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Narlthus, Thumb (or First Talon) of the Wyrm: referenced in Rite of Passage.

held by a sept of Black Spiral Dancers, led by Azaera. It has not yet been released from
its egg-shaped meteorite prison. Reputed to be the Talon of Beast-of-War.

Koschei the Deathless, the First Finger (or Second Talon) of the Wyrm, "He-Who-Points":
referenced in Rage Across Russia. Currently bound in the Soul Egg, a gemstone held by a
sept of Uktena Banetenders in Russia. Reputed to be the Talon of Eater-of-Souls.

Thrassus Thrice-Damned, Smallest- (or Fifth) Talon of the Wyrm: referenced in Book of
the Weaver. Currently imprisoned in the Anti-Christ Serum, labeled in a classified
storage facility as “Exhibit 338,” location unknown (but maybe in Roswell, NM in Area
51?). The object imprisoning Thrassus Thrice-Damned appears to be a three-foot long,
seamless glass capsule (but if the transparent material is indeed glass, it is of a type of
glass that cannot be scratched or marred by any man-made instrument) containing a
thick blue-green fluid of unknown substance. As the Smallest Talon, Thrassus Thrice-
Damned may be the Talon of the Defiler Wyrm, but this is only non-canon speculation.

The Sept of the Bygone Visions entry in Caerns: Places of Power had no references to an
imprisoned Talon of the Wyrm. The only other reference to the Sept of the Bygone
Visions mentioning the Talons of the Wyrm was in Book of the Weaver suggesting that
since the discovery of the Anti-Christ Serum happened at the same time as "recent
struggles at the Sept of Bygone Visions" the two incidents were somehow related which
in turn suggested that the Anti-Christ Serum was Thrassus Thrice-Damned. I found
another reference to the unnamed Talon held in the Sept of Bygone Visions on page 97
of Rage Across Russia in the same section describing Koschei.

World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides makes reference on page 16 to an unnamed

Talon of the Wyrm lying buried somewhere in the Arctic Circle. The Garou of the
Wendigo tribe believe that this Talon of the Wyrm lies hidden underneath the half-
frozen silt, guarded by terrible aquatic monsters and Banes.

Assuming there are five Talons of the Wyrm, that accounts for all of them. Either the
Third or Fourth Talon could be contained in the vault of the Sept of Bygone Visions.

It seems more than likely that all of the Talons have been imprisoned as their existence
would have come to light long ago if any one of them were still free....

Unofficial write-ups for the Third and Fourth Talons (feel free to use or modify this
information for inspiration):
• Galchus, also known as “He-Who-Scorns” and the Third/Middle Talon of the Wyrm, is
buried in the frozen silt of the Arctic Ocean. Long ago, when Galchus was still free and
fleeing from the Garou, he was pursued by a pack of Wendigo warriors and Uktena
Banetenders. The Uktena had brought from the south with them two artifacts that were
to be used to imprison Galchus: a stone sarcophagus of a unique and unknown design
(any human archaeologist who tried to identify the origins of the sarcophagus would be
utterly baffled) and a simple sewing needle made from whale bone. Once the pack had
defeated Galchus, the surviving Garou performed a Rite to bind Galchus within the
needle, then sealed the needle inside the sarcophagus, and sunk the sarcophagus
beneath the frigid waves of the Arctic Ocean. Over time, the sarcophagus sank into the
silt, where it has remained ever since. Now, thousands of years later, a number of
aquatic monsters and Banes surround the area, as if vigilantly trying to protect the
Talon. The Wendigo still tell half-remembered tales of a Talon of the Wyrm sunk
beneath the waves in the far north, but Galchus’ name, his location and even the
manner of his binding have been lost to history.

• Vothnaak, Fourth Talon of the Wyrm, is imprisoned inside an artifact called the Tain,
which appears to be a very old and strange-looking jewel box. The Tain is one of the
many artifacts contained in the Womb, the hidden vault of artifacts located at the Black
Fury Sept of Bygone Visions on the island of Miria (known to the modern world as
Ecube). The Sept of Bygone Visions do not know that a Talon of the Wyrm is imprisoned
inside one of their stored artifacts. Vothnaak’s name, the tale of how he came to be
imprisoned within the Tain and even the tale of how the Tain came to be stored inside
the Womb have all been lost to time. It is up to the Storyteller to decide if Iona
Kinslayer’s vision of a shadow spreading across the Glen of Miria has anything to do with

Assumed Directions that the Talons of the Wyrm fled (assuming they “landed” in

Koschei ran to the East(-Northwest) to Russia.

Narlthus ran to the North(west) to Canada.

Thrassus Thrice-Damned ran in an unknown direction. Assuming that Thrassus Thrice-

Damned is located at Area 51 (and not any other undisclosed location), then it may have
run towards the (American) Southwest (assuming it was bound near that area and not
later transported to Area 51).

Galchus ran to the North to the Arctic Circle.

Vothnaak ran to the Southeast to Greece (assuming it got captured and bound near

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