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Aunty Tin : Good morning….Shaloom…Assalamualaikum warrah matullahi
wabarakaatuh, Om Swastiastu, Namo Buddayah. Ladies and gentlemen, we
finally meet again in this cheerful day although as we see the weather is a little
gloomy, but my spirit is full of energy today, I’m very excited. You know what?
Because “ a merry heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries the
bones. Right? For those who are still listening to this program, whether you have
small radios or big radios there, just be happy. For those who are staying home,
in café, cheer up. If you are in hospital, get well soon. And for our beloved
medical staff, the nurses, and doctors, I hope all of you are in great condition. To
our beloved President Mr. Joko Widodo, our Vice President, may God Bless you
both with wisdom and health. The ministers, the parliament members, the
governonrs, majors and the police squad. And certainly I won’t forget the Village
Majors and “Pala”* (LOL).
03.07 SOUND EFFECT (Wagon’s Sound)
Aunty Tin : Today, we will talk about DRUGS. Scary… But we have to stay
strong. Just be grateful for the day. Don’t swear. (LOL)
04.01 Uncle Utu : Mornin’
Aunty Tin : Hey you. Morning.
04.03 Uncle Utu : What’s wrong with your face?
04.05 Aunty Tin : (laughing) Whose face?
04.06 Uncle Utu : Did you said that?
04.09 Aunty Tin : I mean, don’t show a sad or angry face. You know.
04.13 Uncle Utu : Owh…
04.14 Aunty Tin : So don’t be so moody.
04.15 Uncle Utu : I think you become so moody because of your kids who always
comes back home so late in the night.
04.18 Aunty Tin : They never back home late at night. They are too scared of this
Corona. (Laughing)
04.25 Uncle Utu : I went out last night and I saw there were many teens out there.
04.31 Aunty Tin : And why is that?
04.32 Uncle Utu : They gather.
04.35 Aunty Tin : Did somebody rebuked them?
04.36 Uncle Utu : Yeah. Suddenly know the police.
04.37 Aunty Tin : That’s good.
04.38 Uncle Utu : Yeah.
04.40 Aunty Tin : Don’t you wanna know about our topic for today?
04.44 Uncle Utu : What is it then?
04.45 Aunty Tin : Drugs in the middle of Covid 19 Pandemic.
04.47 Uncle Utu : That’s it. Actually I wanna say it because it related to the young
people who gathered last night.
04.53 Aunty Tin : Are you afraid that they will do something “druggy”?
04.59 Uncle Utu : Not exactly. But at least…
05.03 Aunty Tin : At least we must be alerted.
05.05 Uncle Utu : And never forget that the parents must take good care of this matter.
There was a power down and blackout last night. I was worried about them.
05.17 Aunty Tin : You know nowadays they’re using “Narkoblek” – Drugs in Cans
05.18 Uncle Utu : That’s true (laughing)
05.19 Aunty Tin : They breathe in the canned glue.
05.20 Uncle Utu : Glue…glue…
05.22 Aunty Tin : And then they often buy drugs and some kind of medicine that make
them hallucinating, even though it can damage their brain. In the future if you
always use that kind of dangerous drugs, drink them, suck them, breathe them in
or inject them, it will affect your mood, feeling, and behaviour.
05.59 Uncle Utu : What a “coinkiddink” (LOL). You say something about feeling. My
feelings aren’t the same as yours.
06.04 Aunty Tin (Singing in Bahasa) perasaan insan sama ingin sayang dan cinta
(Laughing) – Our feelings are the same, we want to be loved.
06.49 Uncle Utu : Great. You sing again. Every time I say about feeling, there you
06.13 Aunty Tin : Okay then. Let’s go back to our topic. We haven’t known it yet…
nowadays in the pandemic time.
06.18 Uncle Utu : No we haven’t.
06.19 Aunty Tin : Whether they catch those who use drugs during this pandemic time.
Something like that.
06.35 Uncle Utu : Owh…
06.37 Aunty Tin : Because as I’ve seen at the news it looks like there is no case of
people using drugs during the pandemic. They are too scared perhaps. (laughing).
06.44 Uncle Utu : Not long ago I heard that some young people were arrested in a
hotel. They were using “Narkoblek”.
06.53 Aunty Tin : Ooow…
06.54 Uncle Utu : There were about tens of them.
06.58 Aunty Tin and Uncle Utu : Teenagers.
06.59 Aunty Tin : Young and stupid. They’re still searching for their identities. You
07.05 Uncle Utu : But don’t forget, Tin. Right now it isn’t only the “ABG” (The
Teens) but the “ABCDEFG” (The Adults) as well. We must be really really
careful with the situation.
07.21 Aunty Tin : Let’s ask the Head of Manado Drugs Prevention Office (BNN), The
most handsome AKBP dr. Reno Bangkang.
07.34 Uncle Utu : Great. Just ask him.
07.36 Aunty Tin : Do you think he wants to answer? (laughing)
07.38 Uncle Utu : There’s no way he’ll refuse. He’s such a good guy.
07.42 Aunty Tin : Hello Chief.
07.43 Uncle Utu : I’m really sorry, Sir.
Good morning, Sir.
07.48 Reno Bangkang : Morning Aunty Tin and Uncle Utu .
07.50 Aunty and Uncle : Yeay.
07.50 Reno Bangkang : Gorgeous people.
07.50 Aunty Tin : You seem to be so excited this morning, Sir. Full of energy.
07.55 Reno and Uncle Utu : (Laughing)
07.56 Aunty Tin : It looks like you’ve just finished working out there.
07.58 Reno Bangkang : Don’t let our spirit down.
07.59 Uncle Utu : He’s just worked out.
08.01 Aunty Tin : Okay Sir…you see…
08.03 Reno Bangkang : What is it, Tin?
08.04 Aunty Tin : May I ask some questions to you—considering you are the Chief
Officer of BNN Manado, Sir?
08.10 Reno Bangkang : Okay.
08.12 Aunty Tin : Are there some efforts which have been done by BNN Manado
during this Covid 19 Pandemic? I mean something like socialization?
08.21 Reno Bangkang : Definitely. During this pandemic, BNN Manado keeps giving
socialization to the society, it’s only in this effort we don’t gather them in a
meeting that involves many people like we did before the pandemic. But we do
those efforts through mass media and we cooperate with RRI—oow—and other
media. We do KIE as well.
09.04 Aunty Tin : What is KIE?
09.04 Reno Bangkang : Komunikasi Informasi Edukasi ( Educational Information
09.06 Aunty Tin : Nice,
09.07 Reno Bangkang : We go around the town using a blue car which has BNN
Sticker on it and giving information that related to the misuse of drugs and the
consequences of using them.
09.23 Aunty Tin : It means that you and your team are still moving during this
pandemic, right?
09.30 Reno Bangkang : Yeah. We are very excited. Although we just spread the
information through the media and online media or using social media.
09.46 Aunty Tin : Great. Next question. In this pandemic situation do you still find
and arrest drug dealers or users?
10.01 Yes of course. But we don’t arrest them ourselves. But they are arrested by our
partner the Police. The Manado Police have arrested people who carried 47
grams of meth and they caught an underage girl who used ”Ehabon” glue. You
know the youngsters are using Ehabon Glue and cough syrup called Komix as
the narcotic drugs.
10.56 Aunty Tin : Yes Sir. We call them Narkoblek.
10.58 Reno and Aunty : (Both laughing)
11.00 Reno Bangkang : They use Ehabon because it is cheap. They can easily buy it in
stores. Glue is cheaper than meth you know.
11.11 Aunty Tin : So, that’s the situation in this pandemic.
11.15 Reno Bangkang :We are still operating even though in this pandemic period. We
ask the people to stay home. Thank God after the incident in Tuminting
Penitentiary in which the prison has been burned by the drug dealers who have
been detained there, the rioters have been taken to maximum security prison in
Nusakambangan. After that the drug dealing in Manado has been reduced.
12.04 Aunty Tin : I hope we can eliminate it to zero.
12.06 Reno Bangkang : We keep pushing the drug dealing in Manado. Perhaps we
haven’t reach the zero point in this, but we hope we can cut the line of drug
dealing here.
12.25 Aunty Tin : That’s great. Thank you very much, Sir Reno.
12.27 Reno Bangkang : Ma’am, Yes Ma’am.
12.29 Aunty Tin : We hope BNN Manado is always successful in the future. Thanks
again and have a good day.
12. 38 Reno Bangkang : Anytime.
13.38 Aunty Tin : That’s more like it.
13.39 Uncle Utu : Yes, of course.
13.40 Aunty Tin : It’s better for us to ask questions better than thinking and predicting
something, so everything is clear now.
13.46 Uncle Utu : Yes. I understand it now.
13.47 Aunty Tin : You know, if we talk too much, people will assume that “we know
everything”. (laughing)
13.53 Uncle Utu : Pretending knowing and not knowing at all. (laughing).
13.58 Aunty Tin : We had a talk with the Head of BNN Manado, and we know that
although we are in the middle of this pandemic, they keep doing their
socialization the society, wherever they go. School haven’t opened yet but now
we can spread the information ….
14.14 Uncle Utu : through the media.
14.15 Aunty Tin : Including cooperating with RRI.
14.19 Uncle Utu : Yes. With RRI
14.20 Aunty Tin : Come again? Mmmmm…. Getting around with cars.
14.27 Uncle Utu : Actually Mr. Reno Bangkang emphasized that controlling the kids
is not their job alone, but the parents as well.
14.42 Aunty Tin : Like this : “ The police don’t do a surveillance to them until they use
drugs.” Then whose responsibility is it? That’s parents’ responsibility.
14.52 Uncle Utu : Yes, it is what I did last night—monitoring the young people who
were gathering. The police rebuked them because sometimes we can find drugs
in the gathering like that.
15.08 Aunty Tin : That’s true. As parents we have obligation to control our children.
15.15 Uncle Utu and Aunty Tin : “What are you doing now?” (laughing)
15.18 Uncle Tim : What time will you come back home? (laughing)
15.20 Aunty Tin : Those are the questions that we always ask our children you know.
15.28 Uncle Utu : Don’t forget your face mask and wash your hands.
15.30 Aunty Tin : Reminding them about those things doesn’t mean that we don’t trust
them. But as parents we must prevent them for getting trapped in drugs. Perhaps
if the schools are still open, the teachers will remind them too.
15.56 Uncle Utu : Yes. It’s impossible for the BNN officers to monitor them every
time or every day. No way. So parents’ control is very crucial and important.
16.10 Aunty Tin : Parents, the public and religion figures too.
16.15 Uncle Utu : AND DRUG STORES TOO (laughing).
16.16 (Both laughing)
16.19 Aunty Tin : DEPARTMENT STORE… (still laughing)
16.21 Uncle Utu : Yeah, they can buy medicine and drugs freely in drug stores.
16.26 Aunty Tin : They usually buy some kind of sedative drug there. But the drug
store should ask them about the use of that kind of medicine.
16.43 Uncle Utu : What are you going to do with this NARKOBLEK? Then, I agree
with you.
16.59 Aunty Tin: Don’t give drugs away like that.
17.01 Uncle Utu : Yes.
17.03 Aunty Tin : If they buy that kind of medicine, they should’ve been asked about
any prescription.
17.08 Uncle Utu : Especially for some kind of drugs.
17.14 Aunty Tin : Don’t sell them carelessly.
17.16 Uncle Utu : Sometimes as parents we can just have a regret after our children
trapped into drug using.
17.24 Aunty Tin : Useless regret.
17.27 Uncle Utu : Yeah. Useless.
17.28 Uncle Utu : If regrets come first that’s REGISTRATION… (Laughing)
17.31 Aunty Tin : Like this song :” There’s no use in regretting something. Think
Carefully.” (laughing).
17.39 Uncle Utu : Everybody has the same thing about regretting something.
17.45 (Both laughing)
17.50 Uncle Utu : Sometimes we can get trapped in that too.
17.54 Aunty Tin : Who wants it anyway.?
17.54 Uncle Utu : You know seductions from all around us.
18.02 Aunty Tin : Empty seductions… (laughing)
18.05 Uncle Utu : Just try it then. You suck you know. (laughing)
18.11 Aunty Tin : Don’t listen to them (laughing)
18.13 Uncle Utu : Yes.. we’ve tried it. It was awesome…(laughing)
18.17 Aunty Tin : (laughing).. Let me read these comments first.
18.20 Uncle Utu : Go ahead.
18.21 Aunty Tin : (reading the comments) Shaloom. Good Morning “Ba Ober”
18.22 Uncle Utu : Shaloom.
18.23 Aunty Tin : Dear Aunty Tin and Uncle Utu .
18.23 Uncle Utu : Oy..
18.24 Aunty Tin : It is sad to talk about drugs.
18.28 Uncle Utu : That’s right.
18.31 Aunty Tin : Because it is related to the future of our children that is related to the
future of our nation too. So the role of the parents is very important. So to the
parents please just take the children in your arms so they won’t run into the drugs
which willembrace them (laughing).
18.48 Unlce Utu : Hear..hear.
18.49 Aunty Tin : Of course we will pray for our children wherever they are. Best
regards from Mrs. Mimi in North Minahasa.
19.03 Uncle Utu : I think Mrs. Nini is right. The role of parents is very important here.
19.09 Aunty Tin : Couldn’t agree more.
19.11 Uncle Utu : Don’t wait for BNN to be involved.
19.14 Aunty Tin : “ The police should have their eyes on the kids then.”
19.17 Uncle Utu : How could the parents just let their children wandering around like
19.23 Aunty Tin : There’s no way it is police’s responsibility.
19.27 Uncle Utu : As I have stated before, don’t let the young adults to be involved
with the ones using drugs.
19.33 Aunty Tin : If they say “you’re not cool”, so be it. It is not a big deal being not
cool when you don’t use drugs or they don’t wanna be your friends anymore.
19.53 Uncle Utu : Never mind. Just look for other friends.
19.57 Aunty Tin : Great. By the way can I give some information to the listeners?
20.05 Uncle Utu : What kind of information?
20.14 Aunty Tin : (reading the Newest Report)
Regional news and international news. The Corona Virus spread has not ended in
North Sulawesi but its infection rate has increased in some areas. The people in
North Sulawesi are still hoping for help. The provincial administration quickly
used religion lane to reach the people who still need help. The distribution of
basic needs through the churches, mosques and temples went well.
20.31 Aunty Tin : The Director of Indonesian Civilian Protection of The Ministry of
Foreign Affairs—Yuda Nugraha said that the incident that happened to the
fisihing boat crews which is a crime of human trafficking is the top of effort that
will be conducted by the Indonesian Government. Yuda emphasized some
strategic steps in fighting slavery and human trafficking in fishery sector. They
are : improvement in coordinating, marine work agreement, competency and
marine law.
21.44 Aunty Tin : After the spread of Coronavirus in Saudi Arabia, the government has
decided to close 71 mosques in several region. The government said that the
closing is an important effort to be done because the mosque committee doesn’t
obey the Covid 19 health protocol.
22.21 Uncle Utu : That’s the COVID 19 Newest Report.
22.29 Aunty Tin : According to the first news we hope that all the people have received
the aid from the government.
22.43 Uncle Utu : Please be patient to those who haven’t received it.
22.44 Aunty Tin : (laughing)
22.46 Uncle Tin : If you want to wait, wait under a tree so when it rains you’re not
gonna be all wet.
22.50 Aunty Tin and Uncle Utu : You’ll get sick.
22.54 Aunty Tin : and then there are chaos in the improvement project that conducted
by the Indonesian Government for the fishing boat crews, and perhaps you’ve
missed this news about the mosques here which will be opened soon, but in
Saudi Arabia the government decided to close 71 mosques. It means that……
23.29 Uncle Utu : It means there are some red zone area, right?
23.32 Aunty Tin : Actually we don’t want to be in a red zone area, do we?
23.44 Uncle and Aunt : Social distancing.
23.45 Uncle Utu : Use face mask, wash your hands, do not crowd. If there is a crowd
that consist of more than 5 people, we must keep our distance. Sometimes they
will say,” It is just three of us. Why should I keep our distance?”
24.03 Aunty Tin : I didn’t mean to prohibit you to be together, but we must follow the
health protocol.
24.12 Uncle Utu : If your distance is too far away, then use gestures.
24.17 Aunty Tin : Yups. That’s right.
24.18 Aunty and Uncle : (laughing)
24.22 Aunty Tin : We have to prevent our children in misusing drugs. They are still
young and sometimes stupid. Perhaps they will say that using drugs can calm
them down from their problems. It was a huge mistake, my dear.
24.50 Aunty Tin and Uncle Utu : (laughing)
24.53 Uncle Utu : But there are some people who try to take a chance by
saying :”Why are you so sad? Wanna have fun? Here, try this.”
25.06 Aunty Tin : We must be strong then.
25.07 Uncle Utu : You’re right, Tin. We must be strong and stronger, to prevent us for
falling down into danger.
25.14 Aunty Tin : Yes. We’ll be strong when there are obstacles. We won’t be
influenced in a wrong turn.
25.36 Uncle Utu : That’s what we call “bad addiction”.
25.37 Aunty Tin : Yes. Please don’t fall into the bad addiction.
25.49 Uncle Utu : Which…
25.50 Aunty Tin : Which makes you useless in the future.
25.55 Uncle Utu : They said that if you are stuck in a lagoon, you can take a bath after
that. But if you are trapped in a drugs pit, it’ll be very hard for you to be free.
26.13 Aunty Tin : That’s absolutely right. Somebody said :”I don’t believe it.” Please
don’t. In fact you should trust them who told you to go on to the right direction.
26.30 Uncle Utu : Yes. Don’t be like the teenagers which have been arrested by the
police (according to Mr. Reno). They will regret what they have done. Perhaps
they will worry about what’s gonna happen with their future.
26.48 Aunty Tin : Ancor Lantaran Ngana…(Manadonese song—meaning “thorn
because of you”)
26.50 Aunty and Uncle (both laughing)
26. 52 Aunty Tin : We have Ruddy Wenas here.
26.54 Uncle Utu : Morning.
26.54 Aunty Tin : (reading something from Ruddy Wenas) It’s true what Aunty Tin
said before. It’s okay if your friend think that you’re not that cool because you
don’t want to use drugs like them. Because when you’re addicted to it, they
won’t take care of you. Remember narcotics drugs can be very dangerous and it
woll be more dangerous if it complicate with COVID 19. Say no to drugs. Thank
you Aunty Tina and Uncle Utu .
27.30 Uncle Utu : You’re welcome
27.30 Aunty Tin : From whom?
27.31 Uncle Utu : Mr. Ruddy Wenas.
27.35 Aunty Tin : Stay healthy and say no to drugs.
27.41 Uncle Utu : (laughing) that’s how we say if we talk about narcotic drugs. We
must prevent our future from falling down. Because you know if we have been
trapped there, it will be very difficult to free ourselves.
28.12 Aunty Tin : If you don’t wanna be burnt, do not play with fire. By the way in the
end of our show, I’d like to share a story. There was a handsome man…
28.26 Uncle Utu : Who is he?
28.28 Aunty Tin : I’d like to have a chat with Mr. Toar Kumontoy. He used to be a
narcitoc drug user.
28.39 Uncle Utu : But he has repented right?
28.40 Aunty Tin : Yes of course.
(to Mr. Toar) : Good Morning.
28.44 Toar Kumontoy : Morning, Ba Ober.
28.46 Aunty Tin : How’s it going? (laughing)
28.50 Toar Kumontoy : I’m good…(laughing)
28.53 Aunty Tin : I’d like to ask you a question. As a former drugs user, what is it like?
I mean you experiences.
29.05 Toar Kumontoy : Actually talking about what I’ve been through is not a little
thing. There were so many negative things that I’ve done. Some things that I
never thought about. It’s right what Mr. Reno told us before for example the use
of Ehabond Glue as narcotic agent.
29.37 Aunty Tin : Yes.
29.38 Toar Kumontoy : The glue is very cheap and easy to get. In 6 months of using, it
will be the same as you use “putaw”.
29.55 Aunty Tin : Yes, Mr. Toar. I’d like to know when you decided to stop using
30.02 Toar Kumontoy : Here is my experience: it was very difficult to stop because our
brain and our nerves have been used to feel relax, and something beautiful, make
me fantasize about all my troubles which have been gone away. That is so
wrong. Using drugs can be ended in two possibilities. Hospital or Death.
30.45 Aunty Tin : Why did you quit using it?
30.52 Toar Kumontoy : In 2013 I was in rehab in BNN Lido. When I was there I
decided to stop drugging.
31.08 Aunty Tin : And not to use it for good?
31.12 Toar Kumontoy : Actually I am in recovery period. In fact it will take a little
while longer for us to 100% recover from drugs. So we have to maintain our
condition. Like when we drive bicycle, we must maintain our balance.
31.32 Aunty Tin : Mr. Toar would you like to give a little advice for the young adults
or anyone who are listening to this programme not to use drugs?
31.51 Toar Kumontoy : Firstly never try to touch it, and use it to whatever reason it is.
Because if you have got used to it, you will be trapped in there and it is almost
impossible to get out.
32.23 Aunty Tin : Thank you very much Mr. Toar.
32.25 Toar Komontoy : Ur welcome “Ba Ober”.
32.27 Aunty Tin (to Uncle Utu ) : So you hve heard him. Don’t you dare.
32.28 Uncle Utu : Never.
32.29 Aunty Tin : According to Mr Toar, we won’t be 100% healthy after being
infected with narcotics. He himself has been in recovery since 2013, so never
mess with it or your future will be chaos.
32.46 Uncle Utu : To prevent going into rehab, stay away from narcotics.
33.00 Aunty Tin : Never touch narcotic drugs, because it is dangerous. Okay?



“Ba Ober” (Morning Chit Chat) is a programme that airs on RRI Manado every Monday to
Friday from 8—9 am. This programme consists of interesting topics and involving interactions with the
listeners. This programme presents Aunty Tin as the “Tinutuan” (Manadonese Porridge) seller and
Uncle Utu as the horse wagon driver who talk about various things and problems which have been
trending topics around the society. They use Manadonese Language and Dialect in this program so the
program present something that is friendly to the people. This programme can be a programme in
which people can share their problems and how to solve them.
Today, “Ba Ober” will talk about drugs problem in the middle of COVID 19 pandemic. There
will be two interviewees who will present here : Mr. Reno Bangkang as the Head of BNN Manado and
Mr. Toar Kumontoy as the ex-drug user. Aunty Tin will read some comments from the listeners as

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