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You will need: Scissors, photocopies of the pattern pages on white card stock, colored pencils if you
would like the students to color the cards, and a copy of the Periodic Table for each student

Set up
Cut apart the cards. If you would like the students to add color to the cards, provide colored
pencils and some extra coloring time.

How to play
The object of the game is to be the first player to collect six cards.
Decide which player will be the “caller.” This player must read from the list below instead of being
one of the card players. If an adult is supervising the game, this is the obvious adult job. An adult caller
may want to choose particular attributes from the list below to emphasize facts recently learned. It is
easiest to go down the list in order, but the caller need not go in order, and may also use items from the
list more than once (as long as the caller is being fair and is not purposely aiming to benefit any one card
player, of course!) Feel free to add your own ideas to the list given below!
Each card player receives five cards, which he places face up in front of him. The rest of the cards
go face down in a draw pile. The caller reads one of the attributes from the list (the first on the list if they
are going in order). Each player looks at his five cards to see if he has a card that has that attribute. If he
does, he slaps his hand down on the card. The caller looks to see who is the first player to slap his hand
down. That player then shows the card under his hand. If the caller agrees that this card qualifies, then
the player may remove that card from the line up and put it face down into a “keeper” pile. Then he draws
a card from the draw pile to replace that card and restore him to five cards, face up.
The caller then reads off another attribute from the list and the game continues in this manner until
one player has six cards in his “keeper” pile. If no player has a card that qualifies, the caller simply goes
on to the next one on the list.
If you reach the end of the list, just start over at the beginning again.
Game takes 5-20 minutes to play. Often there is time to play several games in a row. You can switch
callers between games if you want to.

Note: Some of these clues require the students to look at the atomic weight, or “mass,” of the element. (Weight and mass are
not really the same thing, but in this case the words can be used interchangeably, so we won’t go into the difference between
them. Kids seem to prefer “weight” to “mass.”) The atomic mass is listed in smaller print right under the atomic number. It is
basically the number of protons and neutrons added together. Electrons are so small they add almost nothing to the total mass.
The students may notice that some of the atomic masses are decimal numbers, instead of whole numbers, and they may wonder
if this means that there can be fractional pieces of protons and neutrons. The reason for these decimal numbers is that scientists
measured many atoms, then took a mathematical average. Since a small percentage of atoms have one or two more (or less)
neutrons, the average comes out to a decimal number. For example, if you weigh ten atoms of neon and get these results: 20,
20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, then take the average, you will get 20.2. This is the atomic mass listed for neon. Most neon
atoms have 10 protons and 10 neutrons, but once in a while you will meet a neon atom with 10 protons and 11 neutrons.
The clues are in groups of ten just to make them easier to read (so you don’t lose your place so easily).

Number has a 3 in it
Name has two syllables
Used in lasers
Has something to do with the color green
Named after someplace in Scandinavia
Has something to do with teeth
Starts with the letter C
Number has a 5 in it
Name has something to do with color
Used to make tools of some kind

Is named after a city (not a country)

Name has three syllables
Is used to make jewelry
Named after a country
Used for something that burns
Named after something in the solar system
Number has a 7 in it
Is named after a country (not a city)
Used in fireworks
Has something to do with bones

Name starts with a vowel

Gemstones are made from it
Used in steel production
Used to repair the human body
Used in light bulbs
Is found as a gas in the air around us
Has something to do with eyes
Conducts electricity
Last three letters of the name are I-U-M
Name is from a Latin word

Is used in batteries or fuel

Has something to do with glass
First letter of name does not match first letter of the symbol
Is found in some kind of gemstone
Name begins with the letter S
Name comes from a chemical compound
Name starts with the “K” sound (C or K)
Is used in magnets of any kind
Used in something that makes light
Used to make coins

Contains one of these letters: X, Y, or Z

Name has four syllables
Number has a 1 in it
Does not bond with any other element
Used in glass
Quick Six clues page 2

Name comes from a compound

Has an atomic number less than that of tin
Has the word “light” or “lights” in the description
Name ends with –ine
Has an atomic number between 50 and 60

Atomic number has a 3 in it

Name has two syllables
Used in lasers
Has something to do with the color green
Named after someplace in Scandinavia
Has something to do with teeth
Named after a Greek god or goddess
Is a transition metal
Starts with the letter C
Is in the same row as gold on the Periodic Table

Used in some kind of engine

Atomic number has a 5 in it
Used to make tools of some kind
Is named after a city (not a country)
Is an alkali earth metal
Is radioactive
Name has three syllables
Is used to make jewelry
Used for something that burns
Is a non-metal

Atomic mass is less than 30

Named after something in the solar system
Atomic number has a 7 in it
Is on the edge of the Periodic Table
Atomic mass is between 50 and 70
Named after Ytterby, Sweden
Is a true metal (or a semi-metal, if you have those labeled)
Is named after a country (not a city)
Used in fireworks
Atomic number has three digits

Found in the sands of Florida and California

Is in the actinide series
Has something to do with bones
Name starts with a vowel
Is in the same row as molybdenum on the Periodic Table
Gemstones are made from it
Named after a famous scientist
Has an atomic number greater than that of tungsten
Used to color glass
Name has four syllables
Quick Six clues page 3

Atomic number has a 0 in it

Used in steel production
Used to repair the human body in some way
Is in the same column as helium on the Periodic Table
Used in light bulbs
Atomic mass is greater than 100
Is found as a gas in the air around us
Has something to do with eyes
Atomic number has a 9 in it
Is in the lanthanide series

Conducts electricity
Last three letters of the name are I U M
Is in the same row as iron on the Periodic Table
Has no commercial or scientific use
Is made in nuclear reactors
Name is from a Latin word
First letter of name does not match first letter of the symbol
The atomic mass listed on the card is exactly double the atomic number
Name comes from a Greek word or words
Used in TVs

Is in the third row of the periodic table

Name starts with the letter u
Used for coins
Unstable; only exists for a short time
Used in catalytic converters
Has a y in its name
Is in the third column of the periodic table
Used in lights
Made in nuclear reactors
Name comes from a German word or words

All the digits of the atomic number are the same

Used in batteries
Name has something to do with a color
The digits of its atomic number add up to 10
Used in magnets
Has an x in its name
Has an atomic number greater than 90
Name starts with the letter m
Used as a scavenger in vacuum tubes
Has more than 4 vowels in its name (y is a vowel)

Is in the first column of the periodic table

Name ends in “–on”
Name starts with the letter s
Has an atomic mass less than 10
Name has less than 5 letters
The sum of the atomic number and atomic mass is between 100 and 200
1 He
2 Li 3
Helium 4.0 Lithium 6.9
Greek: “hydro–gen” (water-maker) Greek: “helios” (sun) Greek: “lithos” (stone)

very small

• Has no neutrons. • Used in balloons, blimps and scubing • Used in batteries, lubricants, medicines,
• Most abundant element in the Universe. diving tanks. and nuclear bombs.
• Used in rocket fuel and fuel cells. • Discovered in the sun in 1895 using a • Is never found by itself in nature (it’s
spectrometer. always in a compound).

4 B
9.0 Boron
5 C
Carbon 12.0
from the mineral “beryl” from the compound “borax” Latin: “carbo” (charcoal)

• Diamonds, graphite and coal are all made of

• Found in emeralds. • Used to make heat-resistant glass. carbon.
• Is mixed with copper to make • Used to make boric acid, which is used as • Carbon makes long chains (polymers) that
“beryllium bronze,” an alloy that will an antiseptic eye wash. are the basis of fossil fuels and plastics.
not create sparks. • Used in nuclear power plants. • Carbon is necessary for organic molecules
found in living organisms.

7 O
8 F 9
Oxygen 15.9 Fluorine 18.9
Greek: “nitron” (the mineral saltpetre) Greek: “oxy-gen” (acid-maker) Latin: “fluere” (to flow)

• Most of the air we breathe is nitrogen.

• Used in air bags in cars. • Found in air, water and sand. • Found in the mineral fluorite.
• Doctors use liquid nitrogen • Necessary for respiration and • Is put into toothpaste to fight cavities.
to treat skin conditions. combustion. • Used as a coolant.
• Proteins and DNA contain nitrogen. • Ozone is made of pure oxygen. • Used in nuclear power plants.
10 Na
11 Mg 12
Sodium 22.9 Magnesium 24.3
Greek: “neo” (new) from soda ash from Magnesia, in Greece

• Bonds with chlorine to make table salt.

• Used in neon lights and lasers. • Used in street lights and in household • Used in sparklers.
• Neon never bonds to any other cleaning products. • Found in Epsom salts and “milk of
elements. • Sodium is never found by itself in Magnesia”
nature; it is always in a compound. • Plants and animals need magnesium.

13 Si
26.9 Silicon
14 P
Phosphorus 30.9
from the compound “alumina” Latin: “silex” (hard stone, boulder) Greek: “phosphoros” (bringer of light)

• Used in airplanes because it is so • Found in sand, clay, lava, glass and • Used in matches, fireworks, fertilizers
light and strong. the mineral quartz. and detergents.
• Used for foil, tubes and cables. • Used to make computer chips. • Discovered by an alchemist in 1669 as
• Used in fireworks. he was boiling down urine!

16 Cl
32.0 Chlorine
17 Ar
35.4 Argon
Latin: “sulfur” (stone that burns) Greek: “kloros” (light green) Greek: “argos” (lazy)

• Bonds with sodium to make table salt.

• Used to disinfect swimming pools.
• Found in matches and fireworks.
• Used to vulcanize rubber. • Is an ingredient in PVC plastics.
• Combines with hyrdogen to make HCl, • Used in lightbulbs and lasers.
• Volcanoes produce sulfur dioxide gas
(a gas that’s also produced by some factories an acid that your stomach produces to • Does not bond to, or react with, any
and forms a large part of air pollution). help with digestion. other element.
19 Ca
20 Sc 21
Calcium 40.0 Scandium 44.9
from the word “potash” Latin: “calx” (chalk) named after Scandinavia

• Used in stadium lighting.

• Found in chalk, limestone, plaster,
• Used in fertilizers. • Used in large television screens.
concrete, bones, and teeth.
• Is an ingredient in gun powder. • Radioactive scandium is used as a
• Milk contains a lot of calcium.
• Bananas contain a lot of potassium. “tracer” in petroleum refineries.
• Calcium in water makes it “hard.”
• Can form salts, just like sodium can.

22 V 47.9 Vanadium
23 Cr
Chromium 51.9
named after the Greek Titan gods after the Scandinavian goddess Vanadis Greek: “chroma” (color)

• Gives rubies their red color.

• Used to repair bones. • Used in making steel. • Used to make red, green and yellow
• Because it is lightweight it is used in • Is an ingredient in metals that are used paint.
airplane motors. to make tools, springs and engines. • Used as a shiny coating for metals.
• Is an ingredient in paint pigments. • Used to make video tapes.

Mn 25 Fe
Manganese 54.9 Iron
26 Co 55.8 Cobalt
27 58.9
Latin: “magnes” (magnetic) from Old English “iren” German “kobald” (evil gnomes)

• Discovered in ancient times. • Miners used to say “kobald” lurked in

• Added to steel that needs to be very
• Used in steel and in magnets. the mines (and the name stuck).
strong (for example: rifle barrels and
• Found in red blood cells and in rust. • Used in “alnico” magnets.
bank vaults).
• Meteorites often contain iron. • Used in making drill bits and razors.
• Is necessary for the functioning of
• Red rocks usually contain iron. • Can be used to color glass deep blue.
vitamin B1 in our bodies.
28 Cu58.7
29 Zn 30
Copper 63.5 Zinc 65.4
German: “Nickel” (Satan) Latin: “Cuprum” (from Cyprus) Greek: “zink”

• Name comes from “Kupfernickel,” • Used for coins, wires and pipes. • Used for galvanizing (protecting)
meaning “Satan’s copper.” • The Statue of Liberty is made of copper. metals such as iron and steel.
• Used in the coloring of glass. • Copper mixed with zinc makes brass. • Zinc sulfide glows in the dark.
• Used to make coins and utensils. • Copper mixed with tin makes bronze. • Zinc oxide is used in photocopiers.

31 Ge
69.7 Germanium
32 As
Arsenic 74.9
Latin: “Gallia” (France) Latin: “Germania” (Germany) Latin: “arsenicum” (a pigment)



• Gallium arsenide is used in lasers • Is a semi-conductor and therefore is • Famous for its use as a poison.
and in compact disc players. used in transitors. • Is an ingredient in weed killers and
• Used in cell phones and in medical • Used in lenses and fiberoptics. insecticides.
devices. • Used in lasers and LED’s.

34 Br 78.9 Bromine
35 Kr
79.9 Krypton
36 83.8
Greek: “selene” (moon) Greek: “bromos” (stench) Greek: “kryptos” (hidden)

• Used in photocopiers because it conducts

electricity in the presence of light. • Bromine is a reddish liquid with a very
bad smell. • Used in fluorescent flight, especially
• Used in robotics and in light meters.
• Selenium is beneficial to our bodies and • Found in sea water and salt mines. photographic bulbs.
acts as an anti-oxidant, protecting use from • Used in photographic film. • Used in UV lasers and in atomic clocks.
cellular damage.
37 Sr85.5
38 Y 39
Strontium 87.6 Yttrium 88.9
Latin: “rubidus” (deep red) after the Scottish village of Strontia after the Swedish town of Ytterby

a moon rock

Rubidium captures atoms of gases that

should not be in a vacuum jar or tube.. • Used in superconductors and lasers.
• Used in fireworks (bright red). • Rocks from the moon contain yttrium.
• Is a by-product of the refinement of • Used in batteries in ocean buoys.
lithium and cesium. • Used to make the bright red color in
• Used to produce beta radiation. television screens.
• Used as a gas “scavenger” (collector) in • Used to research bone structure.
vacuum tubes.

40 Nb 91.2 Niobium
41 Mo
Molybdenum 95.9
Arabic: “zargun” (gold color) named after the Greek goddess Niobe Greek: “molybdos” (lead)

used in welding
• Made into gemstones. • Used for filaments in heaters.
• Used in catalytic converters in cars. • Used in welding rods, cutting tools, • is an ingredient in steel that is used to
• Used for heat-resistant parts in nuclear and superconducting magnets. make engines for cars and planes.
power plants and in space shuttles. • Is added to steel to make it heat- • Large deposits of molybdenum are
resistant. found in Colorado.

43 Ru 99.0 Ruthenium
44 Rh
101.1 Rhodium
45 102.9
Greek: “teknetos” (artificial) Latin: “Ruthenia” (Russia) Greek: “rhodon” (rose)

• Rhodium salts have a rose color.

• Is radioactive. • Used in catalytic converters in cars.
• Used to split water molecules. • Used in headlight reflectors.
• Not found in nature. Must be made in
• Used in the jewelry making industry. • Used in jewelry to prevent tarnishing of
a nucluear laboratory.
• Often mixed with titanium and sterling silver.
• Is combined with other elements and
platinum to increase their hardness. • Combined with Pt and Pd to make spark
used in medical procedures. plugs, electrodes, and other electronic parts.
46 Ag
106.4 Silver
47 Cd
107.8 Cadmium
named after the asteroid Pallas Anglo-Saxon: “soilful” (silver) Greek: “kadmeia” (earth)
Symbol from Latin “argentum”

• Used in dentistry and in jewelry. • Used to make coins, jewelry, mirrors,

silverware, photographic film and • Used in rechargeable batteries.
• Used in catalytic converters in cars.
electronic components. • Is a neutron-absorber in nuclear
• Used to purify hydrogen gas.
• Sterling silver contains copper. reactors.
• Used for treatment of tumors.
• Used to make yellow and red
pigments in paints.

49 Sn
114.8 Tin
50 Sb
Antimony 121.7
Latin: “indicum” (indigo blue) Latin: “stannum” (tin) Greek: “anti-monos” (not alone)
Symbol comes from “stibnium”

pewter bronze
• Used in transistors and solar cells.
• Is an ingredient of pewter. • Is also known by the name Stibnium.
• Often mixed with other metals to
• Is mixed with copper to make bronze. • Used in ceramics, glazes, solder, lead
make alloys.
• Turns into powder at low temperatures. batteries and matches.
• Its light wave pattern in a spectro-
meter shows bright purple lines. • Increases hardness in alloys.

52 I
127.6 Iodine
53 Xe
126.9 Xenon
Latin: “tellus” (earth) Greek: “iodes” (violet) Greek: “xenos” (strange)


• Used to “vulcanize” rubber (although sulfur

is the key ingredient in vulcanization) • Used as a disinfectant.
• Is one of the few elements that will bond • Used in halogen lamps, ink pigments • Used in camera flash bulbs, strobe
with gold. and photographic film. lights, UV lamps and tanning bed lamps.
• Used to color glass. • Our thyroid glands need iodine.
• Used in ceramics.
55 Ba
56 La Lanthanum
57 138.9
Barium 137.3
Latin: “caesius” (sky blue) Greek: “barys” (heavy) Greek: “lanthanein” (to lie hidden)


• Will melt in your hand. • Used for X-rays of digestive systems. • Used in telescope and camera lenses.
• Used in atomic clocks. • Used in fireworks (green color), • Used for electrodes in high intensity
• Used as a “scavenger” (collector) magnetic recording tapes, and spark lights (example: search lights).
of unwanted atoms of gas in vacuum plugs.

58 Pr
140.1 Praseodymium
59 Nd
Neodymium 144.2
named after the asteroid Ceres Greek: “prasios-didymos” (green twin) Greek: “neos-didymos” (new twin)



• Found in sand along the coasts of • Found in sand along the coasts of
• Found in sand along the coasts of
California, Florida, India and Brazil California, Florida, India and Brazil
California, Florida, India and Brazil
(“monazite sand”). (“monazite sand”).
(“monazite sand”).
• Used in self-cleaning ovens. • Used to color glass green.
• Used to make very strong magnets.
• Used in electrodes in lights. • Used in electrodes in lights.
• Used to color glass and to make rubies.

61 Sm
62 Eu 63
Samarium 150.3 Europium 151.9
named after Greek god Prometheus named after the mineral “samarskite” named after Europe
which was named for Col. Samarski,
a Russian army engineer


• Used to make red color in televisions.

• Found in sand along the coasts of
• Is a synthetic element made in • Used in mercury lamps and energy-
California, Florida, India and Brazil
nuclear reactors. saving fluorescent bulbs.
(“monazite sand”).
• Can be a source of X-rays in portable • Used to identify counterfeit Euros.
• Used in magnets for MRI machines, and
X-ray machines. • Used to study formation of igneous
in infra-red absorbing glass.
64 Tb
157.2 Terbium
65 Dy
158.9 Dysprosium
66 162.5
named for chemist Johann Gadolin named after Swedish village of Ytterby Greek: “dysprositos” (difficult to obtain)


• Found in sand along the coasts of • Found in sand along the coasts of • Found in sand along the coasts of
California, Florida, India and Brazil California, Florida, India and Brazil California, Florida, India and Brazil
(“monazite sand”). (“monazite sand”). (“monazite sand”)..
• Used in magnets and TV tubes. • Used in TV tubes and X-ray screens. • Used in TV tubes, mercury lamps, and
• Used to diagnose osteoporosis. • Used in metal alloys for CD players. magnets inside CD players.

67 Er
164.9 Erbium
68 Tm
Thulium 168.9
named for Stockholm, Sweden named after Sweidish village of Ytterby Thule is the ancient name for Scandinavia



• Found in sand along the coasts of • Used in alloys with vanadium, to make
• Found in sand along the coasts of
California, Florida, India and Brazil the texture less brittle (easier to shape).
California, Florida, India and Brazil
(“monazite sand”). • Used for pink coloring in glass.
(“monazite sand”).
• Used in eye-safe medical lasers. • Used to make artificial gemstones.
• Used in lasers and in medical imaging.
• Used to color glass. • Superconducts at low temperatures.
• Is very rare.

70 Lu
173.0 Lutetium
71 Hf
174.9 Hafnium
72 178.5
named after Swedish village of Ytterby Lutetia is the ancient name for Paris Hafnia is the ancient name for Copenhagen


• Found in sand along the coasts of • Found in sand along the coasts of • Usually found with zirconium.
California, Florida, India and Brazil California, Florida, India and Brazil • Used in nuclear submarines and
(“monazite sand”). (“monazite sand”). nuclear reactors.
• Used in dentures (artificial teeth). • Is the only naturally-occurring element • Used as a gas “scavenger” (collector)
• Is added to stainless steel to improve discovered in America. in vacuum tubes (to get rid of unwanted
strength. • Used in temperature-sensing optics. atoms of gas).
73 W
180.9 Tungsten
74 Re
183.8 Rhenium
named after the Greek god Tantalus Swedish: “Tung stem” (heavy stone) Latin: “Rhenus” (Rhine River)
Used to be called Wolframite



• Used in alloys, especially for

• Used to repair bones, especially in the
• Used for filaments in light bulbs. electrical switches and contacts.
• Used for high-speed cutting tools. • Used for high-temp thermometers.
• Used to make tools and weights.
• Has the highest melting point of all the • Used for oven filaments.
• Used for capacitors in electronics.

76 Ir
190.2 Iridium
77 Pt
Platinum 195.1
Greek: “osme” (smell) Latin: “iris” (rainbow) Spanish: “platina” (silver)

• Used in pen points and compass

needles. • Used in jewelry and dentistry.
• Iridium salts are highly colored.
• Mixed with platinum and iridium to • Used in the petroleum and electronic
• Used in helicopter spark plugs,
make alloys. industries.
hypodermic needles and rocket engines.
• Is the most dense element, twice as • Most platinum comes from South Africa
• Is often mixed with platinum.
dense as lead. and Russia.

79 Hg
196.9 Mercury
80 Tl
200.6 Thallium
Old English: “gold” named after the Roman god Mercury Greek: “thallos” (green twig)
“Au” comes from Latin: “aurum”

• The symbol Hg comes from the Latin

“hydragyrum” meaning “liquid silver.” • Looks like lead and is poisonous.
• Used for coins, jewelry, dentistry, and
• Used in thermometers, barometers, • Was once used in insecticides.
electrical parts that need to conduct
and street lights. • Used to diagnose heart disease.
• Found primarily in the mineral ore • Used in infrared detectors.
• Used as a reflective coating on the
outside of large glass windows. “cinnabar,” mined in Spain and Italy.
82 Bi
207.2 Bismuth
83 Po
208.9 Polonium
84 210
Ancient Anglo-Saxon: “lead” German” “weisse masse” (white mass) named after Poland
“Pb” comes from Latin: “Plumbum”

• Used in stomach medicines such as

• Discovered by Marie Curie, who was
• Used for fishing weights, in batteries, • Used in indoor sprinkler systems (fire
born in Poland.
and for protection against X-rays. safety for commercial buidings).
• Is very radioactive. Can be used as a
• Romans used lead for their water pipes. • Used in the manufacturing of rubber,
source of radiation.
fuses, and cosmetics

85 Rn
210 Radon
86 Fr 222
Francium 223
Greek: “astatos” (instable) named after the element radium named after France

• Discovered in France.
• Very little is known about this element. • Is the heaviest gaseous element.
• Is very active.
• The total amount of astatine that exists • It is radioactive and probably causes
• Comes from the decay of uranium and
is estimated to be only about an ounce! lung cancer.
• Is radioactive. • Used in earthquake prediction.
• Is too unstable to be used for anything.

88 Ac
226.0 Actinium
89 Th227 Thorium
90 232
Latin: “radius” (ray) Greek: “actinos” (ray or beam) after the ancient Scandinavian god Thor,
god of lightning and thunder

• Discovered with the spectrometer, as

an impurity in uranium ores. • Is radioactive. • More common than uranium.
• Was once used to make glow-in-the- • Comes from the decay of uranium and • Used as a source of electrons in some
dark watches. thorium. electronic devices.
• Can be used to make radon, for use in • No commercial use. • Used in the “mantles” of camping
medical procedures. lanterns (that little bag-like thing that glows)
Pa 91 U Uranium
92 Np238 Neptunium
93 237
Protactinium 231
Greek: “protos” (first), plus “actinium” named after the planet Uranus named after the planet Neptune

• Is radioactive. • Is radioactive.
• Was given this name because it • Was discovered just after Uranus was. • Is produced as a by-product of nuclear
always decays into actinium. • Used as fuel in nuclear reactors. fission.
• Not much is known about it. • Depleted uranium (which is much less • Very small quantities of naturally-
• Has no commercial use. radioactive) is used to color glass and occurring neptunium have recently
to make metals for military vehicles. been discovered in uranium ores.

94 Am 95 Cm 96
242 Americium 243 Curium 247
named after Pluto named after America named after Marie Curie

• Is made from uranium inside “breeder”

nuclear reactors.
• Used in nuclear weapons. • Is radioactive. • Is radioactive.
• Was used to power the lunar modules. • Used in smoke detectors. • Used in pacemakers in heart, and also
• The element barium was almost • Used in crystal research. in ocean buoys.
named plutonium! • Used as a source of neutrons. • Has been used as an energy source on
space missions.

97 Cf 247 Californium
98 Es 251 Einsteinium
99 252
named after Berkeley, California named after California named after Albert Einstein

• Is radioactive; was made in Berkeley, Ca. • Discovered during the investigation of

• Has no commerical use. • Is radioactive.
debris from the first atomic bomb.
• BkCl3 (berkeliium trichloride) was the • Can be used as a portable source of
• Extremely radioactive and unstable.
first compound to be made with this neutrons. • Einstein is famous for his equation that
element. The quantity produced was • Named after California because that’s shows the relationship of matter to
very small-- only.000000003 of a gram! where it was made/discovered. energy (e=mc2).
Fm 100 Md 101 No 102
Fermium 257 Mendelevium 256 Nobelium 259
named after Enrico Fermi named after Dmitri Mendeleyev named after Alfred Nobel

• Discovered during investigation of the

debris from the first atomic bomb. • Radioactive and very unstable. • Very radioactive and very unstable.
• Extremely radioactive and unstable.
• Made in nuclear reactors. • Made in nuclear reactors.
• No commerical use.
• Fermi was a physicist who studied • No commerical use. • No commerical use.
atomic structure and radioactivity. • Mendeleyev invented the Periodic Table. • Alfred Nobel established the Nobel Prizes.

103 Rf 104 Db 105
262 Rutherfordium 261 Dubnium 262
named after Ernest Lawrence named after Ernest Rutherford named after Dubna, Russia

• Is radioactive and very unstable. It only

exits for a few minutes after it is created. • Is very radioactive and unstable. • Was made in a reactor in Russia.
• Lawrence was the inventor of the • Is made in nuclear reactors. • Is very radioactive and very unstable.
cyclotron machine that was used to • No commerical use. • Only exits for a few minutes.
discover elements heavier than uranium. • Rutherford was a famous physicist.

106 Bh 107 Hs 108
263 Bohrium 262 Hassium 265
named after Glenn T. Seaborg named after Niels Bohr named after Hesse, Germany

• Is very radioactive and unstable • Extremely radioactive and unstable.

• Is made in nuclear reactors. • No commercial use. • Extremely radioactive and unstable.
• No commerical use. • Only exists for a fraction of a second. • Made in nuclear reactors.
• Only exits for a few seconds. • No commericial use.
• Seaborg and his team discovered Pu, • Niels Bohr figured out atomic structure
and also studied the nature of light. • Only exists for a fraction of a second.
Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm, Md and No.

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