Ministry of Manpower Nizwa College of Technology Engineering Department

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Student Name: Student ID: 22S163897-MIME3110



Question : 01
a.) During a cooling process, the temperature of a system rises by dt = 15°C. Express this fall
in temperature in K, °F. Explain how do you achieve the answer.
Ans :

Temperature dt = 15°C

Temperature in K & , °F = ?
K = °C + 273.15
K = 15°C + 273.15
K= 288.15 kelvins Ans
°F = 1.8°C + 32
°F = 1.8(15°C) + 32
°F = 59 °F
b.) At high altitudes, a person gets less oxygen. Why?
Ans :
At higher altitude person feel uncomfortable breathing due to low partial pressure of oxygen, this
mean that average amount of oxygen is reduce in body. As due to low partial pressure of oxygen in
altitude the air molecules are more apart from each other. i.e few air molecules of oxygen are
available in given volume of air
At sea-level, the partial pressure of oxygen is 159 mmHg, whereas at 8,848m above sea level the
partial pressure of oxygen is only 53 mmHg.
That is there is very low amount of oxygen molecules in air as we breath and inhale.

c.) Imagine when you buy any U tube manometer from a shop, a manometric fluid would
come along with the manometer. How would you choose the manometric fluid for your
Ans :
The manometer along with it fluid is use to measure the vapour pressure or pressure difference of
any substance or gases.
Also manometric fluid is use to thickness of liquid (viscosity)
Also manometric fluid is used to measure density of substance
Here is figure that how manometric fluid measure the pressure difference of liquid.

Question : 02
Someone claims specific mass, specific volume and specific enthalpy are the extensive
properties, how would you clarify it. How do you differentiate between extensive and
intensive properties?
Ans :
Extensive properties are those properties in physics which depend on size and or amount/quantity
that is directly varies to amount .i.e may increase or decrease accordingly
specific mass, specific volume and specific enthalpy are the extensive properties as they
depend on amount or quantity i.e they increase or decrease as they grow up and down depend on
Consider Specific mass : the mass of a sample is an extensive quantity; it depends on the
amount of substance.thats mean if amount of substance increase then mass also increase.

Consider specific volume: Volume of system is important extensive property.As specific

volume is volume per unit mass and it is state function and increase and decrease accordingly.

Consider specific enthalpy : it is thermodynamics extensive properties as it depend on amount

of heat added or loss by system given by :
H = E + PV
Delta H = Qp
Differentiate between extensive and intensive properties
Extensive properties, such as mass and volume, depend on the amount of matter or quantity
which is to be measured.
 Intensive properties, such as density and color, do not depend on the amount of the substance
For example, the temperature of a system in thermal equilibrium is the same as the
of any part of it. If the system is divided, the temperature of each subsystem is identical

Question : 03
a.) How would you ensure that a system is in mechanical equilibrium? Explain with a suitable
Ans :
In thermodynamics : Mechanical equilibrium is defined as the state of equilibrium is
which no net force or pressure on a system or by it surrounding
Hence the pressure is same in all direction and remain constant with respect to time
Equation :
F1 + F2 +F3 +…..Fn = 0
∑F = 0
Or ∑P = 0
Here is figure :

b.) ‘In SI Units, the numerical value of the specific gravity of a substance is exactly equal
to its density in kg/L’. Is this statement true? Justify your answer with the value of
specific gravity of mercury.
Ans :
As specific gravity is defined as the ratio of density of substance to the density of the water.
In general it has no unit as it is a ratio.It is dimensionless quantity
While Density is defined as mass /volume. It has the SI unit kg m-3 or Kg/m-3 and is an
absolute quantity.
Specific gravity of mercury:
Specific gravity of mercury = density of mercury / density of water(at 4 degree C)
= 13.56 g/cm^3 /  1g/cm3 
The specific gravity of mercury is =13.56
And it calculated with reference of water density so it has no unit which contrast the statement of

c.) A fluid occupies a volume of 0.024 m3 weighs 0.225 kN at a location where the
gravitational acceleration is 980 cm/s2. Determine the mass of the fluid and its density.
Ans :
Here is attachment of solution :
Question : 04

a.) Do Bourdon type pressure gauges measure the negative pressures of the gas? Justify
your answer with a neat diagram.
Ans :
Bourdon type of pressure gauges is used to measure the medium level pressure.
It cover a range from  600 bar to 4,000 bar. And it is mostly use for gases and liquid
Hence negative pressure of gas in question means it measure pressure opposed to
absolute pressure
OR if it do so it mean to vacuum or air in which it measure relative pressure with refer
To some reference point from initial level.
Hence it mean pressure is below the atmosphere level
Here is attachment of fig :

b.) Both a Bourdon gauge and a U tube manometer are attached to a gas tank to measure
its pressure. If the levels between the two fluids of U tube manometer are 60 cm,
determine the pressure gauge reading in ‘Torr’ if the manometric fluid in U tube
manometer is (i) mercury and (ii) water


Pressure gauge = Pt- Pa

1. Mercury :

Pressure gauge = 760tor -13.4

=746.7 tor
2. Water
Pressure gauge = 760 torr -45
= 715 tor Ans

Question : 05
a.) How would you write first law of thermodynamics in terms of energy for non-cyclic
Ans :
1st law of thermodynamics: non cyclic mean initial and final stage of energy does not
remain constant, that is system has not same initial and final point and energy is not conserved.
Hence it state that :
“ The total work and energy in the system is not equal to the total energy and
work on the system by it surrounding”

b.) Consider a room whose doors and windows are tightly closed and whose walls are well
insulated so that heat or heat gain through the walls is negligible. Now let’s place an
air-conditioner in the middle of the room, and plug it into a wall outlet. Now what do
you think will happen to the average temperature of air in the room? Will it be
increasing or decreasing? Or will it remain constant. Justify your answer. (Consider the
whole room with the air conditioner is a closed system and only input to the air-
conditioner is electrical energy from outside).
Ans :
According to conditions:
Room & wall are insulated, and heat is negligible and AC is place in the middle of room
It general answer is temperature is not change.
AC absorbs as well as reject heat to same room. Thus no change in the room temperature
will take place.
When the air condition is kept running for a long time , then some heat is produce due to
So the temperature may increase slightly. But it is an exceptional case and temperature
remain constant in general.
Question : 06
a.) Where would you experience the conservation of momentum principle in your day to
day life?
Ans :
Conversion of momentum has following applications in our daily life.
a. Rocket propulsion
b. Gun Recoil
c. Force due to water flow
d. Ballistic missiles
e. Lifting of object etc

b.) How does a rock falling off a cliff, picks up speed?

Ans :
Consider a rock falling from height that is from cliff : it speed increase the reason is rise in
acceleration due to gravity.
Also the energy is converted into kinetic energy and as we known
K.E ∝ V
So it gain speed and move faster when lower to ground.

c.) Does this violate the conservation of energy principle? Justify.

Ans :
No!!! It does not violet the conservation of energy principle.
Explanation :
At height total energy of rock is potential energy and K.E = 0
As rock fall down the energy is converted into kinetic energy and potential energy
As rock reach middle it has both K.E & P.E
And when rock hit the ground it energy is totally kinetic and some heat energy due to
which it hit the ground and also sound but during whole process the total energy remain
constant and follow the law of conservation of energy.

Question : 07
Imagine that you are working in an engine testing section of Toyota car manufacturer. The
engine converts 100 kW of heat energy into 100 kW work energy. Heat rejected out of the
engine is 0 kW and heat stored in the engine is also 0 kW. Do you think that the engine
violates the First law of Thermodynamics for the cyclic process? Justify your reason with
the statement of first law of thermodynamics. Draw a diagram.
Ans :
1st Law of thermodynamics state that :
“In any thermodynamics process: when heat Q is added to system, this energy appears in the
internal energy Delta U stored in system plus work done W by the system on it
Equation :
Q = U2 – U1 + W
Now According to conditions:
The engine convert 100Kw of heat into 100Kw work energy,
And there is no heat reject out of system, which is not possible in 1st law of thermodynamics
Explanation :
According to 2nd law of thermodynamics :
It is not possible to devise a process which may convert heat, extracted from a single reservoir
entire into work without leaving any change in the working system.
Hence the 1st law of thermodynamics is violates and total heat is not possible to converted into

Here is Attachment of above process & violation of 1st law of Thermodynamics.

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