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Database Wisdom: General - Oracle 11g Partitioni...


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11g Partitioning for Developers

In many of the most recent clients I have worked with and for, it has been left to the
developers to design database schemas and make the performance of the application
meet user requirements. These are both tasks that have traditionally been left to DBAs
but as the DBA job changes, so does the developer job.
This presentation is geared primarily toward developers or those who might need
KNOWLEDGEBASE: partitioning but have not used it as of yet. I will only briefly touch on the maintenance and
availability aspects of partitioning, which mainly benefit DBAs, in favor of the advantages
SQL to applications.
What is Partitioning?
First, I want to say that different databases do things with partitioning very differently. In
Postgres this presentation, I am very much speaking directly about Oracle partitioning, not any
other database.
General topics
A database partition is a way to physically separate the data in large tables without having
Glossary to rewrite your application. The main benefit to an application is performance. Once a
table gets over a certain size, queries and other DML begin to slow. Even with judicious
indexing, large tables just take more time to scan.

To explain a partition adequately, there are some key concepts that need to be

Data file - A data file is the physical OS disk file that stores data. All data in an
Oracle database ends up in a data file. A tablespace may be made up of 1 or more
data files.
Segment - A segment is a logical container for an object in an Oracle database. A
normal table (i.e. non partitioned) is exactly one segment. A regular index is also a
segment. A partitioned table will be made up of as many segments as it has
partitions. The same is true of partitioned indexes.
Tablespace - A tablespace is a logical container for segments. A tablespace may
be empty but it will most likely hold one or more segments.
Data Blocks & Extents - Data blocks and extents are not really pertinent to a
Content Migration discussion of partitioning. I am throwing these in just for the curious. A data block
Proventeq Content is a physical chunk of data stored in a data file and an extent is a set of
Migration Suite. contiguous data blocks. A segment is made up of extents. While a segment can
Migrating content span multiple data files, an extent must be contained within a single data file. If
made simple
this doesn't make sense, that's ok. I won't mention these two objects again.

Figure 1 Tablespaces, Data Files and Segments

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Database Wisdom: General - Oracle 11g Partitioni...

So, with that understanding, a tablespace is made up physically of data files and logically
of segments. Because a normal table is a single segment, it will reside within a single
tablespace. That same table will probably exist in multiple data files. This is an important
performance concept because this set up allows Oracle to spread a single table across
multiple physical or logical disks.
When you perform a full table scan, you scan the entire segment that is that table. An
index is also a segment, so when you scan an index, you are scanning that segment. For
a large table, that scan (whether table or index) can take time.
As I said, a regular table, a single segment, exists completely within a single tablespace.
A partitioned table, however, is made up of multiple segments. Each segment may reside
in the same or different tablespaces as other partitions in the table.
NOTE: There is a myth (a partial holdover from the past) that I hear fairly frequently. That
myth says that partitioning is not usable or useful unless each partition exists in its own
tablespace. This myth is usually used on existing systems as a reason to not partition
existing tables (who wants to create a bunch of tablespaces on an old database?). This
myth is not true. In many cases, especially from a maintenance or availability
perspective, you may want to put each partition in its own tablespace but it is in no way
required and you can still get significant performance improvements without that step.

Why is Partitioning Important?

Partitioning has traditionally been used in Very Large Databases (VLDB). A VLDB is
usually a datawarehouse or other OLAP/reporting database. Not that long ago, a few
gigabytes (GB) was considered a VLDB. Today, OLTP databases can easily reach the GB
level and even go way beyond.
I have personally seen more reporting instances being combined with OLTP applications
creating a kind of hybrid database. This makes even more important to make the best use
of your data.
Oracle recommends that any table over 2GB be considered as a partitioning candidate.
That makes sense because if you can put your data in different segments, then it may be
possible to scan only those segments and not the entire table. The same can be said for
indexes. If an index is partitioned, and if Oracle can figure out what partitions will hold the
data without looking at every segment, you will scan less data making your statements
return faster.
With the appropriate parallel configuration (which is beyond the scope of this
presentation), even full scans of a partitioned table are faster than a non-partitioned table.
The true benefit, though, comes from Oracle optimizing partition access by only
accessing those partitions that contain required data (or at least only those that potentially
contain the data). This is called partition pruning and I will delve into that a bit more later.
Partition Keys

A partition key may or may not be the primary key of the table. In my experience, except
for hash partitioning, it is rarely the primary key.

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Database Wisdom: General - Oracle 11g Partitioni...

A partition key will be one or more columns in your table. In the same way a primary key
identifies a distinct row of data in a table, a good partition key will be something that
distinctly identifies a category of data. For example, in a retail environment, a good key
might be SALE_DATE. In a geographic application, a good key might be country or state.
The partition key is something that should exist in most, if not all, of the where clauses in
queries against that table. This will allow the Oracle optimizer to only look at those
partitions who that might include the required data (partition pruning).
When you tell Oracle to create the table as a partitioned table, you identify the key(s). I
will show examples of this later on. You also tell Oracle how many partitions to create
(how you do that is dependent on the type of partition). When data comes in, in the form
of inserts, Oracle looks at what the value in the key is and puts the data in the correct
partition. Then when you update, delete or select data from the table, and include the
partition key in the where clause, Oracle will only look at the impacted partitions.
Figure 2 Partition Data Operations (Partition Key sale_date)

In addition to the key, when you create your partitions, you must identify the data that will
exist in the partition. If we stick with the sale_date example in the figure above, then
sale_date is the key (left side of where clause). "All records from 2005" and "all records
from before 2005" would be the key values (right side of where clause).
A partition key's values must also make sure that a record can only exist in a single
partition. In our example above, we could not have created partitions like "all records from
1-jan-2005 though 31-jan-2005" and "all records from 15-jan-2005 though 15-feb-2005".
Oracle would not know which partition to put the data in and it would not know which
partition to query on retrieval.
All of the partition types below are dependent on the partition key (or keys) that exist in
your data. The partition key itself is what drives the type of partition you will use.
Identifying the right partition key is critical to effective use of partitioning. Remember that
it should be a key that you primarily query by. This is not an absolute rule, but is one to
keep in mind.
New in 11g is the ability to use virtual columns as your partition key. A virtual column is
an expression rather than a specific column in the table. For example, you can add to
dates, or consolidate using last_day(order_date) or even substring out a piece of a column
and that is a virtual column. Prior releases of Oracle did not allow virtual columns as
partition keys. You needed to populate the data (usually via a trigger) on insert and that
hidden column would become the partition key.
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