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Discoverability project

Program Overview

The discoverability of the products mainly depends on the performance GV, impressions and sales of an
ASIN. ASIN to be discoverable on site, existence of Browse nodes/ITK and Generic keywords are the basic

When an ASIN is discoverable:

An ASIN is considered to be discoverable if it a) is a Retail buyable ASIN (has “add to cart” button) b) has
at least one impression c) has at least one GV through Amazon website search ( Doesn’t include Robotic

Modules of the program

There are 3 modules, in discoverability program, are:

1) ITK – Backfill the item_type_keyword by identifying the blanks values/update the incorrect
2) Basic discoverability -  Identify ASINs without GK and leaf node, validate the identified ASINs and
create a new GK and map them to the accurate leaf node
3) Advance Discoverability – Identify ASINs which have GK and validate if they are mapped to the
accurate leaf node, If not find the closest GK/Create a new GK and map to the leaf node.

Phase 1

The analysis was performed was performed on B2B/Licensing, for ASINs created from 2017 to 2020 with
the total count 3963 sample ASINs for Hardlines. During the analysis, we identified 1393 ASINs majorly
had no IDQ attributes as well as GK and leaf node with no GV and impression falling under IDQ Grade of
B,C and respectively. The top identified defect was ITK/Leaf node having the percentage of 89.73 % that
distributed equally with GK and other IDQ attributes.

Next steps:

1) Pilot the analysis of the other business group.

2) Identify ASINs, which have inventory, run through the IDQ tool, and export the values.
3) Check for Buyable ASINs that have inventory.
4) Filter the ASINs, which fall under IDQ grade A, B, C. Grades with these values have minimal or
basic issues and grades with D will have issues related leaf nodes/ITK
5) Pull the Term doc (TD) and phrase Doc (PD) values using the ETL query. PD and TD would provide
top customer search term or phrases associated with the High selling ASIN.
6) Run the Similar ASIN macro to fetch more details on the keywords. The macro provides identifies
the Similar or reference ASIN with the help of the input keywords.
Support Required

We see the major impact we would like get PM support to review the initial set of values and fine tune
the process accordingly with the given feedback. Once the process is streamlined, RBS can start fixing
without the support.

Phase 2

As next step of pilot phase, we reached out to the Softlines team who provided total list of 71k defect
ASINs of which missing ITK/Incorrect ITK is 5.6 ASINs, which is 8% of the total.

The analysis initiated on 5/15/2020 where we followed the steps to backfill the missing ITKs as well
identifying the correct ITK for the incorrect ones updated on the system.


We sample out 45% to 50% of ASINs from the ITK bucket and made fixes to them. The changes were
reviewed by the PM, since the ITK fixes have direct impact on the improving the GMS and GV, we have
given a months’ time to see the impact. The results published on Monday 15th June 2020 has improved
xx GV to xx GV and YY GMS to YY GMS.

Support Required

We would require similar support from the other PM from the other MP’s to review the changes before
updating them to the system.

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