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CORNEILLE, Pierre (1606 - 1684)

Pierre Corneille was a well-known French

dramatist who is considered the founder of French dramatic tragedy. Born on June
6, 1606, Corneille received a Jesuit education before preparing for a career in
politics. He joined the Rouen parliament in 1629, and eventually served in
government for more than twenty years. His early plays, mainly comedic works,
include Melite and La Place Royale. Corneille went on to author more than
thirty additional
plays in his lifetime. His first masterpiece, Le Cid, was composed in 1637. Le
Cid was followed by the equally celebrated works, Horace, Cinna, and Polyeucte.
These four plays, considered his greatest achievements, define the essence of the
Cornelian tragedy. Among Corneille's final works were the minor classics Theodore,
Pulcherie, and Surena. Corneille died on October 1, 1684. Today, Corneille, along
with his contemporary, Jean Racine, are considered the greatest of the French

Literature: Polyeucte (1637).

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