Final Writing Assingment 6 25 2020 and Proffeser Herman

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Nicholas Motamed
Professor Herman
English 1T

Teach Love and You will change Yourself, then Community and Then the World!

All my life I faced a bunch of learning challenges that made me believe that I could not

accomplish anything because I felt so different from others and was so insecure about my

challenges. What helped me was my teachers, parents, coaches and friends have gotten me up

by taking the time to be my friend and love me by teaching me compassion, perseverance and

empathy. This helped me on my feet to accept my neurodiversity and see it is weakness that is a

strength. Using what helped me change me I can change my community using the superpowers

to show generosity like Olga Sanchez Martinez, a humanitarian, that in ”Sonia Nazario’s book,

Enrique’s Journey: The Story of a Boy’s Dangerous Odyssey to Reunite with his Mother,

decided to run a church where she shelters, feeds, heal, and talks to (maybe she is still alive and

is still helping) young immigrants traveling to the border of United States since she has similar

challenges like being temporarily blind and mute(90). People in this world desperately want

someone who would love and care for them endlessly and empathizes with them no matter what

challenges they have led me to believe that the only way anyone can make change in the world

is to use their own hardships to teach and show love to people in our community, then the


In the United States currently their is so much hate on both sides of the protest in the

country that is unbearable, therefore in order to bring love and compassion to the community

then people need to be willing to have compassion on others even on those they do not see eye

to eye with, in this case the protestors, cops and even the ones who are being racist; This is so

that we spread love that trumpets their hate. There is a movie called Peanut Butter Falcon,

directed by Tyler Nilson and Michael Schwartz, based on a true story where a man named Zak

G, who has down syndrome, that breaks out of an institution so he can live free and go to a

pro wrestling school to fulfill his dream. Along the way he encounters multiple individuals who

think he is different and that have mistreated him, including a guy who reluctantly agreed to take

Zak to the school name Tyler. He thinks Zak. would only slow him down and thinks he would

have “babysit” Zak, but Zak was compassionate still to Tyler inspiring him to have compassion

on Zak from their journey together that ” pales in comparison to the importance of the internal

journey of transformation” that they experienced, Tyler realizes how smart, kind hearted,

honest, and Tyler is actually in the journey following ” zak who is leading him to become

compassionate.(The Peanut Butter Falcon Prime Amazon). The Bible Is Art Blog. Zak never

gave up showing compassion to Tyler so Tyler learned to have compassion on Zak and others in

his life too. So everyone in this world can learn to be compassionate to anyone just like Tyler

and Zak, who Tyler went from mocking to loving.

Indeed there are so many who want to give up when it comes to hardships instead of

persevering like the Freedom riders according to the March: Book Two by John Lewis, Andrew

Aydin, and illustrated by Nate Powell, had people who gave up . But a majority stayed and

persevered, taking their jail time saying ``''see 'em in [jail] with us before too long” (98) tested

their discipline and faith even if that no meant going to jail and believe that whatever that

happened would happen and they would get through it. No one now has to worry about going to

jai or torture, though in daily live we can easliy give up standing up for ourselves and others,

but we must persevere and never give up if we just like the practice of discipline we been taught

by people like the Freedom Riders.

Growing up the times I got the most resources and support was when my teachers

learned how to empathize and better understand me and my neurodiversity. Many students are

falling behind for the are not given the proper accommodations to allow them to succeed, in

order for this to happen teachers need to learn how to empathize and understand the

”“differences from a student, so they can [help them better]”(Stephanie Snider, Barriers to

Education, interview Lee Burdette Williams, interviewer, 6. Learning to emphatizes, will help

our communities to build understanding and love for each other even people who are

differentiable. While students should understand the teachers so they can see eye to eye with

each other too.

Consequently while all of the protests right now have huge merits, marching in the

streets alone would not solve the world's problem. If we give more focus to teaching and

spreading friendship and love to others, then we will asin March: Book Two by John Lewis,

Andrew Aydin, and illustrated by Nate Powell, Martin Luther King Jr said”[dare] to imagine

about a new America( and a new world),”(172) by will create a domino affect of love and will

trumpt over all the hate that we have in our hearts so we can have compassion everyone even

those who done us wrong, for I have compassion and pity on those who are even racists in the

protests for I know that me and no one else is perfect. So I use love for others to for those who

have hate are just humans like us that need justice but more importantly everlasting love that

overcomes all hate. I believe I have been loved even when times I was not perfect so will

spread that compassion, and empathy to others so I can experience the love I have experienced.

The more we learn to teach ourselves how to everlasting love that needs and empathy to cure all

the hate in this world. We can teach the community to love everyone in the community and then

once we do that we can change the world, so everyone in this world can live as one!

Work Cited:

● Nazario, Sonia. Enrique’s Journey: The Story of a Boy’s Dangerous Odyssey to Reunite

with his

Mother. Publisher, Date.

● “The Symbolism of the Peanut Butter Falcon” by The Bible Is Art Blog

● Nilson, Tyler and Michael Schwartz, directors. The Peanut Butter Falcon. South by

Southwest and Roadside Attractions, 2019.

● Stephanie Snider, Barriers to Education, Writers, Staff. “Barriers to Education -

Disabilities - Best Colleges.” Best,, 15 Oct. 2018,
● Lewis, John, et al. March, Book Two. Top Shelf Productions, 2013.

● or others. persevere through life’s obstacles by learning to have the integrity; that allows

people to show compassion, empathy, and love for others just like they have been given

to care for other individuals.

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