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Instrumentation & Control of Distillation Column 92


& Control of

Measurement is a fundamental requisite to process

control. Either the control can be affected automatically,
semi-automatically or manually. The quality of control
obtainable also bears a relationship to the accuracy, re-
product ability and reliability of the measurement
methods, which are employed. Therefore, the selection of
the most effective means of measurement is an important
first step in the design and formulation of any process
control system.
11.1 Instrumentation and Control Objectives
The primary objectives of a designer when specifying instrumentation and control schemes are;

 Safe Plant Operation

 Production Rate
 Product Quantity

11.2 The Concept of Measurement in Automation Applications

Measurement is defined as extraction from physical and chemical systems or processes of signals,
which represent parameters or variable. The performance of an automation system can never surpass
that the associated measuring devices. A basic example is a human being. The output of a measuring
instrument that has its output compared to an arbitrarily chosen reference of suitable magnitudes
which is normally assumed to be unvarying.
Instrumentation & Control of Distillation Column 93

11.2.1 Temperature Measurement and Control

Temperature measurement is used to control the temperature of outlet and inlet streams in heat
exchangers, reactors, etc.

Most temperature measurement in the industry are made by means of thermo-couples to facilitate
bringing the measurements to centralized location. For local measurements at the equipment bi-
metallic or filled system thermometers are used to a lesser extent. Usually, for high measurement
accuracy, resistance thermometers are used.

All these meters are installed with thermo-wells when used locally. This provides protection against
atmosphere and other physical elements. Normally the control loops, which are used to control the
controlled variables, are feedback controllers. Only 10% of total controllers are feed forward

11.2.2 Pressure Measurement and Control

Like temperature pressure is a valuable indication of material state and composition. In fact, these two
measurements consider together are the primary evaluating devices of industrial materials.

Pumps, compressors and other process equipment associated with pressure changes in the process
material are furnished with pressure measuring devices. Thus pressure measurement becomes an
indication of energy increase or decrease.

Most pressure measurement in industry are elastic element devices, either directly connected for local
use or transmission type to centralized location. Most extensively used industrial pressure element is
the Bourden Tube or a Diaphragm or Bellows gauges.

11.2.3 Flow Measurement and Control

Flow-indicator-controllers are used to control the amount of liquid. Also all manually set streams
require some flow indication or some easy means for occasional sample measurement. For accounting
purposes, feed and product streams are metered. In addition utilities to individual and grouped
equipment are also metered.

Most flow measures in industry are by variable head devices. To a lesser extent variable area is used,
as are the many available types as special metering situations arise.
Instrumentation & Control of Distillation Column 94

11.3 Instrumentation on Distillation Column










 FRC (Flow regulating controller)

 TRC(Temperature regulating controller)
 LIC(Level Indicating controller)
 Valves (Final control element)

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