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Department of Education

Division of Rizal
Senior High Department
Baras, Rizal

Lesson Plan in Food and Beverage Services (NC II)

January 06, 2020

Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of concepts, and principles in preparing the dining
room/restaurant area for service.

Performance Standard
The learner:
1. Demonstrates knowledge and skills in food and beverage service related to setting the
mood/ambiance of the dining area
2. Demonstrates skills in the selection of appropriate type or style of table setting with
character, and right color combinations for aesthetic considerations.

I. Learning Competency
Set the mood/ambiance of the dining area TLE_HEFBS9- 12AS-Ig-h-4

II. Subject Matter

Lesson: Set the mood/ambiance of the dining area
 FBS Curriculum guide
 FBS Learning module
 Power point presentation
 Posters
 FBS tools and utensils

III. Procedure
A. Review of previous lesson
Students will be asked questions from previous topic.

B. Picture Analysis
 Students will analyze the different pictures. They will give insights about the different
mood/ambiance can be done in a restaurant.
 What is mood/ambiance?
 What are the key points in setting the dinning atmosphere?

C. Getting into mood!

Choose an event you want to host. List of the things you need to consider and make an idea
board that will give life to your dining atmosphere.

Creativity 30
Cleanliness and Orderliness 10
Timeliness 10
Total 50 points

D. Abstraction.
How important to choose the proper mood/ambiance in a restaurant?

E. Evaluation
Directions. Describe each word that will suit to setting the mood of a dining room.
a. Lighting
b. Table and chairs
c. Decorations
d. Music
e. Air conditioners

IV. Agreement
With your group mates make a detailed reservation log book.

Prepared by:


Teacher, TechVoc

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