Research Method

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DATE 06/01/2011

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 ASIF ZAFAR MBA1Y02103029

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Table of Contents

Topics page No
1) Introduction 04

2) Literature Review 05
3) Objectives of Study 08
4) Methodology 08
a. Techniques of data Collection 08
b. Sample size 09
c. Method 09
d. Questionnaires 10
5) Results 11
6) Conclusion 17
7) Appendix I 18
a. References 18
8) Appendix II 18
a. Questionnaires 18
b. Code sheet 21

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As we are living in a growing and innovative country, people are adopting these innovations, in
previous years when there were no more technologies and people don’t have any need of them
but with the passage of time people got awareness about these technologies and adopt them, as
there is much competition so prices are also affordable and people use it.

One of among these technologies is Mobile Technology, ratio of mobile users increased from
some previous years and now ratio of mobile users are gradual increasing, and because of above
situation that’s way we feel to conduct a research on Growing Ratio of Mobile Users & its
impact on our society. Today almost 91% of the total population of Pakistan is covered with
mobile networks.

Our research was just in specific areas of Lahore city because of limited budget as well as time,
we select a very small part of total population of Lahore city which was only 100 persons, we
include in our research Students, Literate general public and illiterate general public which are
mobile users and their views about use of mobile. We select the Non-probability sampling

We conclude that mobile use has many effects as positively and negatively also.

The economy growth rate of mobile users was 5.8%, expected was 7.2%. Research shows that
this growing ratio of mobile decreases the factor of unemployment, and cause to increase the
crime rates.

Our research almost meets all of our objectives. Where the mobile is a big factor of progress,
same it also cause of bad factors which directly hits our culture. We recommend the future
researchers to add more questions as well as expand the area for effectiveness, and perfect ness
of report.

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Literature Review:
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has announced that Pakistan has a total of 98 million
mobile phone users as of May 2010.

In its latest stats for mobile subscribers, PTA said that mobile companies added a total of
697,073 cellular users in May 2010 with 0.72 percent growth rate, as compared to 0.55 percent
growth rate in April 2010.

All cellular companies showed positive growth except Zong, which witnessed negative growth
for second consecutive month. Total tele-density of mobile phone users reached 59.80 percent.

Research of PTA shows that total mobile users in Pakistan are 91.4 Million (Current picture)
and tele density is 60%, 10001 cities, villages are covered with mobile network (Nawa-e-waqt
news paper 17-May-2009)

All operators are expanding their networks and up till 2007-08 almost 9,369 cities/towns/villages
have mobile networks by one or all operators.

During the reported year, Telenor emerged as fastest growing mobile operator which added
almost 7.4 million subscribers to its network in 2007-08. However, Mobilink remained market
leader with almost 35% of total market share in terms of subscribers. CMPak performance
remained outstanding wherein it added 2.9 million subscribers in first year of its operations.

Mobile sector of Pakistan continued to grow positively during 2008-09, however, the pace of
growth was not fast. Since the liberalization has been completed and most of the segments of the
sector have competition in some form, therefore it can be said that market is now moving
towards maturity. Similarly internal and external factors including political and economic
situation of the country also played a major role in current growth trends. With the new
government in place and extensive work on regulatory measure taken by the PTA for future
would result in improved growth patterns of the sector.

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Mobile phones are also playing great role in other crimes which are disturbing the
equilibrium of our society:

Effects on health

Effect on education

Religious institution


Bank robbery

Leaking out secrets

Cheating in examinations

Street crimes

Taking illegal pictures

Our research almost meets all of our objectives. Where the mobile is a big factor of progress,
same it also cause of bad factors which directly hits the our culture in which its effect on students
and increasing crimes rates are just because of mobile use which are above describes.

As mobile is a big factor of in progress of society or economy. Its positive use facilitates us in
many fields like if we consider any business its immediate connects with others make transaction
easy. Its also save much time, and also build good relation ship. But same time it’s also using for
some bad factors like crimes, effect on study of students, time wasting, money wasting, which
directly hits our society

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global system for mobile communication

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 Crimes which takes place due to use of mobile.
 General Public mobile users.
 Female mobile users.
 How much a user waste it’s time on mobile using.
 If this growing ratio of mobile users decreases the factor of unemployment. .
 If mobile is source of entertainment.
 Which Mobile Company people like to use.


Techniques & Data Collection

 Data collection Techniques

i. Primary data collection.

ii. Secondary data collection.

 Data collection tools:

i. Questionnaire.
ii. Interviews.

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Target population:
Our target population is Mobile Users only from LAHORE city.

Sample Size:
Total sample size is 100,
We categorize it as below
Male Female
Sample (100) 50 50

Z22/α P (1 – P)

N = ________________

(1.96)2 0.05(1 – 0.05)

100 = ________________

d = 0.0426

Now we put d= 0.0426 in above

(1.96)2 0.05(1 – 0.05)

100 = ________________

100 = 100
N = 100


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Our sampling is base on Non Probability sampling.

The problems which we face during data collection are because of

 Attitude of people
 Time problem
 Permission problem


The name & Occupation at the top of the questionnaire. . The questionnaire is consisted of 16 questions.

It contains 5 variables (money, personal happiness, Time period, Study & Society.). The sequence of

questionnaire is:

• First 1-5, 10 & 16 questions are related to Personal happiness.

• 6 & 9 are related to Money.

• 7 - 8 are related to time period.

• 11-12 are related to Students.

• 13 to 15 are related to Society. .

All questions are close-ended questions. Questions are written in English language.

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a. In our research we found that major users of mobiles users are of age group 20—
30 years.

b. Our research also shows that every student has mobile.

If Crimes takes place due to use of mobile.

One of our objectives is to evaluate that if mobile use helps to increase the crimes so the
views of public are

If mobile use increase the crime rates

Numbers of
Valid Strongly Disagree 12 12.0
Disagree 31 31.0
Neutral 2 2.0
Agree 49 49.0
Strongly Agree 6 06.0
Total 100 100
Missing System 0 .0
Total 100 100.0

Above table shows that almost 43% of people disagree, 06% people which are neutral and 55%
of people are agree that mobile use has effect on increasing the crime rate.

Our research shows that mobile is a cause to increase the crime rates.

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Daily time spending on mobile use

Numbers of Percent
Valid less then half hour 06 06.0
less then an hour 46 46.0
less then five hours 23 23.0
more then five hours 25 25.0
Total 100 100.00
Missing System 0 0
Total 100 100.0

This shows that almost 52% of people which daily spend the time on mobile use less then an
hour including all categories like Male, female students, general public and illiterate persons,
and 48% people which spend more then one hour time on mobile using.

our research shows that people waste their time on mobile using. Not all but average
people waste the time.

If mobile use helps to decrease the unemployment

Numbers of
Respondents Percent
Valid Strongly Disagree 21 21.0
Disagree 29 29.0
Neutral 2 02.0
Agree 40 40.0
Strongly Agree 8 08.0
Total 100 100
Missing System 0 0
Total 100 100.0

This research shows that almost 50% which totally disagree that mobile growth ratio has no
effect on unemployment, 02% of people which show neutral behave and 48% of people which
says that this growing ratio decreases the factor of unemployment.

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Research shows that this growing ratio of mobile does not decreases the factor of

The purpose for person use the mobile

Numbers of
Respondents Percent
Valid Entertainment 49 49
Culture 30 30
Safety 09 09.0
any other 12 12.0
Total 100 100.0
Missing System 0 0
Total 100 100.0

Our research shows that mostly peoples use mobiles for their own entertainment .

Time period from when person using mobile

Numbers of
Respondents Percent
Valid less then six months 1 01.0
less then one year 16 16.00
less then two years 5 05.00
more then two years 78 78.00
Total 100 100
Missing System 0 00
Total 100 100.0

There are almost 17% people which are using mobile from less then one year and
more than 83% people which are using mobile from more then one or two years which
means that this growing ratio is increasing from more then two years.

our research shows that this growth is increasing from more then one or two years
because people are using mobile from more then one or two years.

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Monthly expenses incurred on mobile

Numbers of
Respondents Percent
Valid less then 200 15 15.0
less then 500 47 47.0
less then 1000 12 12.0
more then 1000 26 26.0
Total 100 100.0
Missing System 0 0
Total 100 100.0

Almost 62% of people who spend less then 500 rupees on mobile using and almost
38% people who spend more then 500 rupees on mobile use.
Some times it’s depend upon the purpose some business persons spend more money on
mobile but some ratio of students spend also more money on mobile, but averagely people spend
an average amount on mobile.

Peoples think that mobile is necessary for students

Numbers of
Respondents Percent
Valid Yes 56 56.00
No 44 44.00
neutral 0 0
Total 100 100
Missing System 0 0
Total 100 100.0

Our research shows that people are in the favor of students mobile users that they have
the mobile, or mobile is necessary for them.

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If mobile is necessary for females

Numbers of
Respondents Percent
Valid Strongly Disagree 23 23.00
Disagree 35 35.00
Neutral 02 02.00
Agree 33 33.00
Strongly Agree 07.00
Total 100 100
Missing System 0 0
Total 100 100.0

Almost 58% of people which are totally disagree that mobile is not necessary for
females, and almost 2% of people which shows neutral behave, and almost 40% people which
says that mobile is necessary for females.
Our research shows that people are not in the favor of female mobile users . Some
persons also agree.

If mobile effects the studies

Numbers of
Respondents Percent
Valid Strongly Disagree 18 18.0
Disagree 29 29.0
Neutral 04 04.0
Agree 42 42.0
Strongly Agree 7 07.0
Total 100 100.0
Missing System 0 0
Total 100 100.0

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Almost 47% of people which are totally disagree that mobile has not any effect on the studies,
and almost 4% of people which shows neutral behave, and almost 49% people which says that
mobile effects the study of students but they also agree that it is necessary for students.

As our research proves that mobile use, affect the studies of students.

The mobile company which peoples like to use

Numbers of
Respondents Percent
Valid Nokia 72 72.00
Sony Ericsson 4 4.00
Samsung 12 12.00
LG 1 01.00
China Mobile 11 11.00
Total 100 100.00
Missing System 0 00
Total 100 100.0

Our research shows that people like mostly NOKIA mobiles for use.

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As far as the technology is concerned, there are innumerable interesting topics in the developing
world, where the distinct forces of cultural variability and economic constraints will enrich our
understanding of mobile use for years to come. It can be difficult to be mindful of all the
variability, but cultural, economic, and regulatory factors all play a role in structuring the use of
a billions handset in the developing world. The research studies highlighted in this review that
mobiles can contribute to livelihoods and well-being in resource-constrained settings. At the
same time, the daily life studies illustrate the way in which users in the developing world
experience many of the same joys and frustrations as people elsewhere on the globe, that use of
this complex, powerful device simultaneously alters and reflects the complex social ties which
support societies.

Our research almost meets all of our objectives. Where the mobile is a big factor of progress,
same it also cause of bad factors which directly hits the our culture in which its effect on students
and increasing crimes rates are just because of mobile use which are above describes.

As mobile is a big factor of in progress of society or economy. Its positive use facilitates us in
many fields like if we consider any business its immediate connects with others make transaction
easy. Its also save much time, and also build good relation ship. But same time it’s also using for
some bad factors like crimes, effect on study of students, time wasting, money wasting, which
directly hits our society.

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Appendix I




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Appendix II

Growing Ratio of Mobile Users and its Effect on our Society

Name_______________ Form No______


Q1 : What is your age ?

1> 10-20 2> 20-30 3> 30-50 4> 50 and above

Q2: What is your gender?

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1>Male 2>Female

Q3: Do you have mobile?

1>Yes 2>NO

Q4: What is your qualification?

1>Under Metric 2>FA/FSC 3>Bachelor 4>Masters

Q5:Job nature?

1>Student 2>Employee 3>Labor

Q6:What is your income or pocket money?

1>Less than 2000 2>Less than 4000 3>Less than 8000 4>More than 8000

5>Less than 20,000 6>More than 20,000

7:Time period from when you are using mobile?

1>Less than six months 2>Less than one year

3>Less than two years 4>More than two years.

8:How much time you spent daily on mobile?

1>Less than half hour 2>Less than an hour

3>Less than five hours 4>More than five hours.

9: How much money you spent on your mobile?

1>less than 200. 2>Less than 500. 3>Less than 1000.

4>More than 1000.
10:For what purpose you are using mobile?

1>Entertainment 2>Culture 3>Safety 4>Any other

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11:Do you think that mobile is necessary for students?

1>Yes 2>No 3>Neutral

12:Does it effect the studies of student?

1>Strongly Disagree 2>Disagree 3>Neutral

4>Agree 5>Strongly agree

13:Do you think that mobile is necessary for females?

1>Strongly Disagree 2>Disagree 3>Neutral

4>Agree 5>Strongly agree

14:Do you think mobile use, increase the crime rate?

1>Strongly Disagree 2>Disagree 3>Neutral

4>Agree 5>Strongly agree

15:Do you think that mobile use helps to decrease the unemployment?

1>Strongly Disagree 2>Disagree 3>Neutral

4>Agree 5>Strongly agree

16:Which Mobile Company do you like to use?

1>Nokia 2>Sony Ericsson 3>Samsung

4>LG 5>China Mobile.

In case of any comment or any thing which you want to include in it by your own self just
mention point number and write down on the back of paper.


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Question No.1 Question No.2 Question No.3 Question No.4

1> 10-20 1>Male 1>Yes 1>Under Metric

2> 20-30 2>Female 2>NO 2>FA/FSC
3> 30-50 3>Bachelor
4> 50 and above 4>Masters

Question No.5 Question No.6 Question No.7 Question No.8

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1>Student 1>Less than 2000 1>Less than six 1>Less than half hour
2>Employee 2>Less than 4000 2>Less than an hour
2>Less than one year
3>Labor 3>Less than 8000 3>Less than five
3>Less than two hours
4>More than 8000 years
4>More than five
5>Less than 20,000 4>More than two hours.
6>More than 20,000 years.

Question No.9 Question No.10 Question No.11 Question No.12

1>less than 200. 1>Entertainment 1>Yes 1>Strongly Disagree

2>Less than 500. 2>Culture 2>No 2>Disagree

3>Less than 1000. 3>Safety 3>Neutral 3>Neutral

4>More than 1000. 4>Any other 4>Agree

5>Strongly agree

Question No.13 Question No.14 Question No.15 Question No.16

1>Strongly Disagree 1>Strongly Disagree 1>Strongly Disagree 1>Nokia

2>Disagree 2>Disagree 2>Disagree 2>Sony Ericsson

3>Neutral 3>Neutral 3>Neutral 3>Samsung

4>Agree 4>Agree 4>Agree 4>LG

5>Strongly agree 5>Strongly agree 5>Strongly agree 5>China Mobile.


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