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System Satisfaction


Figure ___-. System Satisfaction

Also, Figure ___ revealed the extent of the system

satisfactions towards the users. The rates are that there

that the system can easily respond to the user’s needs,

especially in searching documents (SS1 – 4.40); the system

fulfill an immediate action and notify easily to the users

if there are technical errors (SS2 – 4.60); the users feel

at ease and comfortable in accomplishing task

instantaneously (SS3 – 4.0); the users feel that their work

lessen by using the system (SS4 – 4.35) and the users feel

happy in making their work easy (SS5 – 4.40). “Moderate”,

“Low” and “Very Low” on this aspect. On the system

satisfaction side, is “Strongly Agree” with the rate of

Portability of the System

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

Based on the result of the system satisfaction of the

users, the employee was satisfied with making their workload


Figure ___-. Portability of the System

Figure __ revealed the weighted mean from the item

score for portability is 4.11 (Agree). Majority of the

respondents rated high on “Agree” such as the system is

capable of adapting any hardware and software changes (P1 –

3.95); the system can install easily in the system unit (P2

– 4.10); the system can easily to manipulate in terms of

installation or uninstallation in the system unit (P3 –

4.15); and the system is ready for software enhancement in

database and user interface (P5 – 4.10).

However, having a rate of 4.11 in portability is a good

indication that the system is a user-friendly system.

Furthermore, table __ shows the grand mean of the

system of 4.37 from the mean of every evaluated

characteristic. The grand mean has a verbal description of

Strongly Agree.

Table 4. Summary of Table Evaluation

System Evaluation in term of: Mean Verbal Description

Usability 4.1 Strongly Agree

Functionality 4.63 Strongly Agree

Maintainability 4.42 Strongly Agree

Efficiency 4.63 Strongly Agree

System Satisfaction 4.35 Strongly Agree

Portability 4.11 Agree

Grand Mean 4.37 Strongly Agree

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