Jayden Case Study

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Cynthia Alvarado

National University

ITL514 Language-Literacy: Assessment

Prof. Framan

Individual Assessment, Analysis, & Planning Project


Student’s First Name: __Jayden G_____________________

Parent/Guardian Name: Angelica_G_______________________

School: _N/a________________________________________________

Principal: _N/a_____________________ contact: _N/a __

Teacher: _N/a_______________________ contact: _N/a_______

Attach permission slip:

Permission slip

Youtube link:




Student First Name: Jayden G_________________ DOB: 10/28/2009___

Grade: 5________________________ Chronological Age: _10________


Factors to investigate:
o Siblings
 3 younger brothers

o Family size
 Large family size 5-10
 Mixed family
 Brothers and half-brothers with dramatic age difference
 Spends time between households

o Are there any medical or emotional health issues that might impact the child’s
 No

o Is English the child’s first language? What is the family’s first language?
 English

o School history: how many schools has the child attended?

 Child has been to 5 different schools in 4 years.

o Are there any behavior problems?

 Aggression in the classroom
 Details not shared

o Have there been any previous interventions?

 No


Area Name of Assessment Given Explain what is being assessed and why this assessment is needed for this child

1. Interest & Elementary Reading Attitude This assessment was given as an introduction that would be minimally invasive and
motivation Survey Scoring Sheet establish trust. Utilizing this assessment allowed me to gage Jayden’s attitude about
recreational and academic reading while establishing a foundation for other assessments.

Student Reading/Writing This assessment allowed me gain a more in-depth understanding of Jayden’s relationship
Interview with reading and writing. I chose to have her write the answers to gage her writing skills
and metacognitive skills. This assessment is necessary to understand how Jayden views the
academic reading process.

Interest Inventory This assessment was necessary to learn Jayden’s motivations and interests. It was vital for
choosing future subject matter.

My Writing Sheet This assessment gave insight to Jayden’s self-efficacy and her attitude about the classroom
environment. It also scaffolding future writing assessments by providing a quickwrite

2.Phonemic Yopp-Singer Test The Yopp-Singer test gave a baseline for Jayden’s phonemic awareness. The words were
awareness below in Jayden’s reading level so it highlighted the specific letter sounds Jayden struggles

3.Phonics San Diego Quick San Diego Quick was a perfect assessment for Jayden due to her being in several schools in
her past. Due to her fluctuation in the classroom this assessment pinpointed her
phonological awareness by grade.

Names Test The Names test identified specific areas of need and gave insight on Jayden’s overall
phonological awareness.

4.Spelling Words Their Way Upper Level Jayden is at the age and grade level where this test can be applied. This assessment

Spelling provided insight on Jayden’s vocabulary and spelling abilities.

Words Their Way: Elementary Jayden struggles with the upper level spelling required this assessment. This inventory was
Spelling Inventory at her developmental level which allowed me to see her areas of strength and weaknesses.

5.Fluency Florida Assessments for This assessment was based in Jayden’s interest of animals and given at a Lexile score of
Instruction in Reading – Page 61 590 to gage her reading level and fluency.
“Feeding Giraffes”

Lexile Score: 590L


Florida Assessments for Jayden’s success at the “Feeding Giraffes” reading allowed for an increase in Lexile score
Instruction in Reading – Page 64 to develop more data for her fluency.
“The New Kitten”

Lexile Score: 630L


6.Comprehension K12Reader Reading Instruction This assessment was grade level appropriate for Jayden and asked questions to encourage
Resources – Fungi Are Alive! metacognition and comprehension.



K12Reader Reading Instruction Jayden’s struggles with terminology and vocabulary in the previous assessment required an
Resources – Customs and assessment in a lower range.


7.Writing Write All The Words You Know This assessment was appropriate because it allowed Jayden to choose her own areas of
Assessment interest and gain insight into her encouragement and writing skills.


List the data which resulted from the assessment. Identify what this means for the child.
Area Data What do these results mean academically?

1.Interest & Recreational Percentile: 48% Jayden has low interest in reading and writing in general but specifically
motivation struggles with reading and writing in an academic setting. This lack of
Academic Percentile: 13% motivation and interest could impact her developing skills. Jayden does not
Full scale Percentile: 29% have an understanding of the reading process. She is however very confident in
her skills as a reader and writer and has high creativity. This can be useful to
Interested in animals transfer into the academic realm.

Large number of questions

answered with “I don’t know”

High self-efficacy

High creativity

Marked No for questions 1-6 in

“My Writing”

2.Phonemic 16/22 correct Jayden scored relatively well in the Yopp singer test indicating she has a high
awareness level of phonemic awareness. Her abilities to self-correct using graphene cues is
Struggled with wave, grew, ice, at, high. However, she needs to develop her phonological awareness. She struggles
by, do with few specific phoneme structures.

3.Phonics Preprimer through Grade level 4 Jayden is at instructional grade level as seen in the San Diego quick.
no mistakes
Jayden struggles with prefixes and suffixes. She has challenges with silent E as
Grade level 5 struggles with well as digraph and diphthong.

Grade level 6 made 5 errors

Commercial, Abolish, Apparatus,


Necessity, relativity

Names test

13 errors

Th/Thelma; oa/Joan; er/ Brewster;

wh/whitlock; tw/tweed; we-mor-
and/Westmoreland; wr/wright;

4.Spelling Upper Level Inventory The upper level inventory was too difficult for Jayden. She has a strong
foundation in the elementary spelling list but struggles with unaccented final
-words spelled correctly: 2/31 syllables, advanced affixes, and base roots. An increase in orthography with
-feature points:29/68 advanced phonological awareness can assist her.


Spelling stage: mid within word


5/5 –blends and digraphs

6/9- vowels

3/7-complex consonants

4/8- inflected endings and syllable


4/9- unaccented final syllables


1/7-reduced vowels

1/7 greek and latin elements

0/6 assimilated prefixes

Elementary Spelling

Words spelled correctly: 16/25

Feature points:48/62

Total: 64/87

Spelling stage: Late syllables and



5/5-short vowel



5/5-common long vowels

7/7-other vowels

4/5-inflected endings

4/5-syllable junctures

2/5- unaccented final syllables

1/5-advanced affixes

0/5- base roots

5.Fluency Feeding Giraffes: Jayden is a fluent reader. She does read fast but has high WCPM scores. The
subject matter was in her interest making it more appealing to her. She made
204 words in 60 seconds little errors as she read and self-corrected herself twice.
0 errors


OPM RC score=1

The New Kitten:

149 words in 60 seconds

3 errors


OPM RC score=1

6.Comprehension Fungi are Alive Jayden struggled with comprehension the most of all. She needed several
prompting and strategies to gain meaning and understanding. She does not read
Customs and traditions for meaning and when encountered with a word she does not know she reads it

Did not use full sentences and as phonetically without using other cues.
needed several prompting and

Could not answer questions

independently for either level.

Provided some prior knowledge

expansion on Customs and

7.Writing 35 words in 10 minuets Jayden needed several prompts. She uses non-conventional spelling for names
and uses high frequency animal names.
Animals and Names

Non-conventional spelling of

8 Errors


Area Strengths, based on . . . Areas of Need – Challenges, based on. . .

1.Interest & motivation Jayden has a high interest in reading for Jayden struggles with academic reading and

fun and her writing skills. This can be seen writing. Her lack of academic reading can be seen
in her interest inventory where she states in her Reading and writing interview where she
her favorite subject is reading. Also in the states she does not have a favorite author, she
My writing analysis she states that she does not think people can be perfect readers, and
does not find anything hard about writing struggles with the idea of a reading process by
due to her use of imagination. This points answering “I don’t know repeatedly”. Her scores
to her having high creative writing on her Reading Attitude survey also reflect her
confidence. lack of motivation and interest in academic
literature by her raw academic score being 20
which places her in the 13 percentile for her

2.Phonemic awareness Jayden has high blending and Jayden needs to advance her knowledge of
segmentation skills as seen by her score of advanced phonological awareness rules. She
16/22 in the Yopp-Singer test. She was struggles with r controlled vowels, dipthongs, and
successful in segmenting dog, keep, no, short vs long vowel. This can be seen by her
she which shows a strong understanding of errors: /ughe/ for ice, /uat/ for at; /grou/ for grew.
foundational phonemic awareness.

3.Phonics Jayden is at grade level instruction in Jayden needs a more developed understanding of
phonics. She only made two errors in the digraphs as seen in her errors of er in Brewster, sh
grade level 5 San Diego Quick assessment. in shaw and shepherd.
She has strong phoneme graphene

4.Spelling Jayden has strong foundational skills in Jayden needs to learn soft and hard C sounds. She
letter-sound correspondence. She scored makes frequent errors as seen in: seller/cellar;
100% in consonants, short vowels, silverliz/ civilized; serconfence /circumference;
diagraphs, blends, common long vowels session/ succession.
and other vowels. She uses graphophonic

cues to aid her spelling.

5.Fluency Jayden has a high level of frequency she Jayden struggles with fluency when the content is
scored made 0 errors in the Feeding at a higher level. This can be seen by her WCPM
Giraffes passage and 3 errors in the New score dropping from 204 to 146 as the Lexile
Kitten passage. level increased.

6.Comprehension Jayden is able to expand on content and Jayden needs heavy prompts in order to develop
use her prior knowledge to connect ideas. comprehension. She needs to expand ability to
This can be seen as she added that “they use author and semantic cues to understand more
will walk around with no cloths. And other concepts. This can be seen by her lack of
tribes used animal skin” understanding of custom and chlorophyll.

7. Writing Jayden has string use of high frequency Jayden struggles with academic text. She needs to
words. She is able to take her interests and expand her vocabulary and word bank. This can
use them to her advantage. be seen by her use of mostly names and animal


A. Goals required for the following areas: Common Core standard

 Interest & motivation CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.9
Compare and contrast stories in the same
 Goal: Student will increase use of academic text by comparing and contrasting them genre (e.g., mysteries and adventure stories)
to fictional text. on their approaches to similar themes and
 topics.
 Goal: Student will increase interest in reading and writing by participating in DEAR
and journaling


 Comprehension
 Goal: Student will increase understanding of author cues by using cause and effect Use context (e.g., cause/effect relationships
graphic organizer student will sequence words and phrases in a story. and comparisons in text) as a clue to the
meaning of a word or phrase.

Include goals for the following if they are areas of need

 Phonemic awareness CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.5.3.A

Use combined knowledge of all letter-
 Goal: Student will expand understanding of advanced prefixes, affixes and base sound correspondences, syllabication
words by using identifying parts of unfamiliar words in repetitious poems. patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and
affixes) to read accurately unfamiliar
multisyllabic words in context and out of

Use combined knowledge of all letter-
 Goal: Student will expand their knowledge of unfamiliar words by using base words sound correspondences, syllabication
to create word families. patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and
affixes) to read accurately unfamiliar
multisyllabic words in context and out of

 Spelling CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.5.2.E
Goal: Student will develop understanding of Hard vs Soft C by creating a word bank Spell grade-appropriate words correctly,
consulting references as needed
list they can refer to when needed.

 Goal: Student will increase reading for meaning by reading the story before Use context to confirm or self-correct word
answering each comprehension question. recognition and understanding, rereading as

Link ideas within and across categories of
 Goal: Student will increase vocabulary by creating word webs to connect new words
to a main concept.

VI. Reflection

This assessment was difficult for various environmental factors. This assessment was

done over a period of two days. On the second day Jayden’s father actually returned from

working at a hospital for over a month with Covid patients, one of which was a family member

who would sadly pass soon after. Above those factors was also the fact that there was a large

number of people in the house and it was difficult to maintain privacy and attention due to

outside interference. I admire that Jayden was able to assist me and preserve in the assessment

process despite the environmental interferences. (Which also included a humming bird slamming

into the window at one point.)

I believe that the best thing I did was reassured Jayden that the assessment was for my

homework and that she could take a break whenever she wanted to. I allowed her some control

of the situation to make it as comfortable as possible while maintaining an environment of

academics. Despite my efforts I do not believe that my assessments are fully accurate. Jayden

has had an unstable history with school and I did not have sufficient knowledge to choose the

perfect assessment types for her. Since I did not know much about her level I over prompted at

some points and did not allow sufficient time for metacognition. I need to know more forms of

assessment and how to fade prompting in order to allow students to give accurate results.

The main difficulty in the analysis area was the use of academic language. I come from

an ABA and early childhood background and I know certain concepts that have different

terminology. I believe I need to expand my knowledge of terminology and next time I believe I

should write my analysis and the go back and reread it adding terminology when appropriate. I

believe I need to develop my understanding of terms and their concepts more first.

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