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University of Asia Pacific (UAP)

Department of Law and Human rights

Course Outline

Program: LL.B.(Honours)

Course Title: Criminology, Victimology and Restorative Justice

Course Code: Law-202

Semester: Spring-2020

Level: 2nd Year 1st Semester

Credit Hour: 3.0

Name & Designation of Teacher: Farzana Akther, Lecturer, L&HRs


Class Hours: Saturday 12.00pm-1.30 pm, Sunday 1.30pm-3.00pm

Consultation Hours: Sunday 12.00pm -1.00pm,Wednesday 11.00am -12.00pm


Mobile: Contact with Administrative Office or Class Representatives if

Rationale: Required course for LL.B.(Honours) degree.

Pre-requisite (if any): N/A

Course Synopsis:

Definition, nature and scope of criminology; crime; criminology and criminal Law; history of
criminology; methods and objectives of the study of criminology; crime data and crime trends; crime
and the media; school of criminology: pre-classical, classical (Beccaria, Bentham), neo classical  and
positive school; causation of crime: biological, psychological, sociological; economic theories of
crime; geographical and institutional factors of crime; types of crime: violent and property crimes;
white collar crimes (Bangladesh and International perspective) and corporate crimes; drugs and  
alcohols; human trafficking; smuggling of arms; organized crimes; domestic violence; sexual crime;
gender and crimes; juvenile delinquency: causes and corrective measures; social integration; crime
prevention and community safety; police and crime reduction; trust and procedural justice.

Punishment and penal policy of Bangladesh, Punishment philosophy and theories, crime prevention
and community safety; police and crime reduction; existing prison system in Bangladesh,
Reformatory Justice: probation and parole, Criminal Justice delivery system, Torture and Custodial
death prevention mechanism.

Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are to:

1. Provide knowledge regarding the origin of crime, the
schools and gradual development of the study of

2. Show new and emerging concepts of crimes and

institutional methods to address them.
3. Demonstrate the gradual development of criminal justice

Course Outcomes (CO) and their mapping with Program outcomes (PO) and Teaching-Learning
Assessment methods:

CO CO Statements: Corresponding Bloom’s Delivery Assessment

No. Upon successful POs taxonomy methods Tools
completion of the (Appendix-1) domain/level and
course, students should (Appendix-2) activities
be able to:
CO1 Understand to 1 1,2,3 Lecture, Quiz,
Determine the multimedia, Written exam
difference between
different schools of

CO2 Identify the different 8,7,3 2,3 Lecture, Assignments and

types of crimes with multimedia case study
sociological and
economical insights.
CO3 Analyze gradual 1,5,4 1,3 Lecture, Presentation
development of criminal Problem
justice system Solving,

Weighting COs with Assessment methods:

Assessment % weight

Final Exam 50%

Mid Term 20%

case study,
open book
exam, 30%
reports on
Total 100%

Grading Policy: As per the approved grading policy of UAP (Appendix-3)

Course Content Outline and mapping with COs

Weeks Topics / Content Course Delivery methods Reading Materials

Outcome and activities
Crime and concept of Lecture, multimedia
1 criminology: CO1 Theoretical and
Origin and Definition of crime, Applied
features, elements and Criminology- S.H.
classification of crime, Morality, Rahman Karzon
crime and sin
2 Origin and Development of CO1, CO2 Lecture, multimedia Other relevant
websites and
materials will be
Relation of criminology with provided by course
other discipline, subject matter teacher.
of criminology, importance of
studying criminology, Role of
3 Schools of Criminology: CO2 Lecture, …….
Pre-classical School of
criminology, Classical School of
Criminology, Neo-classical
School of Criminology, Positive
School of Criminology
4 Schools of Criminology: CO3 Case study ……..
Psychological School of
Criminology, Sociological
School criminology, socialist
School of Criminology

5 Biological Factors and CO2

Criminal Behaviors:
Biological traits, Body type
theory, study on Twins and
adoptees, Drugs and crime, Fetal
Abuse, Chromosomal
Abnormality, DNA Test and
Identification of criminals
6 Female Criminality: CO3 Lecture
Sigmund Freud on female
criminality, Sociological
Theories, Development of
feminist criminology, Gender
and Crime, Female Criminality
of Bangladesh
7 Anomie,Strain,Economic CO2 Lecture, multimedia,
Condition and Crime: Case Study
Anomie in Mechanical and
Organic Society, Anomie and
Suicide, Durkheim’s Theory,
strain Theories, Gang
Delinquency, Economic
Condition and Crime

8 Psychological Theories of CO2, CO3 Group discussion, ……

Criminality: multimedia
Demonology, psychoanalysis
and criminality, Criticism,
Delinquency and IQ, personality
test, Insanity Defense
Sociological Theories of
Criminal Behavior:
Chicago school, Tarde’s law of
Imitation, Sutherland’s Different
Association theory, Cultural and
Subcultural theory, Social
Learning theory, Control
9 White Collar Criminality: CO3 Group discussion,
Sutherland’s Formulation, White multimedia
Collar Crime in Bangladesh,
Corruption and Criminalization
of different Sectors,

10 Juvenile Delinquency and CO3 Lecture, multimedia

Definition of Juvenile
Delinquency, Current trends of
Juvenile Delinquency, Causes of
Juvenile Delinquency, Juvenile
Justice system, Necessity of
separate justice system for
juvenile, juvenile courts of


11 Cyber Crime: CO2, CO3 Lecture, multimedia

Meaning of Cyber Crime,
Reason of Cyber Crime,
Different types of Cybercrime,
Cybercrime in Bangladesh,
Cybercrime Tribunal, ICT Act
12 Crime Prevention: Prison CO3 Lecture, multimedia
History of Prison System, Prison
in Different Countries, Purpose
of Imprisonment, Prison as
Alternative, Prison Condition in
Bangladesh, Probation and

13 Crime Prevention: Law CO3 Lecture, multimedia

Enforcement Authority
Police System, police in Indian
Subcontinent and Bangladesh,
Function of police, Different
Sections of Police, Reform of
police, police system in
14 Crime Prevention: Different CO3 Lecture, multimedia
Punishment procedures:
Retributive Philosophy,
Deterrent Philosophy,
Preventive Philosophy,
Reformative Philosophy, Forms
of Punishment, Capital
Review Class

Required Reference(s): 1. S.H. Rahman Karzon. Theoretical and Applied Criminology,

Dhaka: Pollol Prokashoni, 2010.

2. Prof. N. V. Paranjape, Criminology and Penology, Central Law

Publications, Dehli, 1973

3. Edwin H Sutherland, Principles of Criminology, (Lippincott, 5th

edition, 1955).

Recommended Reference(s):
1. Stephen Jones, Criminology, (Oxford University Press, 5 th ed., 2013)
2. Chris Hale, Keith Hayward, Arzini Wahidin and Emma Wincup (ed.), Criminology, (Oxford
University Press, 3 rd ed., 2013)
3. Mike Maguire, Rod Morgan, Robert Reiner, Emily Finch and Stefan Fafinski (ed.), The Oxford
Handbook Criminology & Criminology Skills Pack, (Oxford University Press, 2013)
4. Katherine S. Williams, Textbook on Criminology, (Oxford University Press, 7 th ed., 2012)
5. Thomas J. Bernard, Jeffrey B. Snipes and Alexander L. Gerould, Vold’s Theoretical
Criminology, (Oxford University Press, 6 th ed., 2009)
6. Sue Titus Reid, Crime and Criminology, (Oxford University Press, 13 th ed., 2011)
7. Clifford K Dorne, Restorative Justice in the United States, (Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey,
8. Jennifer L Dunn, Judging Victims:  Why We Stigmatize Survivors, and How They Reclaim Respect,
(Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, 2010).
9. H. M. Eigenberg, Women Battering in the United States: Till Death Do Us Part,(Waveland Press,
Illinois, 2001).
10. Robert Elias, Victims Still: The Political Manipulation of Crime Victims, (Sage Publications,
Thousand Oaks, CA, 1993).
11. D Finkelhor and K Yllo, License to Rape: Sexual Abuse of Wives, (The Free Press New York, 1985).
12. P B Gernstenfeld, Hate Crimes: Causes, Controls, and Controversies, (Sage Publications. 2nd ed.,
13. Nathan Hall, Hate Crime, (Willan Publishing, England, 2005).  

Special Instructions:
 Minimum Required Attendance:70% attendance is required for appearing at final
 Assignment submission rules: No assignment will be allowed after prescribed
 Plagiarism policy : No value will be added to unauthorized copied content.

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Farzana Akther
Course Teacher Chairman, PSAC committee Head of the Department

Generic Skills or program outcomes (PO) of the program:

No. Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Intellectual skills
2. Practical and Problem solving skills
3. Scientific and Analytical skills
4. Entrepreneurship and Innovation skills
5. Communication & IT skills
6. Values, Ethics and Morality
7. Teamwork and Leadership skills
8. Professionalism
9. Social skills and responsibilities
10. Life-long Learning skills

UAP Grading Policy:

Numeric Grade Letter Grade Grade Point

80% and above A+ 4.00

75% to less than 80% A 3.75
70% to less than 75% A- 3.50
65% to less than 70% B+ 3.25
60% to less than 65% B 3.00
55% to less than 60% B- 2.75
50% to less than 55% C+ 2.50
45% to less than 50% C 2.25
40% to less than 45% D 2.00
Less than 40% F 0.00

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