TV / PRI / CL IV SUBJECT: Environmental Studies (Science) Lesson - 3 DATE

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TV / PRI / CL IV SUBJECT: Environmental Studies (Science) Lesson – 3

DATE: _______________


Q I Answer the following questions.

1. Leaves and twigs are the favourite food of elephants.

2. Elephants sleep for only two to four hours in a day.

3. Elephants like to play with mud and water to keep their skin cool.

4. Elephants flap their big ears to use them as fan.

5. The approximate weight of a three month old baby elephant is 200kg.

6. My weight is 25 kg. (Answer may vary)

7. Approximate 8 (200 ÷ 25 = 8) children of my weight will add up to Nandu’s weight.

(Answer may vary based on Ans- 6)

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