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Title of the Teachers Induction Program

Title of the Session Code of Ethics

Duration 1.5 Hours, September 29, 2018, Binan People’s Center

Target Participants 50 Beginning Teachers /New Employed Teachers
Link to Previous No link
Link to the Next No link
Learning Objectives 1.Explain the salient features of the magna carta for public school
teachers and code of ethics
2.Build professional confidence among teachers by ensuring that
their holistic growth and welfare are given due attention
3.Harmonize teachers’ rights with the code of ethics of the
Key Understandings >Importance of teachers role in realizing their mission
>Equal rights and protection in the performance of their duties
and responsibilities
References >Republic Act No. 4670
>CSC Resolution No.080096

Methodology Key Points Materials Time

Introduction >Greet the participant, motivate them for the Manila paper 20 min
session to be discussed Pentel pen
>Start the session with the activity following Projector
instructions to be flashed on the screen Slide deck

1.Answer this question briefly, “Who are

considered as teachers in school? Why did
you say they are teachers?
2. Consolidate your answers in a manila
3. Select a leader from your group to report
the output.
Ask 2 to 3 individuals from the
participants to share what they feel and
learn about the activity.

Introduce the topic and the objectives:

1.Explain the salient features of the
magna carta for public school teachers
and code of ethics
2.Build professional confidence among
teachers by ensuring that their holistic
growth and welfare are given due
3.Harmonize teachers’ rights with the
code of ethics of the profession.

Activity and Flash on the screen the definition of a 10 min
Analysis teacher. And let the participants discover
the meaning of the term “Teacher”

All persons engaged in classroom teaching

in any level of instruction, on full time basis,
including guidance counselors, school
librarians, industrial arts or vocational
instructors, and all other persons performing
supervisory and/or administrative functions
in all schools, colleges, and universities
operated by the government or its political
subdivisions; but shall not include school
nurses, school physicians, school dentists
and other school employees.”

What is a teacher according to Dr. Haim

Ginott. Let the participant understand
about this.

Let us have another activity:

On separate meta cards, complete

the phrases:
Meta cards 10 min
“Ako ay guro dahil…” Pentel pen
“Magagawa ko ang aking Manila paper
tungkulin bilang guro kung…”

• What do your responses reveal

about the teaching profession? Or
your perception about it? Why?

• Based on the given responses, what
could facilitate the realization of the
duties and responsibilities of

Note:Connect all their responses on the next

episode. Let us look how the Magna Carta
answers all these concerns.

Discuss the following: 45 min
I. Declaration of Policy Coverage
II. Recruitment and Career
III. Hours of Work and Remuneration
IV. Health Measures and Injury
V. Leave and Retirement Benefits
VI. Teacher’s Organization
VII. Administration and Enforcement

Closing Activity Encourage the teachers to reflect on this 5 min

“With great power comes great

Prepared by:

PSDS –Cluster 8

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