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Learning Area: English

Learning Delivery of Modality : On Line Learning

School: Mambugan National High School Grade Level : Grade 7

Teacher: Vergel B. Berdan Learning Area: Philippine Literature

Teaching Date: August 24-27, 2020 Quarter: First Quarter

Teaching Time : 1:00 -2:00 P.M. No of Days : 4 Days

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to:
a. Identify the genre, purpose, intended audience and features of various viewed
texts such as movie clip, trailer, newsflash, internet-based program,
documentary, video
b. Organize information from a material viewed.
c. Determine the truthfulness and accuracy of the material viewed

A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine

literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles;ways of determining word
meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb

B. Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the
literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles;participating in
conversations using appropriate context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly
and using the prosodic features of speech effectively in various situations; and observing correct
subject-verb agreement.

C. Most Essential Learning Competency: Identify the genre, purpose, intended audience and
features of various viewed texts such as movie clip, trailer, newsflash, internet-based program,
documentary, video (CG EN7VC-Id-C)
D. Enabling Competencies:

II. Content: Identifying the Purpose, Genre , Intended Audience And Features Various Materials
III. Learning Resources:
A. References:

a. Teacher’s Guide Pages: pp. 248 -249

b. Learner’s Material Pages: pp .536 -537

B. List of Learning Resources For Development and Engagement Activities

Power point presentation with audio for the pictures, questions and activities .
Video clips about the social issues in the Philippines( link
G9X6k534eo) and COVID-2019

IV. Procedures:
A. Introduction:
Directions: Watch the video clip below and answer the following questions :

1. What ideas are presented in the video clip?

2. Did you observe truthfulness with regards to the ideas presented in the video
clip. Why?
3. Using the graphic organizer below . Organize the ideas presented in
Video Clip # 1

B. Developmental

Directions: Describe each picture below:





Questions: Base on the pictures presented , What do you think is the video clip all about?
Viewing Of The Video Clip About The Social Issues In The Philippines
Processing Of The Video Clip
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. What is the video clip all about?
2. What is your stand?
3. What helped you decide?
4. What is the purpose of the documentary?
5. If you would be given an opportunity to talk to someone regarding the social issues presented
who would you talk to and Why?
6. What would you tell him/her?

C. Engagement

Directions: State your proposed solution to the issues presented below. Be sure to follow the
given format in presenting your answers.
1. Poverty
2. Child Labor
3. Teenage Pregnancy
4. Extra Judicial Killings
5. Lack of Education

What did you realize after knowing the different social issues of our society?
D. Assimilation
Directions. Choose an issue below and make a short paragraph discussing your
chosen topic. After finishing your paragraph share it to your classmates (minimum of 5) and let
them state the purpose of your paragraph.
1. Fake News
2. Cyberbullying
3. Duterte’s Administration War On Drugs
4. Anti Terrorism Bill
5. Covid-19 Pandemic
V. Reflection:

Prepared by

Grade 7 – English Teacher
Noted by:


Headteacher- English Department

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