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Nicholas Motamed
English 1T
Professor Herman

True costs reflection:

Strengths, Weakness and Critical Thinking

Got to enjoy the movie in class True Costs more when I freed my mind to write notes even if it

was like one word or some fragments so I can let my thoughts out freely. This might seem like

a weakness because messing and might not understand all of the words and ideas but it was a

strength for me because it is a great annotation skill that allows you to share your ideas, which

in reality is not very organized in our minds, on paper. Afterwards I can trace such thought

patterns as concerns about the fast fashion. I also ask a lot of great questions to find out what

outsourced meant and others to help me build those questions in my head to think about and

ask for help later. It does show an interesting order of ideas too for you to get the top question

“where are clothes made” then you get all of the variety of pros of fashion and when the cons

come into it. I also learned in my notes how much workers are being mistreated in the fashion

industry and that something needs to be done about .. was sad, angry, worried,and shocked in


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