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Group BIS

Group BIS Senior Managers and Project Atlas Meeting Minutes

Date: 24th September 2014

Name Designation Abbrev. Unable to Delegate

Sandro Straetemans SM Project Atlas SS
Donabet Donikian SM Project Atlas – TSA Setup DD
Gita Pelinck SM Project Atlas – AA & Separation GPe
Jennifer Houff Manager Project Atlas – Business Readiness JH
Abhinav Sethi Manager Project Atlas – Non-TSA Services AS
Pravin Inderlal Manager Project Atlas – TSA Setup Infra PI
Thomas Hawker Manager Project Atlas TH
Geoffrey Pong Consultant Project Atlas – AA & Separation GP
Jennifer Viscito Consultant Project Atlas – TSA Setup JV
Hanno Swanepoel SM Operations – Maintenance HS X
Matthew Strack SM Operations – Production MSt X
Mathys Van Rooyen SM Operations – A&I MvR
Ganesh Muthusamy Acting SM Delivery – Service Mgt GM X
Joseph Varghese Acting SM Delivery – SAP JV X Rishaal Jadoo
Gordon P Day SM Delivery – End User Computing GD X
Johan Lombard SM Delivery – Business Applications JL X None
Drew Macowan SM Delivery – Business Readiness DM X Sachin Jugwanth
Schalk de Klerk Acting SM Delivery Services SdK X
Michael Henry SM S&P – Strategy End User Computing MH X
Peter M Smith SM S&P – Strategy SAP PS X
Willem Strauss SM G&C – Risk Compliance and Reporting WS X
Claire A Singleton SM G&C – Excellence End User Computing CS X None
Marit Schallert SM G&C – Excellence Business Applications MSc
Robert Bullock SM G&C – Excellence Service Mgt RB X
Gernot Wiegrefe SM G&C – Governance GW X

Meeting Leader: Sandro Straetemans, Minutes Documented by: Tom Hawker

Meeting Actions & decisions Who When Status

To share with MS a list of all the asset application that are being used by NewCo AS 30/09/14 New
To provide MS with the list of GF and MKG apps with the relevant status for
AS 30/09/14 New

The deck stored in was discussed
(access to this location is restricted to project team members, please contact SS or TH to get a copy of a
previous deck)

Any Other Business


Safety Moment
SS highlighted the risk of walking to close to the edge of pavement, particularly on bus routes due to vehicles driving
close to the edge of the road and catching you with their mirror.
TH highlighted the upcoming road changes in the MBFC area over the weekend.

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