English-6-DLP 38 Inferring - The - General - Mood - of - The - Selection

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Module 38


A DepEd-BEAM Distance Learning Program supported by the Australian Agency for International Development
To the Learner

Good day dear learner. Today we shall learn another lesson. I will
help you develop your skill in a creative way.

Let’s Learn This

Today we will learn about getting the general mood of a selection.

By getting the clues and signals we can guess the general mood.

Let’s Try This

Let us recall the mood of the following utterances.

1. “It’s cold here. Don’t leave me alone please!” pleaded the little
girl. ____________

2. “Flowers, flowers everywhere. This is Eden,” cried the young lady.


3. “Won’t you wait a few minutes sir? I’ll call my father.” ___________

4. “That was the biggest mistake I made in my life. Now everything

is different.” ___________

5. “Get the life-saving station, please.” ___________

Do we have the following answers?

1. fright 4. regret
2. surprise 5. emergency
3. concern

Let’s Study This

This time we will learn further the mood of utterances or even the
whole story or selection.

Let’s read the poem below.

Midnight’s bell goes tiny, tiny, tiny

Then dogs to howl, and not a bird does sing.
Ravens croak on chimney tops
The cricket in the Chamber hops.
And the cats cry, “Meow, Meow, Meow.”

What does the poem tell us?

What is the feeling of the writer?
Is the writer happy?
Does it show fun?


The speaker is satisfied in his words.

It does not tell us of intense feeling of happiness but only a very

light emotion. He is just satisfied of how the insects and birds do.

The poem is what we call the selection. It is sometimes called the


So, the whole selection of the poem displays satisfaction. It is the

mood of the selection.

Let’s Do This

Pick out the letter of the correct answer.

1. “What a place! Cockroaches everywhere, cobwebs and dust thick

enough to plant potatoes in.”
a. excitement
b. appreciation
c. enjoyment
d. disgust

2. “Only one peso? What can I buy with that these days?”
a. discontent
b. curiosity
c. honesty
d. gratitude

3. “That was a close fight and I’m glad our team won. You were
marvelous on the court, boys.”
a. jubilation
b. displeasure
c. caution
d. excitement

4. “You’re always late for work and you don’t even finish half of
what you are assigned to do. You might be fired.”
a. assurance
b. threat
c. fear
d. plea

5. “Say good morning to Sister.” Marie reminds her younger sister.

Marie wants her sister to be ___________.
a. polite c. helpful
b. honest d. industrious

Check your answers now.
Refer to Answer key.
What’s your score?

Let’s Do More

For more exercises let us do this next activity.

Directions: Read the poems carefully and find out the general mood

1. The House Cat

a. sorrow
The house cat sits b. happiness
and smiles and sings c. anger
he knows a lot d. doubt
of happy things.
A Dream
a. funny
On a midnight dark and silly
b. fearful
I woke up alone from a distance so scary
c. pleasant
I dreamed of figures from a ghost story
d. exciting
And the house that was haunted by the
White Lady
The Owl and the Pussy Cat
The Owl and the Pussy-Cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat;
They took some honey and plenty of money a. surprise
Wrapped up in a five-pound note. b. terror
The owl looked up to the stars above. c. sorrow
And sang to a small guitar d. admiration
“O Lovely Pussy, O Pussy, my love.
What a beautiful Pussy you are.
You are
You are
What a beautiful Pussy you are

4. The Wolf Cry
a. fear
Weird as the moan of sobbing winds. b. loneliness
A lone long call floats up from trail; c. happiness
And the naked soul of the frozen North d. cold
Trembles in the wail.

Check your answers now.

How many correct answers did you get?
Before the last test, let us read this.

Let’s Remember This

A story, poem or song is also called selection or reading

material. Sentences and phrases are also called utterances.
Selections and utterances have different moods or
feelings. Their moods are not directly expressed in the
selection or utterance. They are just determined or known by
their signals.

Let’s Test Ourselves

Directions: Identify the mood expressed by the character. Write the

letter of the correct answer.

1. Aunt Ina has just come from the city when she saw some broken
pieces of her flower vase in the dustpan. Her face went red and in a
big voice she said,” “Who broke my new flower vase?”

a. anger c. pity
b. joy d. surprise

2. Celso was playing with his pet dog when suddenly it ran to the
middle of the road. A speeding truck passed by and left his dog
limping by the roadside. “Oh, my dog is hurt.”

a. joy c. pity
b. gratefulness d. anger

3. It was Cora’s birthday and Helen gave her a box with yellow ribbons.
She said, “Thank you for this beautiful gift.”

a. pity c. sorrow
b. joy d. concern

4. Fe was busy cleaning their house for the coming fiesta. She was
arranging everything in the storeroom when suddenly she saw
something black inside the broom box. She shouted, “Oh there’s a
big snake in the broom box.”

a. joy c. fear
b. pity d. excitement

5. “I wonder where Father and Arthur are, their boat is out of sight.”

a. angry c. concern
b. hungry d. frightened

Now, check your answer against the Answer Key.

Be ready to answer the next module if you get 4-5. But if you get
3 or below, answer “Let’s Enrich Ourselves.”

To check for more mastery let us answer this final activity.

Let’s Enrich

Direction: Infer the mood of the person who said each sentence.

1. “Today is the day I’ve been waiting for.

2. “I hate you so much.”
3. “We won! We won the game.”
4. “Your dress is so pretty.”
5. “I can’t thank you enough for the help you’ve given me.

Answer Key

Let’s Do This

1. d
2. a
3. a
4. b
5. a

Let’s Do More

1. b
2. b
3. d
4. b

Let’s Test Ourselves

1. a
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. c

Let’s Enrich Ourselves

1. excitement
2. anger
3. happiness
4. admiration
5. gratitude


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