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ABC Community School

By: Jaylen Dixon

But Why?

After Learning that we would be abandoning Technology, I was completely devastated.

While I feel this is completely outrageous but that is not for me to say. What I can do though is

take the time to tell you all how big of a mistake this is. Technology has come a long way in all

fields, like work school and even just daily entertainment. So, here is why our school should

continue using technology in three simple reasons.

As the world advances, so does thing in our everyday life and ow we do them. Examples

can include the cars we drive, the technology we use at work at even our cell phones. My

question is if all these things evolve, why shouldn’t our classrooms. While student all across the

us advance in their knowledge and skill with online learning, our students will not. When these

students make it home, they will need to ask parents or struggle on their own with using school

implemented programs. I as a teacher can use what we have been given to further their


Since that has been addressed, I am able to go to my next point. Student haven been using

technology in schools for a very long period of time. Not only have they been using them, but

they have also started to create things to specially contribute to education. Let us take the time to

talk about these amazing things that have already been in place for a long period of time. First

Word Processor. Word has helped students for so long with things like, typing papers and

correcting grammar. Secondly PowerPoint has helped students put together some of the most

amazing presentations. Even the program Excel can help students sum up data and present it in

several different ways. Every program named can even be customized to the students liking,

showing how the possibilities are endless. Why should we get rid of these things?
The last reason that will be given, but please understand when I say that many more

could be named. Why should we take such an amazing thing out of the materials a teacher cam

use? Teacher for a long period of time now has implemented technology into their lessons from

giving students the time to in school to use some of the programs I named and more. We even

use smart boards instead of traditional white boards now. With this I can start a lesson and stop

mid-way to show the videos I prepared on the very same board. Please understand that with this

decision you are making, you are not only holding children’s educational future but also a

teacher’s ability to teach in a diverse and evolved way in your hands. Make this decision with all

of us in your heart.” Interviewers glean more from your answers about education and training

than just the facts. What you say reveals your decision-making processes, your values, your

ability to keep up with the times, and your willingness to adapt to a technology-driven global

economy” Technology driven global economy that right there says enough.
Work Citied

Part IV: Lights, camera, talk! answering questions - chapter 22: What education do you have?

(2008). . Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Retrieved from
Identification of Standards

To begin I would like to stay that I believe both state and national have excellent standards for

their students. Since I think both are great, let’s start by comparing the two. Both has main idea

and under subjects to go with it, that are examples of that main point. They also share main

ideas, for example they both address communication. They both also address things like

innovation and digital citizen. Digital Citizen in both standards are understanding their rights,

responsibilities and acting respectful online. Both also show that the things put in here are for

the processes being used in the classroom. The first most obvious difference is that the state

standards seems longer and more specific when it comes to its under points. While for the

National standards there are four little topics under its main point with videos to explain. Which

is very good, but the state has that as well. The state also has what grade the information should

have been covered and mastered. All material should have been learned before that point as well.

ISTE also Published the NETS-S after three years of Development. ISTE documented a

consensus saying what students needed to understand and learn what to do with technology. In

section four we will be addressing the content standards in 6 CREATIVE COMMUNICATOR

Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using

the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals 6D: Students

publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.

The reason I choose this standard is because, I believe this works best for my assignment

because of they would be making content that changes the ideas constantly amongst themselves.
Lesson Plan

Meaningful Word Search

A. Grade Level Appropriateness: 6th to 9th Grade

B. Technology Content Standards Addressed: 6 CREATIVE COMMUNICATOR 6D:

Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their

intended audiences.

Other Content Standards Addressed: 3 KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTOR 3D: Students

build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas

and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.

C. Objectives:

1. To show to correlation between technology and education

2. To help students advance their knowledge and skills in word processor

3. To get students to share their opinion on why certain technologies are important to



1. Student issued email

2. Word Processor

3. Talkative students

4. White Board

Suggested Group Size: 20+ preferably an even number

D. Procedures

1. Start by asking the students what technologies you want to use or already use in

2. One by one write those things they say on the board and once they are done ask them

which of them relates to education in some way and are there more technologies that

aren’t used that could help

3. After that tell the students to pair up and get on a computer.

4. Each Student will be instructed to make a word search with word processor using

technology words they think help with education (minimums of 5 words)

5. Then Write at least 1 paragraph on what words you choose and why.

6. They will give the crossword to their partner and turn in the paragraph to you.

7. After that the class will discuss the words on their classmates’ papers


When it comes to grading, I will be using the rubric system. There is only 50 points up

for grabs on this assignment. 10 points on a functioning word search. Another 10 points

for having the correct number of words needed. Finally, a big 30 points for their

paragraph. Hoping it is makes sense and they used all the words from the word search

and explaining why they chose it

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