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Process and Capacity Selection 3

Process and
2.1 Process Selection
There are three processes are to be used for the re-refining of waste oil:

• Acid Clay Process

• Phillips DAP Process

• KTI Distillation Process

The advantages and disadvantages of each is given below,

Process Advantages Disadvantages

Acid clay process Relative low capital cost and Low product quality and adverse
simplicity of operation. Low environmental impact of
energy input. by product.

About 90% recovery of waste oil It don’t has hydro treatment

Phillips DAP process occur in this process and has low process so poor quality of product
capital cost is obtained, byproducts as
metallic phosphates has also
adverse environmental impacts.
Process and Capacity Selection 4

Process Advantages Disadvantages

KTI Process All re-refining steps are included It gives a low yield
in this process and a very good
quality of product is obtained

Very little byproducts are

obtained in this process

So selected process is KTI distillation process.


The National oil Refinery is the only refinery in Pakistan that is processing lube oil. There are
two refineries in NRL named as lube 1 and lube 2. The capacity of these refineries is 150
thousand tons per year. The lube which is utilized for automobiles is 40% of that process and
collectable lube as waste oil is 60% of that utilized for automobiles. So these percentages are
to be consulted from annual report of used oil of UK. So selected capacity of refined oil is 90
tons per day.
Process and Capacity Selection 5

1. EIA report of Echo Fuel Ltd. NHDC Commercial center,Latour Koeing,Pointeaux
2. Green and staff of chemical engineers, Process technology and flow sheet
,Vol.2,Elsevier Publishing
3. U.K waste oil market report 2001 by Nicholas Morley, Peter Lee, David Fitzmons,
Oakandena Hollins Ltd.
4. Profile Document of National oil Refinery Ltd. Karachi, Pakistan

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