Obligations: Civil Action

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2.) Arising from Contracts

Art. 1156: An obligation is a juridical necessity to give,
to do or not to do. 3.) Arising from Quasi-Contracts-
a.) Negotiorum gestio- refers to managing
“Juridical” - if we will remove the word "juridical" it is the property of another person and that
just a necessity to give, to do, or not to do. It follows act is without the consent of the owner of
that in case that there is non-performance of the the property. And if by that act, he was
obligation, then you cannot go to court and ask for able to save the property, the owner has
specific performance.  the obligation to pay damages.

Natural Obligation b.) Solutio indebiti- unjust enrichment. If you

- wherein it is no longer a civil obligation and get something that does noes not lawfully
out of voluntariness on the part of the debtor, belong to you, at the expense of another
he still performs it. Debtor cannot anymore person.
demand that it be given back. (Art. 1423)
- The word juridical does not anymore exist in 4.) Arising from Delict
natural obligations.
Moral Obligations Q: Can you file an independent civil action
- Similar to natural obligation, in case there is without making any reservation?
non-performance of the obligation, you A: The sources of obligations is the key to the
cannot go to court and file an action for answer. Going back, in connection to Art. 100
specific performance. of the RPC as well as Sec. 1 Rule 11 of the
- Ex.) hearing mass every Sunday Rules of Court. 
- Articles 29, 30, 31, 35, and, this one you have
Elements of an Obligation: to connect it with Art. 100 of the RPC and Sec
1.) Parties 1,Rule 111 Rules of Court. If you will go back
a) Active subject- creditor to Articles 29, 30, 31, and 35 of the Civil Code,
b) Passive subject- debtor these provisions refer to an obligation arising
from a delict and delict is one of the sources
Q: What is the reason why the creditor is considered of an obligation. 
as the active subject while the debtor, the one who - “A person who is criminally liable, is also civilly
will perform the obligation is the passive subject? liable.”
A: Because creditor has the right to go to court in case - One single act which is defined as a crime, will
there is non-performance of the obligation by the also give rise to damages, Civil obligations,
debtor.  and that is the reason why under your rules of
Court Sec. 1 Rule 111, if you file a criminal
2.) Object- refers to the prestation or the conduct case, the civil case is deemed instituted. 
to be performed by the passive subject or the
debtor. GR: civil liability arising from a delict
Note: in Property, “object” refers to the thing XPN:
Qualities of an Object: (D-U-L-A-P) 1.) if the civil action that was filed ahead of the
a.) Determinate criminal action
b.) Useful 2.) if there is waiver in filing a civil action
c.) Lawful 3.) if there is a reservation in filing an independent
d.) Accessible in money civil action.
e.) Possible
If the problem does not mention what is the source of
3.) Juridical Tie- The sanction. the obligation, you qualify. If the obligation arises
- In case of non-performance, you can go to from law, from contract, quasi-contract, quasi-delict,
court and file an action for specific YES, I can file an independent civil action without
performance. making any reservation. 

Sources of Obligation: But, if the obligation arise from delict, in accordance

1.) Arising from Law- with the Sec 1 Rule 111 of the Rules of Court, together
a.) In FamCode: obligation to support with the art 100 of the RPC, I have to make a
b.) Payment of Taxes
reservation before I can file an independent civil governing obligations, money is coming from
action.  a contract of simple mutuum, and in simple
mutuum, what kind of object is involved? it is
Reservation is only a requirement if you are talking a fungible property. A fungible property is
of an obligation arising from a delict.  considered as generic. 

Q: When do you have to make the reservation? if A.) To give a specific thing:
you're talking about a civil liability arising from a i.) To deliver a determinate
delict? thing: It involves an obligation
to deliver a specific thing.
A: before the prosecution presents evidence in the ii.) other accessory obligations:
criminal case.  - to preserve the thing- which requires the
diligence of a good father EXCEPT in cases of
Q: What happens to the civil liability if the accused common carriers where extra-ordinary
died in the criminal case? Will the civil liability arising diligence is required. In case of innkeepers,
from the delict also be extinguished?  under necessary deposit (Art. 2000) not just
diligence of a good father.
A: In the case of Bayotas and Diego,  and the SC said
that, if the accused died the civil liability arising from Q: Can the parties enter into a stipulation, in such a
the delict is also extinguished. way that they can change the required degree of
Take note that in the RPC, the death of the accused diligence?
will extinguish the criminal liability but then, the SC
further said that the victim of the relatives of the A: As a general rule, parties may stipulate when it
victim may still pursue the civil liability provided that, come to the kind of diligence to be observed, but
it will now be based from the other sources of an there are exceptions:
obligation. a.) in relation to necessary deposit, under
art. 2003;

5.) Arising from Quasi-delict- one important b.) in relation to common carrier, with
element of a quasi-delict is negligence respect to the safety of the passengers
Q: is there any act or felony wherein there is an under art. 1757;
element of negligence?
A: yes, reckless imprudence resulting to homicide or - because it is the law that requires that it
physical injury. should be extra-ordinary or utmost diligence
and parties have no right to change the kind
- If the accused died and the crime charged is of diligence that should be observed by the
reckless imprudence resulting to homicide or obligor. 
serious physical injury, the civil liability arising
from  that delict is extinguished but, the Delivery of Accessions and Accessories
victim or the relatives of the victim may still
file a civil action for damages but this time, Distinction between accessions and accessories
treating the act not as delict but as a quasi- in Property
delict.  - For accession: (A-P-I)
- Anything that is Attached (attach, meaning, if
-What is important here is that, even if in one single there is an attempt to remove it, it will cause
act wherein negligence is involved, you can treat it as injury)
a quasi-delict or as a delict, and therefore there is a
civil liability arising from the delict, and the civil Ex.) Eraser, how many properties are there in the
liability arising from the quasi-delict, you have no right eraser? 2- the foam and the board. If I detach it now?
to file two cases for civil damages because that would what will happen to the eraser? So that means that if I
be tantamount to unjust enrichment. attempt to remove the foam from the board, it will
cause injury, here there is an accession. 

Obligations of the Obligor: Because only the foam was intended to be delivered?
I. Obligations in a prestation to give- Will I also have the obligation to deliver the board
- In a prestation to give, it involves money or that is now attached to the foam? In property, if there
other property. Under the provisions are two personal properties put together, the identity
of each is retained, what kind of accession is this? This Q: Do you have the obligation to deliver the
is adjunction. accessory?
A: No. Because we’re talking here of an indeterminate
In adjunction, two personal properties are attached thing. Accessions and accessories are not certain.
together but the identity is retained and since the
identity is retained and the removal will cause injury,
who will now have a better right over this? what is the II. Obligations in a prestation to do-
principal and what is the accessory? Is it the foam or - just simply perform the act as promised and
the board? What is the first rule in the determination not substitute it unless there is a mutual
on what is the principal and what is the accessory? agreement between obligor-obligee.
Rule of Importance - You can ask a third person to substitute at the
expense of the obligor except if the qualities
Even if the only obligation is to deliver the accession, of the obligor is considered.
the board is already attached to it, I have the
obligation to deliver to you the entire property. This is III. Obligations in a prestation not to do-
accession involving a personal property. - principal obligation is not to perform the
conduct prohibited.
- Anything that is Produced - if a debtor does what has been forbidden,
- Anything that is Incorporated then it has undone at the expense of the

Accession involving real property Note: The diligence of a good father, the delivery of
- (D-F-A) Discreta referring to Fruits Accession accessories and accessions, they are only applicable if
- Accesion Discreta refers to the three fruits: what is involved is a prestation to give. But the two
natural, industrial, and civil fruits. prestations, they are not applicable. 
- Accessories and accessions will be included
provided that, they are attached at the time
the obligation to deliver arises.  DELAY (mora)- failure to perform the obligation in due
- If what will be delivered is a lot wherein there time.
are fruit-bearing trees, so aside from - If it is an obligation arising from a contract,
delivering the lot, you also have to include the that is during the time specified or agreed
accessions, the fruit-bearing trees.  upon by the parties.
- If it is an obligation arising from law, then that
Accessories have 2 meanings in Property: is based on what is provided under the law.
1.) Accessory per se refers to an ornament. For example, payment of taxes. There is a
Although it is attached, once removed, it will specified day of filing the income tax.
not cause injury.
2.) In relation to one of the properties that is Kinds of Delay
attached to the principal that cannot be a.) Mora solvendi- delay on the part of the
detached without causing an injury.  debtor
b.) Mora accipiendi- delay on the part of the
Art. 1164 is simply a reiteration of what is the creditor
obligation to deliver accessions, because fruits DF-A c.) Compensatio morae- delay on the part of
refer to one of the kinds of accession involving a real both the creditor and the debtor.
GR: no demand, no delay
B.) To give a generic thing:
- The genus doesn’t perish 1.) If the obligation expressly declares it or the
- the principal obligation of the obligor if it law expressly declares it.
involves prestation to give a generic thing, is - Ex. Payment of income tax
to deliver a thing of the same quality 2.) Time is the controlling motive of the
specified. establishment of contract. Time is of the
- Which if you will go back to the classification essence
of properties, we're talking here of a fungible - Ex. Bar exam on Sept. all lectures must be
property. Same kind, same quality.  done on or before the first Sunday of
3.) Demand will be useless c.) Because of the FE, it is impossible for the
debtor to perform his obligation in a normal way.

Delay in reciprocal obligations: There is delay on the d.) The debtor has no concurrent fault
part of one of the parties from the moment that one
*concurrent fault- he was not in delay, not
of the parties fulfills his obligation.
Ex.) in ordering food, you have the obligation to Exceptions: (debtor still liable)
deliver payment while the other party has the
obligation to deliver food. If you deliver the payment, 1.) If there is a law that expressly provides for it.
is it necessary for them to wait for you to demand Ex.
delivery of food? No.  Art. 1942- refers to the liability of a bailee in a
contract of commodatum, and the law is very
clear, that inspite of the happening of the FE,
bailee can be held liable.
Art. 2201- under necessary deposit, if there is
Fortuitous Events-
the use of arms, the hotel, the innkeeper is
GR: In case there is a FE, the obligation is relieved from liability
extinguished. The debtor is released from his liability Art. 2147- in case of officious manager, even if
whether it involves a prestation to give or to do. there is an FE, he cannot be relieved from
Q: Juan Dela Cruz had the obligation to deliver a
wedding cake. In the delivery of the wedding cake,
2.) If it is expressly stipulated by the parties.
time is of the essence however, there was a super
- This will only be possible if we’re talking about
typhoon. In case he failed to deliver the cake, would
an obligation arising from a contract.
he be liable for damages?

A: For as long as there is no fault, no negligence, no 3.) Assumption of risk

delay on the part of Juan Dela Cruz because of the - Take note of: Arts. 1717 and 1724
happening of a FE, his obligation is extinguished.
4.) Debtor in delay
2 Kinds: - Note: remember the rule no demand, no
1.) Act of God delay. Because, GR is no demand no delay,
Ex.) typhoon Ondoy but there are exceptions that inspite of the
2.) Act of Man fact that there is no demand, he can still be
Ex.) rallies conducted by a certain group considered in delay. And if it falls under the
exception, then the happening of the FE
Relevance of FE in relation to obligation cannot relieve him from his liability.
- It might affect the performance of the
obligation. 5.) Debtor guilty of negligence or fault
- A debtor is released from liability. However,
this is not absolute.
Remedies given to the creditor in case there is a
breach of the obligation:
Requisites for an FE be considered as a basis for
relieving the obligor from any liability: (Lasam v. 1.) If it involves a prestation to deliver a specific
Smith) thing
- File an action for specific performance plus
a.) It is independent of the human will damages
*human will referring to the will of the - File an action for rescission plus damages
defendant-obligor. 2.) if it involves a prestation to deliver a generic
b.) It is impossible to foresee or even if it can be thing
foreseen, it something that cannot be avoided. - ask a third person to act as a substitute (Art.
1165 par. 2) -substituted performance plus
3.) If it involves a prestation to do - Declaration of nullity of contract is only
- Ask a third person to perform the obligation applicable to an absolutely simulated
plus damages EXCEPT if personal qualities are contract.
of the essence. - Why? Because in an ASC parties do not really
- If it is performed but improperly done, ask the intend to bind one another. While in a
debtor to undo it at his own expense. relatively simulated contract, there is really an
4.) If it involves a prestation not to do intention to enter into the contract but what
- File an action for damages is reflected in the instrument is not the real
- Ask the debtor to undo the prohibited act intention of the parties.
- Note: in Torts and Damages, whatever kind of
Kinds of Obligations
damages you will ask, you have the obligation
to prove it. It is a question of evidence. I. According to the peculiarity of the
Other Subsidiary Remedies
Why peculiarity? Because its existence. Its
1.) Accion subrogatoria- creditor steps into the termination will be dependent upon the
shoes of the debtor. In case the debtor fails or happening or non-happening of an event.
refuses to run after his creditor, the creditor a.) Pure Obligation- demandable at once. It
of the debtor has the right to file an accion does not depend upon an event.
sobbrogatoria. b.) Obligation with a Condition
- Action filed will still be in the name of the c.) Obligation with a Period
debtor against the debtor’s debtor.
Q: What is a condition and what is a period?
- Contemplates a situation that his debtor does
not like to run after the creditor of the debtor. A: A condition and a period is separate and distinct
from an obligation. It is an event.
2.) Accion Pauliana- A remedy given to the
creditor to question the validity of contracts What distinguishes a condition from a period is that a
condition is a future and uncertain event. Condition
entered into by his debtor so that his debtor
is an event not sure to happen. When you say
can keep his property away from being
uncertain, it may, or it may not happen. 
- Contemplates a situation wherein debtor,
before the case is finished, he immediately Connection of Period and Condition to Suspensive
disposes his properties with the intention that and Resolutory
he does not like his creditor to attach his
properties. Suspensive:
- Remedy to creditor: If the creditor can prove Condition event may or may not happen. Period is an
that the disposal of his property is made only event that is sure to happen. 
to refrain or prevent the creditor from
attaching the debtor's property, then the  If there is a qualifying term suspensive
creditor has the right to question the validity condition, since the event is not sure to
happen, the happening of the event will give
the same, or the disposal of the property and
rise to the obligation not yet demandability.
that is accion pauliana. 
The existence of the obligation is dependent
Distinction: upon the happening of the suspensive
- Accion publiciana is the remedy given to the
owner for the recovery of the possession of  The happening of a suspensive period, will
his property.  give rise to demandability of the obligation
because we are talking about here an event
- Pauliana is questioning the validity of a that is sure to happen. It contemplates an
contract entered into by his debtor to defraud obligation already existing but not yet
the creditor.  demandable. Its demandability will be
dependent upon the happening of a
3.) Action to declare the nullity of an absolutely suspensive period. 
simulated contract
Example:  - If the loss is without the fault of the debtor,
his obligation is extinguished.
1.) Retirement benefits, when can you get it? Once - If the loss is with the fault of the debtor, he
you reach the retirement age. The enjoyment of a will be liable for damages. 
retirement benefit is subject to a condition or a
period? A suspensive period-- upon reaching the Note: If you will try to analyze it, with or without fault,
retirement age.  it will only boil down to loss referring to physical loss
isn't it? Because going outside of the commerce of
2.) Not a period but a condition in employment: If you men, that will be dependent now on the part of the
will be declared as an outstanding employee you will State to declare it as outside of the commerce of
be given a reward of world tour. Not dependent to men. 
the period but it is a condition. A suspensive
condition not a period.  2.) In case of deterioration: (usually when the
property involved is consumable)
Resolutory: - if it is without the fault of the debtor, creditor
Resolutory- whether it is a condition or a period, the would have to bear the consequences
happening of the resolutory condition or period will - If debtor has no fault but, if debtor has fault
extinguish the obligation.  then creditor has 2 options: 
a.) rescission plus damages
b.) fulfillment plus damages 
Q: What happens when there is loss, deterioration, or
improvement of the thing in the prestation to give 3.) In case of Improvement:
while the condition or period is pending?  - If it is improved by nature, it will benefit the
A: creditor
- If it is at the expense of the debtor, then you
Note: “Loss” insofar as the Civil Code is concerned, is apply the rules governing usufruct. 
not only limited to physical loss but it also means if
the property already goes out of the commerce of Q: What is the right of the usufructuary?
men, therefore it ceases to be a property, it becomes A: Removal of the improvement 
a thing. It is simply a thing not a property, or its
existence is unknown.  Note: “loss”, like in FE, the kind of property involved
in a prestation to give is also important. If what is
Ex.) What property is only a thing? A P10 paper bill. involved is specific,  if there is a FE, obligation is
It's already a thing and not a property anymore. extinguished, the same rule, if it is lost or pending.

A thing become a property in Properties: (U-S-A) If it is generic,  since a genus does not perish, even if
a.) Utility there is a FE, even if there is physical loss, it can still
b.) Substantivity be substituted. 
c.) Capable of being Appropriated
II. According to Prestations:
Q: Why do we say that a P10 bill is not anymore a a.) Individual- involves only one prestation
property although there is utility and substantivity? b.) Multiple-
i. Facultative- only one prestation
A: The last element however, is missing. It cannot agreed upon and that one
anymore be appropriated.  prestation is due.
ii. Alternative- there are several
So insofar as Civil Law is concerned, that 10-peso bill is prestations due.
already considered as loss.
  Common denominator between Facultative and
Q: What happens when there is loss, deterioration, or Alternative Obligation:
improvement of the thing in the prestation to give
while the condition or period is pending?  - There is a choice. Choice to be exercised
A: primarily by the debtor.
- Pro-debtor: if you will look at it, alternative,
1.) In case of loss: (physical loss) facultative, the debtor has the right or may
options, or he has the priority to exercise the
choice. If he does not exercise the choice, - Classifications of obligations can co-exist
then it can be exercised by the creditor or simultaneously, because it is a classification
even by a third person. But, in facultative, the based on the quality of the obligation when
choice only belongs to him. He cannot be you talk about divisibility or indivisibility. 
compelled by the creditor to make a - But if the obligation is Joint but at the same
substitution.  time Indivisible, what the Civil Code provides
is, if one of the joint debtors would refuse to
Q: If one of the prestation becomes impossible, will it perform his obligation, but indivisible at the
extinguish the obligation? same time, that means for that joint and
A: If it is Alternative, NO. For as long as there are indivisible obligation to be fully fulfilled, there
other prestations that are due. should be a common desire of all the joint
debtors to perform their obligation. 
In Facultative, if the substitute becomes impossible, - If the others did not agree, but the obligation
it becomes simply an individual obligation.  is indivisible, according to the Civil Code, it will
now be converted into indemnity for
damages. So that it can be quantified.
III. According to Plurality of Parties - In case of insolvency, if A, B, and C are joint
A.) Joint- creditor can only demand from him debtors and A became insolvent, others shall
his share, he cannot be compelled to fulfill not be liable for the share of A. 
the entire obligation. - The effect of remission/condonation upon a
Only one debtor can perform his own solidary obligation:
share, he's not obliged to perform the - In Total remission, all debtors are not
entire obligation. anymore liable to anything.
B.) Solidary- only one can be compelled to - In Partial, not all debtors are condoned so
perform the entire obligation.  that means, it will just reduce the amount and
the balance remains a solidary credit. 
Note: If there is no express stipulation as to what kind
of obligation is involved, the presumption of the Code
is, it is a joint obligation not a solidary obligation. This IV. According to Qualities of Object
shows that the Civil Code is pro-debtor.  a.) Positive- performance of the obligation
b.) Negative- you are prohibited
2 exceptions or the 2 cases when there can be c.) Specific- determinate
solidary liability: d.) Generic- indeterminate
a.) Expressly stipulated e.) Divisible/Indivisible- whether it can be
b.) Law or nature requires solidarity performed partially or not. (payment by
installment is a divisible obligation)
Other cases wherein the law requires a solidary f.) Principal/Accessory- with reference to
obligation: the principal contract and the accessory
a.) under the RPC, liability among the co- contract
principals, co-accomplices, co-accessories, all - An example of a principal contract is simple
solidary obligations.  mutuum,  the obligation to pay is the principal
b.) Liability among the bailees, Art. 1945, in - An example of an accessory contract
commodatum, solidary obligation.  that simple mutuum will be supported or
guaranteed by a pledge.  So, the obligation of
Note: the pledgor in the contract of pledge is an
- When the object involved has something to accessory obligation. 
do with an obligation to give, it is INDIVISIBLE.
- The indivisibility of the obligation would be
better connected if the obligation is solidary GR: the law presumes that the obligation is indivisible.
because in solidary, you can compel one Note: Arts. 1233 and 1248, law would always
debtor to fulfill the entire obligation. require to pay in full not by installment.
- There can be plurality of debtors at the same
time, it can be subject to a condition at the XPN: 1248, if partly liquidated, installment contracts,
same time, the performance can be partial, or or if it is partially illegal.
it may not be partial.
Obligation with the Penal Clause
- This will only take place if we’re talking of an - Another exception of Art 1233
obligation arising from a contract or law. - In case of acceptance, the law considers that
- This serves like damages, but it doesn’t mean the creditor waives his right. The whole
that you are prohibited from claiming obligation is extinguished.
additional damages.
Art. 1236: Creditor is not bound to accept payment or
Q: What is the reason why this obligation with a penal performance by a third person who has no interest in
clause is allowed? the fulfillment of the obligation. Whoever pays for
A: To put some pressure to the debtor, that if you will another may demand from the debtor what he has
not be performing the obligation on time, in addition paid, except that if he paid without the knowledge or
to the principal obligation, this will be your penalty. against the will of the debtor.

*First and Second Mode are not in the recordings - Creditor should not be compelled to accept
- check LR notes for the first two modes payment from a third person whom he may
dislike or distrust.

First mode of extinguishment of an obligation: *(notes Art. 1237: Whoever pays on behalf of the debtor
from DE LEON book) without the knowledge or against the will of the
PAYMENT OR PERFORMANCE latter, cannot compel the creditor to subrogate him in
Art. 1232: Payment means not only the delivery of his rights, such as those arising from a mortgage,
money but also the performance, in any other guaranty, or penalty.
manner, of an obligation.
Art. 1238: Payment made by a third person who does
“Payment” is not only the delivery of money but also not intend to be reimbursed by the debtor is deemed
the giving of a thing. In law, payment and to be a donation, which requires the debtor's consent.
performance are synonymous. But the payment is in any case valid as to the creditor
who has accepted it.
Elements of Payment - Payment is valid
1. Persons- who may pay & who to pay
2. Thing or object- in which payment must Art 1240: Payment shall be made to the person in
consist whose favor the obligation has been constituted, or
3. The course thereof his successor in interest, or any person authorized to
4. The mode or form receive it.
5. Place and time in which it must be made - When payment is made to the wrong party,
6. Imputation of expenses occasioned by it the obligation is not extinguished as to the
7. Special parts which may modify the same and creditor who is without fault or negligence
the effects they generally produce even if the debtor acted in outmost good faith
and by mistake.
Art. 1233: A debt shall not be understood to have - “Any person authorized” – not only a person
been paid unless the thing or service in which the authorized by the creditor, but also a person
obligations consists has been completely delivered, as authorized by the law to receive the payment,
the case may be. such as guardian, executor or administrator of
the estate of the deceased.
GR: partial or irregular performance will not produce
the extinguishment of an obligation. Article  1241. Payment to a person who is
incapacitated to administer his property shall be valid
Art. 1234: If the obligation has been substantially if he has kept the thing delivered, or insofar as the
performed in good faith, obligor may recover as payment has been beneficial to him.
though there had been a strict and complete
fulfillment. Payment to a third person shall also be valid insofar as
it has redounded to the benefit of the creditor.
- An exception to the rule in Art. 1233
Such benefit need not be proved if:
Art. 1235: When the oblige accepts the performance a. After payment, 3rd person acquires the
knowing its incompleteness and without any protest, creditor’s rights.
obligation is deemed fully completed with. b. Creditor ratifies the payment to 3rd person
c. Debtor has been led to believe that 3 rd person Article 1253. If the debt produces interest, payment of
had the authority to receive. the principal shall not be deemed to have been made
until the interests have been covered.
Art. 1245: Dation in payment, whereby property is
alienated to the creditor in satisfaction of a debt in Article 1254. When the payment cannot be applied in
money, shall be governed by the law of sales. accordance with the preceding rules, or if application
can not be inferred from other circumstances, the
Special Forms of Payment debt which is most onerous to the debtor, among
1. Dation in payment those due, shall be deemed to have been satisfied.
2. Application of payments
3. Payment by cession If the debts due are of the same nature and burden,
4. Tender of payment and consignation the payment shall be applied to all of them
Dation en Pago
- The conveyance of ownership of a thing by - A debt is more onerous than another when it
the debtor to creditor as an accepted is more burdensome to the debtor.
equivalent of performance of a monetary
- Payment by the transmission of ownership of
a thing by debtor to creditor. Payment by Cession

Requisites of dation in payment: Article 1255: The debtor may cede or assign his
a. There must be performance of the prestation property to his creditors in payment of his debts. This
in lieu of payment cession, unless there is stipulation to the contrary,
b. There must be some difference between the shall only release the debtor from responsibility for
prestation due and that is given in the net proceeds of the thing assigned. The
substitution agreements which, on the effect of the cession, are
c. There must be an agreement between the made between the debtor and his creditors shall be
creditor and the debtor that obligation is governed by special laws.
extinguished by the reason if the performance
of a prestation. “Payment by Cession” is the assignment or
abandonment of all the properties of the debtor for
Art. 1250: In case an extraordinary inflation or the benefit of his creditors in order that the latter may
deflation of the currency stipulated should supervene, sell the same and apply the proceeds thereof.
the value of the currency at the time of the
establishment of the obligation shall be the basis of Requisites:
payment, unless there is an agreement to the a. there must be 2 or more creditors
contrary.. b. debtor must be (partially) insolvent
c. assignment must involve all the properties of
Article 1251: Payment shall be made in the place
the debtor.
designated in the obligation.
d. Cession must be accepted by the creditors.
Application of Payment - Debtor is still liable if there is balance
Art. 1252: He who has various debts of the same kind since it is only from the net proceeds of
in favor of one and the same creditor, may declare at the sale of the property.
the time of making the payment, to which of them the *Dation en pago vs. Cession is in p. 327-328 of De
same must be applied. Leon book

- “application of payments” is the designation Tender of Payment and Consignation

of the debt to which should be applied the
payment made by a debtor who had various Article 1256. If the creditor to whom tender of
debts. payment has been made refuses without just cause to
- Application of payments as to debts bit yet accept it, the debtor shall be released from
due cannot be made unless: responsibility by the consignation of the thing or sum
a) There’s a stipulation that the debtor may due.
so apply
b) It is made by the debtor or the creditor.
Consignation alone shall produce the same effect in announced to the persons interested in the fulfillment
the following cases: of the obligation.

(1) When the creditor is absent or unknown, The consignation shall be ineffectual if it is not made
or does not appear at the place of payment; strictly in consonance with the provisions which
regulate payment
(2) When he is incapacitated to receive the
payment at the time it is due; - In the absence of prior notice, the
consignation, when properly made, shall be
(3) When, without just cause, he refuses to charged against the creditor.
give a receipt;
Article 1259. The expenses of consignation, when
(4) When two or more persons claim the same properly made, shall be charged against the creditor.
right to collect;
- Consignation is made necessary because of
(5) When the title of the obligation has been the fault or unjust refusal of the creditor to
lost. accept payment.
- Thus, it is but just that the expenses should be
“tender of payment” is an act on the part of the charged against him.
debtor, of offering to the creditor the thing or amount When Consignation Deemed Properly Made
due. a. Creditor accepts the thing or sum deposited
without objection.
“consignation” is an act of depositing the thing or b. The court after hearing, declares it has been
amount due with the proper court when the creditor properly made
does not desire, or refuses to accept payment, or c. The court orders the cancellation of the
cannot receive it, after complying with the formalities obligation
required by law.
Article 1260. Once the consignation has been duly
Nature and Rationale of Consignation made, the debtor may ask the judge to order the
cancellation of the obligation.
- A facultative remedy
- Avoidance of greater liability Before the creditor has accepted the consignation, or
- Always judicial before a judicial declaration that the consignation has
been properly made, the debtor may withdraw the
Requisites of a Valid Consignation thing or the sum deposited, allowing the obligation to
remain in force.
1. Existence of a valid debt
2. Tender of payment by the debtor and refusal - If the withdrawal is with the consent of the
without justifiable reason by the creditor creditor, Art. 1261 applies
3. Previous notice of consignation to persons the creditor shall lose every preference
interested in the fulfillment of the obligation. which he may have over the thing, and the co-
4. Consignation of the thing or sum due debtors, guarantors, and sureties shall be
5. Subsequent notice of consignation made to released.
the interested parties ex.) D is indebted to C of P10k, G (guarantor) on due
date, C refused to accept payment of D.
Requisites for Valid Tender of Payment D made a consignation. Withdrew the deposit with C’s
1. Tender of payment must comply with the  C shall lose any preference over the amount and G
rules on payment is released as guarantor.
2. It must be unconditional and for the whole
amount Second mode of extinguishing an obligation *from De
3. It must be actually made Leon book)

Article 1257. In order that the consignation of the LOSS OF THE THING DUE
thing due may release the obligor, it must first be
Article 1262. An obligation which consists in the - Another exception to the obligatory force of a
delivery of a determinate thing shall be extinguished if valid and enforceable contract
it should be lost or destroyed without the fault of the - Remedy of the obligor is not annulment but to
debtor, and before he has incurred in delay. be released from his obligation in whole or in
When by law or stipulation, the obligor is liable even
for fortuitous events, the loss of the thing does not Article 1268.  When the debt of a thing certain and
extinguish the obligation, and he shall be responsible determinate proceeds from a criminal offense, the
for damages. The same rule applies when the nature debtor shall not be exempted from the payment of its
of the obligation requires the assumption of risk. price, whatever may be the cause for the loss, unless
the thing having been offered by him to the person
“thing is lost” is when it perishes or goes out of who should receive it, the latter refused without
commerce or disappears in such a way that its justification to accept it.
existence is unknown or cannot be recovered.
Article 1269. The obligation having been extinguished
Obligation To Give May Be Extinguished By Loss Of by the loss of the thing, the creditor shall have all the
The Thing Due if the ff requisites are present: rights of action which the debtor may have against
third persons by reason of the loss. 
a. The obligation is to deliver a
specific/determinate thing
b. Loss of the thing occurs without the fault of
the debtor Third mode of extinguishing an obligation:
c. Debtor is not guilty of delay CONDONATION OR REMISSION
- Condonation is gratuitous, it is an act of
When Loss Of The Thing Will Not Extinguish Liability: liberality. Therefore, it has to comply with the
a. When the law so provides formalities of a donation.
b. Stipulation so provides - What are the formalities? Dependent upon
c. Nature of the obligation requires the the kind of object or property being donated.
assumption of risk (necessary for validity not enforceability)
d. Obligation to deliver a specific thing arises
from a crime  If it is a personal property, a
movable property, it the value does
Article 1264. The courts shall determine whether, not exceed P5000, it need not to be
under the circumstances, the partial loss of the object in writing. Only requires
of the obligation is so important as to extinguish the simultaneous acceptance on the
obligation. part of the donee.
 If it exceeds P5000, it has to be in
Article 1265. Whenever the thing is lost in the writing with acknowledgement of
possession of the debtor, it shall be presumed that acceptance on the part of the
the loss was due to his fault, unless there is proof to donee.
the contrary, and without prejudice to the provisions  If it is a real property, it has to be in
of article 1165. This presumption does not apply in a public instrument.
case of earthquake, flood, storm, or other natural
calamity. Requisites for Condonation or Remission to be Valid:

Article 1266. The debtor in obligations to do shall also a. It has to be gratuitous, meaning no

be released when the prestation becomes legally or consideration is given
physically impossible without the fault of the obligor. b. It has to be accepted by the obligor. So that
means the obligor is the done.
Article 1267. When the service has become so difficult c. Obligation is due and demandable. Because
as to be manifestly beyond the contemplation of the you cannot condone an obligation that is not
parties, the obligor may also be released therefrom, in yet due and demandable. 
whole or in part.  - If all of these requirements are present, then the
condonation or remission will be considered valid and
GR: impossibility of performance releases the obligor will extinguish the obligation. 

Condonation may be TOTAL or PARTIAL

 Total- it benefits everybody Judicial Compensation- it has to be in court. Involves a
 Partial- principal obligation will be reduced case wherein there is another case involving the same
and spread out among the solidary debtors. parties and damages are awarded. This kind however
is immaterial whether the parties involved are aware
Q: What about if it is a joint obligation? of it or not. Because it is by operation of law that the
A: if only his share is being condoned, it will not have obligation is extinguished. 
any effect to the other co-joint debtors.

Fourth mode of extinguishing an Obligation: Q: Can there be compensation in all cases?

CONFUSION OR MERGER A: No. there are cases wherein compensation is
- In Property, confusion is an accession prohibited
involving a personal property.
- In the context of Obligation, confusion is Compensation prohibited: (In extinguishment of
merger of the personalities of the creditor obligation)
and debtor into one person.

Requisites: 1.) If it is an obligation arising from a deposit. 

1.) The merger of the characters of the creditor and
the debtor in the same person.  2.) Obligation arising from commodatum. Because in
2.) It must take place in the person of the principal commodatum, just like in deposit, there is no transfer
creditor or in the principal debtor of ownership. What is transferred is simply use and
3.) It must be complete and definite. possession over the property and the bailee has the
obligation to deliver or return the same property that
- There's no such thing as a partial confusion was handed to him for use. 
or partial merger, it has to be definite and
complete for it to be a valid mode of 3.) Support by gratuitous title
extinguishing an obligation. 
- In relation to a joint obligation, confusion 4.) If it involves civil liability arising from a criminal
does not apply. offense or delict. Because it will create an impression
that delict is something that is subject to settlement.
Fifth mode of extinguishing an Obligation In criminal law, there can be no amicable settlement
LEGAL COMPENSATION in case of a delict. 
- Compensation simly means “quits” in
layman’s term 5.) Damage caused to a partnership by a partner. This
Requisites: (PRI-MO-D-L-S) one is explicitly provided by law. 
1.) Both are Principal debtor and principal
creditor of each other 6.) Obligations in favor of the government
2.) Sum of Money, or if consumable of the same
kind or quality Q: Is it possible that the creditor can still assign his
3.) Both debts are Due interest to a third person and still there can be
4.) Debts are Liquidated (it is determined and compensation?
certain)  A: 
5.) Neither Subject to retention nor controversy.
meaning no other third person is interested Three cases when it comes to the assignment of
over it. credit by the creditor to a third person:
- If all of these requisites are present, even if
the creditor and debtor are not aware of it by First, the assignment of a credit to a third person was
operation of law, the obligations are with the consent of the debtor
- The absence of one of these requisites will not Second, debtor would still insist that you cannot
give rise to a valid legal compensation that assign it to a third person
can extinguish the obligation.  
Third, creditor assigned his credit to the third person
Conventional Compensation- based on the agreement without the knowledge of the debtor. 
of the parties. If it is based on the agreement of the
parties, it need not follow these requisites. First case, there was consent on the part of the
debtor allowing creditor to assign his credit. What will
happen to the compensation? The code says, debtor - Extinction of old obligation should be declared
cannot set a compensation unless he reserves a right in an equivocal terms or old and new
at the time he gave his consent.  obligations are on every point incompatible so
that we can really say that the novation
If there is consent, compensation will not anymore be extinguished the obligation.
applicable. For as long as there is reservation on the
part of the debtor, that he can still apply
compensation even if the credit has been assigned to Novation can be a Real Novation or Personal
a third person, compensation will take place. Novation
 Real Novation- there is a change on the
BUT, if debtor fails to reserve that right to avail of that object just like in dacion en pago.
compensation, considering that he consented, he  Personal Novation- change of party
cannot anymore raise the defense of compensation.  2 Kinds of change in debtor
 Expromission- change of the debtor
Second case, Even if I am aware, I did not give my without the knowledge and consent of
consent. Compensation will be applicable to those the debtor
that were due prior to the assignment. Those that are  Delegacion- with the consent on the part
due after the assignment, compensation will not be of the debtor
applicable. Debtor can set up compensation previous Q: Why is it important to identify if it is with the
to assignment referring to previous debts that are due consent of the debtor or not?
PRIOR to the assignment. A: Because if the new debtor is insolvent, the creditor
cannot run after to the old debtor. 
Third case, you assigned the credit without the
knowledge of the debtor. As long as, the debtor is not Also, if it is with the consent of the debtor, and the
aware of this assignment, legal compensation would insolvency of the new debtor happens prior to the
still apply.  changing of the debtor, it will give rise to the revival of
the obligation of the old debtor. 

Sixth mode of extinguishing an Obligation If it is without the knowledge of the debtor, if the new
NOVATION debtor is insolvent, it is advantageous to the old
- Will take place if any of these will change: debtor because the obligation of the old debtor will
1.) it can be the object or the principal not be revived. So, creditor assumes the risk.
2.) if there is a change in the debtor CONTRACTS
3.) Change in the creditor -One of the sources of an obligation

- Strictly speaking, it does not totally extinguish Art. 1305- definition of contracts. 3 important things
an obligation. Because, the moment that appear:
there is a change, one obligation is terminated 1.) contract refers to a meeting of the minds.
but a new obligation is created. 2.) whereby one of the parties or both of them
would bind themselves
- Novation= one obligation is extinguished but 3.) what does one bind himself to do, it's either
another is created. to give or to render service
- Novation is not presumed. It should be in Note: The third component of the definition of what a
equivocal terms. contract is will now connect you to the definition of
an obligation. Juridical necessity to give, to do, or not
Requisites for Novation to be a Valid Mode of to do.
Extinguishing an Obligation:
1. Substantial difference in the old and new
2. capacity of the parties *examples in the transcribed file 028*
3. intention to extinguish 1.) Preparatory Stage- that is where the offer
comes into play
- Any element or requisite that is missing, the 2.) Stage of Perfection-
answer should always be, there is no 3.) Consummation Stage- when one binds
novation.  himself to another. Both parties have already
performed their respective obligations if the if there is the meeting of
contract gives rise to a reciprocal obligation.  the minds, even if it is
verbal, even if you have
- The mere fact that one binds himself to the witnesses at the time of
other, there is a corresponding knowledge the verbal agreement, the
that there is a corresponding obligation witnesses will not make
attached to it. the deed of donation
- The moment that the contract is perfected, valid.
obligation arises. That's the reason why one of
the sources of an obligation is a contract.  II.) According to Importance
i.) Principal Contract- a contract that
Note: consummation stage is not applicable to can exist by itself
marriage contracts because consummation has a ii.) Accessory Contract- a contract
different meaning under the FamCode. whose existence is dependent
upon a principal contract
I.) According to Perfection Note: That is why, if the principal contract is void, it
i.) Consensual Contract- what they follows that the accessory contract will be void. But, if
call an ordinary contract. Ordinary the accessory contract will be void, it does not follow
in the sense that the contract is that the validity of the principal contract will be
perfected just because of the affected. 
meeting of the minds of the
parties. Ex.) A contract of mortgage without any other
 Meeting has something to do contract attached to it is not possible because
with the object involved. - if mortgage is an accessory contract. But a contract of
the object is definite and simple mutuum without any other contract attached
certain, and both parties have to it is possible because simple mutuum is a principal
agreed on it, the contract is contract. 
then deemed perfected.
 *Example in LR notes part 5* III.) According to the parties obligated to
perform or to render service
ii.) Real Contract- perfected upon i.) Unilateral- only one of the parties
the delivery of the property. has the obligation to perform.
 Ex.) commodatum- unless and  Ex.) contract of commodatum-
until the property is actually because only the borrower or bailee
delivered, there is no contract has the obligation to perform. The
that is perfected.*more lender has no obligation to lend his
examples of commodatum in property.
transcribed file 029* ii.) Bilateral
 Ex.) pledge/pawns- it is an  Ex.) contract of sale, contract with
accessory contract. It is a the school
collateral wherein there is
transfer of possession. IV.) According to Equivalence of Prestation-
i.) Gratuitous- without any
iii.) Solemn/Formal Contract- what consideration (eg. Commodatum,
makes it a solemn/formal donation)
contract is because there is a ii.) Onerous- if there is an exchange
formal requirement according to of equivalent prestations. (eg.
the civil code or a special law. Sale)
iii.) Remuneratory- outstanding
 Ex.) Deed of donation or a prestation premised in services or
real property benefits already received.
 Purpose of reducing into a
public instrument: to ELEMENTS OF A CONTRACT
protect your interest
because without this 1.) Natural- it is already presumed existing. It is
formal requirement, even already within the contract.
2.) Essential- these are elements without which
there can be no contract. The absence of an - Contract must bind both parties. And its
essential element will make the contract void. validity or compliance cannot be left to the
3.) Accidental- it will only exist upon the will of one of the parties, so both should
stipulation of the parties. agree. 
o eg. In sale of a real property, you
allow that you can be paid by 4.) Principle of Obligatoriness of Contracts- From
installment. Art. 1159, obligations arising from contracts
have the force of law between parties. In case
Elements of a Valid Solemn/Formal Contract they want to change something in the
1.) consent contract, it must be agreed upon by the
2.) subject matter parties.
3.) cause or consideration - In case one of the parties cannot perform the
4.) formality required by law obligation as agreed upon in the contract, the
other party has the right to go to court and
The absence of any of these elements will make the demand for specific performance.
solemn/formal contract void ab initio. 
5.) Principle of Relativity of Contracts- the
Elements of a Real Contract contracts take effect only between the
1.) consent parties, their assigns and heirs.
2.) subject matter - XPN: Stipulation pour atrui or stipulation is in
3.) cause/consideration favor of a third person who is not an assignee,
4.) delivery of the thing not an heir, but only a stranger.

Elements of a Consensual Contract Remember:

1.) Consent a.) In Successions, succession is a mode of
2.) Subject Matter acquiring ownership over property RIGHTS
3.) Cause/consideration and OBLIGATIONS upon the death of the
deceased. “rights” referring to real right,
Note: That's why the consensual contract is what they rights that are attached to the property.
call an ordinary contract because general rule, is that b.) In a Lease Contract, if the original lessee dies,
contracts are perfected by the meeting of the minds the death will be a ground for termination of
of the parties. The exceptions are the real contract as contract if there’s a stipulation to that effect.
well as the formal contracts.  c.) In Usufruct, if there is a stipulation that the
death of the usufructuary will terminate the
contract, then it will be terminated. If none, it
PRINCIPLES APPLICABLE IN CONTRACTS will be transferred to the heirs of the
1.) Principle of Autonomy or Liberty of usufructuary.
Contracts- “autonomous”- they can make
their own legislation. CONSENT
Q: How is consent manifested?
- In contracts, when you say liberty of A: there is a concurrence of the author and
contracts, parties may establish the terms and acceptance. Concurrence of the offer and acceptance.
conditions of the contracts provided that, the
terms and conditions are not contrary to law, Contracts by correspondence- Art. 1319 (2)- consent
public morals, good customs, public orders exist as soon as offeror learns of acceptance by
and policies.  offeree.
- Through internet or text message
- Now this principle is not applicable in contract
of marriage, it is the only exception. Q: the acceptance, when has it reached the
knowledge of the offeror? Since it is only when the
2.) Principle of Consensuality of Contracts- acceptance reaches the knowledge, or the person
"consensual" - a principle that refers to offering it, when we can say that there is concurrence
"contracts are perfected by mere consent"  of the offer and acceptance.
A: the reckoning point is when the offeror received
3.) Principle of Mutuality- "mutual" it will only be the message.
between the parties.
Requisites of an Offer (acceptance of which will you will push through with the buying of the property
perfect the contract) or not.
1.) Definite- there should be no more question in
mind, the only thing you have to do is accept Option money- a consideration for the waiting time of
the offer. the seller.
2.) Complete
3.) There is Intention on the part of the offeror to Q: How much should be the option money?
be bound. A: the code is silent about it but it should be enough
to tie down the seller within the period agreed upon
Example: Flyers are always distributed in the streets, by both parties.
and if you will look at it, you will see the picture or
other information of what is being offered. In relation Seller has no right to offer the same product to a third
to the topic, can we consider the flyer as a definite person during the waiting time. BUT, if there is no
offer? Where the acceptance of which will perfect a option money give, seller had the full discretion of
contract? disposing the property to a third person, even without
the knowledge of the buyer.
the distribution of the flyer, there is really the
intention to be bound.  Now is it definite and Earnest Money gives rise to a perfected contract and
complete? It is not yet definite and complete for the it forms part of the contract price.
flyers cannot answer all your questions in mind. SO,
for as long as you have many questions in your mind Remember:
regarding the offer, then we cannot say that the offer Regardless whether it is termed as deposit or
is complete and definite. Flyers are simply an reservation fee, for as long as that deposit or
invitation for you to make an offer. reservation fee will be included in the computation
of the contract price, then that means that is an
Requisites of an  acceptance that will give rise to the earnest money. 
perfection of a contract
1.) Acceptance is unqualified or unconditional- if But, if it is not included in the computation, if will not
there is a condition be deducted from the contract price, it would be
- It cannot give rise to a perfected contract deemed forfeited if in case you will not push through
with the buying if the property, that is simply an
2.) Acceptance is communicated to the offeror option money. 

Nature and Effect of advertisement: insofar as the In option money, what is perfected is the option
Civil Code is concerned, if it involves the sale of a real contract wherein, you are buying the period to make
property or personal property, they cannot be a a final decision as to whether you will acquire the
definite offer but they are simply an invitation to property or not. 
make an offer
Counter-offer- a qualified or conditional acceptance.
(eg. Bargaining) Vices- are circumstances that affect adversely the
decision of a party in entering the contract.
Option Money and Earnest Money - In FamCode: Art. 4 states that the the absence
of any of the essential requisites will make the
Similarity: Both involves the delivery of money marriage null and void. The defect will make it
Distinction: with respect to the effect, if it is an voidable.
earnest money, that gives rise to a perfected contract
of sale since it forms part of the contract price. Classifications of Vices of Consent
1.) Vices affecting cognition (intellectual faculty)
An option money does not give rise to a perfected a) Incapacity (In relation to Art. 37 and 38 of
contract of sale but simply a perfected option the Civil Code)
contract. b) Error
c) Fraud
“option contract’- a reasonable period by the vendor 2.) Vices affecting volition (faculty of the will)
within which to make a final decision as to whether a) Violence
b) Intimidation
c) Undue Influence - Ex.) or if one is a government official and you
Error/Mistake- inadvertent and excusable disregard of have no choice but to say yes, because you're
a circumstance material to the contract. afraid.
- Your employer, you're afraid that if you will
- mistake of fact and not mistake of law not agree to what he is telling you, you might
- Example: Justice Gonzales, since he has the be terminated from employment. 
title of a Justice, he celebrated the marriage,
and since according to the FamCode, SIMULATION OF CONTRACT
members of the judiciary, and thinking that a - Declaration of non-existent will be made
person who the title of a Justice is deliberately and by agreement of the parties.
automatically a member of the judiciary, you
believe in good faith that Justice Gonzales has It can be ABSOLUTELY SIMULATED CONTRACT (ASC) or
the authority, will the marriage be valid? No, RELATIVELY SIMULATED CONTRACT (RSC)
because that is tantamount to a mistake of
law and not a mistake of fact. ASC- there is really no intention to enter into a
- if it is an error or a mistake, no qualification contract.
whether it is a mistake of fact or law, what the - Ex.) Agrarian reform- so that their property
civil code is telling us, is if it will affect a will not be covered by carp. They divided it
material, decision on the part of the party in either by selling or donating to a third person
entering in to the contract because of that when in truth, there is really no intention to
mistake or that error, then that is considered dispose the property.
as a vice of consent and therefore, will be a - if the real intention of the parties is not really
ground for the annulment of the contract. to dispose it, only to remove it from the
- So, if the consent is there but it is not freely coverage of carp, then in so far as the contract
given, the contract is voidable.  is concerned, it is in-existent. It is void ab

Fraud- insidious words or machinations whereby the RSC- parties really intend to be bound to each other
other is induced to execute the contract. but the real intention is not reflected in the
2 Kinds of Fraud - Ex.) instead of making a deed of absolute sale,
a.) Fraud in the celebration of the contract (dolo what they execute is a deed of
causante) donation. There is really intention to dispose
- The party would not have given his consent if the property, but that real intention is not
he is aware that there is fraud appearing in the document.
- Ground for annulment

b.) Fraud in the execution of the contract (dolo SUBJECT MATTER OR OBJECT
incidente) Meaning of object:
- Party deceived would have agreed but under 1.) object per se refers to the property if it refers
different terms. to a prestation to give.
- Even if you’re aware of the fraud, you would 2.) it refers to the prestation. Prestation to give,
still give your consent under a different term to do, or not to do. Prestation must be lawful
or condition and possible.
- Ground for damages
For one to be a valid object of a contract:
It has to be- (a) property and (b) it has to be within
Violence- in order to rest consent, serious or the commerce of men.
irresistible force is employed.
- Not limited to physical violence. CAUSE OR CONSIDERATION
- the reason why you entered into a contract.
Intimidation- what is involved is the kind of - It is different from motive.
intimidation that would vitiate one’s consent. Threat. - essential element of a contract
- Ex.) shotgun marriage - inadequacy of cause will not invalidate the
contract it is simply a ground for rescission of
Undue Influence- Improper advantage of one’s power. contract
“motive”- is something that is incidental. It has 3.) cause or consideration. 
nothing to do with the perfection of a contract.
A. Contracts which must be reduced into a
PUBLIC INSTRUMENT not necessarily for
FORMALITIES OF A CONTRACT validity, but for enforceability
- The formality of a contract is necessary for
validity if it is a formal contract based on - Art. 1358
perfection. 1. CMET- Contracts for the Creation,
- the formality is necessary for enforceability. Modification, Transmission, or
- if the contract falls under the statute of fraud, Extinguishment of REAL RIGHTS. (in relation
then failure to comply with the written to Property: “right” that is attached to a real
requirement will not affect validity but simply property like usufruct and right to lease)
enforceability. XPNS:
- If it is not on the coverage on the statute of a. under the statute of fraud (1407), if the lease
fraud, check if it's required under the law that contract is for 1 year, it has to be covered by
non-compliance will affect its validity, then the statute of fraud "it should be in writing, it
that will make the contract a formal or a need not be in a public instrument"
solemn contract.  b. Sale of a real property

Examples of solemn contracts, solemn in the sense Note:

that if you do not comply with the formal A real property is an immovable property, a
requirements, the contract will be considered void ab classification of property based on mobility. That is
initio.  the reason why a contract of sale of a real property
does not fall under number 1. because it is not a real
1.) Donation of a Real Property right. 

2.) Donation of a Personal Property, the value of A real RIGHT is a right that is attached to the property.
which exceeds P5000 (you only have to remember So, regardless if that property is transferred to
this for the purposes of passing the bar exam not another person, the real right is still existing. 
for purposes of applying it.) There is no need to
apply strictly the provision in the Civil Code.  2. WAR- hereditary rights. Waiver, Assignment,
and Repudiation of Hereditary Right
3.) Payment of Interest. Interest cannot be - When it comes to waiver of hereditary right,
imposed upon the debtor especially if it is simple you have to connect it with Art. 6 of the Civil
loan or mutuum unless it is expressly stipulated, Code because for a waiver of a hereditary
and for it to be expressly stipulated, it has to be right to be valid: 
reduced into writing. Otherwise, you cannot a. the right should actually be
impose interest. (Art. 1956, 1874) existing 
4.) Partnership where the partner contributes a b. the holder of the right is
real property. It has to be in writing otherwise, it knowledgeable about his
is void.  right 
c. the one waiving the right is
5.) Sale of a property through an agent voluntarily waiving the right. 

6.) Antichresis - Reason of emphasis: because if the waiver of

hereditary right is made PRIOR to the death of
Note: The formality here is an essential element for the deceased, even if there is compliance with
validity. Non-compliance will make the contract void.  the public instrument requirement, it cannot
be considered valid since the right is not yet
If it is a real contract, aside from consent, subject existing.
matter or object, cause or consideration, the other
essential element will be delivery of the contract.  3. Power to administer the property
- Reference to Special power of authority (SPA)
But if it is only a consensual contract, there are only 3 or General Power of Attorney (GPA) to
essential elements:  administer the property of another person.
1.) consent freely given
2.) subject matter or object
4. Cession or assignment of action or rights inequitable conduct, or accident, will now be
arising from an act contained in a public appearing in the reformed contract.
instrument. - Also applicable to Relatively Simulated
- ex. accion subbrogatoria- creditor exercising Contract (parties intend to be bound to each
the right of the debtor to file an action against other but the real intention does not appear
the debtor's debtor- it should appear in a in the contract)
public instrument - For the real intention to be written in the
B. Contracts that NEED NOT to be in a PUBLIC contract, it must be reformed.
INSTRUMENT but shall be unenforceable by
action unless the same be in writing 3 Cases wherein reformation is NOT applicable:
- Art. 1366 (D-W-V)
- Group of contracts wherein the formal a. Donations inter vivos
requirement is covered by the Statute of b. Wills
Fraud c. Agreement that is VOID
Art. 1403: “that it should be in writing and that
requirement does not need that the writing RESCISSIBLE CONTRACTS
should be in public instrument” (C-G-L-A-D)
Contracts enumerated under 1403:  a. Guardian
b. Absentee
a. lease contract for more than more than 1 year c. Creditors
b. promise to pay for the obligation of another d. Defendants
person (contract of guarantee or surety) e. Law
c. marriage settlement
Distinguish Rescission in the CivCode under 1380 &
- If you will compare the FamCode with the 1950 1192:
Civil code, the 1950 civil code expressly states that
the marriage settlement or ante nuptial agreement 1.) under 1380- one of the defective contracts is what we
should be covered by the statute of fraud. So, the call as a rescissible contracts
requirement of writing is only necessary for
enforceability not for validity.  2.) under 1191- talks about reciprocal obligations. Remedy
in reciprocal obligations is rescission
Example: Juan married to Maria and before they got
married, they entered into an ante nuptial agreement
wherein both agreed that the property relationship will be
one of absolute separation of property. However, it was
simply a verbal marriage settlement. Is the marriage
marriage settlement valid?  1191 1380
Person who can file:
Option 1: from Tolentino: even if the FamCode does not
anymore have a provision that expressly provides that the Limited to the injured Not only limited to the
marriage settlement shall be governed by the statute of party, the one who has parties in the contract but
fraud, it is still covered by the statute of fraud.  already performed his even a third person
Option 2: Sta Maria: Since the FC provides that the ante Period of Compliance:
nuptial agreement shall be in writing to affect third
persons, since it uses the word "Shall", it is mandatory, There is a period of No period of compliance
thus, if there is non-compliance of reducing the ante nuptial compliance
agreement in writing, it shall be considered void.  Rescission based on:

Non-fulfillment of the Lesion or fraud of creditors

C. Contracts where the amount involved obligation
EXCEEDS P500.00, it must be IN WRITING
Note: 1380 need not to be a reciprocal obligation, it may be
a unilateral obligation
- The remedy given to the parties so that the
real intention of the parties which is not PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD for filing an action for
expressed because of mistake, fraud, rescission referring to rescissible contracts:
GR: 4 years from the celebration of the contract
a. If the ground is based on guardianship -the contract is valid but it is only unenforceable.
b. When it comes to absentee  there is failure to comply with the obligations arising
from that contract, you cannot go to court and demand for
- In the case of guardianship, 4 years would be
specific performance.
counted not from the celebration of the contract
but from the termination of the incapacity
Remedy: if there is failure to comply with the Statute of
Fraud, to compel the other party to reduce it into writing.
- In absentee, 4 years will be counted from the time
that the domicile of the absentee is known. 
Classes of Unenforceable Contracts based on 1403:
1. The thing must be returned with the fruits and the price  Contracts that are covered under the statute of
with the interest. Accessions and accessories must also be fraud
2. If the return is not possible, pay indemnity damages.  Contracts that are entered into in an excess of
Such indemnity is in lieu of the fruits and the interests authority (applicable in a contract of agency)
which cannot anymore be returned
3. If there are several alienations, the first acquirer shall be  Contracts entered into where both parties are
liable first. incapacitated (incapacity in connection to arts. 37
and 38 of the civil code. usually incapacity which
DISTINCTION BETWEEN A VOID AND VOIDABLE has something to do with age)
Can be assailed by third Only the parties VOID CONTRACTS
person - Under Art. 4 of the FamCode the absence of
Cannot be confirmed or Can be ratified the essential or formal requisites will make
ratified the contract of marriage void. (just a guide)
The action for declaration Prescribes; 4 years - The ABSENCE OF ANY OF THE ELEMNETS OF A
of nullity of a void contract prescriptive period CONTRACT will make the contract VOID.
does not prescribe
Violation of public policy Because of the presence of
a vice of consent such as
threat, intimidation, undue
influence and fraud
Void ab initio Valid until annulled
a. Vitiated consent
b. Incapacity Void Voidable Rescissible Unenforceable
Reckoning period of prescription: Absence of Vices of Lesion or Lack of
- If about vices of consent: 4 years from cessation of
essential consent damage or formality,
duress, from the discovery of fraud, from the
removal of capacity, and NOT from the perfection
elements suffer authority and
of the contract. capacity, failure
to comply with
 Contract has already been performed- mutual Fraud
restitution (return of the thing with the fruits; if it Prescription
involves prestation to do, restitution in the form of : 4 years in 4 years No prescription
damages) Never general; since it is
5 years in unenforceable
 Contract was not yet performed- the parties are
marriage thus, you can’t
just released from their obligations. the obligations
are not yet performed.
go to court
Cannot be can be It need not Can be ratified
Ratification- retroacts from the time the contract was ratified ratified be ratified
entered into and it purges the contract from any defect. since the
contract is
valid its
just that
there is
lesion or
Not valid Valid and Binding Valid although
and binding binding unless unenforceable,
until rescinded thus, binding.

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