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Terms in this set (103) Impeachment to accuse a federal official of wrong


What is the purpose of to explain why the Constitution was

the Preamble of the being written How many senators 2
Constitution? does each state have?

What is Article I about? Congress and the Legislative branch How long is a term for 6 years
a senator?

Name the two houses senate and the House of

of Congress Representatives How often is there a every 2 years
senatorial election?
How long is a term for 2 years
a member of the House
What are the three at least 30 years old, American citizen
of Representatives?
requirements for a for 9 years, resident of the state
person running for the
What are 3 25 years or older, 7 years of being a US Senate?
requirements for a citizen, inhabitant of that state
person running for the Who is the President of the Vice President of the US
House of the Senate?

Who has the sole Senate

How many people are 435 power to try
in the House of impeachment?

What must the vote be 2/3 must vote to impeach

Who has the sole the House of Representatives to find someone guilty
power of of impeachment?
What is the penalty for removed from office What must the vote be 2/3
an official convicted of to override a
the impeachable presidential veto?

What is Article I, powers of Congress

Quorum the minimum number of members that section 8 about?
must be present for the House or Senate
to Conduct sessions
Does Congress have yes
the power to tax?
What constitutes a the majoroity
quorum for Congress?
Does Congress have yes
the power to declare
What is the complete written account of everything war?
"Congressional said in Congress
Name 3 other powers raise an army/navy, establish post
of Congress offices, coin money
What is "Congressional members of the Congress cannot be
Immunity?" arrested for "small" crimes
What is the nickname Elastic Clause or Necessary and Proper
for Article I, section 8, Clause
Which house of House of Representatives 18?
Congress initiates
money bills?
What does the Elastic Congress can do anything necessary
Clause clause mean? and proper to carry out its other powers
After Congress passes yes, no, and I don't care
a bill, what three
What year was slave 1808
options does the
importation made
president have?

What is a "writ of cannot be held in jail without an official

habeas corpus"? charge
What is Article III Judicial/Supreme Court
What is Article II Executive branch/President
How does someone President nominates, Senate approves
get to be a Supreme
How long is a 4 years
Court Justice?
presidential term?

How long does a life

How is the number of number of senators plus number of
federal judge serve?
electors for each state House of Representatives
Define "original hear the case for the 1st time
What are the three 35 years or older, 14 years a resident of
requirements to run for the US, natural born US citizen
president? Define "appellate hear the case on appeal from a lower
jurisdiction" court

What is the president's $400,000

salary today? In most cases, which appellate
jurisdiction (original or
appellate) does the US
Who is Commander-in- President of the US
Supreme Court have?
Chief of the army and
What is the making war against your country, giving
constitutional definition aid or comfort to the enemy
What is the President's must give a speech once a year on how
of treason?
State of Union adress? things are going

By what two methods confession or 2 witnesses

For what may high big and little crimes
may a person be found
officials be impeached?
guilty of treason?
What is extradition? returning a criminal to state where crime
was committed
Shay's Rebellion he led angry Massachusetts farmers who
protested bad economy
Under the Articles of weak
Confederation, was the
What was the it pointed out the need for a stronger
national government
signifigance of Shay's government
strong or weak?

Under the Articles of no

What was the purpose to write a stronger government
Confederation, did
of the Constitutional
Congress have the
Power to tax?

In what city did the Philadelphia

Was there a president Congress
and Congress under
Convention meet?
the Articles of
Confederation, or just a
Who kept notes from James Madison
the Constitutional
Convention and is
Reffering to the Northwest Ordinance
known as the "Father of
Northwest Territory,
the Constitution"?
what law established a
policy for creating
states and also
Who was the president George Washington
abolished slavery(in the
of the Constitutional
Northwest Territory)?

Reffering to the Land Ordinance

What are 2 facts about 3 branches, Congress was based on
Northwest Territory,
the Virginia Plan? population
what law concerned
surveying and selling
the land?
What is the New Jersey congress based on equal numbers compromise settlement in which each side gives up
plan? some of its demands, in order to reach
and argument

What was the Great senate-based on equal numbers (NJ)

Compromise? house of representatives-based on republic system of government in which citizens
population (VA) chose representatives to govern them

What was the 3/5 3/5 of slave population would count separation of powers principle by which the powers of
compromise? government are divided among
separate branches

What was the slave slave importation would end in 1808

trade compromise? What were the people Federalists
called who were in
favor of ratifying the
In what year was the 1787
Constitution written?

What were the people Antifederalists

constitution document that sets out the laws,
called who were
principles, and organization of the
against ratifying the

legislative branch of government that passes the

Federalist Papers essays supporting the Constitution

Bill of Rights first 10 amendments

executive branch of government that
enforces/carries out the laws
Why were the Bill of to get more people to approve the
Rights added to the Constitution
judicial branch of government that decides if
Constitution so early?
laws are carried out fairly
What are the two 2/3 of Congress or 2/3 of states
methods of proposing
and then ratifying an
What is Amendment 18? prohibition of liquor
amendment to the

What is Amendment 19? women have the right to vote

How many states were 9

needed to ratify the
What does the "lame Inauguration was moved from March to
duck" amendment say? January

Who were the signers Few and Baldwin

What is Amendment 21? cancel Amendment 18
of the Constitution from
According to 2 terms, 10 years
Amendment 22, how
What are the first ten the Bill of Rights
many terms can a
amendments called?
president serve?

What freedoms (5) are religious, speech, press, assembly, and

What is Amendment 18 year olds can vote
guaranteed by the First petition

How many 27
What does "double cannot be tried twice for the same
amendments are there?
jeopardy" mean? offense

Who are Georgia's Chambliss and Isakson

What does "I take the cannot be a witness against yourself
senators today?
Fifth" mean? (self incrimination)

Who is your Congress John Lewis

What is Amendment 13? abolition of slavery

What is Amendment 16? income tax

Where is there mention no where
in the Constitution
and about the Cabinet?

Today which branch of Executive Branch Marketing Test 2 Marketing Exam Constituti
government is the American
Cabinet a part of?
58 terms 83 terms Voice,
56 termsYou

AlexisBenson AlexisBenson

Federalism distribution of power between national

government and states
MANA Final Exam EvoPsych Exam 1 Constituti
tion Exam
Checks and Balances each branch of government can check 44 terms 14 terms 57 terms
on limit of the other branches 86 terms

AlexisBenson AlexisBenson

judicial review the right of the supreme court to

determine if a law violates the

override An action taken by Congress to reverse

a presidential veto, requiring a two-
thirds majority in each chamber.

preamble introduction to the Constitution, "We the


What is Amendment 5? double jeopardy (cannot be tried twice

for the same offence) and cannot be a
witness against yourself

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