Jbergdahl Intro-Con HTR

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Standards-Based Lesson Plan

Exploratory Course X Introduction Course X Concentration Course Capstone Course

Home Economics Careers and Technology Subject Matter: Life Management – Food & Nutrition
Lesson Title and Duration Kitchen Equipment and Utensils
3 days
Learner Outcomes / 1. identify common cooking utensils and their uses
Objectives (Write on the board 2. organize the kitchen in an efficient manner
so students and visitors are aware 3. locate kitchen utensils and equipment, and return them to their
of student learning outcome) specified place
4. know where specific items are to be kept in the lab kitchens
5. develop a list of the most essential equipment and appliances for
individual and families on a limited budget
Standards (the California State HTR-A10.11 Explain how to select, safely use, and efficiently care
Standards addressed in this for facilities and equipment related to food product development, food
lesson) preparation, dining, lodging, tourism and recreation
California State Standards for
Career Technical Education
Materials Teacher lab that is disorganized, lacking equipment. Ingredients to
Needed make pancakes.

Basic Kitchen Clean Up instructions for each kitchen. Cleaning


Kitchen equipment and utensils Ppt

prizes for relay (candy always works fine -- some go for extra credit

Various Knives that students will be expected to use during the class.
A minimum would be a Chef’s Knife, Bread Knife, and Paring Knife

Scrambled Kitchen Utensils Handout

Kitchen Utensils & Equipment Assignment

Differentiated Learning Needs See below
Anticipatory Set – activities that Demo how to make pancakes. However, as you are making them—
help focus students on the lesson keep looking for needed equipment, misidentify utensils, and be
of the day (the “hook”) DISORGANIZED in a DISORGANIZED kitchen. Maybe burn the
pancakes as you look for the “thing-a-ma-gig” (spatula). Have
students give you feedback on how you did, and what went wrong.

Kitchen Equipment and Utensils JBergdahl Page 1

Teaching the Lesson Discuss the need for an organized and well-stocked kitchen. Ask for
responses from students on what to do when you can’t find or don’t
 Modeling – how will you have a needed utensil or piece of equipment.
demonstrate the skill or
competency? Discuss the need for their kitchen labs to be organized with
knowledge of what utensils they have and how to use them.
 Instructional Strategies
– how will you deliver the ….However, we need to start out with a clean kitchen. Hand out
lesson? Basic Kitchen Clean Up instructions for each kitchen. Give
instructions as to how you want them to clean each kitchen.
 Check for
Understanding – how Kitchen equipment and utensils Ppt. Use Powerpoint as a guide –
will you ensure the skill tweak it to include the utensils that are in your lab.
or competency is
understood by the Show and explain the uses of different kinds of knives: Chef’s Knife,
students? Bread Knife, Paring Knife

Differentiated Learning Needs See below

Guided Practice / Kitchen Utensils Relay. Give prize to winning kitchen students.
Monitoring – an activity directly
supervised by the instructor that
allows students to demonstrate
grasp of new learning. Instructor
moves around the room Differentiated See below
determining the level of mastery Learning Needs
and providing individual
remediation as needed.
Closure – Statements or actions Kitchen Utensils Scramble
made by the instructor that help
students make sense out of what
has just been taught, to help form
a coherent picture, to eliminate
confusion and frustration, and to
reinforce major points to be
Independent Kitchen Utensils/Equipment Assignment. Students can discuss this in
Practice – a question or problem their groups, but must each hand in an individual assignment.
for students to ponder on their
own or in small groups or pairs.
The aim is to reinforce and
extend the learning beyond the
lesson and ideally into real world Differentiated Learning Needs See below
settings. This may be a
homework assignment.

Kitchen Equipment and Utensils JBergdahl Page 2

Evaluate & Reflect – after
teaching the lesson, ask students
to reflect on their learning.
Instructors can also reflect on the
lesson, its success, and how it can
be improved.

Differentiated Learning Needs strategies:

cooperative group work
visuals (transparencies, pictures of utensils
hands-on activity (Kitchen Utensils Relay)
multiple learning styles addressed
modeling-demonstrating - act out uses of different equipment/utensils
low anxiety environment
frequent comprehension checks (both formally in assignments, and informally)
new vocabulary has been introduced/reviewed
redundancy provided - repetition of key concepts

Kitchen Equipment and Utensils JBergdahl Page 3


Kitchen: Date:

Names of students present today:

1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.

All kitchens must do the following: (Check off as you finish each task)

_____Wipe out window sills and tops of cabinets

_____Wash table
_____Wash all counter tops
_____Wipe down and clean outside of all cabinets and drawers
_____Wipe down and clean inside of all cabinets and drawers
_____Remove any gum from under your table or chairs.
_____Clean sink. Scrub the sink strainers. Soak plastic ones in bleach solution.
_____Remove all grease spots from walls, windows and appliances
_____Make sure that all appliances are clean.
_____Clean stove. Carefully move stove and clean floor and wall around stove.
_____Clean microwave inside and outside.
_____Clean under the sink.
_____Sweep and mop your floor
_____Refill dish soap
_____Take out all of the utensils and equipment from your kitchen. Make sure each item
is clean and dry.
_____Put all utensils and equipment on the clean kitchen counters and table.

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Name____________________________ Period___

















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Kitchen Utensils Relay

Purpose of Game:

Kitchen Equipment and Utensils JBergdahl Page 6

-to identify names of kitchen utensils and equipment
-to explain the uses of different kitchen utensils and equipment
-to find and put back utensils and equipment in their proper place in the kitchen

Each kitchen will compete against the others in a relay to find specific kitchen utensils and equipment,
identifying their names and uses. Teacher or student volunteer reads the “You Use Me To:” section.
Each kitchen must look for the item described. The first kitchen to hold up the item must correctly
identify its name. If they give the incorrect name, the next kitchen is given a turn. The kitchen that first
correctly identifies the item is given a point.

As each item is identified, elaborate on its uses. Then have students put that item away in the kitchen.
Explain that “you put it where you use it!”

The different kitchens compete for points. The winning kitchen is given a prize or extra credit points.


grater shred cabbage, grate cheese and fruit rinds
pie pan bake a pie in.
peeler remove vegetable and fruit skins thinly
pizza cutter cut pizza
kitchen shears snip parsley and other fresh herbs
garlic press mince garlic
straight-edged spatula level dry ingredients in a measuring cup, frost cakes
glass drink juice from
ice cream scoop serve ice cream, frozen yogurt, and mashed potatoes
ladle serve soups, stews, gravies, and sauces
rubber scraper (spatula) use with electric mixer; scrape bowls or jars clean
slotted spoon serve cooked vegetables, remove braised or stewed foods from cooking
dishtowel dry dishes with
spatula (turner) remove cookies from cookie sheet; flip pancakes and fried eggs,
turn hamburgers
serving platter serve meats or a main dish on
double boiler cook very delicate items in – such as puddings-that can burn easily
liquid measuring cup measure liquids
tongs serve spaghetti; toss salads, remove cooked pieces of food from
cooking liquid

Kitchen Equipment and Utensils JBergdahl Page 7

colander drain cooking liquid from pasta and cooked vegetables; wash fruits
and vegetables prior to use
salad plate eat a salad or light lunch on
cooling rack cool cookies and cakes after removal from oven; allow
microwaved foods to rest during standing time
rolling pin roll out pie, cookie, and bread doughs
bread or loaf pan bake bread in
timer set me to ring when cooking time is up.
strainer remove lumps from gravies; wash berries; strain pulp or residue
from cooked jellies; remove peppercorns, bay leaves, and other
discardable seasonings from broths and sauces prior to serving
juicer extract lemon or orange juice
dishcloth, washcloth, wash dishes with
recycling bin throw away recyclables, such as soda cans, tin cans, and plastic containers
cutting board cut fruits and vegetables on
pastry blender cut shortening into dry pastry ingredients
dry measuring cup measure dry ingredients
wire whisk blend sauces and gravies,
dinner plate eat dinner on
sifter add air to flour and other dry ingredients or mix dry ingredients. YOU
jelly roll pan bake cookies, brownies, or jelly roll on
bowl eat soup or cereal from
measuring spoons measure small amounts of both dry and liquid ingredients
Dutch oven make pot roasts and stews. I am a heavy pot with a cover
pastry brush brush on a glaze or melted fat
can opener open cans
cheese slicer slice cheese
potholder protect yourself from burns when handling hot items
canister store staples such as flour or sugar
garbage can throw waste away
pizza pan bake a pizza
egg separator separate eggs
Kitchen Equipment and Utensils JBergdahl Page 8
zester zest orange or lemon peel, or to grate hard cheseses
muffin pan bake muffins
wok stir fry or to make Chinese foods
skillet or frying pan fry meats, sauté vegetables, or make one dish meals in
saucepan boil or steam vegetables or make sauces in. I come in different sizes, and
am an all-purpose pan for your cooking needs
electric mixer mix a variety of things, or knead dough. I come in 2 basic types: hand-
held, or heavy-duty multi-purpose. I often have many attachments.
Supply tray pick up food items from the demo counter and bring them back to your
soup kettle make soup in, boil pastas
blender blending pureeing, mixing soups, sauces, beverages
ice cream maker make ice cream
cake pan bake a cake in. I may be round, square, or rectangular.
cookie sheet bake cookies on.
custard cup bake individual custards in, or use to serve desserts in.
mixing bowls mix ingredients in for batters, doughs etc. Often you can also use me to
serve foods in, or to store foods in (if I have a lid)
wooden spoon stir ingredients. I do not conduct heat.
egg beater, hand rotary beater beat eggs or other light mixtures
potato masher mash potatoes or beans
cutlery tray separate and hold flatware or cutlery
melon baller scoop out melons in a pretty round ball
biscuit cutter cut biscuits
two tined fork hold meats while carving, pick up large pieces of meat
dishpan wash dishes in
apron protect your clothes from spills
microwave oven cook or heat food items. I cook by using microwaves to heat food quickly
pie server serve slices of pie
FOR THE FOLLOWING – these are not kept in the kitchens – have students just give the name!
paring knife peel vegetables and fruits; I have a 2-4 “ long blade.
kitchen shears snip parsley and other fresh herbs
bread or serrated knife slice bread without crushing it

Kitchen Equipment and Utensils JBergdahl Page 9

Kitchen Equipment and Utensils JBergdahl Page 10

The words below are scrambled objects in a well-stocked kitchen. Unscramble them

1. teagrr 16. finek

2. roriftargeer 17. lendroca
3. oesvt 18. aspatul
4. sgton 19. rewi hiskw
5. ngillor ipn 20. anc nepoer
6. irstrane 21. adlle
7. elbdren 22. tiefsr
8. argcil esspr 23. gximin sobwl
9. olocgni rcka 24. lemlon rlabel
10. pasancue 25. sotdlte soopn
11. geg erabet 26. leyjl lorl nap
12. parno 27. prinag inkfe
13. memehorrett 28. utadesr pcu
14. xirem
15. opt eldhor

Kitchen Equipment and Utensils JBergdahl Page 11

The words below are scrambled objects in a well-stocked kitchen. Unscramble them.

1. grater
2. refrigerator
3. stove
4. tongs
5. rolling pin
6. strainer
7. blender
8. garlic press
9. cooling rack
10. saucepan
11. egg beater
12. apron
13. thermometer
14. mixer
15. pot holder
16. knife
17. colander
18. spatula
19. wire whisk
20. can opener
21. ladle
22. sifter
23. mixing bowls
24. melon baller
25. slotted spoon
26. jelly roll pan
27. paring knife
28. custard cup

Kitchen Equipment and Utensils JBergdahl Page 12


1. Pretend that you have just moved into your first apartment, as you begin college. You are setting up
your kitchen and are VERY POOR! You and your roommate went shopping at the Goodwill Store, and
found the following:
3 place settings of dinnerware
3 forks
3 knives
5 spoons
5 glasses
2 mugs

Your family sent you off with one small saucepan and a dull paring knife. Your roommate's family
donated a serving platter and a colander to your cause. This is all you have to unpack as you set up your
first home.

Being a student, you have very little money. You guess that you can afford to purchase only one utensil
or kitchen item a week. Based on what you have learned in this unit, make a list of what you will need
to buy for your kitchen. Prioritize what you will buy first, second, etc. through what you will buy on the
15th week. Explain your reasoning.


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