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How to find 8 Digit Password to open your eStatement

If your card number is


4899 80 XXXX
Your 8 Digit Password is XXXXXXXX
ïm;a Kh ldâm;a bf,lafg%dksl .sKqï jd¾;d Wmfoia ud,dj
rk;gj; fld; ml;il ,yj;jpudpay; mwpf;if mwpTWj;jy;fs;
PAYMENT OPTIONS: f.ùï i|yd úl,am gzk; nrYj;Jk; topKiwfs;

(a) Settle Statement outstanding in full by the "Payment Due Date"

• uqo,a f.ùï msKsi Tng my; i|yka l%u w;=ßka tlla Ndú;d l, yelsh' a) nkhj;j fld; ml;il epYitapid nrYj;j Ntz;ba ,Wjp jpfjpf;Fs;
(b) Pay just the Minimum Payment mentioned in the statement. nrYj;jTk;.
^w& m%ldYKfha i|yka uq¿ uqo, f.úh hq;= Èkhg ^ Payment Due Date& fyda
(c) Pay any amount from the above minimum payment of the statement b) mwpf;ifapy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;l Fiwe;j fl;lzj;j pid khj;jpuk; nrYj;jTk;.
Bg fmr f.ùu'
c) NkNy mwpf;if epYitapy; cs;s Fiwe;j fl;lzj;jpid tpl
outstanding. ^wd& m%ldYKfha i|yka wju uqo, muKla f.ùu' mjpfkhd VjhtnjhU njhifapid nrYj;jTk;.
* You may choose one of the above payment options (a), (b), or (c) and ^we& by; wju f.ùfï isg uq¿ uqo, olajd ´kEu uqo,la f.ùu'
NkNy Fwpg;gpl;l gzk; nrYj;Jk; topKiwfspy; a), b) ,c) VjhtnjhU
make payment on or before the "Payment Due Date" indicated on the face
• by; i|yka ^w"wd"wE& f.ùï úl,am w;=ßka tlla Ndú;d lr" fuu topKiwapid ePq;fs; njupT nra;J> fld; ml;ilapd; mwpf;ifapd;
of this statement, if not your Account would be considered "Overdue" and Kfg;gpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;l fl;lzk; nrYj;Jtjw;fhd ,Wjp jpfjpapy; my;yJ
Kfha i|yka f.úh hq;= Èkhg fyda Bg fmr ^ on or before Payment Due
charges will be levied as Late Payment (Minimum Rs.900/-) and Interest. mjw;F Kd;du; gzk; nrYj;Jf; nfhs;syhk;. my;yJ cq;fSila
Date & uqo,a f.úh hq;=h" tfia fkdl<fyd;a Tnf.a .sKqu l,a bl=;a jQ .sKqula fzf;F fhyf;nfL Kbe;jjhf fUjg;gl;L; fhyjhkj fl;lzq;fs; kw;Wk;
(Late Payment is not applicable for Premium cards) jYfhka ie<flk w;r" m%udo ù isÿlrk f.ùï i|yd .dia;=jla ^wjuh re' tl;b mwtplg;gLk;. (gpuPkpak; ml;ilfSf;F fhyjhkjkhd fl;lzk;
900$-&& yd fmd,S uqo,ao whlrkq we;' nghUe;j hJ.)
* There is no interest charged if the full payment is made by the due date. If j;auka fmd,S wkqmd; ( fl;lzk; nrYj;j Ntz;ba ,Wjp jpfjpf;F Kd;du; KOf; fl;lzj;jpidAk;
not, interest will be charged on the daily outstanding balances, commencing fl%âá fjí ldâm;a - 28] jd¾Isl nrYj;Jdhy;> tl;b mwtplg;gl khl;lhJ. ,y;iynadpy;>mLj;j fld; ml;il
mwpf;if jpfjp tiu fld; ml;il guptu;j;jidfs; gjpT nra;j jpfjpapy;
from transaction post date until the next statement date. ma,eákï ldâm;a - 28] jd¾Isl ,Ue;J jpdKk; nrYj;j Ntz;ba epYitf;F tl;b mwtplg
Interest Rates: f.da,aâ ldâm;a - 28] jd¾Isl tl;b tPjq;fs; :
Web Cards - 28% p.a. Platinum Cards - 28% p.a. ms%ñhï ldâm;a - 28] jd¾Isl ntg; ml;ilfs; - 28% tUlhe;jk;
gpNsl;bdk; ml;ilfs; - 28% tUlhe;jk;
Classic Cards - 28% p.a. Premium Cards - 28% p.a. la,eisla ldâm;a - 28] jd¾Isl
fpsh]pf; ml;ilfs; - 28% tUlhe;jk;
Gold Cards - 28% p.a. fmd,S .Kkh lsÍu' gpuPkpak; ml;ilfs; - 28% tUlhe;jk;
• uqo,a mshúh hq;= Èkhg fyda Bg fmr ^ Payment Due Date & uq¿ uqo, f.ùu Nfhy;l; ml;ilfs; - 28% tUlhe;jk;
isÿl<fyd;a fmd,S uqo,la whlrkq fkd,efí' ke;fyd;a .Kqfokqj .sKqï .;l<
gz Kw;gzk; fl;lzk;
A Cash Advance Fee in respect of each cash advance obtained (Subject to Èk isg B<Õ m%ldYKfha Èk olajd ffoksl mokula u; fmd,S whlrkq ,efí'
maximum 75% of the approved credit limit) is calculated at the following xt;nthU Kw;gzk; ngw;Wf; nfhz;likf;Fk; (mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l fld;
rates. (Minimum Fee - Rs. 200/-) vy;iyapd; 75% tPjk;)
w;a;sldrï uqo,a ioyd .dia;= wh lsrSu' Kw;gz fl;lzk; gpd;tUk; tPjq;fspy; fzpg;gplg;gLk;. (Fiwe;j fl;lzk; -
Cash Advance Rates:
• wkqu; Kh iSudfjka 75]l Wmßuhlg hg;aj uqo,a w;a;sldrï ,nd.; yel' &gh 200/-)
Web Cards - N/A
,nd.kakd w;a;sldrï uqo,a i|yd my; ioyka wkqmd; j,ska wu;r .dia;=jla
Classic Cards - 3.50% per transactions amount wh flf¾' ^wjuh re' 200$-&' j;auka w;a;sldrï uqo,a ioyd .dia;= whflrk gz Kw;gzk; tPjq;fs; :
ntg; ml;ilfs; - nghUe;jhJ
Gold Cards - 3.50% per transactions amount wkqmd; (
fpsh]pf; ml;ilfs; - guptu;j;jid njhifapd; 3.50 %
Platinum Cards - 3.50% per transactions amount fjí ldâm;a - wod, fkdfõ
Nfhy;l; ml;ilfs;; - guptu;j;jid njhifapd; 3.50 %
Premium Cards - 3.00% per transactions amount ma,eákï ldâm;a - 3'00] gpNsl;bdk; ml;ilfs; - guptu;j;jid njhifapd; 3.50 %
la,eisla ldâm;a - 3'50] gpuPkpak; ml;ilfs; - guptu;j;jid njhifapd; 3.00 %
MODES OF PAYMENT ms%ñhï ldâm;a - 3'50]
gzk; nrYj;Jk; Kiwfs;
f.da,aâ ldâm;a - 3'50]
(1) Cash / Cheque Payments
* You could pay in cash or by cheque at any Sampath Bank Branch. 1. gzk;/fhNrhiy nrYj;jy;
f.ùï l%u • ve;j nthU rk;gj; tq;fp fpisapYk; gzkhf my;yJ fhNrhiyahf
* Cheques should be drawn in favour of Sampath Bank to the Credit of your
^w& uqo,ska$fplam;a u.ska f.ùu nrYj;j pf; nfhs;syhk;.
Card Account • rk;gj; tq;fpapd; ngaupy; vOjg;gl;l fhNrhiyfs; cq;fSila fld;
• iïm;a nel=fõ ´kEu YdLdjlg uqo,ska$fplam;a u.ska f.ùu isÿl< yelsh'
Example: Sampath Bank Plc. O/A Your Name A/C xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx ml;il fzf;Ff;F tuT itf;fyhk;.
• fplam;a ksl=;a l<hq;= jkafka iïm;a nexl=fõ kñka Tnf.a .sKqug nerjk cjhuzk; : rk;gj; tq;fp gp vy; rp cq;fSila ngau; fzf;F ,y
* Cheques are credited to your Card Account subject to realization. whqßks' XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
* Cheques issued by third parties in your favour will not be accepted unless • fhNrhiyfs; jPu;tpd; gpd;dNu fld; ml;il fzf;Ff;F tuT
Wod ( iïm;a nexl=j" Tnf.a ku" .sKqï wxlh xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
drawn as in the example above. itf;fg;g;gLk.;
• Tfí ldâm;a .sKqug fplam;a nerlrkqfha tajd Wm,íê ùug hg;ajh'
• NkNy cjhuzj;jpy; Fwpg;gpl;Ls;s gb> vOjg;glhj %d;whk; egu;
* "Cash" cheques will not be accepted. • by; i|yka WodyrKfha mßÈ fkdjk f;jk md¾Yjhla úiska Tnfj; ksl=;a fhNrhiyfs; Vw;Wf; nfhs;sg;gl khl;lhJ.
lr we;as fplam;a Ndr.kq fkd,efí' • gz fhNrhiyfs;; Vw;Wf; nfhs;sg;gl khl;lhJ.
(2) Payments through ATMs (SET) (not applicable for web cards) • “ uqo,a ” hkqfjka ,shk ,o fplam;a Ndr.kq fkd,efí'
2. jd;dpaf;f gupkhw;W ,ae;jpuq;fs; Clhf gzk; nrYj;Jjy; (ntg;
If your Current or Savings account is linked to the Card Account you can use
^wd& iïm;a iajhxl%Sh fg,¾ hka;% ^fiÜ
^ u.ska&^fjí ldâm;a ioyd wod, ml;ilfSf;F nghUe;j hJ)
the Sampath Bank ATMs to transfer funds to the Card Account. cq;fSila eilKiw my;yJ Nrkpg;G fzf;F fld; ml;il
fzf;Fld; ,izf;fg; gl;bUe;j hy;>rk;gj; tq;fp fld; ml;il
Tnf.a cx.u fyda b;sß lsÍfï .sKqu Kh ldâ m;a .sKqug iïnkaO lr we;akï" fzf;Ff;F gzk; khw;wpf; nfhs;s KbAk;
(3) TELEBANKING / SAMPATH NET / SAMPATH VISHWA / CALL Kh ldâm;a .sKqug wruqo,a mejÍu msKsi iïm;a iajhxl%Sh fg,¾ hka;% ^fiÜ&
BANKING Ndú;d l< yelsh' 3. njhiy Ngrp tq;fpp/rk;gj; nel;/rk;gj; tp];th/ SMS tq;fp Nrit
rk;gj; tq;fp fzf;Ffs; ,izf;fg;gl;l fld; ml;il
For cardholders whose Sampath accounts are already linked
^we& ia:djr ksfhda. u.ska ^ms%fmaâ fjí ldâm;a ioyd wod, fkdfõ& cupikahsu;fSf;F
wju f.ùfï ^wjuh re( 250$-&
250$ isg uq¿ uqo, olajd f.ùu i|yd Tnf.a iïm;a
4. epiyahd mwpTWj;jy;fs; - jd;dpaf;f nrYj;jy; (Kw;nfhLg;gdT
(4) STANDING INSTRUCTIONS - AUTOPAY (not applicable for prepaid nexl= .sKqu yr lsÍu i|yd ia:djr ksfhda.hla ,nd§ug Tng yelshdjla we;' ntg; ml;ilfSf;F nghUe;j hJ)
web cards) epiyahd mwpTWj;jy;fs; Clhf cq;fspd; rk;gj; tq;fp fzf;fpid
^wE& fg,snExlska (TELEBANKING) $iïm;a fkÜ (SAMPATHNET) $iïm;a
You could settle any amount from 5% (Minimum Rs. 250/-) to 100% from the nryT itg;gjd; %yk; ePq;fs; fl;lz epYitapd; 5% ,Ue;J 100%
úYaj (SAMPATH VISHWA) $flda,a nExlSka (CALL BANKING) tiu ve;jnthU njhifapidAk; nrYj;jyhk;. (Fiwe;jJ - &gh
statement outstanding, by giving standing instructions to debit your Sampath
Tnf.a iïm;a nexl= .sKqï ±kgu;a Kh ldâm;a .sKqug iïnkaO lr we;akï 250/-)
Bank account.
wod, ryia wxlh Ndú;d lr wruqo,a Kh ldâm;a .sKqug ner l< yelsh'
cq;fSila fl;lzk; nrYj;jy;fs s; mLj;j fld; ml;il mwpf;ifapy;
Your payments will be acknowledged on your next statement.
Tn úiska lrkq ,nk f.ùï ms<sn| úia;r B<Õ .sKqï m%ldYKfha ±lafjkq ftdj;jpy; nfhs;sg;gLk;.
Please contact nearest Sampath Bank branch if you wish to obtain rk;gj; nel;/rk;gj; tp];th/ SMS tq;fp Nritapid
njhiy Ngrp tq;fp/rk;
TELEBANKING, SAMPATHNET, SAMPATH VISHWA or CALL BANKING ngw;Wf; nfhs;s jaT nra;J mUfpYs;s rk;gj; tq;fp fpisapid ehlTk;.
Tng fg,snExlska" iïm;afkÜ" flda,a nExlska myiqlï ,nd.ekSug wjYH kï ta
i|yd ,Õu msysá iïm;a nexl= YdLdfjka úuikak' Ntiy nra;Ak; Neuq;fs;
rk;gj; tq;fp fpisfs;
Working hours .kqfokq lrk fõ,djka ( - thu ehl;fspy; fhiy 8.00 kzp Kjy; khiy 3.00 tiu
• iïm;a nexl= YdLd - i;sfha Èkj, WoEik 8'30 isg iji 3'00 olajd nfhOk;G Rg;gu; fpis
* Sampath bank branches - Weekdays 8.30 am to 3.00pm
- 365 ehl;fSk; fhiy 7.00 kzp Kjy; ,uT 10.00 tiu
* Colombo Supper Branch - 365 days 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 pm • fld<U iqmsß YdLdj - Èk 365 u WoEik 7'00 isg rd;%S 10'00 olajd fz;b rpl;b nrd;lu;
• kqjr isá fikag¾ - i;sfha Èkj, WoEik 9'30 isg iji 5'00 olajd" - thu ehl;fspy; fhiy 9.30 kzp Kjy; khiy 5.00 tiuAk;
* Kandy City Centre - Weekdays from 9.30 am to 5.00pm,
i;s wka; Èkj, WoEik 9'00 isg miajre 1'00 olajd - thuhe;j ehl;fspy;
spy; fhiy 9.00 kzp Kjy; khiy 1.00 tiu
Weekends from 9.00 am to 1.00pm fpupgj;nfhil Rg;gu; / nts;stj;ij Rg;gu;
• lsrsn;af.dv yd je,a,j;a; iqmsß YdLdjka
* Kiribathgoda/ Wellawatta Super - 365 ehl;fSk; fhiy 8.00 kzp Kjy; ,uT 8.00 tiu
- Èk 365 u WoEik 8'00 isg rd;%S 8'00 olajd
- 365 days from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 pm
Nkyjpf jfty;fSf;F jaT
nra;J mZfTk;.
jeâ úia;r ioyd fj; msúfikak¡
Please refer for more details
Kf;fpa mwptpj;jy; : (ntg; ml;ilfSf;F nghUe;jhJ)
jeo.;a (^fjí ldâm;a ioyd wod, fkdfõ&
• Ke;ija khjj;j pd; fl;lzk; nrYj;jy; jpfjpapy; ,Ue;J 2
Important Notice : (not applicable for web cards) ui .sKqï m%ldYKfha i|yka .sKqï mshúh hq;= Èk ^Payment
*miq ^ Due fpoikfspy; fld; ml;il mwpf;if cq;fSf;F fpilf;fg;
Date&& isg i;s foll ld, iSudjlska miqj kj .sKqï m%ldYKh Tn fj; ngwhtpl;lhy;> jaT nra;J fld; ml;il nrd;liu njhlu;G
* Please notify the Card Centre if you do not receive the statement within 2
fkd,enqkfyd;a lreKdlr ldâ uOHia:dkh fj; okajkak'
weeks from the previous month’s Payment Due Date. • fld; ml;il epYit nrYj;j jtwpaikf;F kw;Wk; tpjpf;fg;gl;l
.sKqï m%ldYKhla fkd,eîu" f.úï fkdlsÍug fyda m%udo lsÍug fyda ta ksid
*.s fl;lzq;fs; kPs; nrYj;j fld; ml;il mwpf;iffis ngw;Wf;
* Non receipt of the "Statement of Account" will not be accepted as a reason
f.ùug isÿjk wu;r .dia;= j,ska ksoyia lsÍug fyda fya;=jla jYfhka Ndr.kq nfhs;shjJ xU fhuzkhf Vw;Wf; nfhs;sg;gl khl;lhJ.
for non-payment of dues and refund of charges will not be considered.
Example : Calculation of interest when a payment above the minimum payment is made.
WodyrK ( f.úh hq;= wju uqo,g jvd jevs f.ùula l, úg fmd,S uqo, .Kkhùfï ls%hd mámdáh
cjhuzk; - Mff;Fiwe;j fl;lzk; nrYj;Jk; njhifapid tpl mjpf njhifapid nrYj;Jk; NghJ tl;b fzf;fplg;gLk; tpjk;

Statement Date / m%ldYkfha oskh / mwpf;if jpfjp 01/04/2017 Statement Date / m%ldYkfha oskh / mwpf;if jpfjp 01/05/2017
Opening Balance / fmr f.úh hq;= uqo, / njhlf;f epYit 100,000.00 Opening Balance/ fmr f.úh hq;= uqo, / njhlf;f epYit 145,000.00
Transaction / .Kqfokqj / guptu;j;jid 20,000.00 Transaction / .Kqfokqj / guptu;j;jid 13,000.00
Cash Advance / uqo,a w;a;sldru / gz Kw;gzk 15,000.00 Payment 01 / m,uq f.ùu / KjyhtJ gzk; nrYj;Jjy; 12,000.00
All Financial Charges / ish¨u uQ,Huh .dia;= / midj;J epjp rk;ge;jkhd fl;lzq;fs; 10,000.00 Payment 02 / fojk f.ùu / ,uz;lhtJ gzk; nrYj;Jjy 25,000.00
Total Outstanding / ysÕ uq¿ uqo, / nrYj;j Ntz;ba KOj;njhif 145,000.00 Interest / fmd,S uqo, / tl;b 3,761.34
Minimum Payment / f.úh hq;= wju uqo, / nrYj;j Ntz;ba Fiwe;j fl;lzk; 7,250.00 Total Outstanding / ysÕ uq¿ uqo, / nrYj;j Ntz;ba KOj;njhif 124,761.34

Interest up to | fmd,S uqo, | tl;b 09/04/2017 : Rs. 1,718.89

( 100,000/- x 28% x (08/360) ) + ( 20,000 x 28% x (39/360) ) + ( 15,000 x 28% x (36/360) ) + ( 10,000 x 28% x (09/360) )
Interest from | fmd,S uqo, | tl;b 10/04/2017 - 19/04/2017 : Rs. 1,034.45

( 100,000/- x 28% x (10/360) ) + ( 20,000 x 28% x (10/360) ) + ( 13,000 x 28% x (10/360) )

Interest from | fmd,S uqo, | tl;b 20/04/2017 - 01/05/2017 : Rs. 1,008.00

( 100,000/- x 28% x (12/360) ) + ( 8,000 x 28% x (12/360) )

Total Interest | uq¿ fmd,S uqo, | KO tl;b

Rs. 3,761.34 ( Rs. 1,718.89 + Rs. 1,034.45 + Rs. 1,008.00 )

Order of setoff : wh lr.ekSfï wkqms,sfj, ( jPu;j;J nfhs;tjw;fhd fl;lis

First Bank Charges, Second Cash Advances, Third Purchases (if opening m<uqj ish¿u nexl= .dia;=" fojkqj uqo,a w;a;sldrï yd f;jkqj wksl=;a .Kqfokq KjyhtJ tq;fp fl;lzq;fs;>,uz;lhtJ gz Kw;gzk;>%d;whtJ
^ wdrïNl fYaIh ;=, nexl= .dia;= wka;¾.; fõkï wksl=;a .Kqfokq j,g nfhs;tdT(Muk;g kpFjp fl;lzq;fis nfhz;bUe;jhy;> guptu;j;jidfSf;F
balance consist charges those will be setoff before transactions). Kjy; mit jPu;j;J nfhs;sg;gl Ntz;Lk;
m%:ufhka tu .dia;= whlr.kq ,efí¡&

The Manager-Card Centre / l,ukdlre - iïm;a nexl=j /Kfhikahsu; - fhu;l; nrd;lu;

Sampath Card Number / iïm;a ldâm;a wxlh / rk;gj; fld; ml;il ,yf;fk; ....................................................................................

Please activate Sampath "SMS Alertz" facility on my mobile phone number ............................................................... to receive free SMS Alerts on my above Card transactions.
Also consider the following new details and make necessary changes with regard to my above card.
lreKdlr ud yg iïm;a flá mKsúv fiajdj udf.a ÿrl:k wxlh jk ............................................................... fj; ilS%h lrk fuka b,a,d isáñ¡ ;jo my; ioyka kj f;dr;=re
by; ldâm;g wod,j hdj;a ld,Sk lrk fuka b,a,d isáñ¡
jaT nra;J vdJ ifalf;f njhiyNgrp ,y …………………………………….f;F fld; ml;i l guptu;j;jidfs; rk;ge;jkhd FWe;jfty;fis ,ytrkhf ngw;Wf; nfhs;s FWe;
jfty; trjpapid nraw;gLj;JkhW Nfl;Lf; nfhs;fpd;Nwd;. jaT nra;J vdJ fld; ml;il njhlh;gpy; fPo; Fwpg;gplg;gl;l tpguq;fis khw;wk; nra;aTk;.

Home Address / fkajdisl ,smskh / tPl;L Kfthp : ……………………………………….................................................................

: ……………………………………….................................................................
Home Telephone No. / fkajdisl ÿrl:k wxlh / tPl;L njhiyNgrp ,yf;fk; : ……………………………………….................................................................
Mobile No. / cx.u ÿrl;k wxlh / ifalf;fj; njhiyNgrp ,yf;fk; : ……………………………………….................................................................
Office No. / ld¾hd, ÿrl:k wxlh / mYtyf njhiyNgrp ,yf;fk; : ……………………………………….................................................................
E-mail Address / úoHq;a ,smskh / kpd;dQ;ry; Kfthp : ……………………………………….................................................................
Present Employer's / j¾;udk fiajd ia:dkfha / jw;Nghija njhopy; jUeupd; Kfthp
Name & Address / ku iy ,smskh / ngaH; & Kfthp : ……………………………………….................................................................
: ……………………………………….................................................................
Mailing Address: Residence / Office | ,sms fhduq l,hq;= ,smskh ( fkajdisl $ ld¾hd,Sh | fbjk; fpilf;ff;$ba Kfthp : tPL /mYtyfk;
Mode of delivery of Renewal card mark () in the appropriate box.
ldâm; Tn fj; ,ndosh hq;= wdlrhg wod, fldgqfõ () i,l=K fhdokak
GJg;gpf;fg;gl;l ml;ilapid ngw;Wf; nfhs;S k; topKiwf;F nghUj;jkhd Nju;it milahsg;gLj;jTk;
* Courier the card to office / residence | ldâm; fkajdisl $ ld¾hd,Sh ,smskhg ,eîug i,iajkak¡ | ehd; tPL /mYtyfj;jpy; ngw;Wf; nfhs;s tpUk;Gfpd;Nwd;.

* I wish to collect the card at ................................................ branch.

ldâm; ................................................ YdLdfjka ,nd.ekSug wfmalaId lrñ¡
ehd;................................ fpisapy; ngw;Wf; nfhs;s tpUk;G fpd;Nwd;.

........................................................... .......................................
Cardholder's Signature Date / oskh / jpfjp
ldâm; ysñlref.a w;aik
fld; ml;il cupikahsupd; ifnahg;gk;
(Please forward this slip directly to the Sampath Card Centre)
^lreKdlr fuu fldgi iïm;a ldâ uOHia:dkh fj; fhduqlrkak&
(jaT nra;J ,e;jg; gFjpia vq;fsJ fld; ml;i l kj;jpa epiyaj;jpw;F Neubahf mDg;gTk;)

Sampath Bank PLC – Card Centre

110, Sir James Peiris Mawatha, Colombo 02.
General Inquiries : 011-2300599 Lost Card report (24Hrs) : 011-2300598
Billing Inquiries : 011-2303075, 011-2303076 Fax : 011-2300603, 011-4712013
Card Inquiries : 011-2300598, 011-2300604 (24 Hrs) Website :
PIN Inquiries : 011-4730371 Email :

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