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Biology and TOK

The ‘Real World’ The ‘TOK World’

*concrete Real Life Situation *abstract
*specific *Could be from an article or personal life… *general
*Helpful if claims made in a specific AOK

I read an article about Endosymbiotic Theory (ET). When first published there
was backlash as scientists didn’t believe that cooperation could be involved in
evolution as it contrasts with Darwin’s idea of evolution through competition.
First Order Claims Second Order Claims
*Often explicitly stated *Often implied rather than stated
*Rather specific to the Real Life Situation *More general than First Order Claims

Scientists did not accept the idea as it Scientists must sometimes choose
conflicted with current theories. between competing theories.
Experimental evidence came 16 years What does this say more Scientists remain sceptical in the absence
later helping confirm the theory. generally about knowledge? of experimental ‘facts’.
Lynn Margulis was described as a It can require personal strength to
radical by her peers. produce knowledge in science.

First Order Questions Second Order Questions

*Questions you might see on a subject test *KQs: About knowledge, General, Open
*Vocabulary is specific to the subject *Derived from the Second Order Claims

What distinguished ET theory from How should scientists choose between

competing ones? competing theories?
What was the most compelling evidence What is the relationship between facts
supporting ET? and theories?
In what ways did ET theory challenge the What is the role of knower’s perspective
orthodoxy? in science?

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