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1. Type : Scrapbook
2. Duration : 4 – 12 May
3. Title: A Place to Call Home

Pupils’ ability to use words related to home is essential to their daily lives as they are going to use them
almost every day to talk about what is going on in their daily lives while at home.

Page 1: Front page (Please decorate it creatively)

a. Name
b. Class
c. Subject
d. Title
e. Date of submission
f. Teacher’s name

Page 2: Introduction

Page 3: Table of content

Page 4: Words related to home (Maximum of word is 50 words)

Page 5: Types of home and amenities you like to be in it.

Page 6: Descriptions of amenities and why do you want it in your home

Page 7: Drawing of your ideal home.

Page 8: References (state the name of books or websites where you gather information for your work)

* Notes to pupil:
a. You can type this task on your computer or in written form.
b. This is an individual task.

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