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194 Chapter3_Kineties of Particles SAMPLE PROBLEM 3/19 ‘A tonni playor strikes the tennis ball with rackot whon the ball eat tho uppermost point of its trajectory as shown. The horizontal velocity of the bal, just before impact with the racket is v, = 60 fisc, and just after impact its ve- locity is vy = 70 fesee dirveted atthe 15° angle as shown, If tho 2-07 ball isin contact with the racket for 0.02 se, determine the magnitude of the average force R exerted by the racket on the bal. Also determine the angle: made by R. swith the horizontal ‘Solution. We construc the impulse-momentum diagrams for the ball as follows [mea x © ine + ana mina 2860+ 2/000 2116 70 coo 15°) aa2 int) [28 mi 216 P 18, - AS co) + R,(0.02) ~ (1640.02) = 218 20 sin 15°) |We ean now solve forthe impact forces as R, R, b 3.661 ‘We note that the impact force It, = 64 Ibis considerably larger than the 0.125415 woight of tho ball. Thus, the woight mg, a nonimpulsve force, could have been neglected as small in'comparison with R. Had we neglected the ‘woight, the computed value of would have boon 3.52 Tb ‘We now determine the magnitude and direction of Ras VET ~ ET SE = 25.1 ane R, 8 ign 364 = Foo tan BSE 9.06" a Helpful Hints © Recall that for the impulsemomentur diagrams, initial linear momentum goes in the first diagram, all exter- ‘al linear impulses go in the second diagram, and final linear momen- ‘tum goes in the third diagram. einai [tn average impact free, so that it ean be brought outside the integral sign, resulting in R, [de = Riltg~ f) = RAs The linear impulse in the yirection has been similarly treated, ‘Atticle 3/9 Linear Impulse and Linear Momentum 195 SAMPLE PROBLEM 3/20 .A.2h particle mows into vertical. plane (wp, hoiznta) under the setin of ts oght anda force which varies with tine, The lent momentim the pti in pund-ecads i ven by the express G = BU + 34 = 40? ~ 4, whores tho tne in seconde, Determine F and its magnido forthe initia Solution. The weight exprsse as a vector is ~2K 1b, Thus, the foree-momen- ‘tum equation becomes or-6) Pome 2 dev oy fe — one = 5g — 2° Fort = 2c, F = 2k + 32) — 202k ~ ok Aes ‘Thus, P= JETP = 621d Ans, Helpful Hint @ Don’t forget that SF includes ald ex temal foroes acting on the particle, Including the weight. ‘SAMPLE PROBLEM 3/21 A particle with a mass of 0.5 kya a velocity of 10 mis in the x-direction at time t = 0, Forccs F, and Fy act on the particle, and their magnitudes chango ‘with time according to the graphical schedule shown. Determine the velocity vz ‘of tho particle atthe end of tho $.s interval. The motion occurs in the horizontal lan Solution, First, we construct the impulso-momentum diagrams as shown, mioiy=0 t . Om. O—nivg, asttohtem ethernet sien tno, + [d= mi 500) ~ 14a) +26 = 11 = 0509, (ey =-8 mb tno + [8 a= mp 050+ 1a) + 8-2) = 0569, (oy, = 88 Tow, w= -0i+ sims and GF -1ms ake na a, tn 69" A Although not called for, the path of the particle forthe fist 3 seconds is plot- ted in tho igure. Tho velocity at ¢ = 3s is shown together wi Helpful Hint @ ‘The imputce in each direction is the corresponding area under the force time graph. Note that Fy is in the negative x-direction, so its impulse is negative 196 Chapter3_Kinetios of Particles SAMPLE PROBLEM 3/22 ‘Tho loaded 150-k skip is rolling down the incline at 4 m{s when a force P is applied to the eable a shovrn at time £ ~ 0. The foree P is inereased uniformly ‘with the time until it reaches 600 N at ¢ = 4s, after which time it remains con stant at this value, Caleulate (a) the time at whieh the skip reverses its diree- tion and () the veloityv o the skip at¢ ~ 8's, Treat the skip asa particle Solution. ‘The stated variation of P with the time is plotted, and the impulse- ‘momentum diagrams of the skip are drawn, 2 Pen ara = scream SP * K # 0 So\ Sineat 0° UNyat Part (a). The skip reverses direction when its velocity becomes zero. We will, ‘assume that this condition occurs at ¢ = 4 + At s. The impulse-momentum equa- ‘tion applied consistently inthe postive x-direction gives mio J 27,dt= mio, 151(—4) + }(4x2)600) + 21600) ~ 15009.) sin 90% + 38) = 1500) w=2a6e 1 =4+240- 6408 Ane Part (b). Applying the momentum equation to the entire 8-s interval gives ro) [ 382 = mie 150-4) + $02,600) + 4.21600) ~ 150081) sin 90") = 1500), (oy, = 476 mis Ane ‘The came reel i obtained by analyzing the interval fom 08s ‘Helpful Hint @ The impulse-momentum diagram oops us from making the error of using the impulse of P rather than 2P or of forgetting the impulse of the component of the weight. The first {erm in the linear impulse is the tr- angular area ofthe P+ relation for the first, doubled for the fore of 2. SAMPLE PROBLEM 3/23 "Tho 50- bullet travaling at 600 mis strikes the 4-kg block centrally and is embedded within it If the bloc slides ona smooth horizontal plane with a veloc- ity of 12 ms in the diroction shown prior to impact, dtormine the volcity v, of the block and embedded bullet immediately after impact. Solution. Sinco tho force of impact is internal to the systom composed of the Decks and bullet and since there are no other external forees acting on the sy tem in the plane of motion, it follows thatthe linear momentum of the system i conserved, Thus, [G,=G,) 0.050(600) ~ 4(12)(cos 30° + sin 30°) = (4 = 0.050%, p= 10.261 + 13.395 mis Ans. ‘The final velocity and its direction are given by We OFTE A p= YOUBET OSB - 16.88 mis Ans. {tan @ =e, fo tan 9 = 43:38 — 1209 saa" Ans. 10.35 1585/0 sane ‘Helpful Hint © Working with the vector form of the principle of conservation of linear ‘momentum is clearly equivalent to ‘working withthe companent form.

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