Light Weight Blk-Catalogue

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Manulaclured by


e9. Bor 84,Lc. 111, su lanale oi omai.
wilh OCe aI qpe orbocks Dense and Lshue sht, you STANDARD SPECIFEANON FOR LIGHT WEIGHT
a€ assu.ed lo find the build ng so ulion you need our CONCREIE TTASONRY BLOCXS
brocks can be u*d wirh confid€nce in a wde varleq oI
wa appidalions our quallry s B ocks havino an oven-dry net densily of nol les tltan
assured and manulacludns proess €nsures lhal 300ks/m3 and morc than 2O0O ks/m3 are lermed as
Liqhtxeisht 6nc616 masonry blocks Thes are
L ghi^€iqht Bock unils are ot a @nsislenl a^d superor
produced usns liqhhtgOhl aggregale Lr mGt pads of
quaLity same a dense bo.ks io me (DMs r: Pan 2:2004)
or an orodand Brdsh sbndads
R.qulBments on nalsri.l
ApDliarions and Benelil.
LishM€ight blocks weishs 25Y. lo 30% Lishler d
nomal reishl ol slandard bocks
This reduces ov6EL road on slabs, beams .oumns &
> Nomal welght fne asqresares

ioundaions, which m€ans huqe savinss on 6sl ol

or bu ding & Ioundarons. Fasler
mnstt.tion s possibe by uslng llghlvesht blocks due The righr-weght asqreqabs used shan contom lo
ro hsher pmductiviry eves which n tum reduces rlre requnemsnls oi 8s3797, excepi for th6 gmdins
as wen o l6ms ot savlnss on
Ps 6m.nco EquiEh.nb 16r Lbhn .bhl ma$nry
Llghtw.lsht Hourdi bocks wi( help ro redude c6t of G]rs de^sity ol blocks -
Block manulaclu€G shan
bbed sabs ror arser spans and oadlns on 6lumns, declare the srcss densty or each lyp. and mnnsuGrion
or rhe. LOhir€ighl masonry bl@ks When lestd in
ac.ordan@ wirh appendix c or Bs 6073 : Pan 2, lhe
For exisriiq .lruciures (durrnq enenson) Lghireiqhl
scs deisiy of each type a.d confsurarion of lhe qht
blooks s tE only slotion sin@ m 6rcad lhe d*arcd
on qsrins slruclu€s s rcdu€d considerably. E ue by more than +10v,.

Lightweghl bocks demonst€tes a hish levelor remal

€slstan€ lhereby enhandino h6at loss €lcualions
Hlsh€r r€ ml ng s achieved trhe
accodance wth appendix B ol BS 60rc Pan 2
lbr a
sample oI ien masonry bocks rhe aveEse omp€ssv€
ofan ndividuar specimen, ba*d on
Belter sound nsulaton value, heallh & $tury or lh€ g.oss aGa, shall be not ess ihan rhe value givei
ratio. hererore will be
l6ss rikey lo develop lN bac* probems over p€nod & rhh wish Es@ry brsk
al$ €ss i.iudes due ro handlinq .f lioht reiqhl blocks.
Envnonm.ntar dendly rherefo€ w I h€lp to acheve
sEatgr points ior your LEEo cediferion of p6lecl.


r suxDAnn sI,oC(! roi obprtum pr40E.trly


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