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YNPCCC COVID-19 Operating Plan

Prior to Reopening

● Families will receive information regarding reopening prior to returning to care
○ Will include expectations for health and safety (for example, keeping
children home when sick, etc)
○ Will include operational changes due to COVID-19
○ Additional information will be shared as necessary

Staff Training
● All YNPCCC staff members have completed a COVID-19 Health and Safety Training
with NPS Public Health Official, George Carroll
○ This training was recorded to be used in the future if YNPCCC hires
additional staff during the COVID-19 pandemic
● YNPCCC staff members will complete a COVID-19 Operations Training
○ This will cover changes in operating procedures due to COVID-19
○ Allow staff to ask questions and clarify anything they are unsure of
○ Goal is to ensure that staff members are prepared for a safe and successful
○ Additional trainings will be scheduled as necessary

● Yosemite Valley facility
○ Automatic soap dispensers have been installed at all sinks, including the
kid’s bathrooms
○ Automatic hand sanitizer dispensers have been installed in 4 locations
around the center, including outside by the front door
○ New push faucets have been installed in the kids’ bathroom and the staff
○ New washer and dryer with sanitize cycle
○ Work orders have been placed for:
■ New commercial grade refrigerators (with freezer) and dishwasher
● El Portal facility
○ Work orders have been placed for:
■ Automatic soap dispensers at all sinks (ordered & arrived)
■ Automatic hand sanitizer dispensers (ordered & arrived)
■ New push faucets at all bathroom sinks (ordered; arriving June 10)
■ New commercial grade appliances
● Washer and dryer
● Refrigerators (with freezer)
● Dishwasher

COVID-19 Operating Procedures Updated 6/28/2020

Drop-off & Pick-up
● Parents and children will enter building one family at a time after child is screened for
COVID-19 symptoms by YNPCCC staff
● Parents and children will be expected to sanitize their hands upon entry of the building
(hand sanitizer dispenser is located outside on the porch or will be offered by staff member
who is screening children)
● YNPCCC requests that those individuals in the high-risk category do not drop-off or pick-up
children unless as a last resort
○ High risk individuals include older adults and persons with pre-existing medical
conditions or compromised immune systems

Daily screening of children & staff:

○ Children will be screened by a staff member upon morning arrival (on porch before
entering building) using a COVID-19 screening document (including temperature
■ No touch thermometer will be provided to each center by NPS Public Health
■ Staff will use gloves when taking temperature
■ Gloves will be changed between each screening
■ Thermometer will be sanitized between each screening
○ Child screening document will be used for 1 week
■ Stored in a folder inaccessible to others
■ Childrens’ screening documents will only be available to YNPCCC staff,
Public Health officials, and that child’s parents or legal guardians, upon
○ Staff will be screened by another staff member or will self-screen using an employee
COVID-19 screening document (including temperature check)
○ Staff screening document will be used for 2 weeks
■ Stored with staff timesheet in individual folder only accessible to YNPCCC
administrative staff, Public Health officials, and the employee

○ Each family will have their own sign in/out sheet that will remain in their child’s
cubby. They will have their own pen in the cubby to only be used by their family
■ Pens will be disinfected daily by YNPCCC staff
○ It is requested but not required that the same parent drops off and picks up
○ If someone other than the child’s parent needs to drop off or pick up the child at
YNPCCC, they must be an authorized “pick up person” for that family. In this event, a
YNPCCC staff member will sign the child in/out on the child’s assigned sign-in sheet
and note who the “pick-up person” was.

Food (Snacks & Lunches)

● Staff will ensure proper hand washing before and after eating
● Tables and chairs will immediately be cleaned and disinfected after meals
○ Additional tables were purchased to allow for social distancing during mealtimes
and activities
● We will eat outside whenever possible
● Parents should pack utensils for children if the child needs them for eating
COVID-19 Operating Procedures Updated 6/28/2020
○ All utensils and containers will be sent home each day, not washed at the center
● All snacks and lunches should be “ready to eat” meaning everything should be cut and
prepped. We will have minimal access to the microwave when eating outside so parents are
asked to send foods that do not need heating.

○ Parents will be asked to provide morning and afternoon snacks for their children
■ This will minimize spread of illness during snack preparation and clean up
■ This will also prevent staff from making weekly trips to town to purchase

● Children must be spaced 6 feet apart
○ No more than 6 nappers in the Valley nap room
○ No more than 8 nappers in the El Portal nap room
● Head and feet alternating
● All windows open to allow for ventilation
● Nap mats must be stored separately from one another, not stacked
○ Mats will be stored on the cubby bench in the nap room
● No stuffed animals, blankets, or pillows from home at this time

● Only 1 child in bathroom at a time
○ Staff member will monitor bathroom use
● Staff will teach children to use toilet tissue to flush the toilet
● Staff will ensure children are properly washing and drying their hands after using bathroom
(single use paper towels)
● Staff will sanitize sink, toilet handle, and stall door after every use per PIN 20-006-CCP

Diaper changes
● Staff will continue to follow CDC guidelines for diaper changes
○ New gloves must be worn for each diaper change
○ New exam paper used at each diaper change
○ Diaper changing station must be thoroughly disinfected between changes
○ Wipe container will be disinfected between changes
○ Employee must wash hands after each diaper change
○ Employee must ensure child, including infants, washes hands after each
diaper change

Learning Environment
● Children and staff will spend as much time outdoors as possible, weather permitting
● Easy to clean toys and manipulatives will be used
● Multiple sets of toys and manipulatives will be readily available so they can be rotated
throughout the day as needed for sanitization
● Opportunities for individual play and solo activities will be available
○ Each child will have their own set of crayons, markers, pencils, etc to use while at
COVID-19 Operating Procedures Updated 6/28/2020
○ Additional supplies will be purchased
● Activities will be planned that do not require close physical contact between multiple
children unless of the same family
● There will be a designated tub for toys and other objects that need to be immediately
removed for sanitation (for example items that are put into a child’s mouth)

Facility Cleaning and Disinfection

● Regular cleaning and disinfection of the YNPCCC facilities will occur in accordance with
YNPCCC’s “COVID-19 Cleaning Procedures”
● Commonly touched surfaces will be disinfected regularly throughout the day
● Cleaning and disinfection will occur when children are out of the building and staff will
ensure proper ventilation when using cleaning supplies

Practice Healthy Hygiene

● Staff will teach, model, and reinforce health habits and social skills. Parents are also
expected to teach and set the same examples for their children.
○ Explain to children why it’s not healthy to share drinks or food, particularly when
○ Practice frequent handwashing by teaching children to wash to the happy birthday
song or a similar tune
○ Teach children to use a tissue to wipe their nose and to cough inside their elbow
○ Model and practice handwashing before and after eating, after coughing or sneezing,
after playing outside, and after using the restroom

Social and Physical Distancing

● Maintain small group sizes
● Children will remain in same groups throughout the week with same staff as much as
● Groups will include children from same families
● Will spend as much time as possible outside
● If time is spent indoors, windows will remain open through the duration of business hours

COVID-19 Operating Procedures Updated 6/28/2020

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