge pipe: Di(m) = 0.03377

Sr. No. Parameters Qualitative /Quantitative Description


1. Identification D-1  
2. Function   Separation on the basis of gravity
3. operation   Continuous  
4. Shape   Cylinderical  
5. No. Required 1    
6. Temperature 40 °C    
7. Pressure   101.3 Kpa    
8. Separation Time (hr) 0.3709    
9. Diameter (m) 1.364    
10 . Length (m) 6.819    
11 . Total depth of liquid in      
  decanter (m) 1.146    
12 . height of interface (m/sec) 0.573    
13 . height of heavy liquid      
leg (m) 1.082    
14 . Settling velocity (m/sec) 0.0033    
15 . Area Of interface (m2) 1.889    
16 . Material of construction Stain- less steel    
17 . Head type   Torispherical    
18 . Sizes ( m)      
  inlet pipe   0.1021    
  Light discharge 0.0880    
  Heavy discharge 0.0338    

Coolers are the heat exchangers, in principle in which heat

is removed from a process stream to lower its temperature. This cooler is actually cooling
the saturated liquid ternary azeotrope to 40 oC, at which water is added in it to break the
azeotropism, by formation of two phases in the decanter.
A heat exchanger is a heat-transfer devise that is used for transfer of internal thermal
energy between two or more fluids available at different temperatures. In most heat
exchangers, the fluids are separated by a heat-transfer surface, and ideally they do not mix.
Heat exchangers are used in the process, power, petroleum, transportation, air conditioning,
refrigeration, cryogenic, heat recovery, alternate fuels, and other industries. Common
examples of heat exchangers familiar to us in day-to-day use are automobile radiators,
condensers, evaporators, air pre-heaters, and oil coolers.

In our project the cooler is actually a shell and tube heat exchanger, which has been
selected by using following criteria table:

Selection Guide To Heat Exchanger Types

relative cost
Applications best
Type Significant feature Limitations in carbon
Condensers; liquid-
Temperature difference
liquid; gas-gas; gas-
Fixed tube Both tube sheets fixed to at extremes of about 200
liquid; cooling and o 1.0
sheet shell. F Due to differential
heating, horizontal or
vertical, reboiling.
One tubesheet “floats” in High temperature
Floating head Internal gaskets offer
shell or with shell, tube differentials, above
or tubesheet danger of leaking.
bundle may or may not about 200 oF extremes;
(removable Corrosiveness of fluids
be removable from shell, dirty fluids requiring 1.28
and on shell-side floating
but back cover can be cleaning of inside as
nonremovable parts. Usually confined
removed to expose tube well as outside of shell,
bundles) to horizontal units.
ends. horizontal or vertical.
High temperature Bends must be carefully
differentials, which made, or mechanical
Only one tube sheet
might require provision damage and danger of
U-tube; required. Tubes bent in
for expansion in fixed rupture can result. Tube 0.9-1.1
U-Bundle U-shape. Bundle is
tube units. Easily side velocities can cause
cleaned conditions on erosion of inside of
both tube and shell side. bends. Fluid should be
free of suspended
Relatively small transfer
Each tube has own shell
area service, or in banks Services suitable for
forming annular space
for larger applications. finned tube. Piping-up a
Double pipe for shell side fluid. 0.8-1.4
Especially suited for large number often
Usually use externally
high pressures in tube requires cost and space.
finned tube.
(greater than 400 psig).
Pipe coil for submersion
Transfer coefficient is
in coil-box of water or Condensing, or
low, requires relatively
Pipe coil sprayed with water is relatively low heat loads 0.5-0.7
large space if heat load
simplest type of on sensible transfer.
is high.
Not well suited for
Composed of metal-
Viscous fluids, corrosive boiling or condensing;
Plate and formed thin plates
fluids, slurries, high heat limit 350-500 oF by 0.8-1.5
frame separated by gaskets.
transfer. gaskets. Used for liquid-
Compact, easy to clean.
liquid only; not gas-gas.
Compact, concentric
plates; no bypassing, Cross-flow, condensing, Process corrosion,
Spiral 0.8-1.5
high turbulence. heating. suspended materials.


In process industries, shell and tube exchangers are used in great numbers, far
more than any other type of exchanger. More than 90% of heat exchangers used in
industry are of the shell and tube type. The shell and tube heat exchangers are the “work
horses” of industrial process heat transfer. They are the first choice because of well-
established procedures for design and manufacture from a wide variety of materials,
many years of satisfactory service, and availability of codes and standards for design and
fabrication. They are produced in the widest variety of sizes and styles. There is virtually
no limit on the operating temperature and pressure.
Classification of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
There are four basic considerations in choosing a mechanical arrangement that
provides for efficient heat transfer between the two fluids while taking care of such
practical matters as preventing leakage from one into the other.

 Consideration for differential thermal expansion of tubes and shell.

 Means of directing fluid through the tubes.
 Means of controlling fluid flow through the shell.
 Consideration for ease of maintenance and servicing.

Heat exchangers have been developed with different approaches to these four
fundamental design factors. Three principal types of heat exchangers

a. Fixed tube-sheet exchangers

b. U-tube exchangers
c. Floating head exchangers
d. Out side packed exchanger
e. Pull through floating head exchanger
Selection :
This is made because of large operating ranges of different parameters.
Maximum pressure
On shell side
300 bars(abs) (4500psia) (306atm) (31MPa)
On the tube side
1400 bars(abs) (21000psia) (1428atm) (144MPa)
Maximum temperature range
-100 to 600°C
Fluid limitations
Few since it can be built of many materials. In our case we
have chosen carbon steel as its material of construction, because it is a good
compromise between strength and cost.
Heat exchangers are commonly used in a wide variety of industrial, chemical,
and electronics processes to transfer energy and provide required heating or
cooling. Automotive radiators are a common example. Heat from the hot engine
water is pumped through the radiator, while air is blown through the radiator tins.
The hot engine water's heat energy is transferred to the air, thus keeping the
water at the right temperature, to keep the engine from overheating. Essentially
automotive radiators are liquid-to-air heat exchangers. Heat exchangers occur
naturally in the circulation system of whales. Arteries to the skin carrying warm
blood are intertwined with veins from the skin carrying cold blood causing the
warm arterial blood to exchange heat with the cold venous blood. This reduces
overall heat loss by the whale when diving in cold waters. Other types of heat
exchangers are common in everyday equipment such as boilers, furnaces,
refrigerators and air conditioning systems, space heating, power production,
evaporators, air pre heaters, cooling towers, oil coolers, gas ovens and
condensers food, petroleum, transportation, cryogenics, heat recovery,
alternate fuels, and other industries etc. In fact, every air conditioning system and
refrigeration system has at least two heat exchangers one for the cooling side,
and one to expel the heat. In the majority of chemical processes heat is either
given out or absorbed, and fluids must often be either heated or cooled in a wide
range of plant such as furnaces, evaporators, distillation units, dryers and
reaction vessels.

1. Define; heat-transfer rate, fluid flow-rates, temperatures.

2. Collect together the physical properties required.
3. Decide on the type of exchanger to be used.
4. Select a trial value for the overall coefficient U.
5. Calculate the area required
6. Calculate the mean temp. difference ΔT
7. Decide the exchanger layout
8. Calculate the individual coefficients
9. Calculate the overall coefficient and compare with trial value. If the
calculated value differs significantly from estimated value, substitute the
calculated value for estimated value.
10. Calculate the exchanger pressure drop, if unsatisfactory the change
exchanger configuration.

STEP 1:-
Duty (heat transfer rate) calculated
Q =m Cp ∆T
=13105 * 2.22 * (71 – 40)
=9.00 ×105 KJ/hr
STEP 2:-
For Rectified top product (condensed) :
Temperature 71 55.5 40 °C
Specific heat 2.27 2.22 2.17 KJ/kg°C
Thermal .216 .213 .210 KJ/hr m2
conductivity (k) 0C
Density (r) 901 908 915 Kg/m3
Viscosity (m) 3.06x10- 3.73x10- 4.40x10-4 Kg/m.
4 4 sec

FOR Cooling Water:

Temperature 25 31.5 25 °C
Specific heat 4.22 4.21 4.202 KJ/kg°C
Thermal .623 .617 .611 KJ/hr m2 0C
conductivity (k)
Density (r) 1000.5 1000.6 1000.7 Kg/m3
Viscosity (m) 7.3x10-4 8.10x10-4 8.90x10-4 Pa-sec
STEP 3:-
For an exchanger between theses two fluids the overall coefficient
will be in the range of
= 675 W/ m2 K
REF : table 14-5 , Max S. Peters; K.D. Timmerhaus; R.E.West.

STEP 4:-
For S & T HE design we’ll have to calculate LMTD.,
Tlm = (71-38)-(40-25)/In(71-38)/(40-25)
Tlm = 23 K
Sine for this type of construction, by definition
Tm = Ft x Tlm
Tm = 1x23=23 K
STEP 5:-
Q = u AoTm
Ao = Q / u Tm=9.00 x 105 /675*23
Ao = 16.23 m2
Assume (do) Tube outside dia = 1.5in = .0381m
18BWG, length of tube = 6 ft = 1.83 m from table 10 (kern) (di)
Tube inside dia = 1.4 in = 0.036 m
Tube pitch = .049 m
Flow area per tube = 1.54 in2 (from table 10, kern)
STEP 7:-
area of one tube = p do L =3.14x0.0381x1.83
=.22 m2
Nt = no of tubes = Ao / At =16.23 /.22
Nt ≡ 80
Tube Pitch (Pt) = 1.25do
= 1.25x.0381
=.048 m
For 1tube pass, tube per pass = 80
Tube cross sectional area = p / 4 (di2)
= 3.14/4x(.037)2
=1.07x10-3 m2
So area per pass = 80x1.07x10-3
Volumetric flow rate = W / r
=16.25 m3/hr
= 4.5×10-2m3 /s
ut = tube side velocity
= volumetric flow / area per pass
ut = .045/.281=1.1m/s
The velocity is satisfactory between 1 to 2 m/sec
STEP 8:-
From table 12.4 for 1-tube pass and type of pitch (Coulson 6)
K1 = .319
n1 =2.142
for type of pitch Pt = 1.25 do
Db = do (Nt / K1)1/n1
= .0381 (265/.319)1/2.142
Tube bundle dia Db = .305 m
For a fixed tube sheet exchanger the typical shell clearance from (fig
12.10 coulson 6)
Shell clearance = .05 m
Ds = Shell inside dia =.360 m
STEP 9:-
Re = r x ut x di / mc
= 1000x0.016x.037/8.1×10-4
= 74000
Pr = C x m / k
=4.2x8x10-4 x3600/.6
Find the value of Jh from the graph, fig 12.23 ( Coulson–vol. 6) i.e.
Jh = 3x10-2
hi = Jh Re Pr1/3 (K / do)
hi = 3x10-2 x 74000 x(20.16).33 (.6/.0381)
=942 W/ m2 K
Shell side heat transfer coefficient:
(Ds) = inside dia. of shell
= .360 m
take a baffle spacing = Dsx.2
=0.36 x.2=0.212 m
No. of baffles = length of tube / baffle spacing
(As) = cross flow area
= (Pt – do / Pt) x Ds x Baffle spacing
= (.048-.0381/.048)x1.06x.212
= 0.046 m2
de = 4 × (pt2 -.917xdo2 )
de = 0.028 m
Volumetric flow rate on shell side
= 14.41/3600=4.0x10-3 m3 /s
Us =shell-side velocity
= volumetric flow rate / As
=4.0x10-3 /.046
Us = .98m/s
Re = Us x r x de shell / m
= 0.09x910x0.028/3x10-4
= 76440
Pr = CP m / K
= 2.2x 3x10-4x3600/.2
Use 25% Cut Segmental Baffles

From fig 12.29 Coulson 6 ,

Jh = 5x10-2
ho = Jh x Re x Pr.33 (k/de)
ho = 5x10-2 x764.4x(11.88).33 x(.2/0.028)
= 617.8 KJ/m2 hr 0C
1/uo = (1/hi + 1/hid) do/di + doln do/di / 2kw + 1/ho + 1/hod
Uo = Overall coefficient based on the outside area of the tube
ho = 617.8 KJ/hr.m2 0C (out side fluid film coefficient)
hi = 942 KJ/hr.m2 0C (inside fluid film coefficient)
hio = 892.4 KJ/hr.m2 0C
Uc = hio × ho / (hio +ho)
Uc = 670 kJ/hr.m 0C
Area of heat exchanger:
Ao = No. of tubes x area of one tube
= Nt xAt
= 16.23 m2
uo required = Q / Ao Tm
uo required = 9.00 x105 /58.3×23
uo required = 675 KJ/hr m2 0C
Uo estimated= 670 KJ/hr m2 0C

For Re = 74600
The Jf= 9.8 X10-2 (from Fig 12.24 Coulson 6)

No. of passes = (Np) = 1

Pressure drop for the tube side is given by

Pt = Np [8jf (L/di) (m/mw).14 + 2.5] rut2 / 2

Pt = 4.31 KPa
=0.63 Psi
The formula for pressure drop on shell side is;

Ps = 8 x Jf (Ds / de) (L/IB) (rus2 / 2) ( m / mw)-0.14

for Re =76440
Jf = 1.09x10-1 (For 25% cut baffle)
L = Length of tube
IB = Baffle spacing
Ps = 11.8 KPa
= 1.71 Psi
Total pressure drop ∆Pt =
=1.71+0.63= 2.34 Psi

The pressure drop calculated is within allowable limits. Therefore our design
Is both thermally and hydraulically feasible and appropriate.
• Unit Cooler (HEAT EXCHANGER)


• Function To cool condensed product

• Operation Continuous

• Heat duty 9.00 x 105 kJ/hr

Baffles 25 % cut segmental

• Heat transfer area 16.23 m2

No. of tubes 80

• Overall heat transfer 670 kJ/hr.m2 °C

• coefficient

Shell side Tube side

Fluid circulated Cold Feed Rectified product
Flow rates 16248 Kg/hr 13105Kg/hr
Inlet = 71 0C Inlet=25 0C
Outlet = 40 0C Outlet=38 C
Pressure 120 KPa 150 KPa
Pressure drop 11.8 KPa 4.31 KPa
Material of
Stainless Steel Stainless steel
OD = .0381m 18 BWG
I.D = .360m
Pitch = .049m
No. of baffles =10
Specifications Triangular arrangement,
Length = 1.83 m
Nt = 80
Pump is a device which imparts momentum and mechanical
energy to the process fluid. Pumps are used to transfer fluid from one location to
another. In pumps, the density of the fluid is both constant and large. Pressure differences
are usually considerable and heavy construction is needed.

Main Types of Pumps:

Pumps are classified into two groups
1- Centrifugal Pumps
2- Positive Displacement Pump

Centrifugal Pump:
These pumps are most commonly used type in the chemical industry. It can
be constructed in a wide range of corrosion resistant material or lined with rubber or
plastics. It is, in fact, used for almost all pumping operations other than those where a
large head or positive displacement is required.
In centrifugal pumps, the mechanical energy of the liquid is increased by
centrifugal action. The liquid enters through a suction connection concentric with the axis
of a high speed rotary element called the “Impeller”. The impeller carries radial vanes
integrally cased in it. Liquid flows outward in the space between the vanes and casing
and leaves the impeller at a considerable greater velocity with respect to ground than at
the entrance to the impeller. In properly functioning pump, the space between the vanes is
completely filled with liquid flowing without cavitations. The liquid leaving the outer
periphery of the impeller is collected in a spiral casing called the volute and leaves the
pump through a tangential discharge connection. In the volute, the velocity head of the
liquid from the impeller is converted into pressure head. The centrifugal pump may be
single stage or multi stage, propeller, mixed flow and peripheral.
Selection Criteria:-
Many different factors can influence the final choice of a pump for a particular
operation. The following list indicates the major factors that govern pump selection.

1) The amount of fluid that must be pumped. This factor determines the size of
pump (or pumps) necessary.
2) The properties of the fluid. The density and the viscosity; of the fluid influence
the power requirement for a given set of operating conditions, corrosive properties
of the fluid determine the acceptable materials of construction. If solid particles
are suspended in the fluid, this factor dictates the amount of clearance necessary
and may eliminate the possibility of using certain types of pumps.

3) The increase in pressure of the fluid due to the work input of the pumps. The head
change across the pump is influenced by the inlet and downstream reservoir
pressures, the change in vertical height of the delivery line, and frictional effects.
This factor is a major item in determining the power requirements.

4) Type of flow distribution. If no pulsating flow is required, certain types of pumps,

such as simple reciprocating pumps, may be unsatisfactory. Similarly, if operation
is intermittent, a self-priming pump may be desirable, and corrosion difficulties
may be increased.

5) Type of power supply. Rotary positive-displacement pumps and centrifugal

pumps are readily adaptable for use with electric-motor or internal-combustion-
engine drives; reciprocating pumps can be used with steam or gas drives.

We have selected centrifugal pumps in our project because of following outstanding
1- They are simple in construction and cheap.
2- Fluid is delivered with uniform discharge pressure without pulsation and shocks.
3- There are no valves involved in the pump operation.
4- They operate at high speed(up to 4000 rpm) and therefore, can be coupled
directly to an electric motor(In general, the higher the speed, the smaller the
pump and motor for a given duty).
5- The discharge line may be partly shut off or completely closed off without
changing the pump.
6- They can handle liquid with large amount of solids.
7- They are much smaller than other pumps of equal capacity.
8- Maintenance costs are lower than for other types of pumps.

To pump the organic layer, from the flow divider, to the top of the rectifier
Potential Head:
The pump has to pump the liquid mixture to the top plate of the rectifier,
which is 12.3 ft above ground (including the support structure for the rectifier)
Head lost by the friction:
Hf = 4f (L/D) ( µ2/gc )
Area of pipe = a = π D2 / 4 = π / 4 * (1/ 12)2
= 0.0055 ft2
= 0.00051 m2
Volumetric flow rate = mass flow rate / density
Volumetric flow rate = 0.00128 m3 / sec
Velocity = 0.00128 / .00051
= 2.51 m/sec
Average Viscosity = 0.937 cp
= 0.000937 Kg/m-sec
Re =ρDu/µ
= 60.85 * 1 *8.224 / (12 * 0.00063)
Roughness of carbon steel pipe, from graph 13(Kern):
K / D = 0.004 * 12 / 1
= 0.0048
From friction factor chart,
F = 0.008
hfs = 4f▲Lu2 / 2 D gc
= 4 * 0.008 *200 *12 *(8.2244)2 /(2*32.17)
= 8.074 ft

Total head = 12.3 + 8.074

= 20.1 ft
Power = flow rate * h * g
= 0.4523 * 20.1 * 32.17
= 299.5 / sec
= 0.53 hp = 0.4 KW

If efficiency = 60 %,
Then power = 0.4 / 0.6
= 0.7 KW
A centrifugal pump of 1 kW will suffice the requirement.

Although a mechanical or civil engineer normally designs vessels, the process

engineer should have some knowledge of the mechanical design of vessels. For
example, the process engineer may have to make a preliminary design of vessels
for a cost estimate. Reactors, fractionators, absorbers, heat exchangers, and some
phase separators are classified as vessels. What makes an absorber an absorber,
for example, is its internal design. A vessel consists of a cylindrical shell and end
caps, called heads. For safety, vessel design is governed by codes. An example is
the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code. Engineers who agreed on what is a safe procedure for designing vessels
formulated this code.
Most vessels in the process industries are thin-walled vessels, which have a
wall thickness of less than about 5% of the inside diameter of a vessel. Internal
pressure acting on the walls of a cylindrical vessel produces a longitudinal and
radial stress, also called hoop stress. For thin-wall vessels, it may be assumed that
the radial stress is approximately uniform across the wall. Rase and Borrow [1],
for example, showed that the radial stress, produced by an internal pressure, P.
where the diameter of the vessel is D. The radial stress is larger than the longitudinal
stress, and thus it must be used to calculate the wall thickness, 1$. If a cylindrical
vessel fails, it will split longitudinally.
Vessels larger in diameter than about 30 in (0.672 m) and above are fabricated
from plates, which are formed into cylinders, called shells, and welded
longitudinally. Shells smaller than 30 in (0.672) may be extruded and thus will not
contain a longitudinal weld. Shells may then be joined by welding circumferentially
to form longer shells. After fabricating the shell, end caps, called heads, are
welded to the shell to form the vessel. Because the weld may have imperfections,
The radial stress will be less than its maximum value. Thus, S is multiplied by a
Joint or weld efficiency, E, which depends on the type of x-ray inspection of the
Where the mean diameter, DM, is the average of the outside and inside diameters.
Sivals [10] summarizes values of the weld efficiency in Table 6.1. Radiographic
examination locates imperfections in the weld using x-rays or gamma
rays. This technique is described by Gumm and Turner [2]. Shells are either
seamless or contain a longitudinal weld. As Table 6.1 shows, the weld efficiency
depends on whether the shell is seamless or not. To use Table 6.1, first decide if
the shell will be seamless or contain a longitudinal weld. Next select the type of xray
required to inspect weld.
Even in a thin-walled vessel the radial stress is not exactly uniform over the
vessel thickness. To correct for this, the internal pressure in the denominator of
Equation 6.4 is multiplied by 1.2 to obtain a more accurate formula. Thus,

To account for corrosion, the vessel thickness is increased by adding a corrosion

allowance, to to assure that the vessel operates safely during the lifetime of a
process. Therefore, Equation 6.5 becomes

The minimum corrosion allowance frequently selected is 1/8 in (3.18 mm).

Wallace and Webb [3], however, point out that arbitrarily selecting 1/8 in can be
unnecessarily costly. There may be situations where there is no corrosion at all.
The corrosion allowance should be determined by past experience, laboratory
tests, or data taken from the literature
Weld Joint Efficiencies for Ellipsoidal and Torispherical Heads

Several head designs are shown by Walas [6], but not all of these are common
designs. The most common head designs are shown in Figure 6.1. According
to Markovitz [7] ellipsoidal heads, where the ratio of the semi-major to semiminor
axis is 2:1, are commonly used when the pressure is greater than 150 psig
(10.3 barg). Below 150 psig, a torispherical head (dished head) is used.
The wall thickness for a 2:1 ellipsoidal head is given by
Ellipsoidal and torispherical vessel heads.
Wall-Thickness Rounding Increments for Pressure Vessels

Design of Ethyl Acetate Storage Tank:

(I) Dimensions :
Production of Ethyl Acetate = 50 tons / day
=50 *1000
= 50000 Kg /day
The tank should be of sufficient size to hold at least 5 day production,
Volume of Ethyl Acetate Product collected in 5 days :
= 50,000 * 5
1000 *0.902
= 277.47 m3
For safety allowances, the tanks ar usually 90 % filled, then
Volume = 277.47 / 0.9
= 308.3 m3
Here we are using two tanks of equal volumes.Then volume of each tank is :
= 308.3 / 2
= 154.15 m3
970.107 bbl
From “Equipment Design” by Brownell page 43, tank available at a capacity of 1000 bbl
have following specs.

Capacity Out side Dia. Height

1000 bbl 6.5 m 4.9 m
(II) Design Pressure of the Tank:

Pt = Patm + P static


Pstatic = ρ (g / gc ) h
= 56.16 * 1 * 16
= 898.72 lbf / ft2
= 0.425 atm
Pt = 1 +0.425
= 1.425 atm
Since the design pressure is set at 10-20 % excess over original pressure.So,
PD = 1.425 * 1.1
= 1.567 atm
= 158.7 KN/ m2
(III) Wall Thickness :

P ri
t = + Cc
SEj - 0.6 P

P = Pressure of system
ri = Radius of shell
S = Allowable Stress of material
Ej = Efficiency of joint
Cs = Corrosion allowance

By putting the values available ,

t = 23.035 * 129 + 0.005

11500 * 0.85 - 0.6 * 23.035

t = 9.75 mm
~ 10 ( 0.01 m )

(IV) Head Thickness :

For Torispherical head, (Chemical Engg. By Coulson )

T = P i Rc Cs
2SEg - Pi(Cs - 0.2)

T = 23.035 * 129 * 1.771

2 *11500 *0.85 – 23.035 ( 1.771 – 0.2)
= 0.269 in
= 6.96 mm
~ 7 mm = 0.007 m
Specification sheet For Ethyl Acetate Storage Tank

Item Storage Tank
Item No. E-38
No. Requird 2
Function: Storage of Cooled Product from Stripper bottom.

Design Data :  

Total Volume 159 m3

Diameter of Tank 6.5 m
Height of Tank 4.8 m
Design Pressure 180 KN / m2
Design Temperature 25 C
Wall Thickness 7.968 mm
Corrosion Allowance 2.032 mm
Total Thickness of Cylinder Wall 10 mm
Type of Head Torispherical
Material Of Construction Stainless Steel
Thickness of Head Wall 7.0 mm
Maximum Allowable Working Stress 7.925 * 104 KN / m2

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