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Learning activity 3

Evidence: Blog “Who am I?”

For this evidence, you will have to participate in a blog, in your entry, post your
biography, you have to include the following information: name, age, place and
date of birth, occupation, academic or professional background. In order to do so
you can make a timeline, it will help you to organize information and based on it
you can write your biography. For more references check the training material.

Follow the steps below to participate:

1. Click on the blog title and then on Crear entrada de blog.

2. Write the title and your entry messages with your feedback. Then, click on
Publicar entrada.

3. Explore your learning mates’ comments and, then, give constructive feedback
by clicking on Comentario.

4. Once you have written the comment, click on Añadir.

Criterio de evaluación
Combina diferentes tiempos verbales para expresar ideas, usando la estructura y
el vocabulario requerido.
My name is Harvy Alexander Hhernandez Angulo, I am 25 years old I wasborn on
march 10, 1995 in Bogotá, my father abandoned my momwhen I was newborn, I
grew up in the Restrepo neighborhood and in1995 I started my elementary school,
I did my high school in the sameschool starting in 2001. In high school I made my
best friends and Igraduated with them in 2007, I did very well academically. One
year laterin 2009 I started to study business management in the SENA and
Igraduated of technician in 2011. I started to work and growprofessionally for five
years. I am currently studying in SENAoccupational health, for the moment I
dedicate myself to study and ifGod It allows me to finish my career the other year,
then start to put myknowledge and experience and the idea is to continue studying
andfinishing the professional. Harvy Alexander Hernandez Angulo 24 Bogotá,
March 10, 1995 Occupational health studentI finished Secondary in2007,
Florentino Gonzalez School. Start of business managementstudies at SENA, year

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