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Nicholas Motamed
Professor Herman
English 1T

Walls Between Higher education and students with Physical and Neurodiverse

Growing up had to face a bunch of learning challenges I have such as slowly

processing information which can interfere with keep up with fast paced environments in
at school. I have a lists of accommodations, such as extended time on assignments to
help me complete then to the best of my ability. I need it to participate which is part of
my human right to free education. Eventhough I find it to be a lot of work to get my
accommodation they are vital for me to able to participate and be successful in school.
In the United States According to “National Center for Education Statistics'', students

with [challenges] make up roughly 11 percent of our country's undergraduate population that's

more than 2.5 million students. But federal data shows that only 41 percent of these students

graduate from two-year colleges within eight years; that rate drops to roughly one-third for those

attending four-year schools. shocked to learn about students with physical and

neurodiverse challenges have little or no access to their schools which breaks human

right “Everyone has the right to education to free primary education. Students with

physical challenges on most college campuses are closed off for them for there is no

way to get to their campus, for stairs are in their way,no accessible technology and

inaccessible transportation to be a part of the school. Worst of all these can lead to a

Neurodiverse challenge for this lead to students feeling discriminated affecting them

emotionally, mentally, spiritually too.

Most Students get to go school to learn and hangout with their friends. Although

the majority of Students with physical challenges can not even step foot in their schools

to do what other students are doing, there are barriers in their way. There are stairs in
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every school in the United States, which are impressive inventions though hinders

students with physical challenges. For “According to the United Nations, 52% of schools

[do not have any elevators or ramps for] students in wheelchairs to use. That most

schools are not inclusive for students with physical differences for they do have ways

for them to enter the school and feel welcomed. While it is a physical challenge this can

lead to students feeling sad and hurt for they are being discriminated against for no one

thought of them when inventing the stairs to the schools. For the students need help so

they are included like everyone else.

College students these days also do a lot of technology to work online courses

that are fun and engaging to help you learn, but does not provide technology that

students physical and neurodiverse challenges to be able to use. College students with

physical and neurodiverse challenges who need to access online school websites can

not for “ According to the United Nations 61% of government websites do not meet the

needs of those with differentiable challenges.Students with physical and neurodiverse

challenges can not reach their school websites because they might not be either

readable if the student is blind, zero ASL support if they can not hear the information or

no different ways to access a keyboard. Though not all school websites are run by the

government, though the majority that do use government technology for school are

limited access. School tech and website barriers involved Neurodiverse challenges too.

College Students get to get to school faster and enjoy going to school on the

bus, although students with physical challenges such as students with a wheelchair do

not have ways to get on the bus to school. Students with physical differences are not
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able to ride on a single bus for according to the United Nations few have “ accessible

transport systems”. This is a problem that needs to be accres in order for students to all

have their rights honored and respected in education.

Body 4: still need to add it but will be here

And counters and conclusion and too

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