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Wei Xu
Post Doctoral Research Associate

Paul M. Winistorfer
Associate Professor


William W. Moschler
Research Associate
Department of Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries
Institute of Agriculture
P.O. Box 1071
The University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37901-107 1
(Received November 1995)


A procedure is presented to determine the water absorption distribution of wood composite panels.
The procedure is based on the direct measurement of the vertical density distribution before water
soak, the vertical density distribution after the water-soaked specimens have been reconditioned to
pre-soak weights, and the construction of the vertical density distribution for the specimens imme-
diately after water soak. The separation of "wood mass" and water was achieved through the application
of radiation absorption principles involving the two elements. The procedure was used to examine
the water absorption distributions of medium density fiberboard, oriented strandboard, and particle-
board. A good agreement was obtained between the estimated average water absorptions and measured
water absorptions. Water absorption distribution in relation to the layer density and layer thickness
swell was discussed.
Keywords: medium density fiberboard, oriented strandboard, particleboard, thickness swell distri-
bution, vertical density distribution, water absorption.

INTRODUCTION cyclic relative humidity tests are also used to

evaluate moisture up-take of many interior-
The water absorption (WA) and the thick- use panel materials. American Society for
ness swell (TS), measured by the water soak Testing and Materials (ASTM) specified the
method (24-h exposure is the most common WA test when it first published the tentative
practice), are usually taken as the primary test standard for wood-base fiber and particle
measures of the water resistance ability of wood panel materials (ASTM 1949).
composite panel materials (ASTM 1994). The Two mechanisms ofwater inclusion are nor-
water soak method accelerates WA and is often mally involved in the WA test: adsorption
a preferred procedure for laboratory analysis; (bound water within the cell wall) and absorp-
tion (free water in the cell lumens). The bound
water is responsible for the hygroscopic swell
I This work was supported by the Tennessee Agricul-
and triggers the release of set-in compressive
tural Experiment Station under project MS-48, and in part stress (or strain) of composite products. Bound
by the Structural Board Association, Ontario, Canada. water reaches its maximum when the cell wall
Wood and Fiber Sclence, 28(3), 1996, pp. 286-294

is fully saturated (about 25% if no alteration terials were conditioned at a room temperature
of cell-wall material is assumed to have oc- of approximately 23OC and 50% relative hu-
curred because of hot pressing). The two mech- midity, and an equilibrium moisture content
anisms of water inclusion and the two types of 7% was maintained before test. For each
of water are not separately accounted for in material, specimens measuring 100 mm x 100
the WA test, and both free and bound water mm were prepared, and their VDDs were mea-
may be present at any time during the WA sured using the scanning gamma ray densitom-
test. Total WA and also the relative amounts eter according to the procedures previously de-
of bound water and free water are probably scribed by Winistorfer et al. (1986). Specifi-
controlled by the structure-related factors such cally, counts (transmitted radiation at the de-
as wood cell-wall collapse during consolida- tector) were taken for 20 s at each step, with
tion, the vertical density distribution (VDD), a scan step size of 0.254 mm. A detector win-
and the horizontal density distribution in the dow slit with a width of 0.20 mm and a height
panels (Xu 1993). The complicated phenom- of 10 mm was used.
enon of WA has not been well understood due Specimens of MDF, OSB, and particleboard
to the lack of understanding of wood compos- were subjected to water soak exposure times
ite structure. of 24 and 168 h; three specimens were used
In a previous study (Xu and Winistorfer for each exposure treatment. The use of 168-h
1995b), we found that TS was not uniformly water soak treatment, together with the stan-
distributed through the thickness dimension dard 24-h water soak practice, was primarily
of composite panels, and layer TS was posi- for validation of the technique. The use of a
tively correlated to layer density. 'The finding specimen size of 100 mm x 100 mm rather
of layer density proportional TS distribution than the standard 150 mm x 150 mm to mea-
prompted us to examine the WA distributions sure WA was determined by the configuration
in these wood composite panels. We believe of the densitometer. However, recent studies
that an improved understanding of WA as in- have indicated that a TS and WA specimen
fluenced by layer density will help us better size of 100 mm x 100 mm is appropriate and
understand and improve WA and TS of wood provides consistent test results as compared to
composite panel materials. This paper de- the 150-mm x 150-mm specimens (Xu and
scribes a technique to estimate WA distribu- Steiner 1995). These specimens were then
tion using vertical density distribution mea- gamma ray scanned immediately after the wa-
surement of composite material, as well as ra- ter soak test and again after the specimens had
diation absorption characteristics of wood and equilibrated (dried) to their original, pre-soak
water. weights.
The materials consisted of three commercial DISTRIBUTION PROCEDURE

composite products: 1) medium density fiber- Let A represent the state of a composite
board (MDF) (adhesive: urea-melamine- specimen before water soak (thickness: I), B
formaldehyde, density: 760 kg/m3, thickness: represent the state of the same composite spec-
15.8 mm); 2) oriented strandboard (OSB) (ad- imen immediately after the water soak test
hesive: phenol-formaldehyde, density: 670 kg/ (thickness: m), and C represent the state after
m3, thickness: 14.9 mm); and 3) particleboard the water-soaked specimen has been recondi-
(adhesive: urea-formaldehyde, density: 660 kg/ tioned to its pre-soak weight (thickness n). Fur-
m3, thickness: 15.9 mm). These commercial ther, letflx) stand for the density values (unit:
materials were procured from a commercial kg/m3, thickness increment: 0.254 mm) at state
supply house, and a history of manufacturing A, and h(z) stand for the density values (unit:
processing conditions is not known. The ma- kg/m3, thickness increment: 0.254 mm) at state
288 WOOD AND FIBE,R SCIENCE, JULY 1996, V. 28(3)

C. The VDD values at states A and C were

used to determine the layer TS distribution in
our previous investigation (Xu and Winistor-
fer 1995b).
The VDDs at states A and C were deter-
mined by the direct scanning gamma ray den-
sitometry method using a mass attenuation co-
efficient of 0.01 85 (m2/kg) (Winistorfel- et al.
1986). However, the VDD at state B can not Thickness (mm)
be directly determined by the same method,
FIG.1. A schematic showing the density estimation by
as the mass attenuation coefficient was variant linear interpolation.
and unknown (affected by a variant, unknown
amount of water across the panel thickness).
At this state, the layer density would bt: the
weighted average density of water and "wood "wood mass" at state B can be constructed.
mass." (We acknowledge that some resin, wax, This construction was performed simply by
and about 7% equilibrium moisture content at increasing the thickness increment in VDD at
room condition were also present when the state C with a factor of mln, and by decreasing
composite panel density was measured at states the density values by a factor of nlm (the same
A and C; therefore we put quotation marks board weight was observed). Obviously, the
around wood mass.) If the VDD of "wood same number of density points in VDD of
mass" at state B can be determined, the amount "wood mass" at state B existed as in the VDD
ofwater, therefore the WA, can be determined at state C.
by the radiation absorption measurement The VDD constructed above had a different
technique. thickness increment (0.254. mln mm) than
VDDs at states A and C (thickness increment:
Constructing the VDD of "wood mass" at 0.254 mm). To generate the VDD at the same
state B thickness increment of 0.254 mm, a linear as-
Theoretically, TS ofthe composite specimen sumption was made between adjacent density
at state B contains both the unrecoverable swell data points in the VDD, as in our previous
and hygroscopic swell, while TS at state C con- investigation (Xu and Winistorfer 1995b). For
tains only the unrecoverable swell component. example, as shown in Fig. 1, the density value
The hygroscopic swell can be approximated as at point 1: which is 0.254 mm away from
the difference in board thicknesses between point I, can be estimated as
states B and C: m-n. This hygroscopic swell P' = PI + (P2 - p,)n/m (1)
was probably not uniformly distributed through
the panel thickness. For the purpose of sim- where p,, p2, and p' are the density values at
plicity, however, it was assumed in this in- locations of 1, 2, and 1'.
vestigation that this hygroscopic swell was uni- In this study, a FORTRAN algorithm was
formly distributed through the thickness di- written to construct this VDD with a thickness
mension of the panel. (We understand that cer- increment of 0.254 mm. Function gQ was
tain assumptions are unavoidable; if we need used to designate the generated density values
to estimate WA distribution, this assumption of "wood mass" at state B (density: kg/m3,
of uniformity in hygroscopic swell may not be thickness increment: 0.254 mm).
too much in error as hygroscopic swell is usu-
ally small compared to the permanent unre- Estimating the water absorption at state B
coverable swell.) The basic radiation absorption equation to
Using the above assumption, the VDD of determine material density is expressed as

situ weights (or densities) of water and "wood

mass" at the same layer location as

I = intensity of the radiation beam after An alternative method estimates the layer WA
passing through a material (counts) based on the in situ water mass (density) and
I, = intensity of the radiation beam without overall average board density (Is) as
passing through a material (air counts)
u, = material mass attenuation coefficient
(m2/kg) Since the average of all layer WA calculated
t = material distance (m) by Eq. (6) equals the overall WA theoretically,
p = material density (kg/m3) and the layer WA calculated by Eq. (6) pro-
vides the relative amount ofwater through the
At state B, u, was not constant as the panel panel thickness, Eq. (6) was used in this in-
material at any measurement location con-
vestigation to calculate the layer WA.
tained an unknown amount of water. Using
the elemental analysis (Olson and Arganbright Water absorption based on state A
198 1; Coppola and Reiniger 1974), Ecl. (2) was
The layer WA distribution estimated above
changed to
was based on the thickness reference at state
B (board thickness rn at state B was larger than
the original board thickness 1). To express the
layer WA distribution in reference to state A
in which u, and u, are the attenuation coeffi-
cients of "wood mass" and water, respectively, (original state), the following procedure was
and p, and pa are the respective densities of developed.
"wood mass" and water mass. Letfix,),f(x2), andfix,) stand for the density
Our laboratory densitometer system uses an values at locations of x,, x,, and x, at state A,
americium-24 1 (Am241)radiation source with and g(y,), gOi,), and gOi,) stand for the density
a photon energy of 60 KeV. At this energy values of "wood mass" at locations of y,, y,,
and y, at state B (Fig. 2). Suppose layer L,,,
level, u, was determined to be 0.0185 (m2/kg)
(y' is somewhere in between y, and y,) at state
for our routine density measurement of com-
mercial wood composite panels (I-aufenberg B originated from layer L,,, at state A, and
[I9861 has shown that a small amount of resin further suppose the equal weight of "wood
and wax has very limited influence on the mass mass" before and after layer swell (Xu and
Winistorfer 1995b), the following equation was
attenuation coefficient of wood composite
panels; the small amount of resin and wax has established as
been accounted for in establishing the mass
attenuation coefficient), and u, was deter-
in which, a = Mx,)+f(x,)]/0.254, b =fix,), c
mined to be 0.0207 (m2/kg)according to Olson
= [g(y,)+gOi,)]*0.254, x is the distance from
and Arganbright [ 198 11). Using the density
values of "wood mass" constructed above as point y2 to y'.
the input for p,, the density of water mass was The solution of Eq. (7) determines the lo-
determined by the following equation cation at state B to estimate the layer WA at
state A. For example, using the linear inter-
polation assumption, the layer WA at location
x,, WA(x2), at state A was estimated by
There are two methods to calculate the layer
WA distribution. One method involves the es-
timation of actual layer WA based on the in

0 XI x2 x3
Thickness (mm)

0 4 8 12 16

Thickness (mm)
FIG.3. Layer water absorption distributions of the me-
dium density fiberboard after two water soak exposure

treatments, the hygroscopic swells (relative to

Thickness (mm) the board thicknesses at state B) were 4.8%
FIG.2. A schematic showing the procedure to deter- and 10.4% for the MDF samples, 4.9% and
mine the swollen thickness of individual horizontal layers. 8.2% for the OSB samples, and 2.9% and 7.5%
for the particleboard samples, respectively. The
small differences in the thicknesses between
states B and C do not necessarily validate the
while WA(y,) and WACV,) are the layer WA at
assumption of uniformity in hygroscopic swell,
locations of y, and y3 (state B).
but they do suggest that the assumption and
The layer TS of layer L,,,, can be calculated the construction of VDD for state B do not
necessarily result in too much error.
Case I : medium density fiberboard
The procedure for estimating the swollen The WA distributions predicted from the
thickness of individual horizontal layers by Eq.
model for the MDF material based on the av-
(7) was exactly the same as the procedure used erage of three specimens at a layer resolution
in our previous investigation of layer TS de- thickness of 0.254 mm are shown in Fig. 3.
velopment (Xu and Winistorfer 1995b). The The average WA values from these distribu-
FORTRAN algorithm developed in the pre- tions were 18.3% and 61.1% for the 24-h and
vious investigation was used for the present 168-h water soak exposures, respectively.
study. These values differed slightly from the mea-
sured average WA values (2 l .2% and 66.4%,
respectively). The small differences in these
General average WA values indicate that the procedure
For the three materials tested and two water for determining the WA distribution is feasi-
soak treatments used, the hygroscopic swells ble.
or the differences in specimen thicknesses be- Similar to the layer TS distribution reported
tween states B and C were minimal. Specifi- in our previous investigation (Xu and Winis-
cally, for the 24-h and 168-h water exposure torfer 1995b), the surface regions of the panel

8 00
k 700 60
5 P
2 40

500 . MDF OSB . Particleboard

gX 20

Thickness (mm) Layer Thickness Swell (%)

FIG.4. The relationship between layer water absorp- FIG.6 . The relationship between layer water absorp-
tion and layer density of the medium density fiberboard. tion and layer thickness swell of the medium density fi-

exhibited higher WA than the center layers.

was available in these regions for water ad-
Many processing treatments can contribute to
sorption. Figure 5 shows the scatterplot be-
this distribution phenomenon. For example,
tween the layer density and layer WA, together
changing the resin and wax distributions or
with the result of the correlation analysis (r =
using different furnish materials through the
linear correlation coefficient). The data indi-
panel thickness can result in a WA distribu-
cate that the layer WA was positively corre-
tion. However, it is believed that the VDD
lated to the layer density in this MDF material.
through the thickness dimension in the MDF
Since layer TS was also positively correlated
material (Fig. 4) was the single most important
to the layer density (Xu and Winistorfer 1995b),
factor in the layer WA distribution for this
the layer WA was expected to be positively
study. More water was taken up in the high
correlated to the layer TS (Fig. 6). It is generally
density regions because more wood material
believed that water up-take is the prerequisite
for thickness expansion; a linear relationship
between TS and WA has been reported for
many commercial and laboratory composite
products (Suchsland 1973; Suchsland et al.
1978; Winistorfer et al. 1996).
Case 2: oriented strandboard
The predicted layer WA distributions across
the thickness of the OSB are shown in Fig. 7;
these distributions were also based on the av-
erage of three specimens and were generated
at a resolution thickness increment of 0.254
mm. The layer WA distributions yielded av-
600 700 800 900 Ioo0 erage WA values of 13.4°/o and 4 1.5% for the
Layer Density ( k g l d ) 24-h and 168-h water soak exposures, respec-
FIG.5. Vertical density distributions of the medium tively, which also differed slightly from the
density fiberboard, oriented strandboard, and particle- Illeasured values (16.5% and 47.2'10, respec-
board materials. tively).

Thickness (mm) Layer Thickness Swell (%)

FIG.7. Layer water absorption distributions of the on- FIG.9. The relationship between layer water absorp-
ented strandboard after two water soak exposure times. tion and layer thickness swell of the oriented strandboard.

Similar to the MDF material, layer WA at Case 3: particleboard

the surface regions of the OSB was also gen-
erally higher than that in the center. Figure 8 The predicted WA distributions at a layer
shows the positive correlation between the lay- resolution thickness of 0.254 mm for the par-
er density and layer WA for both 24-h and ticleboard samples based on the average of
168-h water soak exposures. three specimens are shown in Fig. 10. The av-
The layer WA distribution of OSB was also erage WA values given by these distributions
believed to be correlated to the layer TS. The were 30.5% and 77.2% for the 24-h and 168-h
scatterplot between the layer TS and layer WA water soak exposures, respectively. These av-
(Fig. 9) demonstrated a positive correlation (r erage values also agreed well with the mea-
> 0) for both water soak exposure times. sured values (32.1% and 82.396, respectively),

0 0
400 500 600 700 800 900 0 4 8 12 16

Layer Density (kglm3) Thickness (mm)

FIG. 8. The relationship between layer water absorp- FIG. 10. Layer water absorption distributions of the
tion and layer density of the oriented strandboard. particleboard after two water soak exposure times.

Layer Density ( k g l d ) Layer Thickness Swell (%)

FIG.11. The relationship between layer water absorp- FIG.12. The relationship between layer water absorp-
tion and layer density of the particleboard. tion and layer thickness swell of the particleboard.

which suggests that the procedure to estimate tions. The layer WA distributions were gen-
the WA distribution is appropriate. erated using the VDD measurements in the
The layer WA distribution of particleboard center portions of the specimens, which is the
after 24-h water soak exposure showed a re- standard procedure in density measurement.
sponse similar to the MDF and OSB speci- We have also developed a layer removal
mens, i.e., positively correlated to layer den- technique (slicing) to measure layer properties
sity and to layer TS (Figs. 11 and 12). How- of these wood composite panels (Xu and Win-
ever, the 168-h soak treatment resulted in istorfer 1995a).This slicing technique involves
somewhat "abnormal" response for the layer the mechanical sectioning of composite spec-
WA. At this treatment level, the layer WA was imens into thin horizontal layers and measur-
either non-sensitive or negatively correlated to ing the properties on these layers. Using the
the layer density or layer TS (Figs. 11 and 12). slicing technique, layer WA was also found to
A possible explanation for this behavior is that be positively correlated to layer density and
the particleboard materials used in this study layer TS (Winistorfer and Xu 1996).Although
were manufactured with urea-formaldehyde these two techniques cannot be compared di-
adhesives, while MDF and OSB panels were rectly, they are complementary in studying the
bonded with more water-resistant adhesive layer properties of wood composite panels.
systems. The prolonged water soak might have
severely deteriorated the water resistance per-
formance of the urea-formaldehyde adhesive Modern wood composite technology em-
in the core of particleboard (low compaction ploys a fast press closure rate, high press tem-
zone), which contributed to an increased WA perature, and/or other techniques to achieve
in this region. high density surface-low density core panel
For all the three panel products (MDF, OSB, constructions. This high density face-low den-
and particleboard), the average WA values sity core scenario is desired for improved
yielded from the predicted layer WA distri- bending properties of composite panel prod-
butions were slightly lower than those values ucts for many applications. The present study,
measured. This is probably because the WA together with our previous investigation (Xu
values at surrounding edges of WA specimens and Winistorfer 1995b),has shown clearly that
are slightly higher than those in the center por- the high density surface regions contributed

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