Department of Business Studies

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Bahria University, Islamabad Campus

Department of Business Studies

Final-Term Examination (Spring-2020)
Class _MBA 2_
Paper Type: Subjective

Course: _Contemporary Issues in Business_ Date: _29/6/2020__________

Course Code: _______________________ Time: ___________________
Teacher Name: _Muhammad Kasheer_____ Max Marks: _50__________
Time Allowed: _8 hour _________________ Total Pages: ___2_________

i. All questions are compulsory. Pay attention to the marks distribution while answering the questions.
ii. The paper is open book. However, students are not allowed to copy and paste from internet sources or
copy another student’s work. Paraphrase and cite the sources consulted to product the answers. All
assignments will be checked for plagiarism. An assignment having a similarity ratio of 10% and above
will be treated as copied work.
iii. Submit the answers written in a single MS Word file. PDFs or scanned files will not be accepted.
Avoid writing irrelevant information. Your answers should be precise and relevant. Name and
enrollment number should be clearly written in the beginning of answer sheet.

Student’s Name: ____________________ Enroll No: _______________________________

Question 1 (20 marks)

The sales at Chenone stores has declined throughout the years leading the company to heavy losses.
Imagine that you are the chief marketing officer (CMO) of Chenone. The CEO asks you to devise a
Marketing Communication Plan to help generate the sales and connect with target customers. While
you may suggest multiple media to help accomplish the task, you know that digital/online marketing
will continue to play a role.

Develop a digital ad campaign to help drive traffic at its offline stores. In doing so, please consider the
following elements.

1. Who do you want to target? Why? (3)

2. What kind of message do you want to convey? (4)
3. What kind of images/videos and texts should be included? (4)
4. What digital platforms do you recommend running the ads on? Why? (4)
5. How will you assess the success of your proposed digital ad campaign? (5)

Question 2 (20)

COVID19 has helped some businesses like social media / online shopping platforms. On the other
side, some businesses have been worst hit such as apparel and hotel industry. PC hotel Bhurban is
facing the problem of low occupancy even in the peak season. You, as a general manager of PC
Bhurban, has to present a comprehensive plan to the higher management for increasing occupancy
rate. Your plan should include:
1. What are different customer segments of PC Bhurban? What would you do to attract each
segment? (4)
2. What is PC Bhurban’s sustainable competitive advantage? How can it leverage on its competitive
advantage? (4)
3. Perform a situation analysis to summarize external factors and corporate capabilities. (5)
4. Devise an action plan consistent with the discussion in part 1, 2 and 3. (7)

Question 3 (10 marks)

Refer to the case ‘Can Hamdard thrive in the era of millennial consumers?’ Hamdard operates in
traditional (Yunani) medicine and organic consumer goods business. The company has managed to
stay relevant for more than 100 years.
1. Identify one major competitor of Hamdard in the same industry. What is Hamdard’s value
proposition? Is it unique relative to the competitor? (3)
2. How the two companies differ in their strategies to attract millennial and Gen-Z consumers? (3)
3. How should Hamdard strategize its marketing mix for long term sustainability? (4)

Good luck

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