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INSTRUCTION: Each number is worth fifty points. Research online or from books which
can serve as your reference for the following task. Do not just copy paste. Insert your
personal thoughts, ideas and knowledge on the matter. Each number must have to be
comprised of two (2) pages only. Font is Arial with font size of 12. Make your cover
page containing your name and the subject matter.
Submit your output on or before Monday (12:am). Send it to me through email: Late submission of your paper is equivalent to thirty points
deduction. Please take note that I have to submit all your grades on Monday so please

1.) Make a reaction paper regarding the 2008 Global Financial crisis? What are the
steps that country like Philippines should do for it not to re occur?

2.) Make a reaction paper regarding how economic crisis in Venezuela escalate?
Explain how will it affect the world’s economy and the Philippines. Enumerate
possible solutions to the problem.

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