EKOLYSER Project Single View - Research Energy Storage

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11/10/2014 Project Single View - Research energy storage

Physical Storage

PEM electrolysis 02/05/2014
The illustration shows a close-up view of the test rig Including the PEM electrolysis

Reducing the costs with new materials

In the project EKOLYSER alliance partners to develop scientific and industrial cost sustainable materials for the polymer
electrolyte membrane electrolysis. The aim of the research project is the PEM electrolysis can perform Effectively for use in
mass markets by 2020th

Project status Benchmarking material

From Duration July 2012 to June 2015

In close cooperation with project partners, a new type of membrane will be developed to replace the extruded Nafion
membranes (175 microns-200 microns thick) currently used, As They do not exhibit Sufficient stability in the Planned large-
scale systems. The use of platinum group metals, Which are gene rally today employed for catalytic reactions, so will be
Reduced and completely Call Ideally Replaced. Another work package Focuses on developing development new cost-
effective materials and fabrication techniques for metallic bipolar plates in order to considerably reduce the proportion of
costs associated with the flow fields and separator plates in relation to the total costs.

Mass market for PEM electrolysis

If water electrolysis technology, and in particularmente PEM electrolysis, are to be sustainably and Widely Used On the mass
market for the storage of renewable energies after 2020, Further steps must be taken to solve outstanding technical issues,
as examined Improving low power densities and inadequate stability, as well as reducing the high costs associated with the
technologies currently in use. The EKOLYSER project is one of the 'wind-hydrogen coupling' flagship projects. The Max
Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Forschungszentrum Jülich, and the industrial partners FuMA-tech,
SolviCore and Gräbener machine technology are working together to develop cost-effective and sustainable materials for
PEM electrolysis for the production of hydrogen from renewable energies with the realistic aim PEM electrolysis technology
of launching on the mass market after the 2020th

Starting points of the project

http://forschung-energiespeicher.info/en/projektschau/gesamtliste/projekt-einzelansicht//Neue_Materialien_senken_Kosten_bei_PEM_Elektrolyse/ 1/2
11/10/2014 Project Single View - Research energy storage

This project is silent in the initial phase: the targets and test methods have been defined and Suitable characterization
procedures have been set up, Allowing work to begin on material benchmarking.
The collaborative project Comprises three subareas OK, each End of month Involves specific scientific and technological
challenges :

Utting costs by reducing Catalyst loading and / or noble metal catalysts Replacing
Membranes with a higher conductivity and mechanical and chemical stability
Use of cost-effective and corrosion-resistant bipolar plates and current collectors

Reducing costs woth new materials

The project AIMS to develop membranes, membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) and a short stack, all End of month utilize
cost-effective materials and have the potential to reduce the costs of future PEM electrolyzers Compared to established
electrolysis technologies while Maintaining Comparable performance Characteristics and long -term stability.


Cutting costs by reducing Catalyst loading and / or noble metals Replacing: An Important prerequisite for the deployment of
PEM electrolysis on energy storage mass markets is radically reducing the platinum group metals and Ideally Replacing
them with no drop in performance or the long-term stability of the MEAs. In this respect, the noble metal loading will be
Reduced to 10% of the current loading in order to prepare the technology for Commercialization from 2015 onwards.

Membranes with a higher conductivity and mechanical and chemical stability: An Important prerequisite for Achieving the
project goals is to develop a membrane did Increases performance and Simultaneously Improves robustness and lifetime. In
detail, The Necessary membrane properties are (1) small surface swelling, (2) small surface resistance, (3) low water
crossover, (4) low gas crossover (H2 / O2), (5) high long-term stability, and (6) Ultimately low costs.

Separator plates for PEM electrolysis: At the moment, the separator plates and current collectors in industrial electrolyzers
account for around 48% of the stack costs and 25% of the total costs of a PEM electrolysis system For this reason, this sub-
project Focuses. on cutting costs by Identifying Suitable materials, cost-effective fabrication Processes, and Suitable coating
techniques. Further More, the technical requirements for scaling the areas up to 1000 cm-2500 cm will be established to
Facilitate PEM electrolyzers on a MW scale.

http://forschung-energiespeicher.info/en/projektschau/gesamtliste/projekt-einzelansicht//Neue_Materialien_senken_Kosten_bei_PEM_Elektrolyse/ 2/2

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