K S L S Perera-CQF

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23rd November 2011

Mr.K.S.L.S.Perera (GP05020)
No 425

Dear Sir,
It has been brought to the notice of the management that, while being in
the service of Cargills (Ceylon) PLC and working in Cargills Quality Foods
(Pvt) Ltd-Ja-Ela, as Supervisor-Receiving on 22nd August 2011, you did,
commit the following acts of grave misconduct; In that:

1. You did alter Meat Receiving Report bearing No 4274 dated 22 nd

August 2011, supplied by M/s H.D.P.Fernando of No 544/A,
Dhadugama, Ja-Ela to read as 1802.5kgs instead of the actual
quantity of 1702.5kgs.

2. You did, by your act in 1 above, attempt to cause a substantial

financial loss to the company

3. You did, by your act in 1 above, attempt to mislead your


4. You did, by your acts in 1, 2, and 3 above, attempt to receive

undue gain.

5. You did, by your aforesaid acts cause the company to lose

confidence in you on the basis that you have acted in a
fraudulent/ dishonest manner.

You are required to explain in writing to the undersigned on or before

05/12/2011 as to why disciplinary action should not be taken against
you for the above acts of grave misconduct. If you fail to show cause on
or before the said date, the company will presume that you have no
explanation to offer and will take appropriate disciplinary actions against

Please note that, Company reserves the right to add or amend the
charges in the Show Cause Notice at any time during the Inquiry.


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