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Essay 3: Marching toward Revolution--Possible Main Point Topics

● Achieve equal laws and rights

● Racism/Many citizens and people in authority disagree and want to maintain the current
laws and division/segregation in society.


● Organized Action and Training

○ This helps the people to fight against violence, to deal with long-standing beliefs
or laws, or bigotry
● Nonviolence (What does nonviolence look like?)
○ Why is nonviolence such an important strategy or principle?
○ Allows logic to dominate. It doesn’t let emotions rule.
○ It can de-escalate violence
○ It is important because it shows the aims of the peaceful world they are looking to
create. (118)
● Protest:
○ Why is protest important?
○ Catches the attention of the people or someone who can make that change
(lawmakers, government, leaders)
○ The protest reflects how important the issues are to the people, and how
important it is to protect their rights. It shows the determination of the people to
overcome any difficulties in order to achieve these rights.
● Rules:
○ What rules are valuable? And Why?
○ Guidelines and rules for activists are important to reach goals
● Unity:
○ The activists work together, so they cannot be divided.
○ More people = greater strength

How do you create revolution?

In order to create revolution a movement needs _______


● In order to get the goal of freedom and equal right. And settle racism in the states,
violence by white people, the rule which is not equal for black and white people, the
people who want to change these, they should set the clear strategies which are protest,
nonviolence, unity with other people who live in a different place, and not give up until
they get what they want to get.

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