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Agaku ( 掻く)

To pa a he gro nd To r gg e

Everything that lives is designed to end.

We are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death.

Is this a curse? Or some kind of punishment?

I often think about the God who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle

and onder if e e er ha e he chance o ki him


Project Manager and Lead Designer


Cover Artwork by

Drake (Winson) Tsui

Special Thanks

Tanathica for the original PANTS System

The Nier Fandom Wiki

chan’s /tg/ Board

MonMon for the Character Sheet

Taro Yoko

Version 0.2E

Last Update: June 14th, 2020

NieR: Automata is a registered trademark or trademark of Square Enix Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and copyrights are properties of
their respective owners. Nier: Agaku is not authorized, approved, licensed, endorsed, sponsored by, nor affiliated with, Square Enix,
Platinum Games, Taro Yoko, or any other Nier franchise. It is a non-commercial, fan-made tabletop roleplaying system intended for
recreational use. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against Square Enix, Platinum Games, Taro Yoko, or any other legal
entity. The aPANTS system is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Any trademarked names are used in a fictional manner; no infringement is intended. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity with
actual people and events, past or present, is purely coincidental and unintentional.

Table of Contents

CH01 – Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 5

We come to the Year … .................................................................................................................. 5
Adventures in the Aftermath of Nier ....................................................................................................... 5
What You Will Need ................................................................................................................................... 5
CH02 – Creating Your Android ..................................................................................................................... 7
YoRHa ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Android Models ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Actions & Styles ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Other Statistics ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Creating a Character ................................................................................................................................... 9
Bringing your Android to “Life” ................................................................................................................. 9
Upgrading your Character ........................................................................................................................ 10
CH03 – The aPANTS System ...................................................................................................................... 11
Criticals ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Opposing Rolls............................................................................................................................................ 12
Metacurrency ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Combat......................................................................................................................................................... 14
CH04 – PODs and You ................................................................................................................................. 16
CH05 – Armory .............................................................................................................................................. 17
CH06 – Flight Units ....................................................................................................................................... 18
CH07 – Gamemasters Only ......................................................................................................................... 20
CH08 – THIS CANNOT CONTINUE ......................................................................................................... 24
Afterword ........................................................................................................................................................ 29

people to create a shared story together.
CH01 Introduction They use their imagination and the rules
We come to the Year … outlined in this book to experience
encounters and situations far beyond a
From Pod 153, to fans of NieR: Automata traditional board or video game. There is no
winning or losing, only a collaborative and
[ref &NieR: Agaku] (hopefully) enjoyable experience with
QUESTION: What is a tabletop roleplaying
game? All games have rules. This book provides
such rules that will help everyone involved
AFFIRMATIVE: It is hypothesized that this
agree on what happens in the story, avoid
game is “interesting.”
conflicts over individual actions, and
HYPOTHESIS: “Interest” is an interna generally ensure everyone is working
incentive that allows humans to practice together to weave a story.
As for Nier: Automata, my best advice is to
RECOMMENDATION: To play this game grab it on a Steam Sale or otherwise
exploring the world of NieR. experience it for yourself if you have not
already. If you are reading this without any
FROM POD 153 TO 042: Affirmative. We knowledge what your friend has asked you
have concluded executing additional to read, do not worry. All you need to know
advertisement duties. will be outlined for you. Just know that,
from CH07 onwards, there is a high
Adventures in the Aftermath of Nier probability of spoilers from the game.

Welcome to Nier: Agaku, where Players take What You Will Need
on the roles of YoRHa units during the 14th
Machine War. Whi e fighting Mankind’s You will need several things to enjoy Nier:
enemies, you deve op from a “sou ess Agaku with your friends:
machine” into an individua . Yet that
individuality comes with a price. At some Time
point, YoRHa might take notice and act Players
against you. A Gamemaster (GM)
To put it brief y, it’s a s ow descent into Dice
madness while on a journey of self- Tokens
Chances are that you know both what a
All participants in a game must set aside
tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) is and
some mutual time, commonly referred to as
what happens in Nier: Automata. But if not,
a “session.” This is typica y to hours of
allow me to introduce you.
gaming, not including travel or setup. Some
In simple terms, TTRPGs, such as the groups may run shorter or longer depending
popular Dungeons & Dragons, are a way for on both availability and what sort of story

the Gamemaster has prepared. Showing up Characters
on time and ready to play is crucial to the Every Player (besides the Gamemaster)
success of your game. needs a character. CH02 contains all the
information Players need to create new
characters. These Characters are Androids
At bare minimum, Nier: Agaku requires two
initially working for YoRHa.
Players, with one of those Players acting as
Gamemaster (See Below). The Dice
recommended number of Players is three to It is recommended that each Player
six. It is possible to play with more, yet the (including the Gamemaster) have at least
more Players there are the less time each one 12-sided dice (referred to as a d12). An
Player gets to share the spotlight. ideal amount per Player is 10d12.
Gamemaster Tokens
Also known as the Dungeon Master, You will need some way to keep track of
Storyteller, and many other monikers, a two Metacurrencies: Drive (Players) and Risk
Gamemaster is essential to every group. (Gamemaster). This could be poker chips,
One Player must take on the role of the beads, or really anything that is easily
Gamemaster, while the other Players take grouped and counted at a glance.
control of Player Characters (See Below).
The Gamemaster is responsible for three
major items:

Determining how a P ayer’s

declaration translates to the rules
Deciding if a given rule applies in a
given situation, perhaps making or
changing a rule to work in the
Roleplaying and describing the
setting and NPCs in a given scene

NPCs, or Non-Player Characters, are

characters that are not controlled by the
Players. The Gamemaster is responsible for
roleplaying them in response to the actions
of the other Players. They can be just as
much a major actor as the Player Characters,
but not to the point where they overshadow

It is recommended that the person assuming

the role of the Gamemaster should have at
least played or experienced Nier: Automata's
full story.

B – Battler: All-purpose combat unit,
CH02 Creating Your a hybrid of the A and G prototype
Android models.
YoRHa D – Defender: Focused on defensive
tactics such as the use of barriers,
YoRHa is an elite military force of androids and heavily reinforced against the
charged by the Council of Humanity with Logic Virus.
fighting the invading aliens and their E – Executioner: Combat model
machine ifeforms. YoRHa’s base of specifically designed for anti-android
operations is an orbital installation known as operations. Functionally similar to B-
the Bunker. From there they are constantly models. Meant for Advanced Players,
fighting to reclaim Earth for the human race. further details on E-Models is found
Glory to Mankind. within CH07. You must get
permission from your Gamemaster
to play this model.
G – Gunner: Specialized in long-
range combat. Considered Obsolete.
H – Healer: Specialized Repair Unit,
with additional tools both for
repairing physical damage and
dealing with data corruption and
electronic warfare.
P – Prototype: A model typically
used to test new advancements.
Functionally similar to B-models. You
YoRHa androids are distinct from previous must get permission from your
android models still present on Earth. Gamemaster to play this model.
Typically, these YoRHa units are more S – Scanner: Scout unit with
advanced and divided into specific models additional sensor capabilities and a
for defined roles. Each unit is denoted by a comprehensive hacking suite for
number and a letter that indicates their gathering data. Unique in that they
mode type. For examp e, “Attacker Number are the only current-production male
” is referred to as “A .” Modern YoRHa androids.
designations put the number before the
mode type (e.g. “ A”). This is effective y a Though not available as Player Characters,
unit’s name. there are also the following models:

Android Models C – Canceller: Tasked with hiding

YoRHa signals during descents from
Playable models of YoRHa androids include: the Bunker
O – Operator: Logistical model that
A – Attacker: Specialized in close- provides intel and missions for units
ranged combat, with exceptional in the field as well as collecting and
dash abilities and an experimental compiling command-level data. One
“berserk mode” (“B-Mode”) on y used Operator is assigned to each combat
in this model. Considered Obsolete.

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